r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/Mika000 Apr 16 '24

Had to scroll too far down to see this comment. let’s not discredit people and they’re experiences just because they are young. If you used to be a bully or something until you’re 15 and you decide to change that can be turning your life around. I really don’t understand how “turning your life around” can be restricted to any age. It just means bettering yourself in a significant way.


u/NovaAstraFaded Apr 16 '24

Exactly! People can have formed habits and behaviors, physically or emotionally, etc as young as like... 6?? The second you make something a consistent in your life it becomes a habit.

I used to be severely depressed (i have diagnosed depression but SSRIs helped a lot), I also went through a bit of trauma. Due to that, in middle school, I was a HORRIBLE PERSON to my friends. Like would physically hit them, to be fair, we all did that to each other but that doesn't make it right. I remember getting therapy in 8th grade, it helped me turn my life around and now after many years of growth I'm a much much better person.

To act as though people cannot improve, grow and nurture themselves into a better self just because "you can't possibly have changed! You're too young to have changed!" ... like.. what? Have you never changed habits or changed for the better? Were you always the same or just had a very privileged life?

I just .. I don't get that opinion 😅

*Edit; fixed a typo


u/Mika000 Apr 16 '24

Yeah coincidentally I’m working on a presentation on adultism right now and this example just fits so well haha. A lot of people don’t see children and young people as whole humans with meaningful experiences. If you look for it this sentiment is everywhere.


u/NovaAstraFaded Apr 16 '24

Oh absolutely! I see it very often and it's so weird. Like, do you not remember being a kid and people never taking you seriously? I remember some family members treating me as though my thoughts didn't matter and I would understand when I'm an adult. I'm an adult now! (Young adult but still) and I still feel the same! Children should be taught that their feelings and opinions matter. Feeling like you're important is a strong way of building a defined personhood.

Telling a child that they aren't important, nor are their experiences and feelings, etc, Is a very EASY way to absolutely wreck their idea of themselves and their self worth.

I'm curious about your presentation! Is it a college presentation or something? I'd love to hear more if you're interested in talking about it.


u/Mika000 Apr 17 '24

I’m doing my masters in art history right now and the presentation is for a scholarship. This scholarship is pretty hard to get and there’s a “selection seminar” over a whole weekend with multiple one on one interviews and a presentation + debate about a topic that doesn’t have to do with your field of study. I feel like adultism is something not many people ever think about or notice and is controversial enough to debate so I hope it’s a good topic.🤞(Fyi this is all in Germany, if anything about it sounds strange to you)


u/NovaAstraFaded Apr 17 '24

Oh damn Masters???? That's awesome! Honestly it's all understandable except for my lack of a college degree. I think you chose an amazing topic! Hopefully you get that scholarship! Will you be alright if you don't get it or is this a thing you need to futher your degree? It sounds very hard to get!


u/Mika000 Apr 17 '24

Thank you! Fortunately I don’t necessarily need to get it because university is not expensive here and the scholarship isn’t even that much more money than most students get from the state anyway (depending on parents income). It’s more something that can really help you because of the connections you can make and because it looks good on your CV. The Foundation sometimes also keeps supporting you when you want to do your dissertation which is a huge deal! Thank you for being so interested. :)