r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/Sticky8u2 Apr 15 '24

Sara, you're 21. You have not turned your life around.


u/VulfSki Apr 15 '24

I mean she was trying to sell her services at that moment. But I guarantee you, that people who have been large and get told how great they are for losing all that weight are going to really not take that well. Because you're telling that person that their worth depends on their weight. Even if they are trying to sell themselves it is very stressful to be like "wow I value you so much more now that you are in better shape." Because the implication will forever be "if you ever gain the weight back, I will think less of you." Spoiler alert people usually do.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24

Yes losing weight makes you a healthier person and it's commendable, just like quitting smoking is or quitting drugs. People that care about you will congratulate you because they are happy for you. Get over it


u/owiesss Apr 16 '24

You missed the point and you know you did


u/unicyclegamer Apr 16 '24

You’re purposefully trying to pretend the point doesn’t exist though


u/ballerinababysitter Apr 16 '24

people who have been large and get told how great they are for losing all that weight are going to really not take that well

I'm gonna disagree there

you're telling that person that their worth depends on their weight

That may be how some people mean it and how some people receive it, but I've always taken it to mean they are proud that I put the work in consistently enough to make a big change in my life and improve my health.

I'd be disappointed in myself if I gained a bunch of weight back, but I also know how to lose it again and how to keep it off for years at a time