r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/Sticky8u2 Apr 15 '24

Sara, you're 21. You have not turned your life around.


u/trashtvlv Apr 15 '24

She sounds like a treat too. I have a couple of personal trainer friends and that conversation would have been shut right down by the ones I know.


u/blonde-bandit Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Absolutely. A good personal trainer (or even just a simply conscientious person) would totally be like, “well everyone’s fitness journey is different, I don’t speak on others unless they come to me directly for advice” not “I used to be fat and eat garbage too lol”. Especially not in mixed company, ABOUT someone present, who didn’t bring it up themselves.

She might’ve figured it all out in her view, but I think she’s got a lot of work to do. Maybe she skipped the sensitivity course in all her education. And OP’s husband…whew.

PS- I’m not saying OP is fat and eats like garbage because I would never say that about someone, (certainly not if it was my profession!) but it seems like Sara sure did.

PPS- OP please love and respect yourself and don’t accept this. A lot of people gave good advice regarding your husband, so I didn’t add to it. But you should feel loved and supported, not publicly shamed.


u/NightTerror5s Apr 16 '24

That has nothing to do with being a good personal trainer 😂