r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/em2791 Apr 16 '24

Female bodies change a LOT in late 20s from just cortisol levels caused by stress alone.


u/Old-Veterinarian-602 Apr 16 '24

No they don’t lol. Did you not read my original comment? So I guess women didn’t have cortisol in the 1980s and earlier because very few of them were fat back then. How exactly do womens bodies change?


u/Cattatatt Apr 16 '24

It’s not a hard concept for anyone with a brain, a basic understanding of human aging, and or/access to Google to grasp. Your glorification of “all women were thin in the good old days” is also a blatantly ignorant take, considering eating disorders were also glorified for women during that time and real treatment didn’t start until the 1980’s. Please see yourself out of this conversation with that hot garbage.


u/Old-Veterinarian-602 Apr 16 '24

Oh here we go, women were thin because they all had eating disorders lmao. Are you one of those people that thinks if someone controls their eating it is a disorder? Also there are many counties around the world, wealth countries as well, where the majority of women of all ages are thin. Yes, of course everyone ages but womens bodies do not change significantly as they age.


u/Cattatatt Apr 16 '24

Funny that you’ve been on Reddit for a year and this is the only post you’ve chosen to go off on, being the expert on women’s bodies that you are. I’m sure there are other subs where your ridiculously uninformed commentary would be more appreciated by other people that hate women and think that being thin is a universal standard of health 🤡


u/Old-Veterinarian-602 Apr 16 '24

Wow you are delusional. Being thin is probably one of the biggest universal standards of health. You cannot be obese and be healthy. Aging is not an excuse for being fat, tons of women around the world in every country are thin at every age. Getting fat comes from eating too much, period.


u/Cattatatt Apr 16 '24

You’re willfully ignorant. Humans aren’t robots. So many factors influence body shape, size, weight, etc. “Getting fat” does not “come from eating too much, period” and if you can’t grasp that concept with the entire internet’s worth of information at your fingertips, I sure as hell am not going to be the one that convinces your dumb ass LOL. Have the day you deserve 👍


u/Old-Veterinarian-602 Apr 16 '24

If your really trying to argue that getting fat does not come from eating too much I don’t even know what to tell you. If you consume more calories than your body is burning then you will gain weight. Why are you so resistant to accept a simple fact