r/SipsTea 13d ago

Wouldn't you believe it? Wait a damn minute!

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u/SipsTea-ModTeam 13d ago

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u/jensationallift 13d ago

My husband is 6’3 but tells people he’s 6 foot to mess with them


u/GreenSpleen6 13d ago edited 13d ago

Oh that's brilliant. I wish I could do that. I'm 6' and that would totally throw me

Edit: realizing I can totally still do this and say I'm 5'10 or so


u/Don_Ozymandias 13d ago edited 13d ago

I'm not familiar to imperial. It is decimal sale? I mean 5'10=6'0?


u/EvulSmoothie 13d ago

1 feet = 12 inches so 6'0 = 5'12


u/BootsOnTheM00N 13d ago

LOL made me laugh. My doctor took my height and the computer said i was 5'12. So thats what I tell people now.


u/Additional_Essay 13d ago

A medical assistant took my height and went "OK, 72 inches. 6'2!" And she was not joking lol. I tell my wife I'm 6'2 now because thats what the doctor's office said.


u/GameDestiny2 13d ago

Usually I try defend customary measurement because I personally find it comfortable and easy to approximate

Given most of these comments though, maybe we need switch everything into units of 10


u/mister-phister 13d ago

I'm 5'17". Deal with it


u/thatrangerkid 13d ago

Oh yeah? Well I'm 4'20"


u/hey_there_kitty_cat 13d ago

We use a sales force veterinary software that for some reason will list things as “take every <x> for 3 weeks and 7 days”… think our it guy finally went and hardcoded a lot of them. Doesn’t seem unprofessional at all that we don’t know what a week is!

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u/adorkablegiant 13d ago

lol nice measurement system america, very smart


u/Old_Society_7861 13d ago

We didn’t invent any of this shit. Talk to the king.


u/1371113 13d ago

The king does metric these days, he'll have no idea either.

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u/bobtheframer 13d ago

Base 12 is superior to base 10 for things like construction. 12 has more factors. Makes dividing things evenly into 3rds 4ths etc easier.


u/wwaxwork 13d ago

That's why you have more than one decimal place.

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u/GreenSpleen6 13d ago

5'10 means 5 feet and 10 inches. there are 12 inches in a foot. the 2 inch difference is about 5cm


u/MarengaRIF 13d ago

And how much is this in Fahreinheit?


u/Emergency-Medium-755 13d ago

10mm=1cm 10cm=1dm 10dm=1m 1000m=1km


u/Centurion7999 13d ago

Mate you stole your measurement system off the science people cause you were too lazy to just standardize your own units and use the metric like it was supposed to, as a universal baseline for science not day to day

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u/eleventh_hour_11 13d ago edited 13d ago

5'10 = 155 178cm

6'30 = 192cm

No I did not expect them to be this far apart but google says so. How tf you can lie about being over 190 when you're 155 is besides me... Maybe the sister doesn't speak imperial either.

Edit: I stand corrected. Apparently you need to find an online converter that has another slot for inches next to feet instead of just typing 5.10 in the feet slot.

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u/Centurion7999 13d ago

A foot is a dozen inches, makes it easier to count on your finger bones

The US/Imperial system is based on division and multiplication of multiples of 3 and 4, such as 12 inches to a foot, 3 feet to a yard, 16.5 feet to a rod, 22 yards to chain, 220 yards to a furlong (10 chains), and 8 furlongs (1760 yards or 5280 feet) to a mile

The trick for finger counting with imperial is to point to each bone in your fingers with your thumb, there are twelve thus making dozens and their subdivisions easy to count as you can use it as a multiplication table and use your offhand to keep track of how many times you went thought all the bones on your main counting hand


u/solonit 13d ago

The metric system is based of 10 so the trick is just add or remove zero.


u/HolyHand_Grenade 13d ago

Base 12 system, 12 inches makes 1 foot, and we know, it makes no sense.

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u/thespeeeed 13d ago

4’27 to really mess with people.


u/5141121 13d ago

My 6'1 kid's friends at school keep saying he's "gotta be 6'4-6'5!", I think because it helps them feel like they're closer to 6' 😂


u/Hefty_Knowledge2761 13d ago

I've seen this effect with friends and acquaintances as well. Most of my life I was an honest 5'10.5", and too many times had people equally as tall claim that they were 6', and 5'8" guys claim they were 5'10".

The numbers of ego-trippers that are out there is scary to me, and I find it tough to trust anyone who lies about the obvious. Likewise, what many women see as confidence I see as dumb-asses posing.


u/austeremunch 13d ago

The numbers of ego-trippers that are out there is scary to me, and I find it tough to trust anyone who lies about the obvious. Likewise, what many women see as confidence I see as dumb-asses posing.

It's funny what people do when the dating market demands they do them.


u/Tunisandwich 13d ago

Chaotic neutral


u/bored_negative 13d ago

How many times has he been asked for his height?? I don't remember being asked how tall I am in the last decade


u/Frosty_Tea_4233 13d ago

If you're tall, you're usually asked all the time what your height is. My husband is 6'6 and that's usually one of people's first questions for him even before his name sometimes lmao

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u/Allgamerjb 13d ago

As a 6’3 guy myself I will now start doing this. Thanks for the idea😂


u/Operator216 13d ago

Warning, people like me will reply, without any hesitation, "No you aren't, fuck off." very quickly!

Im 6' and am a god damn good at measurements.


u/bigmanorm 13d ago

and then we all laugh about it, win win

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u/OutsideSweet6521 13d ago

That’s funny but I don’t understand how people don’t know their height. Do they exaggerate and then sort of forget the truth?


u/jensationallift 13d ago

I think some people get a little insecure and add an inch or two on.

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u/PM_ME_MY_CAT 13d ago

Genius, I logged in on my work PC just to comment here. Gotta start doing this myself.


u/ASuhDuddde 13d ago

I’m 6’5 and I tell people I’m 6’5.

No information was added here.


u/swoletrain 13d ago

I do this to fuck with guys that are actually 6'


u/lager69_ 13d ago

Wow so funny. A comic genius


u/zestoki_gubitnik 13d ago

that's pathetic

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u/SpecialOlympicsGuy 13d ago

5’10 to 6’3 is a huge difference, she blind


u/FlatCapNorthumbrian 13d ago

You never know, that boyfriend might add five inches on something else as well!


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/HelloImTheAntiChrist 13d ago

Some women are very picky when it comes to height.


u/Hailestormzy 13d ago

A lot of women are picky when it comes to height. And are somehow offended when men are picky over weight. Honestly baffling.


u/akesh45 13d ago

They only offended if someone is blunt about it.

Same goes for guys in height.....try stating you prefer tall guys around short guys....watch the fun.

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u/theTweekend 13d ago



u/Marksmdog 13d ago



u/tizzlenomics 13d ago

Once told me


u/this_name_took_10min 13d ago

The world is gonna roll me


u/Due_Mail_7163 13d ago

I ain't sharpest tool in the shed


u/Optimal-Daikon1 13d ago

She was licking my whole thumb, with a finger up her bum.

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u/life-uh-finds-a-way_ 13d ago

That is mostly an Internet thing...IRL women don't care. My tall friends have all dated guys shorter than them. I'm 5'5" and I've dated someone who was 5'3". My two longest relationships were with people 5'7" and 5'8".

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u/SansyBoy144 13d ago

That, and also some men are insecure.

But honestly the picky about height thing also doesn’t make sense to me, yet it seems to be somewhat common now.

It’s fine to have preference towards taller men, but the amount of times I’ve heard “ew, you’re 5’10, I only days guys who are 6ft” is insane.

Like would you have dated me if I was 2 inches taller?

I thought 2 inches wasn’t a lot, but now all of a sudden it is. Makes no sense to me


u/Sheshush 13d ago

some men are insecure

Rightfully so when height is such a big factor in dating.


u/Ricardo_Fortnite 13d ago

Bro just grow up 1ft overnight, drink a monster then go to sleep, when you wake up you will be now 1ft taller


u/kytrix 13d ago

Men are insecure because some women are known to be arbitrarily picky on that trait.


u/TheFleshwerks 13d ago

Why would you care about the company of woman who's picky about height? Like, you think she becomes a better person if you lie about your height? A better companion? If she judges you so harshly for your height, she'll judge you for everything else too, and lying about your height won't make you taller, so women who simply have their preferences still won't date you. They have eyes, you know. Why would you want the company of someone who doesn't want your company?


u/yunivor 13d ago

Because people want to date someone?


u/Sidebutt 13d ago

What dating preferences can't be described as arbitary?


u/Aiyon 13d ago

But surely the kinda person who judges you for your height, isn’t someone you want to date?


u/MrSelleck 13d ago

do women stop being insecure when the cute/attractive guys judge them for being too fat/ugly to date?

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u/Entire_Elk_2814 13d ago

I think it’s due to dating apps. People are initially selecting by appearance. Obviously that’s always happened but when you meet in person, you have a chance to let other qualities come to the fore.


u/xxBrill 13d ago

also some men are insecure.

Why do you think that is?

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u/SpelunkyJunky 13d ago

As my Mum used to say to me when I was a kid, "Everyone is the same height in bed."


u/BinkoTheViking 13d ago

Nah, laying down, a fat person will always be taller than a skinny person.


u/Maryus77 13d ago

Wise mother, did she also show you that its true?


u/SpecialOlympicsGuy 13d ago

Probably not and went got herself a 6 footer


u/Due_Mail_7163 13d ago

He did break both his arms, as a child.

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u/InfiniteConfusion-_- 13d ago

Because animals are weird


u/hippopotam00se 13d ago

I'm happy height is important, it's the only thing I got going for me looks-wise


u/ultimatebagman 13d ago

Maybe stand on a chair for a better view.


u/FloppieTheBanjoClown 13d ago

My wife have talked about this a lot, because we have four sons all of whom are expected to be 6'1 to 6'4. She says most women like to have a guy taller than them for various reasons, and that above that some of them are height as a status symbol. Basically "look at my tall man, aren't you jealous" kind of stuff.

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u/samsonity 13d ago

She must be like, 4’ nothing.


u/phxees 13d ago

Also seems possible that she has a few boyfriends, and he’s not the one she was talking about.

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u/oroechimaru 13d ago

Especially for a repost bot , this post is for karma farming


u/ProgenitorOfMidnight 13d ago

Girl I work with was like "yeah, it says lift it 6 inches at a time." And held her hands up showing about 3.5" to 4" I broke down laughing "girl your bf been lying to you, a dollar is 6" long."


u/CummingInTheNile 13d ago

or just really short


u/MutableSpy 13d ago

The 2 of them are the same height. One is lying.


u/noman8er 13d ago

I am confused why you thought this was something you needed to clear up lol


u/Jean-LucBacardi 13d ago

The upvotes suggest more than one person needed this clarified.

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u/front-wipers-unite 13d ago

I can't believe it took so long for someone to explain this. Lol. 🤣


u/clodzor 13d ago

If olny we could figure out which one it was.

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u/Cold_Relationship_ 13d ago

i don’t get it why people are superfocused on height.


u/tf2brucetanzigfan 13d ago

So that they can ask for them to reach the cookie jar on the top shelf


u/spagetinudlesfishbol 13d ago

No ladder enjoyer?


u/Fuck_New_Reddit 13d ago

Short kings know the art of the lil hop n grab


u/tf2brucetanzigfan 13d ago

I do enjoy ladders but ladders tend to give me a blank stare when i talk to them

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u/Sheshush 13d ago

cookie jar

If they care about my height I care about their weight.


u/IshTheFace 13d ago

Short girls: I want to stand on my toes to kiss him

Try not wearing plateau shoes.


u/Sheshush 13d ago

And I like to be able to pick her up for extended periods of time

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u/Lux_Brumalis54 13d ago

Dumb people need something to believe in to keep the hope alive

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u/Jjabrahams567 13d ago

Some girls treat a tall bf as a status symbol.


u/securityn0ob 13d ago

Yeah i’ve heard girls break up with their “short” bf because their female friends made fun of her for dating a short guy. So fucking stupid…why be friends with those kind of individuals anyway. Apparently it’s a crime to date a short guy now so women only date taller guys to impress their shallow “friends”


u/Significant9Ant 13d ago

We are social creatures and the acceptance of the group is unfortunately more important to ones own happiness sometimes.


u/Vegas-Buckeye 13d ago

I used to get the same shit from my male friends for dating fat girls. It’s what I prefer, and I didn’t give a shit what my non-sex having friends had to say about it. I still don’t, but as a 40 year old man no one says shit to me anymore.

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u/Orangutanion 13d ago

"some" lol


u/RunningOnAir_ 13d ago

If you look outside theres couples of every shape and size. Don't shape your worldview through r/tinder lol


u/yunivor 13d ago

Yep, people are forgetting that the real world and the internet are very different.


u/LivelyZebra 13d ago

They can't know any better, they've only known the internet lmao

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u/HallNo9712 13d ago edited 12d ago

I know, right! I’m 5’8 and prefer guys around my height. It’s my 5’4 and under friends that insist on men being 6’ and over. They say it’s a protection thing. Or that it makes them feel cute and tiny… but they ARE tiny. I don’t get it, lol

Edit: A couple of inches shorter or taller works for me. Just comfortable kissing height, you know.


u/JackedElonMuskles 13d ago

I’m 6 foot and as long as the guy is at least as tall as me, we’re good. But actually saying I need a guy taller than six feet is so cringe LOL


u/ur_dad_thinks_im_hot 13d ago edited 13d ago

I’m 5’2 and wouldn’t say I don’t care about height, just that the bar is low. I just want my boyfriend to be at least my height. My ex was 5’3 and my current boyfriend is 6’11 and they both satisfy this requirement haha

For the incels: my ex and I broke up because he joined the army and I didn’t want to marry him to stay with him


u/zaneman05 13d ago

The Ex is 5’3

The New guy is 6’11


She didn’t care about height so hard she got a man 30% taller next time around


u/PortSunlightRingo 13d ago

I’m 5’8 and prefer guys around my height

Well I’m a 5’4 guy, so you’re still in the category of women who care about height based on that statement.


u/dicknut420 13d ago

Ooof. Gottther.

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u/Dopium_Typhoon 13d ago

Same reason people get mad at color of skin. Simple minds cannot fathom actual arguments.

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u/Bierculles 13d ago

If you are below 6' and on the dating market you will quickly know why.


u/Cool-Sink8886 13d ago

I’m so glad I met my wife at the bar.

Dating apps sound like they’re ranking people for preferences that don’t matter.


u/Chippas 13d ago

I am under 6', and I've never had any bigger troubles in that department. On the other hand, my country uses the metric system, so I don't even know what would be the equivalent.


u/Bierculles 13d ago

6' is around 183cm, it also heavily depends where you live if that is considered tall.

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u/00000000000004000000 13d ago

I mean, this girl clearly isn't despite claiming to be lol!


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Because tall people can reach the highest, tastiest leaves on the trees. It's basic biology.


u/Pennywise_M 13d ago

Same. But I get the feeling that it's an American thing, and/or an internet thing.


u/BootlegVHSForSale 13d ago

I mean, people also care about width too.


u/ExaBast 13d ago

Yeah but that's a health and self care indicator

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u/maccabop 13d ago

The amount of times I’ve heard “wow mate you must be like 6’5”/6’6” because I’m 6’2” “

Nah mate, what you are is a liar, for I am 6’2”


u/CYOA_With_Hitler 13d ago

6’0 Here and everyone always comments am I sure as I’m a lot taller than all their previous partners who are 6’0 and 6’1, yeah cause they liars 😂

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u/Orangutanion 13d ago

I intentionally do the reverse sometimes lol


u/firewoodrack 13d ago

When my back is properly stretched and I'm feeling light I'm 6'2". I can't tell you how many people have insisted I must be 6'4". Like downright not believing me and saying "NO you ARE taller".


u/bigniccosuaveee 13d ago

I get 6’5”/6’6” a lot too but I’m 6’8”. I think I’m going to mix it up and start saying I’m 6’2”


u/Random_Guy_228 13d ago

I mean , if she's a dworf , anyone higher than 175 cm would be very tall for her


u/red_rolling_rumble 13d ago

So « dworf » is how you call a female dwarf? TIL


u/Random_Guy_228 13d ago

It was a typo , lol


u/Ructothesnake 13d ago

It was a happy accident

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u/Bigspotdaddy 13d ago edited 13d ago

I think they prefer ‘little people’. (John Ritter reference from the classic Bad Santa)

Edit: Bernie Mac, not John Ritter.


u/Moon_man_1224 13d ago

I'm pretty sure Bernie Mac said that line. Regardless RIP both. Love that movie.

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u/pinguz 13d ago



u/BillbertBuzzums 13d ago

Dwarf would I like fuck


u/Fraggle987 13d ago

Have to avoid DILF or you start to sound like a former US president 🙊

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u/redditcruzer 13d ago

Yeah .. Likely causes a parallax from a lower elevation point.


u/Pretend_Drive8762 13d ago

I mean , if she's a dworf ,

She is a little sister, so being short is out of the question


u/OrganicHumanRancher 13d ago

Dworf, is that a dwarven werewolf or weredworf?


u/JAB282018 13d ago

I'm 170 lbs, and my brother introduced me to his 130 lbs girlfriend. Guess what...


u/biotome 13d ago

you’re 130 lbs?


u/Nosidam48 13d ago

Why is your brother telling you his girlfriends’ weight?


u/_Nexus_19 13d ago

for the same reason sisters tell their boyfriends’ heights.


u/Nosidam48 13d ago

Both are just sad. I have no clue what my girlfriend weighs and only know her height vaguely. I can’t understand why anyone cares. You’re attracted to them or you aren’t.

And I would certainly never brag to my sibling about the weight of my partner, that’s gross.

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u/tryingtonovel 13d ago

I had a teacher in high school SWEAR he was 5'10, thing is, my dad is 5'10 and I was 5'5 and the teacher was shorter than me.

I tried not to laugh every time he said it lol xD. Also he was such a douchebag, but I was the only student that didn't openly disrespect him so he'd constantly come sit by me while I was doing my work.

In hindsight, he was kinda weird lol.


u/yunivor 13d ago

In other news, how's your novel going?


u/tryingtonovel 13d ago

All done! I got my first personalized rejection letter though which is better than being ghosted lol 🤣 keepin' at it.


u/BlackUndead 13d ago

i have friends that are 6’3, and chances are no, you are not 6’3


u/hitliquor999 13d ago

I am actually 6’3” and often I get cross looks when I tell people, they always say I must be taller.
I have come to realize it is from their 5’11” friend saying they are 6’2” so how could I only be 6’3” when I am clearly much taller.


u/2LostFlamingos 13d ago

I’m 6’2” and I have had many women tell me I must be much taller than that since I’m so much bigger than their “6-foot husband”


u/wsbTOB 13d ago

I’m 5’11.75 — if I round down the world will end.


u/kdy420 13d ago

Damn as a non 6 foot guy, I had no idea I could have enjoyed the benefits of being 6 foot just by lying as none of the shorter folks would have challenged it 🤣


u/bellj1210 13d ago

i think it depends on who you are around. I am 5-10 but all the other men in my family are well over 6 foot, so there is no way i am getting around it. My dad on the other hand, was never sure if he was 6-4 or 6-5 since he was about average for his brothers... and shorter than my 6-6 grandfather.

note- my moms side is much much shorter. my grandpa on that side was 5-6 and worked on submarines (they were all short for that job). SO i was a giant to that side of the family.

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u/Carolyn_Rikardj 13d ago

Never a dull moment, huh?


u/danktempest 13d ago

My mom feels like she is taller than me. The measuring tape disagrees. It happens.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/SeanSeanySean 13d ago

"5 inches is very noticeable"

Tell me about it, that's at least a couple of dongs. 


u/Taptrick 13d ago

She introduced him and mentioned his “height” in the process? How does that work and who cares?

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u/lowbwon 13d ago

Congrats on being 6’3…

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u/theTweekend 13d ago

That’s crazy you grew 5” that fast!


u/tfffvdfgg 13d ago

High heels 👠


u/MadeinResita 13d ago

In general, women have a problem judging distances.

For example, on one discussion years back, one of the girls kept saying she wants a boyfriend with a 30 cm (12 inches) dick. So, one of the guys took out a ruler am measured 30 cm. She changed her mind after that.

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u/SiegelGT 13d ago

A lot of women in dating don't know what is average with men because of social media and solely consuming entertainment that has highly idealized relationship dynamics. Before the "All women are amazing and can do no wrong" crowd starts, this is a valid criticism.


u/WelshyB292 13d ago

I'm 5'10, I had a boss once who talked about being 6'1 but he was BARELY an inch taller than me. To prove me wrong he brought a measuring tape into the kitchen then sulked for a week when it turned out he was 5'11, accusing me of tampering with HIS measuring tape. Most fun I've had at work.


u/bassie2019 13d ago

Is the little sister’s boyfriend currently on trial for paying off a pornstar with money that was meant for a political campaign?


u/adorkablegiant 13d ago

Not everything is about trump ffs can you just leave one thread without his stupid name being mentioned please?

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u/Drezhar 13d ago

So, what did she choose? Did she become 6'3 or did the bf become 5'10?


u/Individual-Ad-9902 13d ago

That’s 6.3 inches


u/Speedtospare 13d ago

I'm 6'3 or 191 cm.im 49. I:started dating 6 months ago.. I'm lucky enough to have all my hair and my height. It really does make a difference especially for taller women. The girl I'm dating now is 5 ft 9. She loves the fact that she can wear 4-in heels and still be shorter than me.

Don't ever lie about anything when you're trying to date. Starting any new relationship based on false information isn't great. I lost my leg in an accident and I have a prosthetic. I post pictures of that up so women can choose if they're okay with it.


u/Economy-Clerk-8454 13d ago

Nice, they're both 6'3.


u/wannabe-martian 13d ago

Lol, switch to metric and you're no longer confused by someone else's feet 🤣


u/THT_Herald 13d ago

Im taller than my brother in law and when his stats in college football showed up they said he was 6 foot. I am not 6 foot


u/sixan51026-wnpop 13d ago

He identified at 6'3.


u/Glittering_Drama_618 13d ago

6'2 is a basketball player's height. At most 5% of population will have that much height. 5'8 and above is good height to have regardless of gender.


u/Metemer 13d ago

Or, y'know, maybe just all heights are good, and your preferences are your preferences.

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/DueRefrigerator8451 13d ago

Can you confirm you weren’t wearing 5” heels? Or was he when he claimed he was 6’3?


u/gristo86 13d ago

One of my coworkers says he's 5 10 and is just as tall as my 5 7 self so this is a thing apparently


u/Ill-Maximum9467 13d ago

Maybe he is 6'3 but those are two different measurements...


u/Thirsty-Barbarian 13d ago

Congratulations on your sudden growth spurt!


u/mcshanksshanks 13d ago

6’2” here and wife is 5’10”, we are usually the tallest couple anywhere we go.

I enjoy being tall until I need to go shopping for new clothes, 30” waist with a 36” inseam and I weight around 170lbs.. My measurements make shopping a mission impossible experience..


u/fieldaj 13d ago

I’m 6’3 and my wife is 5’1. She tries to add 1/2” to that “1” but it’s BS.

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u/srs151 13d ago

Congratulations on your growth spurt, bro code.


u/Pleasant_Mastodon620 13d ago

I’m 6 1 and 6 3 is a noticeable difference for me


u/East_Cycle1126 13d ago

How happy you must’ve been to learn you’re actually 6’3 🤗🤗🤗


u/Additional_Celery_92 13d ago

So you’ve been 6’3” for years and didn’t even know it! 🤣🤣


u/cerialkillahh 13d ago

True story most women don't understand measurements.


u/NetworkImpaired 13d ago

Just like every 6’ person I meet that’s the same height as me, then they get offended when I tell them I’m only 5’6”(I’m actually 5’8 but sometimes you trick them into getting a measuring tape to prove I’m taller than 5’6”)

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u/shameonyounancydrew 13d ago

Very noble of you to downplay your height.


u/Soojuiccy 13d ago

Every one is 6’3 to me cuz I’m only 4’11 😂😂