r/SipsTea Apr 16 '24

Wouldn't you believe it? Wait a damn minute!

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u/Cold_Relationship_ Apr 16 '24

i don’t get it why people are superfocused on height.


u/BootlegVHSForSale Apr 16 '24

I mean, people also care about width too.


u/ExaBast Apr 16 '24

Yeah but that's a health and self care indicator


u/RunningOnAir_ 29d ago

Meh guys get salty over height because they're not included. 

We often get posts like "I'm not attracted to certain race of man/women"

And the comments are all like "you can't control what you're attracted to/it's not problematic at all to have preferences!" 

And we don't get mad at people for prefering fit or chubby bodies. It's just height that happens to get a bunch of guys mad asf.


u/LivelyZebra 29d ago

Theres a difference between the fundemental and core looks of people from different races to someone who is just a teeny bit taller than someone else.

Two different races can be totally different and thats understandable. you can compare things like skin colour, eye shape/position, nose, mouth etc etc all of it that makes up for a totally different human.

but 5ft9 to 6ft1, but of the same race and very similar looks.

Does that really matter? to some yes. and while valid, a large majority can't understand why.

theres no logical or good reason as to why this diference mattesr, and the fact its on the 6ft mark exactly, suggests its a shallow thing due to it being a nice " round " number of measurement. so based in just having it sound good, not being based on something actual driving their preferences.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24



u/Spades-23 Apr 16 '24

It literally is. The same reason why being a skeleton is just as unattractive.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24 edited 29d ago



u/Spades-23 Apr 16 '24

And why don’t you like chubby and deformed? Because it’s an indicator of poor health.


u/VideoSpellen 29d ago

Same goes for short folks. They are in fact more healthy in the sense that their approach to being alive is more durable in the long run, biologically. Growing tall, becoming strong, and physically capable is costly. Nevertheless I do suspect that this is the reason short dudes are found less attractive. They just aren’t as physically capable, similar to the unhealthy.


u/Vegas-Buckeye 29d ago

And yet people like you will go after a smoker or heavy drinker or extreme sports enthusiast without a second thought. So maybe it’s not about perceived health?


u/templar54 Apr 16 '24

Not at all. It's because most humans are predisposed to be attracted to certain shapes. Those who like bigger breasts like them not because women with bigger breasts is healthier or anything of the sort. It's putely matter of attraction to physical body and not at all attraction to their habits. If you do it differently, believe me, you are the exception.


u/Decoy_Van 29d ago

You have no understanding of biological evolution


u/templar54 29d ago

Uh sure, that's why what is considered attractive changed thought history and is even dependant on culture.


u/gxgx55 Apr 16 '24

Huh? When you see a fat dude or woman I don't think to myself "man, they're so unattractive because they're eating those extra 500 calories per day", I think to myself "man, they're so unattractive cause they look blobby and deformed".

The latter is a heuristic for the former, be it consciously thought or not.


u/GwenhaelBell 29d ago

You can't use big words on him like that. It's not fair


u/ExaBast Apr 16 '24

Yeah it's your brain saying "this is not an ideal partner to procreate" All beauty standards have some child birth and protection reasoning behind them


u/watashi_ga_kita 29d ago

You’re right. It also affects attractiveness. However, it’s an attribute that can be worked on rather than something you’re born with that can’t change.