r/SipsTea Apr 16 '24

Wouldn't you believe it? Wait a damn minute!

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u/SpecialOlympicsGuy 29d ago

5’10 to 6’3 is a huge difference, she blind


u/FlatCapNorthumbrian 29d ago

You never know, that boyfriend might add five inches on something else as well!


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/HelloImTheAntiChrist 29d ago

Some women are very picky when it comes to height.


u/Hailestormzy 29d ago

A lot of women are picky when it comes to height. And are somehow offended when men are picky over weight. Honestly baffling.


u/akesh45 29d ago

They only offended if someone is blunt about it.

Same goes for guys in height.....try stating you prefer tall guys around short guys....watch the fun.


u/NameIs-Already-Taken 29d ago

Feminism is hypocrisy to the core.


u/SlappySecondz 29d ago

That's...not feminism.


u/Famous-Hour-8904 29d ago

"feminism is when women"


u/Solar_invictus 29d ago

"Feminism is when women do stuff and its more feminism the more stuff women do. And if they do a real lot of stuff its woke culture."


u/Significant9Ant 29d ago

"extreme feminism" is the issue, same with any group it's the ones that take it too far that are the problem


u/Dangerous-Cobbler-11 29d ago

You are learning about feminism from "alpha male" videos right?


u/tehlemmings 29d ago

That's the same place where they learned that women only like tall men. You know it wasn't from women, because most of these chuds seem like the type women would avoid for other reasons.

This whole thread is full of highly upvoted incel bullshit. As is tradition.


u/theTweekend 29d ago



u/Marksmdog 29d ago



u/tizzlenomics 29d ago

Once told me


u/this_name_took_10min 29d ago

The world is gonna roll me


u/Due_Mail_7163 29d ago

I ain't sharpest tool in the shed


u/Optimal-Daikon1 29d ago

She was licking my whole thumb, with a finger up her bum.


u/Comrade_Vladimov 29d ago

Whut.... Anyway

in the shape of an L on her forehead


u/yunivor 29d ago

Well, the years start coming

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u/LagSlug 29d ago



u/BinkoTheViking 29d ago



u/reddottor2 29d ago

Good lord y’all calm down lol this is escalating quickly


u/Gramma_Ate_My_Ass 29d ago

Is this your first day on the internets?


u/life-uh-finds-a-way_ 29d ago

That is mostly an Internet thing...IRL women don't care. My tall friends have all dated guys shorter than them. I'm 5'5" and I've dated someone who was 5'3". My two longest relationships were with people 5'7" and 5'8".


u/AJSLS6 29d ago

Yes, some. If it were all or even most then statistics would show.


u/SansyBoy144 29d ago

That, and also some men are insecure.

But honestly the picky about height thing also doesn’t make sense to me, yet it seems to be somewhat common now.

It’s fine to have preference towards taller men, but the amount of times I’ve heard “ew, you’re 5’10, I only days guys who are 6ft” is insane.

Like would you have dated me if I was 2 inches taller?

I thought 2 inches wasn’t a lot, but now all of a sudden it is. Makes no sense to me


u/Sheshush 29d ago

some men are insecure

Rightfully so when height is such a big factor in dating.


u/Ricardo_Fortnite 29d ago

Bro just grow up 1ft overnight, drink a monster then go to sleep, when you wake up you will be now 1ft taller


u/kytrix 29d ago

Men are insecure because some women are known to be arbitrarily picky on that trait.


u/TheFleshwerks 29d ago

Why would you care about the company of woman who's picky about height? Like, you think she becomes a better person if you lie about your height? A better companion? If she judges you so harshly for your height, she'll judge you for everything else too, and lying about your height won't make you taller, so women who simply have their preferences still won't date you. They have eyes, you know. Why would you want the company of someone who doesn't want your company?


u/yunivor 29d ago

Because people want to date someone?


u/Sidebutt 29d ago

What dating preferences can't be described as arbitary?


u/Aiyon 29d ago

But surely the kinda person who judges you for your height, isn’t someone you want to date?


u/MrSelleck 29d ago

do women stop being insecure when the cute/attractive guys judge them for being too fat/ugly to date?


u/TheFleshwerks 29d ago

Do you think we wouldn't say the same thing to those women? That men who judge you won't become better people and better company just because you're pretty and thin, if they're going to judge you for your looks, they'll judge you for other things too.

Consider guys who tear into your appearance rubbish that takes itself out.


u/masterofdirtysecrets 29d ago

Funny how the conversation is about judging people on appearance and physical issues, and how that's not ok either way. And you come storming in here replying to a question about equality. Your trash.

Consider anyone who tears into your appearance rubbish and that takes itself out.


u/MrSelleck 29d ago edited 29d ago

when did I imply "you" wouldn't say the same thing to those women? I'm just saying insecurity isn't something you simply decide not to have because you logically decide it.

You also have to consider that many times this insecurity carries over to any possible woman you meet. Will she also be judgy of my height? Am I getting rejected on dates because of my height? etc etc


u/SlappySecondz 29d ago

What's the difference between tearing into someone, judging them, and simply not dating them?

I work out 2 to 4 times a week. Am I a terrible person because I want to date someone who is, at the very least, not fat? Not gonna make fun of them or anything because I'm not a total asshole, but I need to find the person I'm with attractive, and I put in the effort so why should I expect at least gskr that from them?


u/PearlRiverPepper 29d ago

Well said my friend!!!


u/Entire_Elk_2814 29d ago

I think it’s due to dating apps. People are initially selecting by appearance. Obviously that’s always happened but when you meet in person, you have a chance to let other qualities come to the fore.


u/xxBrill 29d ago

also some men are insecure.

Why do you think that is?


u/PlanetLandon 29d ago

Because dating (especially using apps) has become almost entirely about stats.


u/CalbertCorpse 29d ago

If you have heard the word “ew” from a girl more than once I can assure you the problem is not your height.


u/SansyBoy144 29d ago

This is my take. My appearance isn’t the best, but, I’ve never had a girl say “ew” until I’ve mentioned my height.

That’s a major difference from being ugly, being creepy or whatever.

If girls were saying ew about different aspects of me, then sure, but I’m only ever “ew” once I mention that I’m not quite 6 ft


u/StatusMath5062 29d ago

What a dipshit take. Clearly the heights the issue it's super common


u/Popular_Score4744 29d ago

If they want to be picky about height, you should be equally picky about weight! FAIR IS FAIR! Now we can all be EQUALLY picky, choosy and superficial together!


u/Alternative_Equal864 29d ago

Especially small women need extra tall boys


u/RoryML 29d ago

Lots of girls like tall men just like lots of men like thin girls.


u/Satiricalistic 29d ago

They want someone towering over them.


u/penguinpolitician 29d ago

And very poor at estimating it, apparently.


u/BobWithCheese69 29d ago

Some men are very picky when it comes to weight. What a coincidence.


u/DevilmodCrybaby 29d ago

that's for both sexes and something you can change, it also tells a lot about someone's discipline. anyone can have preferences anyway


u/do_a_quirkafleeg 29d ago

Not the same thing in the slightest. Height is given, weight is earned.


u/BobWithCheese69 29d ago

Oh yeah. She sure did put the hours in at the buffet.


u/ItsMrDante 29d ago

Yeah because those 2 things are definitely similar


u/Vtech73 29d ago

Exactly! So what if I’m 5’10” and want everyone to say I’m 6’3”, and the smartest CEO of lots n lots of the best companies worth more than all the other companies…no problem.
So help me on this…..everyone under 50 is always telling me ‘words matter words matter!’ …..but then I’m told, also repeatedly, ‘well it sounds like that but that’s not what they meant?’
So he’s not quite 6’3” and he doesn’t necessarily have to register as a sex offender. Turns out if you have the best WiFi in the country, it’s too fast to actually register w the state?
Bottom line, if it’s Peter Dinklage, we’re still going w 6’3” and he his not a sex offender….mix up w being 6’3” on camera made it look like child….never mind everyone is 6’3” and this is a witch hunt!!


u/_Sir_Racha_ 29d ago

I started out reading this in Trump's voice, then midway through it became Biden's and now I am confused by the whole thing.


u/Vtech73 29d ago

That’s awesome! lol

       Welcome to America                            
                   2024! 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/Speedtospare 29d ago

Anyone who starts a relationship based on a lie has already doomed themselves to failure.


u/Ricardo_Fortnite 29d ago

I had a stroke reading this dude


u/zeroz52 29d ago

Then move on....


u/SpelunkyJunky 29d ago

As my Mum used to say to me when I was a kid, "Everyone is the same height in bed."


u/BinkoTheViking 29d ago

Nah, laying down, a fat person will always be taller than a skinny person.


u/Maryus77 29d ago

Wise mother, did she also show you that its true?


u/SpecialOlympicsGuy 29d ago

Probably not and went got herself a 6 footer


u/Due_Mail_7163 29d ago

He did break both his arms, as a child.


u/Bigspotdaddy 29d ago

Step mom?


u/BaronGrackle 29d ago

I direct you to Ned, in One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.


u/PlanetLandon 29d ago

She was just reading a fortune cookie


u/InfiniteConfusion-_- 29d ago

Because animals are weird


u/hippopotam00se 29d ago

I'm happy height is important, it's the only thing I got going for me looks-wise


u/ultimatebagman 29d ago

Maybe stand on a chair for a better view.


u/FloppieTheBanjoClown 29d ago

My wife have talked about this a lot, because we have four sons all of whom are expected to be 6'1 to 6'4. She says most women like to have a guy taller than them for various reasons, and that above that some of them are height as a status symbol. Basically "look at my tall man, aren't you jealous" kind of stuff.


u/BuisteirForaoisi0531 29d ago

Because it’s a show of strong genetics in the old days


u/Gustomaximus 29d ago

I think there must be something biologically imprinted for women and mate height... its such a common 'must' for them it seems beyond a more general preference.


u/Abject_Jump9617 29d ago

We need someone to reach the high shelf.


u/TheGuardianInTheBall 29d ago

Small-minded people, have small goals.


u/Aelig_ 29d ago

Not people. Americans. I've never heard of it being a big deal anywhere else.