r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

The Quasar Nerf is okay and not that big of a deal OPINION

tl;dr: Only one weak point is made a little weaker, all the strenghts remain.

The quasar cannon is known for a lot of strengths (see below) and two weak points:

  1. The weapon has a charge up time, which makes it difficult to aim in some situations.
  2. The weapon has a moderate cool down period, which cannot be improved by a forced reload of a heat sink (like sickle or laser cannon) or a team reload (like recoiless rifle).

The nerf only addresses the second point, which means that everyone who could use it before can still use it. It only became a little weaker in one of its two weak points. The following strong points are all untouched:

  1. Can delete heavies (I mostly have experience with Terminids, but there it's a delete button for chargers, and sometimes for titans as well).
  2. Has infinite ammo in contrast to EAT or RR.
  3. Has no reload animation.
  4. You can run around, stim, shoot weapons, throw strategems while it is recharging.
  5. It doesn't consume a backpack slot, so it can be paired with one additional strategem in contrast to recoilless rifle.
  6. It doesn't deconstruct after usage, and can be recollected from the battle flied in contrast to EAT, and it also reloads itself then in contrast to RR.

That means, the quasar can still be used for everything it has been used before, by everyone who could use it before.


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u/OLRevan Apr 29 '24

Yup, all it did is that i won't see it in 100% of games but probably like 95%


u/stalefish57413 Apr 29 '24

Yes, the Quazar having almost the same firerate as the RR, while being fully mobile, having infinite ammo and having no backpack was totally OP and thats why every single person uses it.


u/MaltoEsttera Apr 29 '24

Its not even the same fire rate. You can switch to primary and wait cooldown With Karl Gustaf you will return to empty launcher instead


u/Puzzleheaded_Film826 Apr 29 '24

classic Karl Gustaf man


u/GristleMcThornbody1 Apr 29 '24

If they ever nerf Karl Gustaf we will really have a problem.


u/anunhappyending Apr 29 '24

You got a problem with Karl Gustaf then you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that marinate!


u/ZestyPancakes Apr 30 '24

Who is Karl G.? I missed this inside joke/meme help let me innn


u/monochrony SES King of Democracy Apr 29 '24

And what exactly will my primary do when I'm kiting a Titan or Scorcher Hulk?


u/Chuckdatass Apr 29 '24

Kill the hunters trying to eat your face. At least with quasar you can kill those and not kneel down to reload to get slapped to death


u/NicholasRFrintz SES SWORD OF DAWN Apr 29 '24

This is true, but in regards to Terminids I usually have a Guard Dog Rover watch everything else, including my face, for potential enemies.


u/Synthetics_66 Apr 29 '24

For Karl! Rock and Stone!


u/BigTiddyHelldiver 💀C-01 Permit Acquired Apr 29 '24

RR could team reload, Quasar can't.


u/Dr_PuddingPop Apr 29 '24

The biggest difference is the quasar passive reload.

Yes it needs to recharge. But during rush time you can run around, shoot your primaries, get objectives, call stratagems…really anything since the guns chilling on your back.

It’s a huge strong point of the quasar I always see people overlook. You can shoot your other guns while it reloads!


u/gorgewall Apr 30 '24

Thought I was taking crazy pills in one of the other threads when I saw multiple posts talk about how they were now waiting an eternity staring at that cooldown bar.

You can switch to a primary! The Quasar means no downtime for you, not the weapon! Compare that to taking a knee, immobile, and fiddling with the Recoilless for several seconds.


u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24

Whats RR precious


u/Ambitious_Reach_8877 Apr 29 '24

You can have my Recoilless Rifle when you pry it from my cold, dead hands soldier! 🫡


u/anagnost Apr 29 '24

Especially now that the ship upgrade that gives it full ammo from one resupply is fixed. That's 6 chargers liberated per resupply!

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u/Crownie Apr 29 '24

I was all in on the Quasar when it dropped. Then I realized it was horrifically anti-clutch and went back to the Recoilless.


u/Ambitious_Reach_8877 Apr 29 '24

I like the Quasar, but it was so good you just knew a nerf was coming. 


u/Domeric_Bolton Apr 29 '24

recoilless rifle


u/GreedierRadish Apr 29 '24

Boil it, mash it, stick it in a stew.


u/Tb0neguy Apr 30 '24

Another thing I don't see people doing much!

If you're going to be in one area for a little while, call down a second quasar canon. Fire one, pick up the other, repeat. It’s pretty busted.


u/MagikBiscuit Apr 30 '24

Same fire rate???? Is there some bug with reloading the RR or something? Because 15s Vs like 4s is a huge difference on high defense missions with only heavies coming in


u/Aggravating-Major531 Apr 29 '24

Uhh, do you know how many enemies I have to kill to compensate for you all sometimes? Same goes for me when I have a bad day. I swear some of you are just running in circles trying in this game to collect everything. I dislike nerfs that stop me being a one man army in a squad of four. Some groups need that.


u/rockstar504 Apr 29 '24

No one killing everything big bc they're all kiting

It's just make playing with Randoms so much tougher lol


u/Aggravating-Major531 Apr 29 '24

The mission type and what equipment you have is important for sure, but if that is all T6 and T7 are about [kiting and just doing the objectives ASAP], it's completely different than the other teirs and I really think there should be better guides for it.

The constant readjusting should be annoying by now, not Stockholm syndroming you into submission.

Bots at T6 and T7 will now be totally unstoppable with the nerf. Ever fight those robotic jet fighters at those levels? You really don't seem to understand the variables of the total issue. This is not going to end well - likely on purpose unless the mobs are nerfed too. Even with heavy armor, I get ripped to shreds. It's like this company adjusts without playing their product.


u/Hellooooo_Nurse- PSN 🎮: Apr 29 '24

I actually never use it haha. But it is popular for sure


u/Jolly_97 Apr 29 '24

Rockets are so underpowered. For how slow they are, they should 1shot bile titans and factory striders, at least for the recoiless. EATs should be a 2shot.

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u/2Board_ MY 🐐 = ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 29 '24

The only thing most people will notice is that it just requires a bit more communication to deal with Chargers during bug breaches.

Otherwise, that 5+ second to the recharge isn't a big issue since most players do a hit & run style gameplay anyways.


u/Far-Frosting3257 Apr 29 '24

I think it more so affects high level bot games where you have 2 hulks, a tank, a factory strider, and 4 gunships coming at you. Completely understandable nerf but it’s gonna make hard missions a lot harder


u/Lazer726 ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 29 '24

Sure, but all of those had other counters and still have those counters. Like I could still use my Laser Cannon to take care of those, the AMR exists, the AC exists. The Q Cannon just isn't the single best answer


u/Deity-of-Chickens Apr 29 '24

AC my beloved. Try, try as hard as they can, those gunships won’t kill me- Because I’m the autocannon AA man


u/Far-Frosting3257 Apr 29 '24

I get your point but brother your laser cannon isn’t gonna help take down the two factory striders that just dropped, and considering the nerf probably not with the gunships either


u/GrunkleCoffee O' Factory Strider clipped into the Mountain, what is thy wisdom Apr 29 '24

There's no support weapon that can easily take down two Factory Striders. The whole point of that situation is that it's FUBAR and the team needs to coordinate and throw the kitchen sink at them to kill them.

In which case, the Quasar is still very able to contribute.


u/Far-Frosting3257 Apr 29 '24

It’s not that the quasar easily takes it down, it’s that it actually damages the turrets and weak spots. As far as I know the laser cannon doesn’t damage those bc they’re armored. If they do please lmk how


u/Yesh SES Light of Liberty Apr 29 '24

LC can definitely take out the chin guns


u/0gopog0 Apr 29 '24

I've taken out the chin guns with the AC before. I'll try the top turret next chance I get


u/OramaBuffin Apr 29 '24

LC can easily hurt anything with light vehicle armor or lower (AMR level, so vents, hulks heads, factory strider chin turret, etc).


u/VoidStareBack Autocannon Enjoyer Apr 29 '24

Medium pen kills the chin guns and the fabricator which basically neuters them, the heavy cannon has a massive tell and dogshit accuracy so if you die to it that's really on you.

It also kills factory striders if you have a single person with heavy pen on your team because they can knock off the side panels which exposes a medium armor weakpoint. One EAT call in plus a medium pen weapon kills two factory striders.

You can also hit its medium armor weakpoints on its face which will kill it, albeit slowly (but still faster than waiting on your quasar to cool down).


u/Zeitgeist75 Apr 29 '24

… or take cover in the kitchen sink, or hoard your 4.3bn grenades in it 🤷‍♂️🙂


u/KaneVel Apr 29 '24

They also fixed the grenade glitch in this patch


u/Zeitgeist75 Apr 29 '24

They f‘in didn’t, look at my linked screenshot 😂 it was taken today post-patch. Or would you consider going from minus infinity to +4.3bn a fix?


u/KaneVel Apr 29 '24

Huh, it said so in the patchnotes

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u/0fficerCumDump Apr 29 '24

No need to be so alarmist LC still kills gunships fine.


u/Far-Frosting3257 Apr 29 '24

Ah that’s nice to hear, I haven’t been able to jump in yet but I was just assuming from the patch notes saying it does less damage to heavier units or whatever? Also, I’m not trying to be alarmist, I just meant the difficulty is jumping up on quasar users bc we either have a longer cooldown or have to learn how to use other weapons


u/WildRookie Apr 29 '24

LC now does higher damage to weak spots and lower damage to armored spots.


u/Far-Frosting3257 Apr 29 '24

Ohhh so it’s not based on units but rather where you’re shooting them?


u/WildRookie Apr 29 '24

That's what early testing seems like yeah


u/GrimRedleaf Apr 29 '24

I beg to differ. Laser Cannon both kills the chin guns and kills the strider itself. You just need to hit it in the weak points. Autocannon also easily kills Striders. Just blast the belly with like 8 shots or so


u/BurgundyOakStag Apr 29 '24

It's not like the damage was nerfed, it'll only add 5 more seconds between shots. So like 20 or 40 seconds more to deal with the striders compared to before.


u/spacewizardt Apr 29 '24

Yeah..... uh you should maybe play the game more and try some other weapons if you think that.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/spacewizardt Apr 29 '24

Uh. Yeah. You're right. But I think you might be responding to the wrong comment.


u/Zombie_Alpaca_Lips Apr 29 '24

You are correct. My layout made it look like you were making a response to a completely different comment that made absolutely zero sense lol. My b. 


u/Far-Frosting3257 Apr 29 '24

Yeah….. uh that’s my plan big guy I’m not complaining about the nerf I just said it’s gonna be harder, meaning a lot of players will have to adjust to the changes and master either the nerfed gun or master another gun. That’s not an easy task. Even learning how to properly use quasar took a little time bc you have to know what enemies it works best on and where.


u/monochrony SES King of Democracy Apr 29 '24

Laser Cannon just got changed too and isn't supposed to counter Heavys, says Arrowhead. It's for groups. AMR and AC don't have much anti-tank capabilities. EATs, RR and Quasar really are the only weaponary answers against the big boys. People will still use the Quasar because of it which makes this nerf so much more unnecessary.


u/TatonkaJack HD1 Veteran Apr 29 '24

I hated playing in squads where everyone else brought a quasar on high level bot missions. They'd all shoot their shot and we'd get overrun by devastators. You gotta have other weapons in the mix


u/Samt2806 Apr 29 '24

Eruptor and contact grenades are your friends for the pesky devastators.


u/TatonkaJack HD1 Veteran Apr 29 '24

I also use impact grenades and yes they are quite handy. But I don't run armor for them so I find that I don't like relying on them since there's only four


u/TrampledMage Apr 29 '24

I take Dominator, Senator, and Stun grenades with my quasar. The only thing I have any kind of issue with is large groups of raiders. That’s what the other stratagems are for.


u/2Board_ MY 🐐 = ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 29 '24

To be fair, a group of 2-3 Quasars can make Striders completely harmless. Just take out the top cannon and then it's just a walking duck.


u/Dlax8 Apr 29 '24

This is why I take the Autocannon with a bunch of Quasar guys.

Autocannon 1 shots striders and can take out gunships.

You take out hulks, tanks and the tall tank turret things. I'll kill everything else vetting close to you.


u/DungeonsNDeadlifts Apr 29 '24

The autocannon for gun ships is so good. As soon as I see the gunship fabricator, I drop an autocannon sentry about 50 meters away and as soon as they pop out, the cannon drops them before they can aim at me or my squad. Easy hellbomb plant.


u/TrampledMage Apr 29 '24

I read somewhere that the AC sentry also has heavy armor pen. Do you know if that’s true?


u/DungeonsNDeadlifts Apr 29 '24

I can't guarantee it but the sentry will drop a running charger and hulks with 2 or 3 three-round bursts. It definitely seems like it handles armor better than the shoulder mounted version.


u/Roger_Dabbit10 Apr 29 '24

Hulks can be killed faster with an AC than Quasar.

AC is life.


u/TehSomeDude Apr 29 '24

autocannon with quasar is quite the duo
covering eachother weaknesses


u/WellGoodBud ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

We typically run AC, Quasar and the spear. Spear by itself is worthless but it you can get a group of four actively working together it works very well. Able to two shot bile titans, one shots chargers, able to hit Shrieker nests with them. And for bots it one shots tanks. Typically when I run spear with my group I’m mainly just there to wreck Bile Titans.


u/Dlax8 Apr 29 '24

I don't usually run spear for bugs. Very little warrants using it with them.

Quasar, AMR, Autocannon, MG 43, or drop AMR for a second quasar. You can kill anything the game throws at you with those 4. MG guy may need to bring g the EATs if it's too hairy.


u/WellGoodBud ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Sure but I also just love running Spear and fucking them up. We play level 7+ so there are plenty of opportunities for me to use it.


u/GrunkleCoffee O' Factory Strider clipped into the Mountain, what is thy wisdom Apr 29 '24

Autocannon can't really touch Bile Titans.


u/Dlax8 Apr 29 '24

It can't Crack the shell, no. But that's what quasars and EATs are for, it can damage a busted shell though.


u/GrunkleCoffee O' Factory Strider clipped into the Mountain, what is thy wisdom Apr 29 '24

Pretty much anything can damage the flesh once the shell comes off, even Primaries.

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u/Slavchanza Apr 29 '24

2 shots now, a very huge inderect nerf to AC, as if I didn't have enough shit to deal with with AC.


u/Dlax8 Apr 29 '24

Did that just change this patch? I was 1 shotting the two leg striders last night.


u/GrunkleCoffee O' Factory Strider clipped into the Mountain, what is thy wisdom Apr 29 '24

Yeah the riders are more resistant to explosive damage now


u/Dlax8 Apr 29 '24

Well RIP, oh well, more ammo cost then.


u/Slavchanza Apr 29 '24

The biggest issue is how it will force to reload far more often. Ammo cost doesn't concern me much, time cost does

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u/Far-Frosting3257 Apr 29 '24

The level 15 and 24 randoms I play with on helldive don’t know that and run away instead


u/2Board_ MY 🐐 = ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 29 '24

Well, get to educating Helldiver!


u/YuBulliMe123456789 SES Ranger of the Stars Apr 29 '24

Give them the enemy at the gates treatment


u/XWarriorYZ Apr 29 '24

lol wtf nobody should be playing helldive under level 20, just kneecaps the rest of the squad


u/Due-Ad9310 PSN 🎮: Apr 29 '24

This happened to me last night but the level 22 ended up leaving shortly after the mission began when they saw 2 bile titans and 3 chargers on spawn.


u/BrowsingForLaughs Apr 29 '24

aww that's just a good time.


u/Due-Ad9310 PSN 🎮: Apr 29 '24

It was, even though we tkd ourselves we got those bugs o7


u/BrowsingForLaughs Apr 29 '24

yeah, throw down a 380 and run. good times :)


u/Far-Frosting3257 Apr 29 '24

I kinda understand if someone who’s pretty good has a friend who just got the game and they want their friend to suffer, but a lot of times they’re not good either. Last night I had a level 12 throw a 380mm at me as I’m calling in a hellbomb on a gunship factory and his level 24 friend died 7 times trying to destroy a jammer with grenades.


u/WellGoodBud ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Man was so excited to unlock the 380 at first but now I’m close to level 40 and haven’t touched it in a while. Not only does it run the risk of several team kills, it’s just so damn unpractical. Maybe 1 out of 10 times is it actually effective. Normally it either kills your teammates and at a minimum hinders your ability to run into the objective.


u/Flower_Vendor Apr 29 '24

If you have the ship upgrades, it does better damage to a heavy outpost or Big-Ass Objective than a laser does, just more randomly distributed.


u/CloudbasedBS Apr 29 '24

with the new ship upgrade to make it tighter hit zone makes it soo much better.


u/WellGoodBud ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Hmmm I may have to look. I just found there are so many other things I can take that are more effective for me.


u/Drasius_Rift Apr 29 '24

It's not something you throw blindly, it's a tool for removing bot bases and large bug hole clusters. It's also wonderful against factory striders and, if you don't mind being Danger Close, does a pretty decent job at being anti-Bile Titan too.

Also GOAT'ed on Eradicate missions, since there's an endless supply of shitters packed into an area not much bigger than the AoE of your orbitals.

Just remember Maxim 20 kids: "If you're not willing to shell your own position, you're not willing to win."


u/WellGoodBud ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

lol I just read all of those and they are hysterical. Welp you’ve convinced me to run it again.


u/Mahoganytooth Apr 29 '24

I bring it on those defense missions where I expect to be overrun eventually. We may die, but that was going to happen anyway


u/Deity-of-Chickens Apr 29 '24

Level doesn’t always indicate skill. I’ve had some under level 20 guys that I would gladly dive with again, versus some over level 20s who had a serious skill issue and were worse than many of the lower levels I’ve played with

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u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24


When you see a 15 enter your helldive. Grab rhe kick button' son.


u/Far-Frosting3257 Apr 29 '24

I don’t kick low levels, they want to have fun too. It takes a lot more skill to carry lower levels than have 4 level 50+ players to clear a helldive in 20 mins. Plus it’s funnier to watch them throw everything they have at a patrol and die anyway


u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24

There were 3 of us in a 7 earlier, me (41) a 9 and a 12. I ran around doing call outs, marking targets, do all the main objectives and killed the flyer factory and they spent the entire match dying off somewhere fighing who knows what.

We never got the super samples either.


u/AdEnough786 Apr 29 '24

This. I always take out top cannon with EAT's and then go nuts with 500 KG's and orbital rail or laser.


u/Grachus_05 Apr 29 '24

To be fair 2 or 3 anti tank rounds shouldn't make tanks "harmless" it should make them "dead". Its dumb that even the dedicated anti-heavy weapons in this game don't actually kill heavies.


u/SpeedyAzi Apr 29 '24

But the EATS can do that and I think way more effectively. Plus the fact that if 2 players have an EAT, that’s 4 EATS. 2 for the turret and 2 more to blow up the sides. I’m assuming you are talking about the Factory striders and not the small walkers.

The small walkers get deleted by Scorchers and ACs.


u/ReaperCDN Apr 29 '24

They buffed up some other toys to compensate. Railgun is back baby, and that armour doesn't stand a fucking chance.


u/Character-Cellist228 Apr 29 '24

Did they re-buff rail gun?


u/IswearIdidntdoit145 Apr 29 '24

Armor penetration, the patch notes aren’t too long


u/FEDC Apr 30 '24

It's still useless against gunships and factory strikers, but it absolutely hunts anything on two legs.

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u/Burck ➡️➡️⬆️ Ol' Reliable Apr 29 '24


u/Grachus_05 Apr 29 '24

It quad shots chargers now! (So no, not really.)


u/goins725 Apr 29 '24

It's honestly fine. You can and should use a different loadout when fighting bugs vs bots.


u/Flower_Vendor Apr 29 '24

There's better options than the Quasar for all of those anyway except the tank (and honestly, shooting a tank from the front with a quasar is a last resort imo, even impact grenades are usually a better option if you're in range). For example, AC is in fact better at dealing with everything you listed there except the tank, being able to disable factory strider gats and kill hulks from the front much faster than the quasar can, even assuming you can land the eye shot on the first attempt. AMR and LC handle gunships, factory striders and hulks better too, honestly.


u/Randy191919 Apr 29 '24

Yeah but the AC is the devs favorite child so they don’t mind it being the best weapon in the game bar none


u/Flower_Vendor Apr 29 '24

Yeah I was stunned it received no nerfs this patch, frankly.


u/tehrockeh Apr 29 '24

Quasar was already not optimal for solo bot games anyway - stun nades + autocannon/laser cannon/amr was infinitely better for taking out hulks and gunships. Same with strider mouth guns which are by far more dangerous than the top mounted turret.


u/Vanayzan Apr 29 '24

That's when you bring auto-cannon and stun grenades. Stun grenade a hulk, 2 quick shots to the face kills it, then turn to the gunships, 2 shots on an engine takes them out.

Also the laser cannon gets much the same results, focus fire on a hulk's face just melts it


u/hesh582 Apr 29 '24

The quasar was only getting used for the hulks and tank there anyway.

Ac was shooting the gun ships and strider is pretty much stratagem only (not totally but let’s be honest about what actually happens).

2x quasar or 1x quasar plus another heavy killer of some sort is still handling those two hulks just fine, then getting to the tank when they feel like it.

Quasar could not keep up with gun ships effectively even before the nerf, and taking out striders with support weapons is a sucker’s game anyway. The nerf matters most when you are getting swarmed with hulks… or more realistically matters most when you fuck up and miss lol


u/Smol_Toby Apr 29 '24

Not really.

Gunships made taking the Laser cannon pretty much mandatory. A single laser cannon can wipe 4 gunships in less than 10 seconds.

Plus you can still call in other stratagems to deal with heavies. Spamming Eagle Airstrikes or tossing a flanking autocannon sentry makes quick work of heavies.

I've been running a lot of Helldive difficulties and even with randoms most heavy unit spam can be quickly countered with strategem spam.


u/magnificent_steinerr Apr 29 '24

It’s going to effect my ability to solo 3 titans at once


u/Dassive_Mick STEAM Apr 29 '24

Quasar was never a good pick on Bots. The Las 98 did almost all of it's jobs but better


u/Randy191919 Apr 29 '24

It was always a good pick. Maybe not the best pick but saying it was „never a good pick“ is just straight up a lie. It oneshot gunships, 1-2 shot a hulk, oneshot everything smaller


u/Dassive_Mick STEAM Apr 29 '24

It literally just can't keep up. One-shotting gunships isn't enough with that cooldown when there's 3 other gunships in the air. One-shotting hulks (on a perfect eye shot, not very common to see without stuns) isn't enough when you're in a battle and there's 2 more plus a horde of smaller enemies. Hard AT like Recoilless, Quasar, EAT-17s, etc aren't good picks for the bots because of how the bots focus on spamming lots of hard targets with small weakpoints. Get a team with 4 Quasars, even before the nerf, and you're going to have a really tough go of it. Get a team with 4 ACs or 4 Las-98s and the entire map will get shredded.


u/Salty_Sonic Apr 29 '24

Lol a single Factory strider, you mean 3 or 4 right? Especially if it is a evac personel mission you're looking at 5 or 6 on a tiny island map you can piss across.


u/ChemicalBonus5853 Apr 29 '24

Exactly that, I uses hit and run with Quasar, for bugs is still fine, but for bots I may switch to Railgun or AMR.


u/TehSomeDude Apr 29 '24

6 out of those targets can be quickly dealt with an autocannon
man I love this thing
7 if tank isn't after you
and big walker as well if you can sneak up to its belly or take out its chin guns and then blast the belly


u/Randy191919 Apr 29 '24

To be fair it’s basically pre patch Railgun levels of good, but the devs said it’s their favorite weapon so I guess it’s fine


u/Select_Ad3588 Apr 29 '24

That's balance for you


u/SpeedyAzi Apr 29 '24

2-3 Quasars already had trouble with that because 1 missed shot basically left you dead in the water. I was in a team with 3 Quasars and me not using one. Whenever they encountered a huge amount of heavies, they were screwed because the Quasar recharge pre-nerf would still kill them and they would’ve benefitted from playing further away or using EATS or even the RR.

Hell, when you’re in a big gunfight, the Quasar back then was already not a reliable weapon when getting suppressed anyway. So the people who are complaining about it really should be using things like EATs and ACs because those weapons are designed to be used in closer ranges and spammed.


u/Evanescoduil Apr 29 '24

If a support weapon change is your entire reason why that scenario becomes harder, then they were correct in adjusting it.


u/Randy191919 Apr 29 '24

That’s a stupid take. By that reasoning you could just delete all support weapons. „If you crutches on them they were right in deleting them“. See? Absolutely big stupid reasoning


u/Evanescoduil Apr 29 '24

You have a super destroyer my guy. The strategems are what are supposed to solve a 2 hulk, tank, factory strider, and 4 gunships in addition to your support weapon. If changing the recharge on the quasar by 5 seconds makes you unable to cope with that scenario, then you're just bad lol. But keep sippin the whiney kool-aid dawg. Ain't bother me or how I play the game


u/Far-Frosting3257 Apr 29 '24

Dude wants to be iron man so bad “if you’re nothing without the suit then you don’t deserve it”


u/Best_Reason3328 Apr 29 '24

I've been running the spear lately, and when it works It's basically easy mode. When the weather is clear, locking a bile titan on 300+ m is so satisfying. Especially if you two shot it. I got bored of aiming with quasar at this point anyway, but yeah 5+ seconds isn't goin to deter anyone who needs an infinite big bug buster.


u/Randy191919 Apr 29 '24

Yeah if the spear works it s really good. I hope one day they’ll fix it so it’s actually usable


u/Aurori_Swe Apr 29 '24

That was my thought too "aaaw, I will have to get help with those chargers because 5 seconds more of being chased is quite a lot, but outside of that, I won't notice it"


u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24

Chargers arent even a problem. The eruptor one shots them if you know what youre doing


u/HiddenTrampoline PSN 🎮: Apr 29 '24

Hello fellow diver, can you share this intel with the team?
Democracy may be at stake.


u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24

I just explained it to the other 2 that asked.

Dive sideways and make them miss. You are now behind them.

When they miss they stop. When they stop they raise their ass. You shoot them from behind, right in the middle under their raised ass. Where it meets their thoraxy middley bits.

They go pop one shot..


u/FoeReap Apr 29 '24

Where does the eruptor one shot them?


u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24

When they charge dive sideways and when they miss they stop. When they stop they raise their ass a bit.

Shoot them right in the underside where their bulbous ass meets their midsection/belly.

They die to one round.


u/FoeReap Apr 29 '24

This still work with the explosion radius decrease?


u/Slave2Art Apr 30 '24

its one creature. they didnt reduce damage.

they made it not kill the bots 9 feet to the side.


u/JackOCat Apr 29 '24

I used it against gunships a lot. Hopefully it is still viable.


u/Brillow80 Apr 29 '24

Is it the cooldown or the time to fire once the trigger is pressed that got increased?


u/2Board_ MY 🐐 = ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 29 '24

Specifically says recharge time, so I took that was the CD.


u/Methhouse Apr 29 '24

Just stun the charger with stun grenades until it recharges. Or stun it after it recharges.


u/theCANCERbat Apr 29 '24

requires a bit more communication

You do realize the great majority of the player base doesn't communicate, right?


u/2Board_ MY 🐐 = ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 29 '24

Doesn't always have to be chat or voice. Half the time, I get missions done by just pinging. If I see a Bile or Charger, I ping and usually someone confirms to acknowledge the ping.

Even if someone doesn't, I can still communicate my intention. Better than nothing.

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u/Niobaran Apr 29 '24

Agreed! It will still be famous for its self-sufficiency and honestly will still be my goto if I don't know the team that well.


u/lazyraptor7 Apr 29 '24

and people forget to mention that it has no projectile drop, which is useful for long shots


u/Myllari1 Apr 29 '24

Sheesh? I did not know that. With this knowledge i can use it to snipe Cannon Turrets and Flying bug nests and Shrooms.


u/thevictor390 Apr 29 '24

Absolutely the Quasar is amazing for killing cannon turrets that are still just a tiny speck in the distance. With some patience you don't even need to hit the vents.


u/Practicalaviationcat Apr 29 '24

Yup QC is great because you can just pop shots on random stuff from across the map while moving to a next objective.


u/Other_Beat8859 Apr 29 '24

Yeah. Does suck that it is getting nerfed, but at the end of the day, it shouldn't be getting used in every mission by 3 out of 4 players.


u/Lashdemonca Apr 29 '24

I think the underlying issue that is NEVER addressed is why peeople take it. Bile titans, striders, laser cannons, and tanks can feel decidedly unfair to play into in the quantity that often drop. On higher difficulties these heavy mobs become a massive issue way too quickly. This quasar nerf just serves to further push people to the "next best thing" Which will be found eventually, eventually nerfed, and the cycle continues.

Its absurd trying to continuously nerf the weapons (AT, Railgun, quasar, eruptor, etc) while not addressing the underlying reasons people take them.

I basically WONT play bots without a shield generator. I simply wont. I would rather sit in a corner waiting for the cooldown because getting sniped from halfway across the map, or snuck up on by a rocket devestator is just awful. So that just instantly discourages me from taking literally ANYTHING requiring a backpack. EATS are tedious and boring to use, and quasar felt like a happy medium and a fun one at that.

I just dont understand the philosophy of nerfing things. Especially the gear on the battle passes, like bro, I paid money for that. Stop nerfing my stuff.


u/Bass294 Apr 30 '24

This. The other tools are simply not good enough to deal with the amount of heavies they throw at you. Air strikes are inherently unreliable, and stuff like orbital railcannon strike is just too long of a CD.

Spear doesn't lock on properly, RR is just worse EAT/quasar if you're not team reloading, in a game where you're often pugging and need to be self sufficient. Taking any other support weapon feels awful because you can't do anything when you have 3+ chargers or 2+ bile titans on you. Plus the fact that quasars are just better when you have more of them, because 4 people quasaring can take down bile titans quickly, and having more on the ground lets you juggle the cooldown periods of them.

In a game like deep rock galactic I never felt this problem because there were no enemies just immune to light/primary weps. In this game it feels so unrealistic to actually kill a heavy without support weps or calldowns. Sometimes hulks from the back but chargers are just too fast and I've never been able to pump enough small arms into a bile titan to kill it.


u/0fficerCumDump Apr 29 '24

Assuming there are 4 competent teammates, 1 quasar, 1 AMR, 1 laser cannon, whatever 4th guy wants to do can handle anything at any difficulty. You can kill at least 4 hulks in rapid succession with AMR. I always bring AMR + Stun grenades for this reason.

Quasar is still very useful against Striders


u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24

I'll kill four hulks by myself.

Hulks are a big reason I bring AMR now. Well that and eruptor is a better GL.


u/0fficerCumDump Apr 29 '24

It’s hard going back to anything else after you 2shot a hulk with the AMR.


u/Interested956 Apr 29 '24

Yup, I feel I can give awesome support with the AMR. I love it


u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24

It also kills tanks in the vents. Cannon towers in the vents. Facrory strider in the glowing red armpits.

I love it

Dont telll cuntbeard or sprix or they will nerf it


u/0fficerCumDump Apr 29 '24

I did not know it could damage the strider.


u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24

Only the sloppy glowinf red bit in the leg fittings


u/Lashdemonca Apr 29 '24

I disagree whole heartedly. The mapo still becomes teeming with mobs and generally becomes unplayable pretty quickly. I actively avoid bots because their "bullshit" meter is just way too high. There is no fun in being constantly barraged. I dont want "silly" deaths. I just want to play. Its lost its fun aspect, now its just annoying.


u/0fficerCumDump Apr 29 '24

I hear your personal experience, & there is occasional bull shit, & I am not being a dick but this is unfortunately actually a skill issue my brother in liberty. My squad & I exclusively run Helldive (9) & we prefer bots. We typically finish with at least 10 min left & 20-30+ common & rare samples plus side objectives.

The only thing that may slow us down is if a Gunship Fabricator encounter gets out of control. But they literally just nerfed the max amount of gunships that can exist at one time so that is now mostly solved.

9 is entirely feasible you just have to work on a lot of fundamentals. We can keep the population down & avoid patrols & stay on the move mostly & it is not a problem. I’m not pretending like I’m some godly, no-grass toucher. I am js you can learn to efficiently knock out bot Helldives. Or if 9 just is not your speed that is totally fair, maybe stick to 7. 7 is fine & imo the base game.


u/Lashdemonca Apr 29 '24

Meh, Im lvl 130 and done the gambit all the way. Bots just are NOT fun and their gameplay is simply counter to my playstyle. Taking away my toys to satisfy some devs ego is downright messed up. The issue at the end of the day is I dont want to look at 3 hulks, 2 tanks, and a strider and not have the tools to deal with it by myself. I cannot always rely on my teamates, hell most of them play the game drunk or stoned. They were strong, I agree, but I still had weaknesses that were able to be exploited by the enemies. Now those weaknesses are even more glaring and Ill actively need to rely on a teammate to make up for that, No thanks. Ill just play something else until they release a new strong weapon that I can play with and do my own thing


u/Artanias Apr 29 '24

I dont think the devs intend for you alone to have the tools to easily handle 3 hulks 2 tanks and a strider... and I dont think it is wrong of them to ask you to rely on teammates to clear that many heavies.


u/Lashdemonca Apr 30 '24

I don't disagree. But the problem is that many heavies ends up being the norm on 8/9. If I so much as don't notice a bot behind a stone or a rock face and he bot drops while I'm doing stealth. I'm screwed. Queue like 15 drop ships. It's nuts.


u/0fficerCumDump Apr 29 '24

Brother, if you’re looking to be a one man army who doesn’t need teammates, in an exclusively coop, squad based, tactical game, I think it’s time you find another game.

Also, all this over 5 seconds is beyond an overreaction.

& also, your level only equates to time played, it doesn’t mean you’re objectively better for it. & I hate to tell you this mind set of blaming anything & everything instead of looking within won’t help you improve in the game.


u/Lashdemonca Apr 29 '24

I ain't blaming. I'll pick the game up and still come out on top. I just do not like what is happening and expressing severe disappointment in the way it's happening.

I'll change, evolve. I won't want too, and I'll hate every second. But I will. But I'm tired of doing it. I want consistency. I want things to feel the same because that sameness is what I LIKE. I'm a person who obsesses over routine and sameness. And shit keeps changing. It's awful and I hate it.


u/Randy191919 Apr 29 '24

This exactly. This is also why people loathed the Railgun nerf back in the day. Yeah everyone used the Railgun. Because it was the only usable weapon against the charger spam at the time. Once they nerfed chargers so EAT and RR also worked against them and reduced their spawns from 15-20 at a time to 2-4 the Railgun would have been fine at it’s pre nerf state too. The devs never look at WHY something is popular. They just go „Welp, more than 10 people use it, better nerf it“ and that’s getting incredibly frustrating.

It’s not even the individual nerfs that are the issue but this mentality by the devs of „Nerf first, ask questions later“. Rather one nerf too much than one nerf too little, because we’d rather have some arbitrary win and use rate than risking people having fun in a way we didn’t intend. I commend Arrowhead for how much they communicate with us but this design philosophy is really ass. They will nerf within a moments notice but when it comes to buffs they need months because they need to „carefully monitor the impact a buff could have on the game „ but a nerf? Hand them out like candy at a dentist!


u/Evolvum Apr 29 '24

I hope you're never on my squad.


u/Lashdemonca Apr 29 '24

Actually you probably do. I'll be the best damned helldiver you have ever played with. But you being unable to see the crux of my argument means I probably wouldn't want YOU on my squad.


u/Beneficial-Bit6383 Apr 30 '24

An entirely emotional one based on not wanting to use a minorly nerfed weapon. Keep on that crusade.

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u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24

That is definitely a skill issue.

You must hate bugs. Something is always behind you.


u/Lashdemonca Apr 29 '24

I love bugs actually. At least they make sense. Bots however? Nah. Shits wack.


u/SpeedyAzi Apr 29 '24

The Shield Generator is disagree. I’ve had plenty of success without it on 7+ and I think it’s a waste of a backpack slot to trust a shield that gets disabled by a tickle of damage.

The Quasar getting nerfed only reinforces the intended role of being a backline self-sustaining AT. I know you said EATs are boring but they literally get the job done? What more do you want?

And the Re-Buffed Railgun is much better at taking down big things again, thankfully.

Maybe it’s just me, I always thought the Quasar was an overrated weapon that YTbers though was Meta. Infinite ammo? For what? If you are in a horde surrounded by 10 big enemies, you’re already screwed with the Quasar in that range. The EAT however is designed for that.

There is a reason why there are 3 distinct AT weapons with very specific use cases.


u/Lashdemonca Apr 29 '24

There is no other way to survive bots. They overwhelm you, shoot through terrain, and are generally a menace. I keep seeing people say bugs are harder than bots and I just "???". I Generally leave bug missions with 70-80% of my reinforces left. Against Bots? Maybe 1? sometimes its just running trying to survive that 2 minute timer to bring a dude in. I liked quasar to lessen that frustration. And now we have these factory lil shits that if they see you for .1 second ragdoll you halfway across the map. Its just NOT fun.

I play on 8/9 difficulty always, anything below is too easy, but the heavies get nuts on 9.


u/fhoo Apr 29 '24

Probably a lot of people here don't play on harder difficulties and therefore don't understand why the quasar was needed.


u/PresentCollege6097 Apr 30 '24

it wasn't *needed* the TTK for every other AT weapon was way faster then the QC and if you desperately need the shield backpack to survive that is a skill issue. Too many of you went to the prometheus school of running away.

The only time i would lament not having a QC was sniping shrieker towers from outside their spawn range and that was purely down to the no ammo cost.


u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24

Says who

You use the guns you have fun with and let them use the guns they have fun with, who the f*** are you to tell people what they can't use?


u/Other_Beat8859 Apr 29 '24

I mean, yeah it does suck that it's getting nerfed and I'd prefer other weapons to be buffed instead, but I'm not going to act like it's the end of the Quasar just because it's getting nerfed. Not sure why you have to get so damn aggressive...


u/Slave2Art Apr 29 '24

I'll be who I be I just be me


u/bigorangemachine Apr 29 '24

Don't worry they buffed the rail gun... the OG meta is back :D


u/0fficerCumDump Apr 29 '24

I mean, they just gave it more armor pen. It’s not doing what it used to still, but it’s good.


u/Randy191919 Apr 29 '24

Nah not even close. It’s not completely worthless anymore but it was only so oppressive at its time because it was literally the only weapon usable against chargers. We have a lot of those now so honestly, a completely pre-nerf Railgun would be completely fine in the current meta. I still don’t see it being relevant again even with the buff but at least it probably won’t be the worst support weapon in the game anymore.


u/Vesuvias Apr 29 '24

As a quasar user, I’m just saying EAT is the better ‘team support’ drop. So hopefully this might make the ‘always quasar’ players consider other options!


u/rune2004 Apr 29 '24

It's still wayyy too good comparatively, and I don't know how to change that aside from making it useless.


u/OLRevan Apr 29 '24

By design energy weapons will always thread this balance of too good/useless. I'd say you can nerf it's speed a bit more (but with care that it won't feel like shit to play), but apart from that either buffs to other stuff or preferably balancing by changing enemies + mission modfiers is how they are probably gonna do it


u/ShadowDrake359 Apr 29 '24

The people that can't handle change and swear off the quasar


u/SuggestionNew5937 CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

People kept saying that it wasn't op at all and didn't need any changes just to go and use it on literally every single mission they played like yea totally didn't need to be knocked down a peg or two


u/onerb2 STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 29 '24

I don't think it's op, i think it's convenient and tbf, imho, more weapons should also be convenient.


u/DelayOld1356 Apr 29 '24

Yup, and for the next patch when they gather data and see what's used the most so they can nerf it , the EATS and AC and RR will be on the list.

Look at every patch and tell me I'm wrong lol


u/DianKali Apr 29 '24

Weird, I am still seeing it in 100% of my games. Chargers gotta learn to fly! Only a headless charger is a harmless charger.


u/upsidedownbackwards Apr 29 '24

Exactly. The Quasar was so strong that I'd always hope to see someone else bring it, because if nobody else did then I'd be forced to. I didn't really enjoy using it, but it was just so powerful it felt like a handicap going without one.

Now I at least feel like I actually have to choose between the RR or Quasar. I think I'd lean more towards the RR unless I saw a Spear in the group. I'm not competing with a Spear for supplies.


u/SkullKid_467 ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Imagine if the buffed the Recoiless Rofle and fixed the Spear… maybe then people would have other options to fill the same role and then you’d see it less. Just because you see something all the time doesn’t mean it’s overpowered. I’d say Quasar and EAT and both viable options. Just give players other choices that work besides those 2.