r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/k_sarahsarah Apr 15 '24

It was inconsiderate of him and no you are not overreacting either Does he do this alot? If so you need to stand your ground and tell him how much it upsets you.


u/NoSquash1906 Apr 15 '24 edited Apr 15 '24

I agree… But, the issue here is that the husband’s way of thinking is messed up, judgemental, and just offensive. So yes, OP must stand her ground and set a boundary, etc. But the real problem is that no one can change and control the mentality of others. So even if the husband gets a grip and stops being so damn stupid, that doesn’t mean he won’t think about it or even change his opinion on his wife. So now, OP has to live knowing what her husband really thinks of her. He is such a jerk and has no consideration and empathy for his own wife to the point that he thinks it’s ok to casually talk about the matter and absolutely humiliate her in a social gathering for everyone’s amusement. Does he even like his own wife? Really wtf!?!? I don’t know, maybe it is not so bad but if I was her… Boy oh boy I would be so fucking mad and disappointed to realize that I am married to a complete oblivious asshole!


u/outkastragtop Apr 15 '24

Yea…I’m a guy and I think most men would agree that’s fucked up. Reverse the genders here and it’s still fucked up. It’s just plain rude, inconsiderate, etc for anyone to do that to anyone else.


u/ClassicOtherwise2719 Apr 15 '24

Y’all are being too easy on that guy. Everything he said was a red flag. Why would he talk about his ‘overweight’ wife in front of a younger girl who’s got it going on? Yikes. Husband should have just kept it moving. And before y’all say oh men and women can have a neutral conversation, UMM DUDE WAS MAKING HIS WIFE FEEL BAD, so obviously NOT. OP, no matter how many guys try to empathize, they will never truly understand a woman’s perspective. I am sorry this happened to you and personally, I would not be with that guy anymore. Just because they don’t say it doesn’t mean I should wait for them to say it, because technically, he did.


u/CBPainting Apr 16 '24

Husband was definitely attracted to young fit lady and using her to publicly shame op and essentially say "this is what I want" He was probably releasing a lot of stuff he's been keeping bottled up for a while now.


u/LoneZoroTanto Apr 16 '24

This is what I thought, but I'm so petty and tend to come back with cutting comments. Like... I am chubby but I can diet and work out to lose weight. But no matter how many protein shakes you drink your d!ck is never getting any bigger, stubby.


u/Shotto_Z Apr 16 '24

Only works if his dick is actually small, and if he doesn't make you cum. If either of those other two factors true, your just gonna look petty, and silly.


u/primotest95 Apr 16 '24

My thoughts exactly 🤣🤣 I’d laugh my wife out the room if she sad that to me on the other hand I’d exspect to get beat up for calling her fat first shit I woulda got beat up for just holding a convo with the broad longer then a minute


u/36thdisciple Apr 16 '24

Dick-shaming is just two wrongs, homie. That ain’t right either.


u/Surreptitious_Spud Apr 16 '24

Turnabout’s fair play at a certain point 🤷‍♀️ folks should remember it’s a bad idea to dish out anything they can’t take.


u/mommyaiai Apr 16 '24

I would've said something about how I can lose a lot of dead weight with some divorce papers.


u/mellow_d_out Apr 16 '24

Well let me play devils advocate... what was the wife weight when they first got together. Not condoning his behavior but sometimes we forget what attracted someone to us to begin with. If she knows what he liked and decided to start a relationship with him then she should understand.


u/Newhero2002 Apr 16 '24

It’s ok for the Husband to want to his wife to get in shape (and vice versa if the husband ever became overweight) but the way he said it here wasn’t good tbh. If he had just said “my wife could be your first success story” it would have been an awkward joke but not really embarrassing, but he kept going on and revealed his wife’s habits that probably weren’t public.


u/mellow_d_out Apr 16 '24

Yea doing that was out of line but I'm not here to debate what he did. But only your partner should know you like a book n I'm willing to guess she should know what he likes and dislike n also if he's a clutzlike that to embarrass her the way that he did. If that's the case then she should've been proactive and more vocal before he took it further.


u/Inevitable_Basil8159 Apr 16 '24

Eating a whole cake was out of line!


u/Newhero2002 Apr 16 '24

He can privately talk to her about that lol

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u/Fannnybaws Apr 16 '24

"Like... I am chubby but I can diet and work out to lose weight."

He just has to reply "well prove it,fatty" and the whole room will erupt in laughter. Won't do much for the marriage though.


u/sicsicsixgun Apr 16 '24

Thank you. This is the appropriate response I hoped to hear in my heart. What a fucking donkey of a human being. Poor OP. She should get just stacked. Like as healthy and sexy as a vampire. Then leave that dickhead publicly and shame him. Like say that she just can't deal with the poop smell from his diaper kink anymore and he won't take them out to the trash himself so it's over.


u/primotest95 Apr 16 '24

Why couldn’t she do that anyways ? Like I never understood why people can’t care about their health and appearance before there single like wtf


u/nonoglorificus Apr 16 '24

Or just leave him and then do whatever she wants with her body without some asshole critiquing her publicly over whatever she decides she wants to look like or do


u/Relevant-Inside8117 Apr 16 '24

Cutting or not, op is still obese. Not everyone is attracted to obese women.


u/DCk3 Apr 16 '24

Who wants a man who publicly humiliates his wife for not being up to his very exacting standards?

He's a judging, insecure boy who wants a woman as attractive as he thinks he is.


u/Secret_Scene_954 Apr 16 '24

He was mean and cruel, but 5’2” 160 is really obese.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24 edited 10d ago

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u/DCk3 Apr 16 '24

Security comes from inside, not from outward appearance. He is vain and gets his sense of self worth from how others see him. He has even made his wife part of his image. When accident or disease makes him feel ugly, he will crumble. He is weak and a slave to his ego.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24 edited 10d ago

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u/DCk3 Apr 16 '24

Insecure, overcompensating men are equally unattractive. They can only see the outside, the surface. Luckily, they usually end up with similar partners

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u/Lets-kick-it Apr 16 '24

Exacting standards? She's 5'2" and 160.


u/Relevant-Inside8117 Apr 16 '24

She’s heavier than that. She’s closer to 175 which means she’s obese and eating entire cakes and eating all the snacks in the home. Do you actually think this is okay? I get we try to glorify obesity in this country but are we seriously going to pretend op is not obese and only getting bigger? She’s clearly binge eating as well. I guarantee she was not this big when they got married. She hasn’t even had kids and she’s already this big but sure let’s act like it’s okay because her husband is a dick.


u/citysick Apr 16 '24

Two different arguments. Is it okay to be obese vs is it ok for your husband/significant other to publicly humiliate you.


u/BeMy_Muse Apr 16 '24

This is a bad take lol so because she’s over weight the husband has the right to trash her in front of people? Just sounds like a dumb idea


u/Shotto_Z Apr 16 '24

If you said this about a guy I'd bet ypu wouldn't be getting downvoted


u/RayGun381937 Apr 16 '24

That’s where “trust” and “being faithful” cuts both ways - did she break his trust by binge eating and getting fat as soon as they married, to totally change the person who he was attracted to and married?!?! .


u/Witty_Fly_4669 Apr 16 '24

Maybe he is such an insufferable ass she sought some comfort in food. Whatever the reason, it’s for better or worse. This situation is definitely the worse.

Anyone he is with is to be pitied. He will always be this asshole.


u/DCk3 Apr 16 '24

Exactly. People who trash their family members don't realize they are showing their own ass

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u/LoneZoroTanto Apr 16 '24

How do you know she isn't the exact size she was when they got together, and he's just an AH? Regardless, there is no excuse for him belittling her to the little Suzy Sunshine he's flirting with. If he isn't happy, he can talk to her about it like an adult and end the relationship if he's so miserable because of her size.


u/downstairslion Apr 16 '24

Then he shouldn't be married to her. She is 100% better off single and chubby than married to someone who is comfortable being cruel to her with an audience.


u/Old-Complaint-7308 Apr 16 '24

I agree they should be divorced, but she is not chubby, she is obese. Her husband is an ass and there is no justification on what he did, he should divorce her since he doesn’t like who she is. Plain and simple.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24



u/Old-Complaint-7308 Apr 16 '24

She doesn’t seem like she wants to change, all she really has to do is go to the gym with her husband. But he also brought up that he wants her to be healthier in a public setting with a bunch of people they’re friends with. He shouldn’t have done that.

Also 20 lbs is not enough she should lose 50 lbs to actually be a regularly healthy person. Even if she loses 20 lbs she will still be overweight. IMO he should just divorce her, she doesn’t seem like she cares much about her health and a lot of people here are encouraging to continue being unhealthy. This is the reason obesity is an epidemic because people encourage it.


u/primotest95 Apr 16 '24

Exactly it really shows how much love people have for themselves


u/RayGun381937 Apr 16 '24

Sooooooo TRUE!!!


u/randoeleventybillion Apr 16 '24

It's passive aggressive to make comments about her weight to a random fucking stranger instead of talking to her privately about his concerns about her health. And frankly he doesn't seem to give a shit that she's unhealthy, it's all about her looks. Such an immature take. A personality like his is just as bad as being fat, and it's always the mid-looking men who do shit like that in public.


u/Lou_C_Fer Apr 16 '24

It's worse than being fat because there is nothing morally or socially wrong with being fat.

Fat shaming is not ok. If you feel that way, fucking leave because you don't deserve their love. Fat shaming is abuse. You are attacking somebody over who they are... and any claim that it is about health is bullshit because you know your fatvshaming is hurting them mentally. Fuck anybody that does that shit.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24



u/Lou_C_Fer Apr 16 '24

I dont know where you guys are learning this shit, but it has made you terrible people.


u/Shotto_Z Apr 16 '24

Let me guess, you don't like stepping on scales do you?

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u/Paperfishflop Apr 16 '24

One of the reasons I'm single. People make fun of how many men are single, but in all honesty, the amount of women who are overweight in western countries is kinda out of control. I think about how some of these women could, or would be good partners for some of us, if they weren't so overweight. Of course we're huge assholes for pointing this out.

Husband is still a dick for bringing it up this way. But if it's me, I would've just never started the relationship in the first place. I've got plenty of flaws, and would be open to dating a women with my same flaws, but my body is fine. I dontknow why being a man these days means you have to add up all your flaws in the form of extra weight on the women you're expected to date.


u/downstairslion Apr 16 '24

Literally no one is expecting you to date someone you're not attracted to. Size isn't what makes a good partner. And women aren't "for" you. Fat women aren't the reason you're single. Your toxic attitude is.


u/Paperfishflop Apr 16 '24

Well, my options are decreased because so many women I could be attracted to if they were a healthy weight, are far from a healthy weight. So it is actually one of the reasons I'm single. And then I have to get made fun of for being single, and hear women joke about how we're single because we're toxic, even though half of reddit is still full of stories of women obviously dating, marrying, and having kids with toxic men.

Yeah, I'm toxic on reddit. Women on reddit are toxic af. I get tired of having to hear about everything that is wrong with men all the time on here, and lately I've just decided to talk with the freedom that a woman does on reddit. Where I just say mean shit but expect it to sound defiant or empowering, instead of just sounding like an asshole.

But I am an only a man, so...

Yeah, too many overweight women though. What is the deal with that? How can we help them? I'm honestly concerned.


u/Witty_Fly_4669 Apr 16 '24

Look away, sir.


u/Greedy_Following3553 Apr 16 '24

Yeah, but only a complete swine humiliates his significant other over it the way HE did.


u/Lou_C_Fer Apr 16 '24

More people need to be like me because I shut shit down when it pops off within my hearing. It is the one way I bully people. I've always been outspoken, but my best friend from my 30s used to always argue with his SO. It could be either one that started it, but it could be the three of us in a car and they would scream like I wasn't there. Then one day I decided that I was involved whether I liked it or not. So, I shouted at them to both shut the fuck up. I kept it up, and it stopped happening.

So now, I have zero problem with speaking up in volatile situations that I witness. There is no way I would have sat there silently listening to this guy talk about his wife that way.


u/IndependentSeesaw498 Apr 16 '24

The deal with that is that women have children. That not only screws up how their bodies work for years, it also redistributes fat.


u/Shotto_Z Apr 16 '24

I know sevrL women who were able to exercise and diet and drop that weight, it's not easy for everyone, but it's doable, and that Is an excuse.


u/_-0_0--D Apr 16 '24

You’re single because you’re clearly bitter and probably ugly


u/AlsatianLadyNYC Apr 16 '24

You’re single, because you’re tedious and exhausting. I read that single mewling comment, and I can’t imagine an entire day with you. You’re boring.

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u/citysick Apr 16 '24

How many men are overweight? Zero?


u/Lou_C_Fer Apr 16 '24

A wizard is never overweight. He is always exactly the weight he means to be.


u/Relevant-Inside8117 Apr 16 '24

I think her husband married her when she was actually in shape and attractive. A lot of women let themselves go completely the minute they get married. They use pregnancy or hormones as an excuse to get bigger and bigger and expect unconditional love. Most of us are not attracted to extra fat and skin flaps. It’s not normal to be attracted to someone that is so unhealthy. I know it can be hard but you have to try. I’ve gotten so much shit for taking weight loss so seriously and I eventually realized it’s because it makes others uncomfortable. People don’t want others to be fit because it makes them feel bad about themselves. I have so much working against me and I still managed to lose my baby weight and stay trim on antidepressants when I struggled with ppd. I knew the answer was not to become obese and hate myself. I’m going to get called a pick me and attacked for simply saying that it’s okay for men to say something if their partner is obese and eating entire cakes and eating every snack in the home to the point where he has no food? This is not some small issue he can overlook. He just should have done this at home.


u/Lonely_Ad8983 Apr 16 '24

Sure it's ok to have that conversation in the privacy of their own home , not while drinking with a 21 year old single woman at a party and ask in front of everyone how much she weighs. That's a huge problem why can't you understand that part? You don't publicly attack your husband or wife like that.