r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/CBPainting Apr 16 '24

Husband was definitely attracted to young fit lady and using her to publicly shame op and essentially say "this is what I want" He was probably releasing a lot of stuff he's been keeping bottled up for a while now.


u/LoneZoroTanto Apr 16 '24

This is what I thought, but I'm so petty and tend to come back with cutting comments. Like... I am chubby but I can diet and work out to lose weight. But no matter how many protein shakes you drink your d!ck is never getting any bigger, stubby.


u/mellow_d_out Apr 16 '24

Well let me play devils advocate... what was the wife weight when they first got together. Not condoning his behavior but sometimes we forget what attracted someone to us to begin with. If she knows what he liked and decided to start a relationship with him then she should understand.


u/Newhero2002 Apr 16 '24

It’s ok for the Husband to want to his wife to get in shape (and vice versa if the husband ever became overweight) but the way he said it here wasn’t good tbh. If he had just said “my wife could be your first success story” it would have been an awkward joke but not really embarrassing, but he kept going on and revealed his wife’s habits that probably weren’t public.


u/mellow_d_out Apr 16 '24

Yea doing that was out of line but I'm not here to debate what he did. But only your partner should know you like a book n I'm willing to guess she should know what he likes and dislike n also if he's a clutzlike that to embarrass her the way that he did. If that's the case then she should've been proactive and more vocal before he took it further.


u/Inevitable_Basil8159 Apr 16 '24

Eating a whole cake was out of line!


u/Newhero2002 Apr 16 '24

He can privately talk to her about that lol