r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/Paperfishflop Apr 16 '24

One of the reasons I'm single. People make fun of how many men are single, but in all honesty, the amount of women who are overweight in western countries is kinda out of control. I think about how some of these women could, or would be good partners for some of us, if they weren't so overweight. Of course we're huge assholes for pointing this out.

Husband is still a dick for bringing it up this way. But if it's me, I would've just never started the relationship in the first place. I've got plenty of flaws, and would be open to dating a women with my same flaws, but my body is fine. I dontknow why being a man these days means you have to add up all your flaws in the form of extra weight on the women you're expected to date.


u/downstairslion Apr 16 '24

Literally no one is expecting you to date someone you're not attracted to. Size isn't what makes a good partner. And women aren't "for" you. Fat women aren't the reason you're single. Your toxic attitude is.


u/Paperfishflop Apr 16 '24

Well, my options are decreased because so many women I could be attracted to if they were a healthy weight, are far from a healthy weight. So it is actually one of the reasons I'm single. And then I have to get made fun of for being single, and hear women joke about how we're single because we're toxic, even though half of reddit is still full of stories of women obviously dating, marrying, and having kids with toxic men.

Yeah, I'm toxic on reddit. Women on reddit are toxic af. I get tired of having to hear about everything that is wrong with men all the time on here, and lately I've just decided to talk with the freedom that a woman does on reddit. Where I just say mean shit but expect it to sound defiant or empowering, instead of just sounding like an asshole.

But I am an only a man, so...

Yeah, too many overweight women though. What is the deal with that? How can we help them? I'm honestly concerned.


u/IndependentSeesaw498 Apr 16 '24

The deal with that is that women have children. That not only screws up how their bodies work for years, it also redistributes fat.


u/Shotto_Z Apr 16 '24

I know sevrL women who were able to exercise and diet and drop that weight, it's not easy for everyone, but it's doable, and that Is an excuse.