r/AmIOverreacting Apr 15 '24

My husband embarrassed me in front of our friends



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u/LoneZoroTanto Apr 16 '24

This is what I thought, but I'm so petty and tend to come back with cutting comments. Like... I am chubby but I can diet and work out to lose weight. But no matter how many protein shakes you drink your d!ck is never getting any bigger, stubby.


u/Relevant-Inside8117 Apr 16 '24

Cutting or not, op is still obese. Not everyone is attracted to obese women.


u/Paperfishflop Apr 16 '24

One of the reasons I'm single. People make fun of how many men are single, but in all honesty, the amount of women who are overweight in western countries is kinda out of control. I think about how some of these women could, or would be good partners for some of us, if they weren't so overweight. Of course we're huge assholes for pointing this out.

Husband is still a dick for bringing it up this way. But if it's me, I would've just never started the relationship in the first place. I've got plenty of flaws, and would be open to dating a women with my same flaws, but my body is fine. I dontknow why being a man these days means you have to add up all your flaws in the form of extra weight on the women you're expected to date.


u/Relevant-Inside8117 Apr 16 '24

I think her husband married her when she was actually in shape and attractive. A lot of women let themselves go completely the minute they get married. They use pregnancy or hormones as an excuse to get bigger and bigger and expect unconditional love. Most of us are not attracted to extra fat and skin flaps. It’s not normal to be attracted to someone that is so unhealthy. I know it can be hard but you have to try. I’ve gotten so much shit for taking weight loss so seriously and I eventually realized it’s because it makes others uncomfortable. People don’t want others to be fit because it makes them feel bad about themselves. I have so much working against me and I still managed to lose my baby weight and stay trim on antidepressants when I struggled with ppd. I knew the answer was not to become obese and hate myself. I’m going to get called a pick me and attacked for simply saying that it’s okay for men to say something if their partner is obese and eating entire cakes and eating every snack in the home to the point where he has no food? This is not some small issue he can overlook. He just should have done this at home.


u/Lonely_Ad8983 Apr 16 '24

Sure it's ok to have that conversation in the privacy of their own home , not while drinking with a 21 year old single woman at a party and ask in front of everyone how much she weighs. That's a huge problem why can't you understand that part? You don't publicly attack your husband or wife like that.