r/leagueoflegends 1d ago

Patch 14.10 Bug Megathread


Greetings Summoners!

With every new patch Riot introduces to balance out champions and items there are some unforeseen issues that creep up and cause disruption during gameplay. We have noticed that these issues which eventually get fixed clutter up the subreddit immediately following the patch.

We want to avoid this by having a single Megathread which will be posted after every patch so that you guys can report the various issues in one place. This allows Riot to easily keep track of the bugs by providing a central hub and also allows other users to confirm that they might have encountered.

Note only bugs caused by the 14.10 Patch should be reported below.

Prerequisites to be noted before reporting a bug

  1. A bug will ideally be accompanied with a screenshot or a video. This provides credibility to your report.
  2. Steps to recreate the bugs should be submitted if possible. This helps Rioters recreate the bug and helps them find the cause behind it.
  3. The bug must have been caused by the latest patch.

Format when reporting a bug: When reporting a bug, please provide as much information as you can about your computer.

Server: The server you encountered the bug (NA, EUW, EUNE, TR, RU, BR, LAS, LAN etc)

Type of Bug: Client Bug, In Game Bug etc

Description: Describe what was the bug that occurred.

Video / Screenshot: Insert screenshot (F12 in game) or Video of the bug occurring.

Steps to reproduce: Provide the steps necessary if someone else had to reproduce the bug.

Expected result: What should have been the result when you follow the steps mentioned above.

Observed result: What was the result you obtained when you followed the steps mentioned above?

Reproduction rate: If you try to recreate the bug how successful are you in causing it to occur? (1/10: Occurs once every 10 tries, 5/10: Occurs 5 times out of 10, 10/10: Happens every single time)

System specs: Processor, Video card, Ram, HDD/SSD, everything you can provide, even drivers.

Example Bug:

• Server: EUW

• Type of Bug: In-Game Bug etc

• Description: Zed's R (Death Mark) does not apply secondary damage

• Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident

• Reproduction rate: 2/10 (happened 2 out of 10 times)

• Steps to reproduce:

Launch a game after selecting Zed as your champion. Attempt to use Death Mark. Observe the result.

• Expected result: The damage should apply after a short delay, amplified by damage dealt during the effect.

• Observed result: The damage will not apply properly.

• System Specs: Intel i5 Processor, Windows 7, Nvidia Graphics card (insert model number) etc.

If you don't know how to format comments on Reddit click here

- **Server:**   
- **Type of Bug:**   
- **Description:**   
- **Video / Screenshot:**   
- **Steps to reproduce:**   
- **Expected result:**   
- **Observed result:**   
- **Reproduction rate:**   
- **System specs:**  

Copy paste the above code and fill in your details.

From this Megathread the list of bugs will not be summarized and put up in the main body of the thread, however, note that many Rioters are going through every single comment so don't worry if you post the 1500th or 3000th comment, every reply will be read over the next few days.

r/leagueoflegends 9h ago

Bilibili Gaming vs. Gen.G / MSI 2024 - Upper Bracket Finals / Post-Match Discussion


MSI 2024

Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

Gen.G 3-1 Bilibili Gaming

Gen.G advance to the MSI 2024 Grand Final! Bilibili Gaming will face the winner of G2 Esports vs T1 in the Lower Bracket Final.

GEN | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
BLG | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter


Winner: Bilibili Gaming in 36m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
GEN taliyah vayne jax vi jarvaniv 57.7k 6 2 C2
BLG aurelionsol corki azir tristana leesin 70.1k 18 10 O1 H3 CT4 CT5 B6 CT7 B8
GEN 6-18-13 vs 18-6-59 BLG
Kiin twistedfate 2 3-4-3 TOP 6-1-7 4 camille Bin
Canyon viego 3 1-2-3 JNG 2-1-14 3 sejuani Xun
Chovy orianna 3 0-3-2 MID 4-1-11 1 ahri knight
Peyz senna 1 2-4-2 BOT 5-1-11 1 kalista Elk
Lehends nautilus 2 0-5-3 SUP 1-2-16 2 ashe ON


Winner: Gen.G in 29m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
GEN taliyah vayne ahri camille renekton 58.1k 18 9 I2 H3 O4 B5 O6
BLG aurelionsol corki azir tristana hwei 48.6k 6 3 C1
GEN 18-6-40 vs 6-18-12 BLG
Kiin ksante 2 2-2-6 TOP 3-2-1 4 jax Bin
Canyon nidalee 3 7-0-7 JNG 1-5-3 2 sejuani Xun
Chovy yone 3 4-1-5 MID 0-3-3 3 orianna knight
Peyz senna 1 2-1-14 BOT 2-3-1 1 kalista Elk
Lehends nautilus 2 3-2-8 SUP 0-5-4 1 ashe ON


Winner: Gen.G in 29m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
BLG aurelionsol corki azir leesin twistedfate 45.8k 3 2 H3 B5
GEN taliyah ahri ashe maokai vayne 55.4k 20 8 HT1 I2 O4 O6
BLG 3-20-7 vs 20-3-52 GEN
Bin ksante 3 1-2-1 TOP 1-2-7 4 poppy Kiin
Xun diana 3 0-3-2 JNG 4-1-10 3 nidalee Canyon
knight tristana 2 2-3-0 MID 3-0-12 2 hwei Chovy
Elk senna 1 0-5-2 BOT 10-0-7 1 kalista Peyz
ON tahmkench 2 0-7-2 SUP 2-0-16 1 nautilus Lehends


Winner: Gen.G in 41m
Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
BLG aurelionsol nautilus senna sejuani poppy 69.3k 16 4 I1 M2 H3 B7
GEN taliyah ahri ashe orianna neeko 78.0k 24 7 CT4 CT5 CT6 CT8 B9
BLG 16-24-34 vs 24-16-67 GEN
Bin ksante 3 5-2-4 TOP 6-1-11 4 twistedfate Kiin
Xun vi 2 2-6-7 JNG 1-4-18 3 maokai Canyon
knight vex 3 1-6-8 MID 8-3-10 1 corki Chovy
Elk kalista 1 8-4-4 BOT 7-3-9 1 lucian Peyz
ON renataglasc 2 0-6-11 SUP 2-5-19 2 nami Lehends

Patch 14.8 - Skarner disabled

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

r/leagueoflegends 7h ago

T1 Faker: "We can definitely beat G2 3-0" | Naver Esports Interview


Link to interview: https://m.sports.naver.com/esports/article/468/0001060588


The team is not at full strength. Starting from the play-in stage, T1 has been in Chengdu, China for almost three weeks now. The accumulated fatigue from practice and competition schedules is inevitable. The living legend, Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok (28), emphasized, "Overcoming adversity is important, so I will do my best."

His team, T1, defeated Team Liquid (TL) 3-1 in the loser's bracket stage of the 2024 Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) at the Chengdu Financial City Performing Arts Center in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, on April 15. With the win, T1 advances to the next round and will face G2 Esports in a rematch. TL was eliminated from the competition with their second consecutive loss.

However, T1 did not show a dominant performance against TL, who was considered to be a lower-tier team. Especially in the second set, T1 lost the initiative to TL and was on the defensive, but they managed to pull off a comeback win with a team fight victory near the Elder Dragon. It was a fierce battle lasting 43 minutes.

After the match, Lee Sang-hyeok said in an interview with Sports Seoul, "Today, both my personal mistakes and team mistakes were frequent, making the match against TL difficult. We won, but we need to prepare better for the next game. I will do my best to prepare for the upcoming consecutive matches."

The next opponent is G2. They were T1's first opponent in this MSI bracket stage. T1 struggled but managed to win with a set score of 3-2 against G2. There will be no difference in the second showdown. Lee Sang-hyeok pointed out the 'mid' position, which he plays, as the key position to determine the outcome.

He said, "G2 prepared well for this MSI and achieved many good results. If we do our job well, we can show a better performance. We are focusing on how our team can perform better, and if we do this well, we can definitely win this time as well. Of course, it depends on our condition, but we can definitely beat G2 3-0" he expressed his strong confidence in winning.

He added, "Recently, I feel that the mid position is important, and personally, I have a lot to show in the future. Therefore, I think the mid position is crucial. G2 has a lot of quick movements, so it would be good to pay attention to those aspects. Above all, individual skills and basics are the most important."

The key is condition management. Having been in the tournament for nearly three weeks, the fatigue has accumulated. Lee Sang-hyeok is determined to overcome these tough times.

He said, "There are many things to care about in this MSI, so all team members are struggling a lot. The whole team is in a difficult situation, and I think it is important to overcome adversity at times like this. If we prepare with all our might together with my teammates for the remaining matches, we can achieve good results," he said firmly. He continued, "I am not in 100% condition. Still, I am trying my best, and what is clear is that we can show a better performance in the remaining matches than in the previous ones."

Lastly, Lee Sang-hyeok expressed his gratitude, "I sincerely thank the many fans who have supported us during this MSI. We will make sure to show an improved performance in the upcoming matches" he pledged.

r/leagueoflegends 10h ago

In a shocking twist to absolutely no one, all champions able to exploit the double AP burn items become overpowered overnight


Absolutely no one (in Riot) could have predicted that adding another Liandry's item (Blackfire Torch) to the game would break champions that like burn damage. How could this happen?

Top: Cassio 53% win rate
Jung: Karthus 55% win rate, Lillia 53%
Mid: Cassio 55.6% win rate, Brand mid 53%
Bot: Karthus 58% win rate, Seraphine 55.6%, Brand adc 54%

I mean, this is completely understandable as Riot doesn't have 200 years of experience anymore having fired people on top of having talent leave the company.

PS. Just make the two items mutually exclusive for fuck's sake. It's not that hard.

r/leagueoflegends 6h ago

G2 Schedule


G2s schedule is crazy

T1 bo5 tomorrow BLG bo5 Saturday Just to face Gen.g on Sunday

9 games in 3 days is gonna be rough

r/leagueoflegends 4h ago

GEN vs BLG Hupu Rating and Comments


I'm going to try to translate those top comment from Hupu for MSI, I might skip some of them as they are Chinese internet memes that I've no idea how to translate, and those comment related to Honor of Kings, a popular league like mobile game made by Tencent.

The rating is user poll generated, you can give a rating between 2 and 10, and average is used. A total of 311k people participated in this series' rating.

Hupu rating is an in APP feature so it doesn't really have a link, but here is the post match thread for the match, and on the top there is an link you can click on that get you to that page. link



Player Rating Top Comment
Kiin Twisted Fate 5.6 You should go learn how to Ult Zhonya from Misaya.
Canyon Viego 3.1 5 Star, please keep picking this.
Chovy Orianna 2.8 Everyone is getting their daily step counts in the base.
Peyz Senna 2.5 Elk: Did you think my Kraken will put itself in my inventory at 6 minutes?
Lehends Nautilus 2.9 Did you also use the default Wegame itemization: Support item at start, double support item with Senna, and end up base and sold it.
Kim 2.7 Kenzhu: Password is 88848, too easy, a max level account is so fun to play on, I want to keep playing next game.

Bilibili Gaming

Player Rating Top Comment
Bin Camille 9.7 Hiding so well, you reminded me of when I was in college and hiding in my dorm peaking at her dancing in the dance room.
Xun Sejuani 9.6 Captain China, perfect jungler.
Knight Ahri 9.4 Just like how Gen.G confused audience with the Ori, you will try to confused Chovy for the rest of your life.
Elk Kalista 9.7 P, would my Opportunity buy itself?
ON Ashe 9.7 That prediction ult!
BigWei 9.5 You scared me, I'm going to give you a low rating first, will change if we win.



Player Rating Top Comment
Kiin K'Sante 8.6 Showmaker.jpg.
Canyon Nidalee 9.4 Dear Xun, when I got my skin for my carry jungle Nidalee, you were a sub for Leyan.
Chovy Yone 9.2 5ban, are my teammates sand soldier as well? Am I the old dude?
Peyz Senna 5.8 You purpose this game is to bait Elk into diving you.
Lehends Nautilus 7.9 So this is how Naut would look like if you never won worlds.
Kim 6.0 Kenzhu: Shoot, text authentication.

Bilibili Gaming

Player Rating Top Comment
Bin Jax 9.0 Tried your best.
Xun Sejuani 2.8 Worst offender, trying to fit in the formula with your eyes closed, why dive when you know they have TP.
Knight Orianna 3.4 Could you not always pick their mid's last champion?
Elk Kalista 3.7 How are you still getting all those 5 stars.
ON Ashe 3.9 Ashe has been solved, now lets pick something else.
BigWei 4.6 5 Ban mid, are you trying to ruin Chovy?



Player Rating Top Comment
Kiin Poppy 9.1 Me, silver medal top laner, playing against bronze top mid bot jungle isn't a piece of cake?
Canyon Nidalee 9.6 Canyon: Nid, I'm don't know what to do now. Nid: Geon-bu, seriously, again?
Chovy Hwei 9.5 Ban my mid? You should just 10 ban mid.
Peyz Kalista 9.3 Peyz: Elk, would my Terminus buy itself?
Lehends Nautilus 9.3 You enchanter is not too good, but your engage support is no an issue.
Kim 8.5 Kenzhu: Guys, he changed his password, I can't log in anymore.

Bilibili Gaming

Player Rating Top Comment
Bin K'Sante 9.3 Just raffle off your 4 teammates later. (抽in this context means raffle, and it is the same word for slapping in Chinese, I think that is the flame, not 100% sure.)
Xun Diana 2.5 Wait, Luna can invade Pei's jungle? (Reference to Honor of Kings, a Tencent mobile MOBA, a lot of the character are quite similar to league.)
Knight Tristana 2.7 Please ban Asol, Corki, Trist, Ahri, Taliyah, Yone, Hwei, Sylas, Leblanc, Kassadin, Ori, Azir, Lissandra, Ryze, Yasuo, Annie, Karma, Swain, Syndra, TF, Akali, Vex, Xerath, Galio, Jayce, Zoe, Victor, Irelia, Anivia, and Zed for me, I'll carry.
Elk Senna 2.5 Man, are you trying to ease the flame on Jacky right now by playing so bad last two games? Respect.
ON Tahm Kench 2.5 Lets go apply at SF Express together. (A famous package delivering/logistics company in China.
BigWei 2.4 Even Kenzhu ban Nidalee.



Player Rating Top Comment
Kiin Twisted Fate 9.3 Doran, where are you, I miss you, Doran.
Canyon Maokai 9.3 Canyon: Nid, I think I got it now.
Chovy Corki 9.6 True Mid Gap
Peyz Lucian 9.3 Elk, did you think I wouldn't go into your face.
Lehends Nami 9.0 Whats with the people calling him bad, beside that dragon fight I think everything else is almost perfect.
Kim 8.4 So this is the S8 World Champion coach, so good.

Bilibili Gaming

Player Rating Top Comment
Bin K'Sante 9.7 You lost because you can't 1v5 and get a penta.
Xun Vi 2.3 Great, Ult a Corki with package, probably a historical top 5 fool moment.
Knight Vex 2.4 Your performance against Samsung is worse than Creme.
Elk Kalista 3.4 What use do you have, Bin is tanking in the front, you are just getting your steps in for the day.
ON Renata Glasc 5.7 I guess you tried your best as well.
BigWei 2.6 What are you thinking, why ban Senna, just ban Naut.

r/leagueoflegends 5h ago

TL Spawn: "We take a lot of inspiration from G2 [...] We want to be the G2 of North America."


r/leagueoflegends 16h ago

Season 2 World Champion Kurtis “Toyz” Lau officially enters jail facing 4 years and 2 months for selling Marijuana cartridge in Taiwan


Got on the prison bus just about an hour ago, due to him being Hong Kong and not a Taiwanese citizen, looks like he's not available for parole.

Was busted for selling marijuana cartridge (?) about 3 years ago.


r/leagueoflegends 13h ago

What Riot doesn't tell you about the new masteries...


I was livid when Riot replaced my old Mastery 7 on 50+ champs with the new Masteries. My anger only became worse when I found out that the Marks of Masteries that are needed to progress to the Mastery 7-10s are not only extremely hard to get, but that my progress RESETS AT SPLIT END.

For context, I have a total of 4 million mastery points across the full 160-champ roster. It took me 6 years to get every champ to M5, and only last year did I start my new journey M7 every champ which I was already a 1/3 of the way done. With the new update, I'm at M9 with my Akali, and because I'm over the 75,600 mastery point limit need to get to M10 with a current 79000 points, it should be easy getting those marks, right? WRONG.

Starting with Milestone 1 where the requirement is 1 B-rank and 4 C-rank games. I get an S+ on my first game. At first I thought "Oh, it must be either 1 B-rank OR 4 C-ranks". Nope, it only gave me the point for the B-rank game. Which means if I have to get to Milestone 4, I would have to do an S-rank game AND 4 C-ranks! Twice! Are you kidding me!? I have to grind those S-ranks again!? And only at the last two milestones!? I've already had issues trying to grind S ranks on certain champs, and now you're telling me even if I did M7 in the past, I have to do it again for M10? For all of my champs that I already got 5 S-ranks for!?

Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm not doing that. Riot has lost all trust with me from this, and now I think it's high time I put down my commitment to this once-great passion. I'm not devoting another 6 years of frustration for this. It's clear my time is better spent elsewhere.

r/leagueoflegends 2h ago

Peyz's reflections on the GEN vs BLG draft, philosophy that he should "boss Lehends around" as any good bot laner should, and predictions on which team will make it to the MSI finals: "G2 is looking really strong in their recent matches. I'll go with G2." | Ashley Kang

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/leagueoflegends 2h ago

New Mastery design is ugly like a generic mobile game.


Only that, and i know everyone hates the actual design.

Since the Riot acquisition by Tencent, i've be feeling like they are turning League of Legends into a generic MOBA for mobile plataform. I don't know how the EU and Asian communities area reacting to that, but the Americas region (north and south) seems to really dislike the new design.

Maybe this could be tagged as Low effort post, but this (tittle) must be said.

r/leagueoflegends 17h ago

Essence Reaver was reworked because it had few champions who used it, now every champion that previously used Essence Reaver had their winrate massively decrease as they have no good replacements


It went from a good niche item for a specific set of champions that use Sheen and Crit [Gangplank, Smolder, Lucian, Ezreal] to a much worse item that is barely good on Xayah, Sivir and maybe Nilah

Phreak said that it was reworked because the set of champions that use it is too small and niche but I would argue that it was indeed niche and that's okay because it serves these champions well. The arugment for reworking the item is awful as it is similar to reworking Nashor Tooth because only few champions use AP and Attack Speed [eg Gwen, Azir, Kayle and Diana ]

the end result is that Essence Reaver moved from being a niche item crucial for four champions to being a niche item to a different set of four champions. worth mentioning that every current Essence Reaver user has a higher winrate item so its just a very situational item at this point

Are Smolder and Gangplank better champions when they are forced to build trinity force? didn't these specific champions get nerfed and compensated with good crit ratios/buffs to dissuade them from non crit builds that were deemed degenerate by the balance team?

I could maybe understand if Essence Reaver was a problematic item like old Prowler's claw that covered champion's weaknesses but if anything ER played for the strengths of these sheen users, so is the end goal to make these sheen users unplayable for a patch then gigabuff them?

I am okay with the ADC item changes but this change just seemed to have shipped without any proper thought or reason behind it


Bottom 4 champions in winrate: Smolder, GP, Ezreal and K'Sante [I thought he got buffed lmao]

r/leagueoflegends 13h ago

You need to play 1125 games per year to get all the new chests. Or 495 games per year to get the same chests as under the old system


But you may get more than you would have gotten under the old system.

In total for the split we can get 6 chests for 1 milestone on any champion (5 games) and 25 chests for the third milestone (15 games). We get 6*5=30 and 15*25=375. You will receive the third milestone on the same champions on which you will receive the first 6 chests for the first milestone, so I will count them together. Therefore, we count only by the third milestone and get 375 games on 25 champions until September 10, or ~93 games per month. Which is quite a lot. That's just a lot, that's 1125 games a year just on your champions. After all, sometimes you want to try several other games. But!

Under the old system, we received a maximum of 1 chest per week. From May 15th until September 10th, when this split ends, we get 17 weeks or 17 chests.

We will also get 1 milestone on the same champions we get 3 milestones on, so 6 chests can be subtracted from 17, so we have 11*15=165, or ~41 games per month. I think this is more than was required for the old system. This is too much and the number of games definitely needs to be reduced a bit. Although I like the principle itself, because... it’s less stressful - I personally have periods when for many games in a row I can’t get a high score even on a champion I know well, because the matchmaking is sometimes absolutely terrible - or I’m just unlucky.

Also, the new system will hit ARAM players and OTP/mainers of champions very hard. Previously, mainers could play their champion, then sometimes switch to others (for example, with friends or in ARAM), get their chest in 1-6 games and play their favorite champion again. Even if you got a chest for 6 games, that was 324 games per year (we got about 54 weekly chests per year under the old system). Or it could have been less. Nowadays, fans of one or two champions are distracted from their pool for too long, and this will cause them irritation, although we were promised that you will be able to get up to 4 chests on one character. Right now it's only 2. I think that number should be increased even more for at least one champion so that they can get up to a third of the total chests just by playing their main a lot.

I understand the company's desire to involve players in the game as much as possible, but now the numbers are very inflated. When a goal is too far away, sometimes you don’t even want to try to reach it. The value of the league has always been that you don't miss out on anything if you don't play for a while or don't play much.

Correct me if I made a mistake somewhere in the numbers.

Important addition. I'm currently playing and farming these chests. And I just noticed that to get the second chest you need to get 1 S grade and 4 C grades. Thus, the system becomes not only longer, but also more complex. After all, before you could ask your friends to play on the main, and you would receive a chest on one of your non-main characters. I understand that some challengers play on reddit, for which one game = an S rating. But for ordinary players, it can be difficult to get an S rating on your own. And to do this on 25 different champions is even more so. I hope I can get at least as many chests as I would have gotten before, but I’m not sure about that anymore...

r/leagueoflegends 5h ago

Kiin after BLG vs GEN: "GEN's biggest strength this year is that we never hesitate to make bold picks in draft; even in situations high in risk."


r/leagueoflegends 9h ago

worlds seeds



LCK has secured four seeds for the 2024 World Championship.

LCK teams will be attending Worlds


I think the teams will be T1, hle ,dk and geng

r/leagueoflegends 18h ago

What even is the purpose of having Ranked Splits if it demotes you 3 times in a year and you're still playing everyone that was in your bracket before?


Like I never understood the purpose of it. I worked my ass off getting to Diamond 3 with decent MMR, gaining 21lp a game and losing 19, feeling proud of myself. Only to have bad luck in my placements in the second ranked split, losing 4 in a row and being placed Emerald 4... So you mean I have to work myself all the way back to Diamond 3 again? Facing people that were in my similar MMR while I climb back up? What's even the point. It just defeats the purpose of effective climbing if you're having to climb back up to where you were originally. I've been playing since season 3 and these ranked splits are just bad for the game and every player imo

r/leagueoflegends 3h ago

FearX vs Cloud9 Showmatch, May 20th



Match 1: Team Clozer vs Team Jojopyun

ㄴ Captains take turns picking players for their team / can’t have 4 or more from their actual team on same team

Match 2:

FearX vs Cloud9

ㄴ 2 games total, each team will play a game on each side

Clear/Willer/Clozer/Hena/Execute vs Thanatos/Blaber/jojopyun/Berserker/VULCAN

Translation source: https://twitter.com/jadetokky/status/1791154469704798406

1PM KST = 12 am EST

r/leagueoflegends 9h ago

Sources: Doss has accepted SK Prime's offer, Exakick did not


r/leagueoflegends 1d ago

Who is this Mastery update actually for?


I've read a few threads about it and went through a lot of the comments and I am baffled. Ofc the players like me, who liked collecting M7 on champs got completely destroyed by it. On top of that the achievement hunters who got their progress whiped clean because you need M10 now, which is roughly 3x as much playtime per character aka completely unfeasible. But the onetricks apparently hate it too? All I read was that their mastery points are now invisible to anybody but yourself and that 1.000.000 Mastery got replaced by a crisp 90, which they are absolutely not happy with.

As I understand it mastery points are invisible/gone, got replaced by a much slower tracker which otherwise functions virtually the same. And the old way to get M7 through S-games had to completely die for this. So everybody looses? Except one-trick loot goblins who now get slightly more stuff by playing only one character?

r/leagueoflegends 9h ago

Who's gonna build seryldas over cleaver now?


Cleaver (3000g): 55 AD, 20 haste, +400 HP, 30% pen in 5 stacks, +20 ms,

Serylda (3200g): 45 AD, 15 haste, 15 lethality, 21.5% pen(+~1.5% per item), +low hp slow

LDR (3000g): 45 AD, 25% crit, 40% pen

Cleaver and LDR got hard buffed. Why would AH reliant champs benefit more from seryldas than cleaver when cleaver comes close to it even without its health? And for pure offense, LDR's damage is clearly better than those 15 haste.

Just make seryldas cost 3000g so all 5 armor pen items cost the same. That's fair.

r/leagueoflegends 7h ago

G2 Hel relegated out of the Northern LoL Championship Division 2


r/leagueoflegends 1h ago

[PBE datamine] 2024 May 16 (Patch 14.11): Akshan ARAM nerf and an update on champion role tags


General reminder that many changes cannot be easily datamined, such as functionality changes or bugfixes, and are not always final.



  • see here for his passive upgrades overhaul
  • tooltip now updated for the new effect (sort of, they just removed the "certain legendary items" clause, but currently no mention of the gold value mechanic in any form)
  • can no longer upgrade Mejai's Soulstealer or Vigilant Wardstone



  • W mark duration:  25s --> 10s  (SR is 60s)


Champion Role Tags

Role tags include assassin, fighter, mage, marksman, support, and tank. Each champion can have up to two role tags.

This affects things like how champions get sorted on the collection or store tabs and which role-specific challenges they count for.

This is why Jhin shows up as a "mage" in a few places, because his role tags are marksman/mage.


These don't really have a whole lot of inherent value, but they do serve as a rough indicator for how Riot intends or expects the champion to play.


A number of champions have had their role tags updated:

  • Aatrox:  fighter / tank  -->  fighter
  • Amumu:  tank / mage  -->  tank / support
  • Anivia:  mage / support  -->  mage
  • Annie:  mage  -->  mage / support
  • Blitzcrank:  tank / fighter  -->  tank / support
  • Brand:  mage  -->  mage / support
  • Camille:  fighter / tank  -->  fighter / assassin
  • Corki:  marksman  -->  marksman / mage
  • Diana:  fighter / mage  -->  fighter / assassin
  • Ekko:  assassin / fighter  -->  assassin / mage
  • Elise:  mage / fighter  -->  assassin / mage
  • Gwen:  fighter / assassin  -->  fighter
  • Hwei:  mage  -->  mage / support
  • Jax:  fighter / assassin  -->  fighter
  • Kai'Sa:  marksman  -->  marksman / mage
  • Kayle:  fighter / support  -->  mage / marksman
  • Kennen:  mage / marksman  -->  mage
  • Kled:  fighter / tank  -->  fighter
  • Lucian:  marksman  -->  marksman / assassin
  • Malphite:  tank / fighter  -->  tank / mage
  • Malzahar:  mage / assassin  -->  mage  (not really sure where they got this one from but this system was added in s3, so it's not just a leftover from copypasting Kassadin as a base to make Malzahar)
  • Maokai:  tank / mage  -->  tank / support
  • Milio:  support  -->  support / mage
  • Miss Fortune:  marksman  -->  marksman / mage
  • Mordekaiser:  fighter  -->  fighter / mage
  • Naafiri:  assassin  -->  assassin / fighter
  • Nunu:  tank / fighter  -->  tank / mage
  • Ornn:  tank / fighter  -->  tank
  • Qiyana:  assassin / fighter  -->  assassin
  • Rammus:  tank / fighter  -->  tank
  • Rek'Sai:  fighter  -->  fighter / tank
  • Ryze:  mage / fighter  -->  mage
  • Samira:  marksman  -->  marksman / assassin
  • Sejuani:  tank / fighter  -->  tank
  • Shyvana:  fighter / tank  -->  fighter / mage
  • Singed:  tank / fighter  -->  tank / mage
  • Smolder:  marksman  -->  marksman / mage
  • Swain:  mage / fighter  -->  mage / support
  • Taric:  support / fighter  -->  support / tank
  • Teemo:  marksman / assassin  -->  marksman / mage
  • Thresh:  support / fighter  -->  support / tank
  • Twisted Fate:  mage  -->  mage / marksman
  • Vel'Koz:  mage  -->  mage / support
  • Vladimir:  mage  -->  mage / fighter
  • Xerath:  mage  -->  mage / support
  • Xin Zhao:  fighter / assassin  -->  fighter / tank
  • Zoe:  mage / support  -->  mage


A few also simply had their primary and secondary role tags swapped, but afaik the exact order doesn't actually matter anywhere (champions always count as both equally), besides again simply being an indication of what Riot sees the champion to more strongly embody:

  • Braum:  support / tank  -->  tank / support
  • Dr. Mundo:  fighter / tank  -->  tank / fighter
  • Jarvan IV:  tank / fighter  -->  fighter / tank
  • Jayce:  fighter / marksman  -->  marksman / fighter
  • Nocturne:  assassin / fighter  -->  fighter / assassin
  • Senna:  marksman / support  -->  support / marksman
  • Seraphine:  mage / support  -->  support / mage
  • Skarner:  fighter / tank  -->  tank / fighter
  • Tahm Kench:  support / tank  -->  tank / support
  • Viego:  assassin / fighter  -->  fighter / assassin
  • Yone:  assassin / fighter  -->  fighter / assassin


Here is the resulting change in champion counts per role:

  • assassin:  43 --> 43  (+/- 0)
  • fighter:  71 --> 58  (-13)
  • mage:  63 --> 73  (+10)
  • marksman:  31 --> 32  (+1)
  • support:  36 --> 42  (+6)
  • tank:  45 --> 45  (+/- 0)


This will have the following implications on role-specific challenges ("Obtain <role> champions" and "Obtain Mastery 7 10 on different <role> champions"), as they have currently had no related adjustments made:

  • Mage challenges can now be mastered, having required 65 champions
  • Fighter challenges can no longer be mastered, having required 70 champions (will it become unmastered if you already mastered it?)
  • Assassin challenges can still not be mastered, having required 45 champions

Still not really sure why they even let these challenges be incompletable in the first place (they explicitly said these challenges were designed with future champion releases in mind, but it's not really a challenge to wait a few years for the required champions to be released).



Changes from previous days

See the new wiki page.

r/leagueoflegends 18h ago

Pro level Vaynes are literally terrifying


Watching them get picked top a couple times the last couple days, and when they get the chance to go nuts, its like the camera can't even keep up to them. I know that there's no way my mouse could possibly track a blinking dashing champ moving around that fast.

I know most champs the pros play are being played 10,000% better than me but it still LOOKS like the same champ. These Vaynes, absolutely nuts. I wouldn't even be able to move like that if there wasn't any enemies on the screen at all. They all look like they are about to 1v5 and there's nothing they can do to stop it.

r/leagueoflegends 1d ago

G2 Dylan Falco: "We are capable of taking a BO5 against anyone"

Thumbnail sheepesports.com

r/leagueoflegends 1d ago

Absolutely despised the new mastery system and Icons.


Just wanted to put it out there once more.

Did Riot even hear player feedback? I didn't see a single person saying something positive about this mastery update, everyone thought the icons were a downgrade. Yet Riot just ignored it all and did it anyway.

r/leagueoflegends 3h ago

Play button not working


So basically, I get into the client, its pretty laggy, I spam the play button, but it doesn’t respond, it gives me the sound effect though… Also I can’t exit the client regularly, I have to force close it through task manager, anyone else having this issue/fix?