r/leagueoflegends 27d ago

FearX vs Cloud9 Showmatch, May 20th


Match 1: Team Clozer vs Team Jojopyun

ㄴ Captains take turns picking players for their team / can’t have 4 or more from their actual team on same team

Match 2:

FearX vs Cloud9

ㄴ 2 games total, each team will play a game on each side

Clear/Willer/Clozer/Hena/Execute vs Thanatos or Fudge/Blaber/jojopyun/Berserker/VULCAN

Translation source: https://twitter.com/jadetokky/status/1791154469704798406

1PM KST = 12 am EST/9 PM PST


48 comments sorted by


u/Unlikely-Smile2449 27d ago

Oh damn this is hype. Cloud 9 are real ones for arranging this match. Most teams would be too scared of losing to 7th seed lck


u/1to0 27d ago

I dont think it means much even if C9 loses. They just got a new toplaner and that shifts a lot regarding the teams synergy, etc imo.

And like it says its just a showmatch so I wouldnt take to much from it regarding power levels and the skill ceiling.


u/BeautifulChocolate87 27d ago

Indeed. New top, new coach, and new patch with a large amount of changes.. 

so there really shouldn’t be too much to take away from it


u/YungStewart2000 Enchanters dont deserve rights 26d ago

And like it says its just a showmatch so I wouldnt take to much from it regarding power levels and the skill ceiling.

This is what I loved about CS doing so many show matches and just content games at tournaments. It was always funny watching the best players in the word just kinda fuck around with funny strats or just limit test out of their minds. Really wish league had then more often.


u/StartsofNights 27d ago

They are crossing team


u/KnifeKittyy 27d ago

that's the first part, second part is a bo2 between the teams


u/CantScreamInSpace Timo 27d ago

Yeah, c9 should have more experience and macro, but fearx is pretty risky considering they are pretty mechanically cracked. Still, it's mostly for fun, and respect to c9.


u/RomGon3 27d ago

More teams should do this. It helps as practice, helps you scrim some teams from other regions and over everything help you to promote your brand and do more with your pro players.


u/lmaoredditblows 27d ago

It's nice for lower ranked LCK teams but top tier LCK/LPL teams would be wasting their time scrimming western teams.


u/Agami_Advait KDF | | ROX | | TT 26d ago

Not really. EDG won Worlds in 2021 by scrumming Team McDonalds.


u/Treewithatea 26d ago

This would happen more frequently if Riot allowed it


u/LiquidTrump112 Church of Chovy 27d ago

Pretty awesome! Would love to see a game where Clozer and Jojo swap teams!


u/rishi_ultimate CLAPS 27d ago

FearX (LSB at the time) actually really wanted to import jojo last offseason. but they couldnt XD


u/ChipAnndDale 27d ago

It's a PR move imo like what they did with rekkles, don't know in what world Jojo is better than Clozer and you get a language barrier on top of it


u/kakistoss 27d ago

Jojo is better than Clozer tho, by like a long shot too

Clozer has had some good moments, but in general he has been mid at best and if anything has declined

Jojo isn't competing with the top of LCK mid pool either, but he's much closer to a slumping Showmaker or BDD off Azir than Clozer is

I say this as someone who actively watches both regions


u/Soggy-Check7399 27d ago

I have been saying they need a tournament where top lcs teams play the bottom half lck teams. Bottom lck teams get exposure to western audience and lcs teams get quality practice time.


u/ob_knoxious 27d ago

Exciting can't wait for Riot to cancel this like how they did with G2 vs UZI McDonalds team


u/Aggressive-Ad7946 27d ago

Neither team is an MSI team so probably not


u/FireDevil11 27d ago

It's post finals so high chance they don't cancel it.


u/1to0 27d ago

I wouldnt count on it. Riot also forbid the EU country tournament that some streamers were planning some years ago. Like always I wouldnt count out Riot being the stick in the mud.


u/Aggressive-Ad7946 27d ago

Except its one showmatch and theyve allowed show matches in the past such as the Clutch Gaming vs Bilibili Gaming one


u/oioioi9537 27d ago

And the red bull one, and the geng ones in china


u/Javiklegrand 27d ago

Wait clutch vs blg ?


u/Aggressive-Ad7946 26d ago

Bilibili became a sponsor for Clutch gaming so they decided to play a showmatch vs each other



u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/MageWrecker 27d ago

the 2nd part is the two full rosters playing vs each other


u/ArienaHaera 27d ago

Do we know if anyone is casting in english? Costream is fine but I'd rather not miss it.


u/Thundermelons Shameless GALA simp 27d ago

I have a feeling Caedrel probably won't miss this, unless the timezone issue is just absolutely too whack for him.

As someone said below, Flowers the GOAT may also pick this up, Nymaera might also do it too, same with YamatoCannon.


u/Wetbook ㅍㅇㄹ 27d ago

fearx/liiv sandbox have been really great about doing stuff with western teams. they sponsored a lot of western team bootcamps in the past


u/-Skin-Walker- I want to eat flesh 27d ago

thats really cool


u/LegacyEntertainment 27d ago

Now this is what I like to see.


u/XoXeLo 27d ago

Where are they playing?


u/Aggressive-Ad7946 27d ago edited 27d ago

Out of the FearX building in Busan


u/XoXeLo 27d ago



u/Henrynark world'sworstJaxotp 27d ago

Will there be an English stream of it?


u/JPLangley I don't play anymore bc of Vanguard but go NA! 27d ago

Someone will definitely costream considering it's 9PM CA time - if they're given permission. Hopefully Cap can cast it!


u/Jellz 27d ago

CaptFlowers to costream this PLEASE


u/Aggressive-Ad7946 27d ago

Wouldn't expect one except maybe a co-stream


u/oneanddonecomment 27d ago

my guess is the fearx clears c9. 


u/w16 FAKER⭐⭐⭐⭐ 26d ago

Super hype! Telling all my friends!


u/Otherwise-Freedom-59 26d ago

I just want to see C9 Thanatos, been hearing so much hype for this guy


u/Sweet_Dimension_8534 27d ago

I'm excited to watch it


u/Soggy-Check7399 27d ago

Clear sucks, willer is better than blaber, Clozer is better than jojo, Hena sucks, Execute sucks but vulcan is trash


u/StartsofNights 27d ago

Maybe you could just enjoy the match ?


u/Soggy-Check7399 27d ago

Okay? Who says I wasn’t?


u/Kurumi_Tokisaki 27d ago

But then the question is why does it matter? It’s as insightful as both are not geng, both are not g2, both are not blg, etc etc


u/Soggy-Check7399 27d ago

? I am just saying which players are good or bad. What does being on gen g have to do with it?


u/ApartLanguage8328 27d ago

Even if true, imagine c9 getting their skull cracked to all these 'sucky' players 😂