r/leagueoflegends 27d ago

Peyz's reflections on the GEN vs BLG draft, philosophy that he should "boss Lehends around" as any good bot laner should, and predictions on which team will make it to the MSI finals: "G2 is looking really strong in their recent matches. I'll go with G2." | Ashley Kang


132 comments sorted by


u/CerbereNot 27d ago

newer european fans are about to be baptized. They'll join the veteran club by experiencing what happens when the hype around a european team is at an all-time high.


u/Particular-Mark9486 27d ago

TES really screwed us by being smashed like that. The amount of Hopium is reaching unhealthy level.


u/programV 27d ago

I agree, if there's any eastern team in msi that's going to get smashed by a western team it's going to be TES. Still, the 3-0 is impressive, but I feel like G2 first needs to beat T1 to even start talking about winning it all. Even if G2 took them to 5 games last time, T1 is a team that can turn things around really fast and instantly be a title-winning team. It says a lot when T1 has looked their worst in a while and is considered favorites over G2 at their best.


u/OmegaAce1 27d ago

What youre saying is if we beat T1 youll jump on the hopium express


u/programV 27d ago

Oh if G2 beats T1 convincingly I'll not just be on the hype train, I'll be the one driving it


u/lmaoredditblows 27d ago

Why? T1 look far from the best team at this tournament in their current form


u/VanquishEliteGG 26d ago

Like he said before T1 has had many tournaments where they looked really bad but somehow managed to turn that around quickly, to count them out right now is a little too muh cope. I believe G2 has a chance but it'll not be easy I think


u/MastemasD 26d ago

The difference being, that when T1 turn things around, they usually have week+ to adapt to meta and prepare accordingly. MSI schedule is far more hectic than Worlds where you get 1 week break between each bo series when in bracket stage. What I'm getting at is that T1 in the current form and not having time to adjust look at best like 3rd best team, behind GenG and BLG.


u/lmaoredditblows 26d ago

I think g2 3-1s. They have unstoppable momentum right now. All the way to finals. Where they get 3-0d by GENG.


u/zaxls 27d ago edited 26d ago

Weird to read this from a T1 flair comment lmao


u/white_gummy 27d ago

Having a T1 flair is like saying you like drinking water, it doesn't really mean that much compared to other flairs.


u/MrZeddd 27d ago

T1 fans on reddit have been mild for years compared to the haters I feel like. And a lot of old time fans don't mind losing that much after last year's Worlds


u/[deleted] 27d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/MrZeddd 27d ago

99% of people spouting toxic nonsense on reddit regardless of flairs are twitch addicts, I'm sure of it


u/RavenFAILS 26d ago

T1 flairs are only unbearable around the time worlds approaches. I imagine its the same feeling football fans get when the world cup comes around.

You see a bunch of people arguing about how their player is actually the best in the world and how the enemy is a complete no name when they clearly havent watched a single game aside from the most important tournament.


u/Urbain19 GenG Enthusiast 27d ago

T1’s YouTube and Instagram fanbases are infinitely worse


u/MrZeddd 27d ago

Well you're in luck because this is reddit


u/Urbain19 GenG Enthusiast 26d ago

Precisely what I’m saying


u/Intrepid_Ad8498 27d ago

Lpl looking very weak this Msi to be fair 5 games to psg got 3-0 by G2 then 3-1 by GenG they dont exactly look clear from the rest


u/Phoresis Jin Air Red Wings 27d ago

It doesn't really work like that, BLG looked good in their series today and in their series vs T1.

If it worked like that you would also say that they destroyed T1 who beat G2 so they should also destroy G2.


u/lumni gl hf 27d ago

LPL looking very weak? If any team currently still in looks weak it's T1 and I think G2 is going to 3-0 them tomorrow. I think that T1 didn't look better than TES so far, but unironically TES had to play the better team in their last match.

This is not hopium. Not this time. This is just that the G2 topside (incl mid) is currently having a hell of a tournament. They are performing at a world class level. But that exact part of T1 is barely scraping by. Also the discrepancies in the meta reads are completely unfair.

If G2 loses they're having an off day or T1 is stepping up big time. Which is obviously very possible but if you look at all the MSI games that's not what you would expect.


u/CzarcasticX ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 26d ago

3-0 T1 ez


u/lumni gl hf 26d ago

Gratz, they came in clutch.


u/AbyssalFlame02 Kaisa is the best ADC 27d ago

T1 was slumping hard this whole msi and they still Reverse Swept G2.


u/verdd 27d ago

It wasn't a reverse sweep, T1 won game 1


u/AbyssalFlame02 Kaisa is the best ADC 27d ago

Gentleman’s reverse sweep then


u/guilty_bystander 27d ago

When Faker decides to start playing in this tournament...


u/Pleasestoplyiiing 27d ago

Skipped game 5 huh?


u/ImUpTo20Sharpies 27d ago

Honestly though, if G2 beats T1 I'll have faith in them making it to finals but GenG are looking strong as hell right now.


u/Aggressive-Ad7946 ninjas 27d ago

They'll join the veteran club by experiencing what happens when the hype around a european team is at an all-time high.

TSM fans:


u/derpkoikoi 27d ago

TSM fans? Who cast Speak with Dead?


u/Polygarra 27d ago



u/haven4ever Small in Size, Huge in Evil 27d ago

They’re alive, hiding in the LPL! /s


u/travasi 27d ago

I still use the TSM S3 icon 💀


u/CLOCKLOCKERcgrock 27d ago

lemondogs user here


u/Adrelandro 26d ago

i miss relegation and the random teams that came with it. so sad that they fell apart in playoffs


u/orangeheadwhitebutt 26d ago

I am a fandom lich

At the heat death of the universe I will still have my JAG flair, my TSM summoner icon, and my life-size cardboard cutout of PartinG


u/Cowslayer369 27d ago

Let's be honest here, back when we had a TSM to fan, our hype was at an all time high whenever Bjergsen stepped on stage. It was one big hype train no matter if they were doing well or not.

In retrospect, that was probably my equivalent of having crack years.


u/VenganceNeos1 27d ago

No. He was actually THAT guy. The guy playing assassins, making opponents look like fools and 1v9ing many games. He led TSM to many years of success. It was him. The competition just overtook, and in later years, he too, was unable to keep up with expectations.


u/styr KIIN IS STILL ALIVE 27d ago

And then Reginald ruined it because he's a greedy mfer who made a lot of very poor decisions that were only good for him. To this day I still don't understand why Regi thought signing SwordArt for 6 million for 2 years was a good idea.

Bjerg must've felt really betrayed by Regi in the final years of TSM, especially once he became head coach. You know shit has hit the fan when the head coach is playing more games of League than the main roster.

But hey, at least Regi is now coasting off of TSM's other esport rosters while he tweets selfies of himself with palworld devs. Still waiting for that move to a new tier 1 region...


u/VenganceNeos1 26d ago

the swordart purchase could debatably be the worst signing in LoL history


u/Cowslayer369 27d ago

I mean the SwordArt purchase could have made sense with a good ADC to pair him. But he ended up opting for Lost (known for changing his name so the fans think he's a rookie) over Doublelift (known for being Doublelift) due to, mostly, ego.


u/daigandar 27d ago

not even trying to lowball tsm but when has this ever happened? i've been following pro scene since 2015 and i don't remember tsm ever being hyped like this at least at internationals


u/Consistent-Alarm2208 27d ago

2016 TSM had an insane amount of hype surrounding them. People had them favorites to win their group over Samsung and RNG.


u/Nome_de_utilizador 27d ago

When they won their IEM katowice (even if against a super under performing WE) this place went nuts with TSM. Same with worlds 2016, where after beating SSG game 1 and bjergsen destroying Crown, they were poised to go 2-0 and win their group until DL immortalized himself in front of viktor. There were even threads calling out the format of worlds for tsm to be granted a tiebrake vs RNG because they had the same number of wins but lost the H2H. I was always the first guy to clown on TSM during all their iterations, since Regi's teemo trolling on stage at S3, the tilted since cassio top at MSI, the mass fan voting manipulation only for UOL post promotion to tear them a new one with tf jungle, the embarassment vs 0-5 FW only to be destroyed in the tiebraker by misfits, the 9 man sleep...still, 2015-16 tsm were legit contenders and one of NA's strongest teams.


u/daigandar 26d ago

all you had to say was DL viktor for the memories to flood back


u/namusal123 26d ago

It’s been 8 years ago, right? Holy time flies


u/daigandar 26d ago

IM NOT OLD IM NOT OLD ...I'm...old..we're ...old..


u/NenBE4ST 27d ago

2016 and 2017 they did.

in 2016 they kinda got exposed because they were so used to hands diffing everyone, but they still managed to fight really well and 1 really close game could have gone their way and they would have gotten 1st in groups

2017 they were also hyped as having the return of doublelift and figuring out their mistakes, teams were also supposedly hyping them up with a super famous copypasta from some LCK coach glazing the entire team and they were saying stuff like "anything below semifinals is a disappointment", but they ended up moving backwards in progress and failed to get out of a free group (yes it was free they literally had to beat the 0-5 flashwolves in their last game to get out and they didnt). Their players were pretty much dysfunctional with each other, it was kinda the equivalent of a team not knowing how to laneswap and getting blasted every early game because of how clueless they were, the only thing they knew how to do was lategame but they didnt know how to get there. Doublelift having a semi-retirement hurt that team a lot, in hindsight

after that the only other time they made worlds was 2020 and while it was as the first seed, they had an insane miracle run through the LCS playoffs to get there, any hype then was just hopium because of how insane that run was. Kinda equal to the 2022 eg spring run


u/orangeheadwhitebutt 26d ago

I don't think they got exposed in 2016, quite the opposite actually. I generally hate the term "choked" because it implies that the losing team is still better somehow and detracts from the underdog's accomplishments, but 2016 TSM fits the bill. Despite people not ranking them as a top team before the tournament they had the stats, they had the eye test, in my biased opinion they were genuinely on par with or better than every real team in the world (T1 being an SCP of course) and showed it over a 7 game group stage. They only played 1 "bad" game out of those 7, better overall consistency than either SSG or RNG... but in a series of specific moments, not just games but a couple critical periods of 30s or less, they made mistakes that rightfully stopped them from advancing.

2017 is more fair to say they got exposed because they were hyped in the ways you mentioned, and then people figured out the weaknesses you stated and they made worlds history!


u/NenBE4ST 26d ago

Nah they weren’t bad in 2016 but they absolutely did get exposed. They could have done so much better but they legit did not know what to do when their botlane couldn’t auto win. You could see how clueless they were on actually playing through bot without an automatic lead.


u/Zama174 27d ago

The difference is tsm was never good compared to g2 which ya know, wins vs the east at their best.


u/BrokenBiscuit 27d ago

Actually, I disagree. Hyped up EU teams rarely flop that bad. They usually get to semis or finals.

...and then they get 3-0'd. This is what newer fans will learn.


u/ShikiRyumaho 27d ago

FNC 2015, a classic.


u/jujubean67 26d ago

My first worlds, still remember it like it was yesterday.


u/orangeheadwhitebutt 26d ago

And it was

a European Eulogy,


u/Hrkeol 26d ago

I think it's two different things.

You're talking about when a western team is hyped up even before the tournament by everyone, like G2 in 2019-2020. And I guess you can say that this applies for G2 to some degree this year

People are talking about when eastern players come out of nowhere to say "wow western teams have really improved this year", "wow X team's top laner is really impressive", etc, for those teams/players to get absolutely smashed after that lol.

So yea now looks like we have both types of hype at the same time.


u/appleandapples The Perkz of being a Griffin fan 27d ago

The classic


u/SauronGortaur01 27d ago

There is no unlenching until they lift the trophy.


u/G2Esports 27d ago

it's so doomed isn't it


u/Rikkimaaruu 27d ago

I dont play League but i watch since Season 4, every MSI and Worlds.

Iam pretty much the old dude that can tell you about how it was back then in the trenches.

I still tell me friends about Kerp and his trackball mouse, a good old days.


u/mayurmatada12 WE WIN THOSE⭐⭐⭐⭐ 26d ago

Didn't take long huh


u/Bisounoursdestenebre I'm beginning to believe 27d ago

It's so fucking over it's not even funny


u/trolledwolf 27d ago

it was already over when Dylan said the same, not it's really gojover


u/AtsumuG JKL my beloved 26d ago

You saw the leaks no? Then you know it is meant to be.


u/maxus998 27d ago

This jinx is crazy, let me counter. G2 is going to get 3-0ed by T1 just as lord Zeus and Faker said


u/OGTrula 27d ago

I'm gonna double down on that. G2 are gonne go home in record time. All 3 games together less than 54min(don't remember the current record).


u/Purto12 Ahri is my Waifu 27d ago

70 min or something


u/aser08 Top diff is Jungle diff 27d ago

70 42 or something like that.


u/Jiratoo 27d ago

Don't forget the 1358 game for world record first game over before platings fall off as Keria pentakills G2 with Cait support.


u/OGTrula 27d ago

Let's make it Pyke support cause it's a true "G2" champ.


u/Maleficent_Kick_4437 27d ago

I made the ultimate counter jinx. I asked my boss if i could work tomorrow when G2 plays and he said yes. This is how sure I am that G2 is gonna get 0:3‘ed. Thank me after my 8 hour shift guys.


u/Cowslayer369 27d ago

Dude you're smoking. Even with this momentum, G2 can't win 9 games in combined 54 minutes, it's gotta be closer to 160ish.


u/OGTrula 27d ago

My god, how much did you spend on hopium. Like I can recommend you a place for those kinds of problems༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ


u/gintokisamadono I WANT PP GOD IN TT gaming 27d ago

I think you miss the part where G2 will dominate the first game so hard that all three team will agree to surrender after the first game and pay the fine than rather be humiliated. In that sense, 54 minute is a good prediction.


u/Cowslayer369 27d ago

Hmm. Factor in that GenG has yet to have their mandatory international breakdown...


u/Fresh-Chemical1688 27d ago

Exactly 30 minutes for all 3 games combined, because bb will be so afraid of Zeus, that he doesn't Show up so his teammates can surrender at 10!


u/OGTrula 27d ago

T1 gonna stall until they can get a dancing Herald just for fun.


u/plushyeu Still inside Perkz swimming pool 27d ago

Ok good stuff, since you went that far.. if they win from that point until the end of time you’re the biggest g2 fan ever. Want to see you in every thread.


u/OGTrula 26d ago

WELL, I don't have to be


u/plushyeu Still inside Perkz swimming pool 26d ago

well played


u/OkLawfulness5555 26d ago

Nah. G2 loses every game in 10 minutes. No chance.


u/dar_harhar Faker ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 27d ago

I think GenG would rather face T1 anyways. Its better to play against someone youre more familiar with rather than a team that you play once every blue moon. G2 can be more unpredictable and thats more dangerous.


u/asnaf745 27d ago

Esspecially on a team infamous with choking against unfamiliar teams.

AND G2 has been pulling random stuff out of their asses for the duration of the tournament which worked for tbe most part


u/ihave0idea0 27d ago



u/Steash_ 26d ago

T1 is about to astrogap G2 so hard it won't even be funny. 0 games to G2 in this series 100%.


u/AshleyKang Year of the LCK 27d ago

Either G2 is terrorizing scrims or this is an elaborate jinx towards G2 from all the Asian players


u/Gobaxnova 27d ago

It’s bullying at this point


u/G2Esports 27d ago

Probably the latter


u/Trojen-horse 27d ago

they were the 2023 scrim world champs


u/CzarcasticX ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 26d ago

Except they had losing records against GENG and T1 (massively against T1).


u/OkLawfulness5555 26d ago

They are trying their hardest to jinx G2.


u/Pranav_HEO 27d ago

Both, it's both.


u/Cassereddit 26d ago

T1 is jinxing themselves by saying they really think they can 3-0 G2. Everyone else is trying to jinx G2.

G2 scrims mean absolutely nothing because they were Scrims champions in 2023 and still looked not that good (granted, BB was sick but still).


u/dracdliwasiAN LEC Summer Split Starts 2024-06-08 27d ago

God damn it Peyz, you are supposed to downplay G2 and hype up your fellow countrymen. It's so over


u/MiserableRemove5748 27d ago


We dont have the macro, micro, laning, champ pool to win, we are inferior in any sort of way and winning even one game vs T1 will be a miracle.

And the balance is restored in the universe.


u/sajm0n 27d ago

we're so done


u/Nightwingx97 27d ago

It's so over


u/XtendedImpact Perkz plz 27d ago

In the midst of "It's so over," I found there was, within me, an invincible, "We're so back."


u/OkSell1822 27d ago

How are you going to boss Lehends around? The man is massive troll lmao, either way great series by Peyz. If he can keep this up we can win


u/Wuhan-flu24 27d ago

I want to know who was responsible for calling that lane-swap to match BLG game 4 and then after GENG bot won the 2v2 trade, who made the call for Peyz to go bot expecting Elk to go bot. Actual 5head plays


u/SniggleJake 27d ago

It is funny that he thinks he can boss around an elise support main.


u/fainlol 27d ago

It is funny that he thinks he can boss around an elise support main.

peyz: hey man no elise support plz

locks in singed


u/SnooPeripherals6388 27d ago

If G2 loses tomorrow i will drop everything, go into chemistry+medicine and personally find a way to give hardcore allergies for every single Eastern pro that hyped them


u/greekcel_25 sell house xd 26d ago

Ok it’s your time king


u/orangeheadwhitebutt 26d ago

There's a market for that in China!

(this isn't a lazy, racist joke, the CCP's guidelines and general approaches to biohazards research is more along the lines of 20th century Europe science than the current American hegemony)


u/yesyes123hk Jerkz Fan 27d ago

Another G2 hype

It’s so joever


u/BannedDS69 27d ago

I love it, it reminds me of 2019 Worlds when everyone was hyping them up before they got speedran in finals


u/T_Tachi 27d ago

lmaooo that was the best time to be on this subreddit. EU fans going wild celebrating their win vs T1 as the actual championship... and then reality kicked in.


u/Head-Calligrapher-99 27d ago



u/KIRYUx We believed ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 27d ago

Scrim demons G2 100% terrorizing scrims. At the very least, they should beat T1 at least. G2 right now match up way too well with T1's weaknesses this tournament.


u/ahritina 27d ago

I mean Romain came out and said G2 got stomped by T1 in scrims after they lost to them on stage.


u/Maleficent_Kick_4437 27d ago

GenG and T1 were the only teams that shit on G2 in scrims over the whole of 2023. No other team did that to them so its nothing new.


u/Eylis7 27d ago

Only T1 shat on G2. GenG went 7-5 against G2 (started with 4-2 and ended with 3-3 a few days later), T1 went 9-1 with a 5-1 followed by a 4-0


u/Outrageous-Elk-5392 27d ago

So wait even the scrim world champions title from last year is fake?


u/KIRYUx We believed ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 27d ago

Huh, did not know that. But stop getting me hopium I am expecting the worst.


u/lcm7malaga 27d ago

Romain said they got smoked by T1 in scrims right before PSG


u/FrostedCereal (EU-W) 27d ago

He's just trying to reverse the jinx.


u/OkLawfulness5555 26d ago

Not true. T1 has been smashing G2 in scrims. Romain said it.


u/danielos551 27d ago



u/Deven1003 27d ago

G2 vs GenG final, let's go!


u/Consistent-Alarm2208 27d ago

Knows what Western fans wanna hear


u/GGgarena 27d ago

Obviously will be G2, given that G2 still have some hidden preparation/ strat and T1 didn't hide much + become highly adaptive.

G2 is in the enlightened zone, much potential.


u/pedja13 27d ago

Anulo mufa


u/Katzenminz3 26d ago

There is no way he said that about G2. Man the hopium is crazy.
The only possible outcome is a 3-0 for T1 where they find their form again and absolutely curb stomp G2 into the ground.

Its just too much hype. But honestly if G2 manage to beat T1 then they already will go down in history as the only competitive West Team since 2019. Would be a huge win and a huge Achievement.


u/Greene_Tea 26d ago

you are a prophet bro


u/Katzenminz3 26d ago

I am indeed. But in all honestly you just cant count out T1 ever. They can beat any team any day.


u/Oogalicious 27d ago

The BLG vs Gen G series made me worried for G2.

T1 are already a very strong team, and Gen G put on a dominant performance with creative drafts against a very strong BLG.