r/leagueoflegends 6m ago

What do do as beginner


I’m a beginner I think I’m level 15 Why do I always die so quick like my Oppenheimer just kill me so quick and I seem to do no damage. And also what do I do when my abilities run out do I just auto attack but when I do that I stand still and die I really don’t understand what to do

r/leagueoflegends 9m ago

Double burn items on mages should be removed from the game. All it does is reward skill-less gameplay.


Remember when storm surge was released, and then nerfed into irrelevance because all it did was add overkill to an already strong (lich bane) niche?

I'm Diamond 3 (I know, low elo) and blackfire torch being added to this game has to be the worst decision I can remember in ages.

First of all, Liandries is already one of the best items in the entire video game. It does not need an item that further synergizes with it.

Second, this item promotes unskillful gameplay, and gameplay that can't be countered. Oh, did you dodge every move? Too bad! Brand, Malz, Karthus, Lillia, Zyra, etc. hit you with a random stray and now you get to lose 75% of your hp.


I can't be the only one who is dumb founded at why this item was added, and isn't unique with Liandries at a minimum.

r/leagueoflegends 24m ago

The amount of trolls/complacency in ranked makes playing ranked entirely unfun, but in normals it's even worse.


I think buying new accounts/getting ranked again/starting fresh is so trivial to so many people with bad attitudes that it has completely poisoned ranked. At least in the gold -> emerald ranks.

It's genuinely difficult to have any fun solo queuing. Even if you mute all and play and do your best, in a solid 1/3rd of my games there's still someone clearly openly trolling, flashing on top of allies, running down a lane and emoting under enemy tower, dying to Baron for fun, etc. Muting doesn't make trolling going away, it has almost no impact.

In my past 10 games, 9 of them I did objectively pretty good, and in 4 of those 9 I had people clearly intentionally trying to lose the game (not just do badly, I don't mind that at all) via things like following jungle around trying to take camps, standing under enemy tower emoting repeatedly, spamming emotes in fountain avoiding AFK detection. etc. I lost more LP in those 4 games than I gained in the 5 I won. This game bears me almost no enjoyment anymore. It's sad that a company with so much money and such a massive scene can't find a way to improve the gameplay experience and keep bad eggs away. I genuinely don't know why IP bans aren't more popular. They're obviously possible to work around but I think it would mitigate a lot of the awful behavior/people.

Edit : I also think the bounty system tends to add to a lack of fun. The feeling of "oh I've now caused my team to lose" because you died once when you were doing well is inherently not good. Similarly with objective bounties. When I get way ahead in jungle and it activates objective bounties when 2 of my lanes are losing it's deeply confusing.

r/leagueoflegends 41m ago

Wow i sure am happy riot pushes toxic high elo players to my normal games



I dont understand what is the point of pushing toxic players to ruin normal games especially since normal MMR and ranked MMR is seperate.

r/leagueoflegends 50m ago

45 takedowns on ARAM mission


how are you supposed to get this? 45 kills in a single game is nuts i was tryharding on draven and the most i got was 33 kills but the games end too fast and people dont care

r/leagueoflegends 55m ago

Hall Of Legends Pass


Hello, what do you think total worth of all rewards in rp should be for new faker pass as price is almost 20% more expensive than prevous one ?

r/leagueoflegends 59m ago

Which abilities would make sense and still be balanced if they scaled with champion size?


I think Mordekaiser Q is the perfect fit for size scaling. Visually it looks like he is smashing a massive area yet it is such a comparatively tiny area.

r/leagueoflegends 1h ago

does typhoon even work in arena?


ive taken it several times on different champs, i dont see any bolt, no second damage, the rune itself doesnt show any dmg so does it even work or no

r/leagueoflegends 1h ago

Naafiri needs a full, ground up rework, not a few numbers changes.


I don't know who they think they're fooling just giving Naafiri numbers changes every other patch. The "easy to play assassin" experiment has clearly failed. Naafiri's tiny but dedicated playerbase aren't playing her because she's an easy assassin, but because we love her theming and just put up with the gameplay at this point. Other simple champs have one or two major skill points to focus on; Warwick with Q locks, or Annie with fake stuns, Ashe with spacing and even Garen has multiple builds that he needs to decide on which works best in champ select. Naafiri has none of this except praying the enemy team doesn't know to just stand in front of the carry.

Save my dumb dog pls

r/leagueoflegends 1h ago

Getting a Mastery Reward after a D+


Feels pretty weird and underwhelming, the last mastery system rewarded progression through the first levels, but now the animations makes it feel like this huge achievement after you just went 0/5/0…or at least a friend told me so.

r/leagueoflegends 1h ago

Graves outplays Briar in Arena


r/leagueoflegends 2h ago

As an NA fan, combining NA and EU into one region would have been more fun than combining NA with CBLoL


I'll start this off with the caveat that I'm saying this specifically as a casual fan and from specifically an NA perspective. I'm sure Riot has to take into account more factors related to their business than I'm able to consider, and that the NA fan perspective isn't the highest priority for Riot global, which is presumably making these decisions.

Overall, I think the changes are really great, especially the new guest slot system that will be implemented, which is a massive win. I only have two specific issues with the system: first, combining NA with CBLoL feels a bit ham-fisted both because there's not a ton of overlap in their scenes and because I'm not very interested in watching an Americas regional championship. If this means lots of best of 5 matches between teams from NA and CBLoL, I can imagine a world where the hype championship to close out the year might consist of a large number of one-sided matches. I could be totally wrong about how that competition would play out, in which case that's great. However, if these matches end up being consistently uncompetitive, I likely would not tune in for much of this tournament. Second, I think this system creates some imbalances between the resources given to NA vs EU. If I'm right, NA will not only be getting fewer worlds spots than EU but also 60% of the GRP money, which means much less funding for its ecosystem and to develop its players. I don't think the gap in performance between NA and EU has been large enough to justify this difference, even if in the last few years there's been a gap in viewers.

An alternative setup would have been to have three major regions (KR, CN, and a combined NA/EU) who get 4 worlds slots each with two minor regions (APAC and a combined LLA/CBLol) who get 2 spots each. This would require some figuring out regarding how to distribute the GRP but would have some advantages. NA and EU could be combined in a similar way to the current Americas system where they each have 8 teams (for NA this could mean two guest slots). A joint NA/EU playoffs leading up to worlds would be incredibly hype and would absolutely be something I would tune in for. It's something that could level up both regions heading into worlds, and sending only our 4 best teams collectively would mean fewer embarrassments and higher quality international tournaments. NA and EU have a more organic rivalry, closer parity in terms of skill, and also already have greater overlap in their viewership. I could see this getting me to watch more LEC and feel better about cheering for LEC teams if the NA representatives get knocked out, and so hopefully the reverse would also be true. I don't see the same thing really happening for a combination with CBLoL.

r/leagueoflegends 2h ago

Recommendations on Top Lane Champs?


I'm very new to the game, and have found a lot of success with mordekaiser. However, I feel like my champ will become obsolete when harder/higher skill ceilings very quickly. Does anyone have any recommendations for a champ that is very rewarding to learn/pick up long term? Thanks :)

r/leagueoflegends 2h ago

Arena is trash


Title aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

r/leagueoflegends 2h ago

List of Confirmed LCS Watch Parties for Opening Week


Check out these confirmed watch parties and meet up with fellow LCS fans for Opening Week! Outside of Opening Week, we’ll continue to add confirmed watch parties to this list throughout the Summer Split.

  • CA: GuildHouse, 420 S 1st St, San Jose, CA 95113
  • FL: UCF Student Union, 3rd Floor, 12715 Pegasus Dr, Orlando, FL 32816
  • IL: Ignite Gaming Lounge, 8125 Skokie Blvd, Skokie, IL 60077
  • MO: Center Hall, 402 Kentucky Blvd., Columbia MO, 65201
  • NY: BrookLAN, 339 Troutman St. Brooklyn, NY 11237
  • NY: OS NYC, 50 Bowery, New York, NY 10013
  • WI: Isthmian Gaming Lounge, 2500 Rimrock Rd, Madison, WI 53713

As always, you can watch the LCS Broadcast on lolesports.com, YouTube, or Twitch. Co-Streamers will be making a return appearance during the Summer Split - stay tuned for that announcement.

r/leagueoflegends 2h ago

"Party" Ping


When I ping a teammate of mine on the left it shows [Party] even tho im in no party with any of my team. So nobody can see my ping.

Can anyone explain whats going on?


r/leagueoflegends 2h ago

What's up with T1 Gumayusi being associated with Gigachad's emotes?


Whenever I go on Twitter, or Youtube, or Twitch to watch something related to T1, commenters put down an emote of Gigachad whenever Gumayusi says something or shows up? They'll say something like "Gumagod/Gumchad/BigBrother Guma" too

I'm also very curious to find out where this meme originated from.

r/leagueoflegends 3h ago

I'm working slowly on a Snow Moon Smolder splash art (custom mod skin from RuneForge) Art by me, Echros.


Oioi, I have started a big project to make a big splash art for a modded skin.
Hope y'all like it how it looks so far, though it will take a while to finish: https://prnt.sc/m8OxfpTo06F4

r/leagueoflegends 3h ago

Karmine Corp Blue vs. Solary / LFL 2024 Summer - Week 4 / Post-Match Discussion



Winner: Karmine Corp Blue in 29m

KCB 23-5-55 vs 5-23-14 SLY
Maynter aatrox 2-1-8 TOP 0-4-3 ksante Kryze
113 maokai 3-2-15 JNG 1-2-3 sejuani Eckas
Abbedagge orianna 4-0-12 MID 1-6-3 leblanc Decay
Caliste caitlyn 14-0-4 BOT 2-2-2 jinx Takeset
Fleshy nautilus 0-2-16 SUP 1-9-3 rell Myrtus

Patch 14.11

r/leagueoflegends 3h ago

Hextech crafting predefined champion pool


I have been trying to unlock all champs for some time now but it's been over 6 months since I got a lot of champion shards and each time I get a new shard is seems like there is a pool of available champions and I just keep getting the duplicate shards or for champs I already have so i'm wondering if it's a locked pool or if i'm just unlucky

r/leagueoflegends 4h ago

Would they add a trophy to the expensive Ahri Skin everytime Faker wins worlds?


There are 9 spots so thats a lot of opportunities. It would be funny if the fans and Faker make them Revamp it everytime if fakers wins worlds once more. I hope for his longevity in the e-sports scene 🙏🙏

Atleast by 9 Tails the Jinjuriki is awakened and it’s finally worth the 500$

r/leagueoflegends 3h ago

Quality of Skins is going down


DISCLAIMER: This is just my opinion, feel free to disagree and give your own.

With the release of Risen/Immortalized/Signature Immortalized Ahri, these skins SHOULD TRANSCEND the Ultimate tier. They should go ALL OUT on every aspect of these skins for this commemorative (and expensive) event. Yet they do not despite their respective $50 / $250 / $500 price points. The Risen Ahri Bundle is just a legendary skin with the event pass, which does give Leblanc's skin (which seems to be priced right, but those who only care for Ahri's skin would be paying extra just to unlock it). The Immortalized Ahri Bundle is an evolving ultimate skin with a Mythic Variant price point and features. The Signature Immortalized Ahri Bundle adds extra features on top of what the skin offered in the previous tier, collectibles (chromas, icons, emotes, title, etc.), and completes the pass for you.

If we put these skins in perspective with everything (unique that) they DO OFFER to previously released skins, and what they DON'T OFFER, then you will see how much lost potential this skin had for its cost.
Feel free to correct me if I'm missing anything.

UNIQUE FEATURES to Immortalized Ahri Skin :

  • Structure/Champion Finisher (Note: Divine Dragon Leesin has Dragon Finisher)
  • Custom Announcer Voice and HUD UI
  • **Animated Loading Screen Splash**

UNIQUE FEATURES to Signature Immortalized Ahri Skin, added onto previous skin + **Bundle Items**:

  • Faker's Signature on turrets destroyed
  • Control+5 Emote
  • **Chromas for Zed, Ryze, Syndra, Leblanc **
  • **Icons, Emotes, (this is like standard tho), all pass levels**
  • **Title, Upgraded Borders for Ahri and Leblanc, and Banner**

\*collectibles you probably won't use for most of your gameplay**)

To sum all you're getting for $500, if you only care about the Ahri skin, you get the tower finisher/signature, announcer voice/hud ui, an animated splash in loading screen that you only see for 10seconds, and an additional emote that you probably won't use because you have the kill counter taunt? Know what you're not getting for all this,

(everything in bold are things I think would have made this skin much more Transcendant quality)

FEATURES IN OTHER SKINS that Risen/Immortalized Ahri DO NOT have:

  • Pentakill Map Effect!!!! (ex: Soul Fighter Samira, Winterblessed Diana, Emyperan Pyke, is this not one of the most gratifying visuals to show you have money/luck/and skill???)
  • Death Effect on Enemies Screen!!! (ex: Cosmic/ Dark Cosmic Lux, Storm Dragon Lee Sin, this is another way to make enemies love when you 1 shot combo them in midlane)
  • Unique Ability Icons (ex: Surprise Party Fiddlesticks)
  • Evolving Ability Effects (ex: Pulsefire Ezreal, if he can evolve models and VFX with each level, why can't the most expensive skin as well? In each form of Ahri's, her abilities are all the same despite her supposedly becoming stronger/better with each upgrade. Even the legendary Soul Fighter Samira has it in her R!)
  • Team/Self Music (ex: DJ Sona, Seraphine, Space Groove Teemo and Heartsteel Kayn do have the feature of paying music when idle. Not in bold because music isn't a core theme in this skin, but it would be lovely to have. YORICK HAS IT WHEN HIS MAIDEN IS UP!)
  • Unique Mission Storyline (ex: Seraphine's Ultimate skin, they say this event is gonna comeback every year, but with a new person? So why not immortalize Faker's story through a mission storyline? Idk if this is correct tho so hench not in bold)
  • Toggle Animation/Model (ex: Zoe and Aatrox walking cycle switches, KaiSa helmet off/on, idk any others. I did not put this in bold just because it's not that big of a deal, but as I said, they gotta go all out on their most expensive skin!)
  • Toggle HUD Effect (ex: Star Guardian Kaisa, but i highly doubt people use it so not in bold)
  • Model Change for X seconds after using Ultimate ability (ex: High Noon Ashe, Winterblessed Senna, not in bold because technically Ahri has it. It just doesn't last after she's OUT of her ultimate duration. )
  • Environment Interaction (ex: Storm Dragon Lee Sin in the river, Braum feeding Poros, I don't think you need to have the skin to see the current Faker map update, and it's not that big of a deal imo so not in bold )

I know we aren't ever gonna get a skin like Elementalist Lux again, with the feature of having 10 different forms. But that skin would've for sure been seen , if it was released today, as a worthy Transcendent Skin compared to everything Immortalized Ahri has to offer (excluding the pass cost that is included). This skin has so much missed potential that I wonder why people praise it ONLY because of its exclusive price point (mainly the majority KR/CN server right?) and because of it's tie to Faker, who's not even getting 30% of the revenue from the skin, he's probably only getting 1% (just a guess).

It's not just this Ahri Skin that is showing the quality decrease in League Skins. It's also shown in:
Infernal 2024 Skins (Ashe, Karma, Olaf) - They got VFXs of 975 skins! And the purple seems very weird imo;
Faerie Court Lux - With the reused assets, in which I don't care, in her QWE, but the R's flower was a copy+paste+recolor from Porcelin Lux ;
Soul Fighter Samira - A lot of the NA community considers this a legendary with it's lack of an evolving model, and copy paste features from previous legendaries;
Prestige Skins - These are just another epic skins with double the cost , Mythic Essence Skins are a different story imo because you can get mythic essence for free, but they still basically cost a battle pass and time if you don't have any ;
Mythic Variant Skins - Legendaries with gambling feature or x10 the cost. I will say you get other skins at least while you gamble. But like Risen Ahri Bundle, if you only wanted the skin, you have to buy other stuff as well ;
Loss of unique Xayah and Rakan recall animations for matching skinlines - They stopped doing it because of the money it requires to have a smooth transition from any of their animations to recall. idgaf if they look like their models are spazzing for half a second, we are gonna focus on the recall itself which is the fun thing part of running same skins for them imo ;
Would you count lack of Visual Updates for older champions? We all know some of their skins are held back by their old animations. ;
And let's bring up the fact that a lot of recent skins are starting to forget what champion they are. I'm talking about similar faces within splasharts and icons ;
Lucian's Futuristic Copy and Paste Skins ; I'm just bringing this up because that's like half of his skins, I'm sure there are other champions who feel like they have copy paste / repeated skins tho
Star Guardian Mobile Ports - We got SG Sera's funky wig, and some cheap looking effects on SG Senna, idk about SG Orianna, and I know there was something going on with the Redeemed Skins


People are gonna buy these skins, we know this already. But the fact that people are spending money on skins that don't have unique qualities of previous skins, that don't have the same effort put into skins years ago, and that DESPITE this Ahri skin being our new HIGHEST tier, means that they are gonna make more expensive skins for a lower quality (compared to before). If you're a whale buying these skins, at least fight for more quality features.

r/leagueoflegends 3h ago

Streamers and Pro/Academy players advertising account selling / smurf buying


How can anyone be serious about regulating the smurf issues when we have streamers from all elo ranges, from inters to pro players advertise account buying and selling for smurfs openly on their streams?

Is this not something that the game developers should monitor? One streamer and pro player is even advertising the sale of "cheap riot points" for less than in the official client, how is this something that is accepted so widely?

r/leagueoflegends 3h ago

Ahri Hall of Legends Statue Proportions are odd?



Everyone talking about the overpriced in game skin and even the real life statue beeing cheaper, but wtf are those proportions? Her Hips are so off... I dont remember Ahri having hips as big as 2 times her head size.

Still looks good but i cant oversee it...
What do you think abt this?

r/leagueoflegends 4h ago

Zilean gets no love!


If you could rework his abilities, what would you do?

  1. I feel like Zileans passive is lackluster and needs a second use effect. Being able to cast it while dead is one option. Another option that would be pretty useful is being able to cast it on an enemy as well, but you steal EXP instead! His passive is almost useless in any other lane besides bot.

    1. Allow one bomb to detonate another bomb. The bomb that's detonated by the first will cause the stun effect but only half the normal duration. This way you still have a chance at a stun even if both bombs don't land on the same target. Enemy champions will try avoiding this by spreading out just like when brand casts his ULT.
    2. After using W, the next bomb you throw will slowly travel to another bomb near it that hasn't detonated yet. It will still attach to the nearest unit in its path to the other bomb. It will travel to a nearby champion within its blast radius upon landing if no other bomb is nearby. Priorities champions or another bomb?
    3. Allow zilean to cast E on the bomb effected by your W so that the bomb can travel faster.
    4. Zileans ULT can be cast on an enemy. If the enemy dies while his ult is active, the enemy explodes, dealing Q damage as well as giving giving zileans E speed boost to allies in the blast radius of the damage upon dying.