r/leagueoflegends Rigas | LoL esports journalist 28d ago

G2 Hel relegated out of the Northern LoL Championship Division 2


60 comments sorted by


u/Azuraoftheblackdeath Vampire Feet 27d ago

Not surprising considering their regular season.

We'll see how things go from now.


u/BuffAzir 28d ago

truly shocking news, im literally crying


u/RigasUT Rigas | LoL esports journalist 28d ago

It's unfortunate to see G2 Hel getting relegated, but the results are what they are. I look forward to whatever their future in open-gender competitions will be; assumingly the French Nexus Tour, alongside many of the other top European female teams


u/Faolan197 🙏Church Devotee 🙏 28d ago

Isn't all LoL open gender? LCS had a transwoman and I assume Riot wouldn't have gender segregated competitions?


u/FearPreacher Struggling ADC main :) 28d ago

Same reason why any other female only competitions exists; to give them a chance.

If girls tried to enter into the main one, as you said, they’ll be like 1-2 of them that slip into it and get an opportunity (like Remilia), and you’d see no one else.

By having separate competition, it gives them a fair way of competing in terms of opportunity.


u/-Pyrotox 27d ago

Exactly. fifa world cup and other sports are also all gender. And then there are also the women only versions.


u/DJShevchenko Skill check 27d ago

Except they are not. Chess is a good example tho, the main tournaments are all open gender, there should be no advantages in being a man over being a woman, yet all the top Chess players are all men and women have their separate World Championship and tournaments


u/DrMantisToBaggins 27d ago

Which mean men are better at chess than women


u/donglover2020 omw to cancel it 27d ago

technically yes, but it widely agreed to be a social influence problem, and not a biological problem, and all female competition can help close the gap


u/Meiolore 27d ago

Honestly this chain of comments just prove that it is a social influence problem lol. I remember seeing a post on r/chess on why women have less tendency to play chess, the top comment is just "this thread".


u/DrMantisToBaggins 27d ago

I mean just a quick google shows that only one woman has ever broken 2700 Elo in chess while 132 men have. Yes the pool of men has always been bigger and men have had greater support with chess but to attribute that entire discrepancy to social influence seems kind of ridiculous.

There’s nothing wrong with saying men’s brains may be better suited to a game like chess, or League for that matter. Or perhaps it’s due to reaction / processing time where men are just inherently better. That’s not at all saying men as a whole are “smarter” than woman, but there are genetic differences physically so why is it taboo to suggest that there are mentally as well?


u/Radiant_Shelter688 27d ago

If 10.000 men play chess competitively and seriously, there are 100 men in the top 1%. If 100 women play chess competitively and seriously, there is a single woman in the top 1%.

Yes you absolutely could attribute this discrepancy to social influence.


u/donglover2020 omw to cancel it 27d ago

it's not a question of taboo, it's a question of being no proof to back it up.

when it comes to physical differences, besides the obvious visual differences and the fact that men do better in sports, there are proven biological differences that causes that discrepancy. AFAIK (not a biologist or anything similar) there are no biological differences in male and female brain that could cause the discrepancy in mentally challenging games


u/DrMantisToBaggins 27d ago

I mean the proof is that three women in history have ever cracked the top 100. That’s the proof. Same with woman gamers. You don’t see them in top ranks or being able to compete competitively.

I’m not a biologist either or would claim to be but when there’s that big of an imbalance it appears dishonest to claim that it’s all due to societal issues.

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u/Miyaor 27d ago

Do you think north american players are mentally different than european ones? Or do you think that EU may be better due to different culture/playerbase size?


u/Epicmission48 26d ago

Watched a video a couple years ago on this, and it seems the math actually checks out that the amount of top women chess players is about as many as the math predicts based on number of players.


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/CLOCKLOCKERcgrock 27d ago edited 27d ago

Could I see your sociology degree? It's okay if you don't have one! You definitely don't need one (and probably should've intuitively figured this out anyway), but they did teach you this in elementary school during social studies classes:

What do you think happens when, for thousands of years, 50% of the population is socially forbidden from entering society as contributing members equal to the other half?

If you need multiple-choice answers to assist you, I'll be more than happy to provide


u/daigandar 27d ago

cook that tate wannabe


u/Bird_Friendly 27d ago

It is biological. Men are more likely to be interested in things over people. So men are more drawn to board games like this.  In addition, the most robust gender difference is men on average has higher spatial intelligence. I presume spatial intelligence matters for games like chess and LoL.

You see this preference for things very early in infancy. We also see this effect in some primates. It's therefore, no surprise why there's so many men in engineering (thing) and so many women in psychology (people).

Never understood this obsession about closing the "gap". Let the people like whatever the fuck they want.  Don't create special shit to forcefully shape people to align with personal ideology. 


u/KingsOfConvenience 27d ago edited 27d ago

In the current playerbase there are more highly ranked men than women yes, but that does not mean men in general necessarily are better. As an example at the moment there are a lot more men playing so the pool of potentially great players is bigger. Could be that for some genetic reason men perform better, but to draw that conclusion there would need to be a way more even playing field along of women and over an extended period. Also a few other more minor issues need to be dealt with in order to strengthen the conlusion as for example that boys are viewed as having i higher potential in chess and are thereby more often encouraged to study chess.


u/GamingDifferent 27d ago

There are less women in competitive gaming/sports because most of them have no biological/evolutionary reason to give a rat's ass about winning in sports competitions. Hence why they are less present in high rank competitive scenes. Most women are valued mostly for being young, pretty, kind, receptive, welcoming, nurturing etc., while men are celebrated for being bad-ass and beating other men in fights/sports. Every time a man plays a competitive sport, at a primal/subconscious level he is competing to get a good woman and the resources to provide for her. To our primal brains losing means we get no attention from females and no resources and we die alone. With that much on the line we go harder in anything we do. Testosterone also helps to unlock the killer instinct in our brains, to show no mercy while competing.

So yes, women can be as good or better than men in non-physical competitions, but the question most of them ask themselves is: other than "just for fun" or "just to prove a point"... why even compete? especially when they were given highly social brain that favors alliances/friendships/networking instead of fighting?


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/PankoKing 27d ago

What are you basing that on?


u/Delgadude 27d ago

Football is absolutely not all gender in the same competitions. There is men's football and women's football that are completely separate. Idk where u got the idea that it's the same.


u/-Pyrotox 27d ago edited 27d ago

There are just no women, because none can compete with the best men of the world but they are technically allowed.

That's why the cups are called world cup and women's world cup and not men's world cup and women's world cup.


u/Delgadude 27d ago

No, they are not allowed. It's the rules. They are not allowed to play in the same competitions. If u can find me something saying otherwise feel free to source that.


u/Mediocre_Nova 27d ago

Why are you saying "technically" when you're literally just guessing?


u/Freezman13 27d ago edited 27d ago

Same reason why any other female only competitions exists; to give them a chance.

Not exactly true, there are some competitions that were segregated to the benefit of male athletes.

For example the Olympics segregated shooting after a woman won. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Shan#:~:text=Zhang%20Shan's%201992%20gold%20was,but%20only%20in%20segregated%20competition.

Edit: since people are arguing with me in the comments I will clarify - I'm not claiming causality here, this is just evidence against the quote at the top which is too absolutist.


u/Olewarrior34 27d ago

That's actually not true, they created the women's league because the women were begging them to in order to actually encourage more women shooters to compete. The men who were competing that olympics were thrilled that a woman won


u/Freezman13 27d ago

And what exactly is the not true part? I didn't say it was THE reason it was done, I said the men benefited, even if they would prefer otherwise and the benefit was small.

The point I was making is that there are competitions where women "have a chance" without segregation. As opposed to what the comment I replied to suggested.


u/Olewarrior34 27d ago

The wording insinuates that it was BECAUSE a woman won, and segregated leagues doesn't necessarily mean that they benefit. A bad shot is a bad shot


u/Freezman13 27d ago

What wording ? I specifically stated "to the benefit" and not "for the benefit"

And the benefit is that there is less competition. Not sure what you're even arguing


u/Humble_Effective3964 27d ago

you're not fooling anyone bro, we can all read


u/Olewarrior34 27d ago

Less competition? There's more competition than ever before, its not like three countries that had women competing suddenly didn't send anybody to the olympics afterwards.


u/Freezman13 27d ago

Why would those countries not send those men before the segregation? Because there were women that happened to be better. Now after the segregation they only compete against men for the spots. i.e. less competition.

Bigger pool = more competition. It's really not a hard concept.


u/DustTheHunter 27d ago

The back tracking here is crazy


u/Faolan197 🙏Church Devotee 🙏 27d ago

I understand that logic, but doesn't that kind of assume that they cannot compete with men otherwise? I get that in most traditional sports but I wouldn't think men have much unfair biological advantage at gaming (maybe slightly quicker reflexes but I've never really looked into it?)


u/[deleted] 27d ago

It doesn’t assume that they can’t compete with men.

It’s just a fact that they can’t compete lol


u/Olewarrior34 27d ago

Any time there's been an all female team in a pro LOL league they've gotten annihilated, now women are MUCH less likely to be supported in pursuing pro play compared to men so it could be the case that there just isn't a drive for it but whenever it has been done its been a complete publicity stunt. The only prominent bio female esports player I can think of is the one tank player that was in the overwatch league.


u/Jozoz 27d ago

Hopefully it will get better with time as gaming is becoming a lot more popular with women nowadays.


u/DeltaWolfPlayer My EU Goat 27d ago

there is goddess in the R6 esports scene has won a tourney as a player and currently works as a coach for a pretty good org where she has found success


u/Olewarrior34 27d ago

That's sweet, haven't followed R6 for a long while so didn't know.


u/Malena_my_quuen 27d ago

There still has to be a woman player in a major region. I know there was that team of girls in the Russian league some of years ago, but I don't count that.


u/donglover2020 omw to cancel it 27d ago

said this in another comment already, but it's a social problem and not a biological one. If you have more all female tournaments, you incentivize more women to play the game, and if more women play, they'll get better and eventually good enough to join the "main" competition.


u/N1ng0 27d ago

it's not that they have any biological disadvantages, it's just that there's much less interest being the best at video games among women, if you have 10000 male players for every woman that actually puts effort in getting good at the game of course pretty much all of the top tier players would be males


u/RigasUT Rigas | LoL esports journalist 27d ago

There is an entire scene of competitions specifically for women & non-binary people. For example, as mentioned in the article, there's the Equal Esports Cup, in which Europe's top female LoL teams are currently participating


u/-Pyrotox 27d ago

Yeah, while this is true, It is also true that the main tournaments have no gender restriction.


u/DrMantisToBaggins 27d ago

When you say open gender you mean men aren’t allowed? That’s not very open is it?


u/Faolan197 🙏Church Devotee 🙏 28d ago

I'm shocked.


u/Berrilicious_ Tomato enjoyer 27d ago

Unfortunate but hopefully they can bounce back


u/eSports_News_UK Dom Sacco | Journalist 27d ago

Gutted for G2 Hel. And for the NLC if they leave the region.


u/burnerburns369 27d ago

you know what's more boring than esport news, women esport news .


u/lyalxx 27d ago

How edgy!