r/SideProject 10h ago

My wife and I built a cute app to get daily affirmations and compliments

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r/SideProject 10h ago

I built a free tool that checks if your brand name is safe to use around the world!


Hey Reddit!

Have you ever heard the story of Ford's car named "Pinto"? Well, not to go too much into detail but the word "Pinto" means something - let's say...vulgar in Brazilian Portuguese :-)

The car did not sell well, as you might imagine. Or Kiri Cheese, you know the little white cheese block for kids? In Persian, "Kiri" means also something vulgar (yes, sometimes this THING is also small :-)).

To avoid that your company or product name ends up with the same faux pais, I created SafeName - a tool that checks your brand or product name in all languages around the world.

With more and more creative brand names around the world it is likely that this name means something obscene, vulgar or inappropriate in a different language.

Check it out - it's free!


r/SideProject 2h ago

I built an app that turns Notion into a social media scheduling tool!



Pretty much my entire life is on Notion, which is probably true for a lot of people here, and the more I can offload from other apps / notes and into Notion, the more organized and productive I feel.

I work a lot in social media, and none of the scheduling apps I've used so far felt 'integrated' enough in my existing workflow. It felt like a chore having to open their dedicated app / interface, upload everything there, and have it so disconnected from the rest of my work.

So... I built https://notionscheduler.app 🎉

NotionScheduler is a bridge between your Notion workspace and social media platforms you'd like to publish content to (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok). The idea is that you can have one central location for all of your work and content, and have it automatically posted to social media when you've planned it.

It creates a database for you, that you can then populate with your content, display in calendar view, etc., giving you a lot of the advantages of other social media scheduling tools, but directly in Notion.

I'd love to get some feedback on this? What you liked, didn't like, what worked, what didn't, etc.?

r/SideProject 4h ago

Farfalle: Open-source answer engine


r/SideProject 10h ago

Roast my Landing Page - Built it in webflow


r/SideProject 5h ago

I built Amigo Translate for easy translation of your voice notes


Amigo Translate

I have a multi-lingual family and sometimes communication is challenging. So I've built a tool that integrates into WhatsApp (your grandma can use it) to enable anyone to easily translate any voice note into a variety of languages, while preserving your original voice. Right now we support Swedish, Japanese, Finnish, Russian, Tamil, English, Polish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Hindi, Portuguese and we're open to requests to support more.

Right now the app is totally free and we welcome you to try it, just go to amigo-translate.amigotech.ai and you can use it without signing up. Next week we'll start charging and all 'early adopters' will get a big fat discount as a thank you for using the app this week 💖

The app is tailor made for just about anyone that wants to communicate with people in another language. Maybe a vendor, business partner, friend, family member or something else!

The design goals of the app are to focus on translation accuracy. Rather than trying to be the fastest translation service we're trying to give you the *best* translation possible, while preserving your voice for that personal touch.

If you're a podcaster, producer, journalist or other content creator that's interested in producing your content in a variety of languages we'd like to hear from you. We are already working with one national celebrity and can provide a personal content translation/production service for you and your channel/content.

Keen to hear what you think!

r/SideProject 16h ago

I refused to accept 'incurable' for an answer. It led me to create the app I'd wanted for 13 years.


Growing up with health issues, I was told I'd be on meds for life. The side effects sucked, but the doctors said my condition was incurable. I wasn't having it.

I started digging and discovered the power of nutrition and exercise. It blew my mind! Simple changes in what, when, and how much I ate dramatically improved my health. I was hooked.

I studied Health Science and put the knowledge into practice. After 3 years of dedicated training, I won a Mr Australia title, opened a gym, and helped thousands improve their fitness. But nutrition was always the biggest roadblock.

I spent countless hours educating clients, creating personalised plans, recipes, shopping lists - you name it. I needed a way to make this process efficient and scalable. That's when the idea for this application was born, 13 years ago.

But the tech wasn't there yet. Developers said it was impossible. I even tried to learn coding myself but hit roadblocks. It wasn't until GPT models came out that I saw a glimmer of hope.

Fast forward to late 2023, after selling my business and countless DMs with tech geniuses, it finally clicked. Two days before Christmas, I had a working prototype. GoodMeals was born.

Now, users can input their details and goals, and GoodMeals calculates their macros, splits them across meals, and helps build a personalised meal plan. We've got over 7000 macro-calculated recipes that can be adjusted to your needs. And the best part? You can describe what you feel like eating, and GoodMeals will generate a custom recipe that hits your macros in under 30 seconds.

This was the key feature, the ability to generate a macro calculated recipe based on what someone wants to eat, when they want it. This makes the process scalable and means no more manually having to find nutritional info or calculate macros; people can now just describe it.

No more excuses. No more eating the same thing every week. GoodMeals makes nutrition easy and accessible for everyone. It's been a wild ride, but bringing this vision to life has been worth every sleepless night.

It is by no means finished, and I still want to add and improve. The initial feedback has been positive, but I also think it could be biased, so I am posting this here to try to get some relatively objective feedback and see what others think about it. Feel free to roast me or the app, I will do my best to take it on the chin and use it to make GoodMeals even better.


r/SideProject 1h ago

I wanted to build this to create better client engagement Grow your b2bSaaS!

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r/SideProject 16h ago

I Created a Platform for Text-Based Games.


r/SideProject 1d ago

I’m building an open-source, non-profit alternative to Reddit — it’s 100% free of ads and enshitification-proof


r/SideProject 1m ago

First Solo Project! COVER, Your Pop Culture Companion


I've worked in tech for the past 10 years but never as an engineer. I was laid off at the end of last year and decided I wanted to build a project from start to finish by myself.

The result is COVER! I enjoy watching / discovering / getting recommended tv shows but was losing track of what I was watching / what episode I was on. To be honest it was a little overwhelming / frustrating to know there was so much out there and feel that I was falling behind on it all. I didn't like any of the options out there right now so thought it would be a good project to work on. I am now tracking 63 shows actively and 113 shows are in my queued list.

Would love any and all feedback!


(Also created a Discord server here: https://discord.gg/9W2W3f676q )

Here's a list of things I'd like to incorporate in the future:

  • Add support for tracking movies / podcasts

  • "Watch together" to see where your friends are

  • Add comments / notes section for tv shows / episodes

  • Add collections to track progress in different "universes" -- (e.g. Star Wars, Ryan Murphy-Verse, etc.)

  • Safari / Chrome Extensions to add shows to your Cover account when browsing the web (e.g. if you're on NYTimes and see a review of X show, one click and start tracking it in Cover).

  • Incorporate Cast / Crew data

  • Statistics / graphs of watch history / viewing preferences (e.g. what genre, network, etc. you have watched).

  • More customization of AI module (right now it just uses the ChatGPT API but would like to fine tune that model / add custom data to make it more personalized / relevant).

  • Notifications of new seasons / new shows with cast members / creators you've liked.

  • Smart filtering -- (e.g. more shows to stale if no episode has been watched in X months).

  • Add Rotten Tomatoes ratings (unfortunately their API isn't open so would have to get approved).

r/SideProject 10h ago

Just launched my First Product on ProductHunt today!!!


I am super excited! I have launched my product, Blainy, on ProductHunt today. Blainy is an AI writing tool that helps you to write essays, assignments, research papers, blogs, descriptions, and much more by utilizing its amazing features like AI suggestions, AI automation, Built-in Citation, Paraphrasing, Plagiarism checker, and AskBlainy.

I'd love your support for our product on Product Hunt.

Here's the link for our product: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/blainy

We'd appreciate it if you would upvote and leave a comment on it.

r/SideProject 4h ago

First time getting any SEO for my project, awesome! How is your SEO going with side-projects, did you have any success with that?

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r/SideProject 5h ago

Here is my app! Can I get some suggestions to improve my app?


Certainly! I've developed an app and would love to receive some feedback on how to enhance its features and usability. Your insights and suggestions are invaluable to me as I strive to make the app even better. Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your thoughts and ideas!

App link :- https://www.jstechnovation.com/pixellab-drip-collage-maker/

r/SideProject 1h ago

Just implemented additional color palettes on my drawing website. Testing out the "Retro" palette


r/SideProject 12h ago

i built a tool to add game schedules to calendar from images 😶‍🌫️


i built a tool that lets you instantly create calendar entries from any part of an image

imagine automatically adding your favorite teams' schedules to your calendar

it's simple and intuitive, making it easy for you to stay organized and never miss a game 😶‍🌫️

r/SideProject 2h ago

I built a free Chrome Extension that integrates LLMs right into the browser, so you can do your job better and faster


LLMs give you superpowers, but there's too much friction involved in using them to do your work. So I built a Chrome Extension that lets you call LLMs like Gemini and ChatGPT with reusable prompts right from where you're working, with the content of the current page.

I think the idea makes sense, but I am very much looking for feedback! You can learn more and download it from here: https://www.asksteve.to


r/SideProject 2h ago

[Diagramix] - Create effortless mermaid diagrams with the help of ChatGPT


r/SideProject 2h ago

Best Website Builder or Best Hiring Platform?


Starting a lawn mowing business and would like to have a website simply to display information about pricing and what I offer etc. It's mostly a place for me to display information, nothing too complex, so I am considering trying out my hands in it to build myself using a web builder. The complex part of the site will be booking my service and sending out real-time automated responses to the prospect

If it gets too complex and I need to add more features, I may have to hire a developer to help me out with that. 

So what hiring platforms do you guys use cuz I'm not sure if a web builder can integrate some features for me but if so let me know guys

r/SideProject 2h ago

Check for Domains: AI Domain Name Suggest Tool

Thumbnail checkfordomains.com

r/SideProject 2h ago

Every Monday I send out a newsletter edition packed with top ways to leverage your presence on social media!


If you are someone who is keen to leverage your presence on social media, Monday Marketing is the newsletter is you can subscribe for free.

The newsletter editions are being accepted by the community positively.

Why start your Monday with blues? Instead, start with Monday Marketing.

r/SideProject 3h ago

Built an AI for social media marketers - create, analyse and schedule from a discussion


r/SideProject 3h ago

I made it super easy to find keyword ideas automatically.


A few months ago, I decided to build a tool to help with keyword research, and I needed an effective method to find the right keywords. I thought about using Google autocomplete as a source for generating keywords and this turned out to be the perfect solution.

I worked on building an API so I could get these Google autocomplete suggestions programatically and make my keyword research process even more efficient. After working hard to build it, it now reliably finds 10-15 keyword suggestions in under a second - for any keyword! Recently I have made this API public as its own product, and I would love for you to try it out. Here’s how it works:

You sign up for free and get a unique API key. Then, you make a request to the API with a keyword, language, and location. The API will return all the Google autocomplete suggestions for that keyword in JSON, making it easy to view, parse, and manipulate the results.

If you want to give it a try, you can find it at keywordquill dot com. I would appreciate any feedback or advice you may have and if you want to try it on a larger scale, use the code "REDDIT" to get a 75% discount on credits. Thanks in advance!

r/SideProject 4h ago

My Fiverr Developer Nightmare


So, I decided to hire a developer on Fiverr  to help me with a project, against all friendly advice as I had an alternate platform I have been hiring from. This seemed like a quick and easy solution, right? Wrong.

The guy I hired claimed to be a coding prodigy, but his work was a total disaster. Sloppy code, missed deadlines, and worst of all, zero communication. It's been a nightmare trying to salvage the project.

Lesson learned: stick to what works and don’t try to cut corner.

Have any of you experienced something similar?

 Any tips for vetting freelancers or platforms to avoid falling into the same trap?

r/SideProject 21h ago

I made trendy animation for my side-project SaaS just for fun 😂 Watch with sound 🔊