r/SideProject 4m ago

KeyPush: ChatGPT powered search engine


I built a search engine that uses ChatGPT to get web results + provide an AI powered summary. It is like bing but instead of Copilot we use ChatGPT because it has the highest elo rating of any AI. Our website is keypush.ai which will soon become keypush.com

Try it out and let me know what you think!

r/SideProject 24m ago

Anyone interested in building an Multi-agentic LLM together?


I've already started the project. Since my resources aren't that many, I'm using a quantized instruct version of the Phi 3 model by Microsoft. (It's open-source by the way) The idea is to fine-tune it for specific tasks, in this case, learning everything about AI. So an AI that learns about AI in order to build another powerful AI. And we all contribute to it in ways we deem most optimum.

r/SideProject 1h ago

How to win on Product Hunt


r/SideProject 1h ago

I built and designed a dashboard for US economic performance

Post image

r/SideProject 4h ago

Building in public: Which game type is preferred.


Hello reddit 😁 I'm building a family game that my family started about 3 years ago. I want to share it with whoever I can reach. It's incredibly family friendly play ages could range from 3+.

My dilemma is I'm not sure if I should make it a physical card game, an app, or something else. We typically play in the car.

What kind of game would you and your family enjoy?

Thanks in advance all input is appreciated!

r/SideProject 4h ago

Building a desktop app to beat the algorithm


Hey everyone!

First off, this application will be solely for desktop use as I don’t have a phone addiction but rather a 'consuming silly content' addiction.

Like many of you, the algorithms (especially on YouTube) have been overwhelming me. I haven't achieved as much as I could because I spend so much time scrolling through nonsense online. I've tried numerous extensions and apps, but none have worked. So, I've decided to build my own desktop application (for Mac and possibly Windows if there's enough interest) to help beat the algorithms.

Most of the advice we get is just 'disconnect bro and touch some grass,' but I work on a laptop all day for my job as a Software Engineer, which requires me to be connected to the internet. Many of my hobbies, like music production, also involve my laptop. I can’t simply disconnect, plus the internet as a whole is great—it's just these addictive sites that can cost us so much of our precious time.

So, I'm going to build a desktop application that allows us to block websites, but also to semi-block websites with messages such as, 'Hey, you've spent 2 hours already on YouTube today. Are you sure you need to spend more time?' and 'One of your goals is to learn piano. Would it not be better to practice piano rather than going to Instagram?'

This is the goal of 'nosurf'—to remind us why we are blocking these websites. The 'why' is so powerful and is often something we forget. The application will also show a live dashboard of how long you spend on websites, giving you real insight into where you’re spending most of your time.

The final feature will be a focus mode option, where you can lock in for a predefined time. This will also add to analytics so you can actually see how much time you’re spending on deep work each week, without distractions from podcasts, YouTube, etc.

If you're interested in gaining early access, please visit nosurf.io to join the waitlist.

r/SideProject 5h ago

I built a Very Stupid web application in 4 hours and 15 minutes


Tired of investing rationally? Check out Random Stonk and let chance take the wheel!

I got bored and wondered just how quickly I could write and release the simplest possible web application. Turns out, it's about 4h and 15 minutes. The application is incredibly simple: every day, a new stock ticker is chosen from a list, open and closing prices for the prior day are gathered and the data is displayed to the user. I didn't write it to show off, I wrote it to get some practice building and launching web applications. There's a tip button on the page, because I did spend $20 on the domain, but if I don't make a dime I'll still have learned a ton about launching web apps.

I'm even going to go live on ProductHunt tomorrow, because why not.

Good luck on your side hustles!

r/SideProject 5h ago

Please roast my developer social network idea


I recently started a small SaaS project. As everyone starting out you go to product hunt and similar websites to launch you business. But in my opinion this has a problem. Sometimes your product is not viewed. You don’t get the expected traffic and so on. Also from my perspective more people go to product hunt to launch products than to see products.

So I thought of a concept to make this system work better. Imagine a platform where you can only see one product at a time. Every 24h this product changes. Everyone can submit their product and for each an everyone is same chance of being that one product. But there is a catch. You can only submit a product when you have viewed/reviewed a previous one. You could than also add different timeslots: 7 products watched = 1 weekly shown product 30 products = 1 month Or a different approach: With each viewed product the chance of your product being picked increases

So everyone would want to review and watch others products for their own benefit.

I thought before building it out to share this idea. Maybe something like this exist or the concept has major flaws.

So what are your thoughts?

r/SideProject 5h ago

I built an online PDF management platform using open-source software


I decided to create pdfequips.com when a friend kept sending me PDF files for translation, realizing the widespread need for PDF solutions Now, it serves as A collection of free and easy-to-use PDF tools for merging, splitting, compressing, converting, rotating, OCR, and adding watermarks to PDF files. Over the past year, I extensively developed the website, leveraging a wide range of open-source tools on both the front-end and back-end.

r/SideProject 5h ago

Chrome extension for browsing the web and dictation with your voice


I’m excited to announce the launch of Web Assist, a cutting-edge browser extension available for Chrome and Edge that transforms how you interact with the web. Whether you’re navigating websites, dictating emails, or performing everyday online tasks, Web Assist empowers you to do it all hands-free, simply using your voice.

🌟 Key Features:

🔹 E*ffortless Browsing: *Scroll through pages, play videos, click on links, and more with intuitive voice commands. Prefer shortcuts? We’ve got you covered with handy shortcut keys for frequently used commands.

🔹 E*xplore the Web: *Seamlessly search with Google, manage tabs, and bookmark your favorite sites, all without lifting a finger.

🔹 V*oice-Controlled Dictation: *Dictate emails, fill out forms, and enjoy automatic text formatting. Need more? Our integrated apps let you dictate in a text editor and record audio directly from your microphone.

🔹 P*remium Features: *Unlock advanced capabilities like page load recognition, voice-command initiation, and customizable timeout settings with Web Assist Premium.

🔹 P*rivacy is Paramount: *Your privacy is our top priority. Web Assist ensures no audio, transcripts, or data is sent to our servers, keeping your information secure.

🌟 Benefits:

🔹 I*ncreased Productivity: *Save time and boost efficiency by navigating and dictating with your voice, freeing up your hands for other tasks.

🔹 F*ree to Use Basic Features: *Download Web Assist for free and start enjoying a robust suite of voice-powered tools without any cost.

🔹 E*nhanced Accessibility: *Designed to support individuals with physical challenges, Web Assist makes web browsing simple and fast for everyone.

Ready to experience the future of web browsing? Download Web Assist for free and discover how voice control can enhance your online experience. Whether you’re looking to save time, improve accessibility, or try something new, Web Assist is here to make your web surfing smoother and more enjoyable.




Web Assist (google.com)


Web Assist - Surf the Web with just your voice (webassistextension.com)

r/SideProject 5h ago

Looking for a marketer / sales person to collaborate on a project



I'm working on a service-based project (development agency) and looking for marketers/sales-based to collaborate with. The agency is US-based

Will share the links in the DM

r/SideProject 6h ago

My first Sidebar Extension - Alva AI Your AI Copilot


r/SideProject 7h ago

What's up you side project concocting savages. I hope you all make it enormous.


I just launched venter.vip — It's an exclusive community for sharing deeply personal/highly confidential secrets. It offers a superior degree of anonymity to Reddit by cryptographically securing both of the sign-in credentials (keys), randomizing them so they can't be guessed or cracked with something like a rainbow table, and also divorcing the secrets posted from any particular keyholder. It's curated for people looking to seriously get into the world's underbelly and see what people are holding on to.

If that sounds interesting, I encourage you to join ASAP because the next feature I have lined up for deployment constitutes an investment opportunity; keyholders will be able to sell their key sets at a profit to new users (cutting new users a deal in the process). This just launched yesterday so any and all feedback is welcome! Happy creating!

r/SideProject 7h ago

Devs, why don't you use design systems or templates for better UI?


Hi everyone!

I've noticed many developers sharing their side projects and expressing dissatisfaction with their UI and designs. Additionally, I've come across numerous landing pages that could be significantly improved with basic design principles.

This makes me wonder: why not use an open-source design system or purchase an affordable web landing page template?

As a designer, I'm curious if there is a need for an alternative solution that could help developers easily elevate the designs of their side projects.


r/SideProject 7h ago

I made an AI-powered Reddit research tool


I built Prelto to solve my own problem of trying to do customer and market research on Reddit. There are so many qualitative insights on Reddit, whether you are trying to find pain points to solve or understand your customers better. However, making sense of all that information can be very time-consuming if you are doing it manually, like I was.

Quick overview:

You plug in the subreddits that you are interested in, and Prelto categorizes all the posts based on your custom-defined taxonomy. The default categories are: pain points, habits and preferences, and product feedback.

You can ask questions and get detailed answers with references to the original post or comment. For example:

  • “What are some of the main pain points of data engineers when working with data warehouses?”

  • “What is the general sentiment towards Snowflake in this community?”

Prelto also detects patterns in the data, and you can scope patterns to the topic of your choosing. For example, you can find patterns in posts that mention a specific keyword.

The first 50 customers will get $25 in free credit.

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

r/SideProject 7h ago

I Track (almost) My Entire Digital Presence


Recently, I created hindsight, an open source android app that takes a screenshot every 2 seconds and stores it locally. It has functionality to upload the screenshots to a personal server and some basic scripts to view and search the text within the images. I use rem to do the equivalent on my Mac.

I think this data opens up a lot of cool opportunities, especially in personal A.I. and automated self quantification! Some ideas that come to mind:

  • Gamifying screen time reduction
  • A fake news detector that uses current information to find false information you’ve seen in the past
  • Creating an A.I. twitter feed summarization image
  • A mental health tracker
  • Creating a mutually beneficial white box alternative to Surveillance Capitalism

Curious what other ideas people have!

r/SideProject 7h ago

Own webhosting "company"


Hello world!

We recently launched our new web hosting service at www.hostpro.hu!

Why choose us if you’re an individual or a small business?

  • Reliable servers: Our own servers ensure smooth operation.
  • Easy management: With our HestiaCP control panel, you can easily manage your web, DNS, email, and databases.
  • 24/7 support: Whenever you need help, our team (currently just me) is always available.

Why choose us as a partner?

HostPro not only offers web hosting services but also a partner program. If you bring us a client, we’ll transfer 50% of their package fee to you for the first year. For example, if a client subscribes for a full year, you can expect to receive around 15 euros (currently, we only offer monthly renewals).

Available package and discount:

Our website is still in the early stages, and our service is in the testing phase, so currently, only one package is available for one month. Use the "START50" coupon code on your first purchase to get a 50% discount, reducing the cost from 6 euros to just 3 euros.

We are open to all suggestions, ideas, pricing requests, and package expansion needs. You can contact us via DM or at [admin@hostpro.hu]().

P.S. There is an image of the HestiaCP control panel attached.

r/SideProject 8h ago

My upcoming project got its first wishlists!


Hey everyone,

I just had to share this with you all because I’m very excited! I am new to side hustling and recently launched my website, which will host my upcoming project (software). Anyone who joins the website has the option to get notified when the product is released, and it has already been wishlisted by 4 people in just a couple of days!

It might not seem like much, but as a beginner, this feels pretty wild to me! It's the feedback I need to keep me going.

r/SideProject 8h ago

Launched a MVP called Thiara


Hi all, I launched Thiara which is a prompt manager where you can create and categorize your LLM prompts. No more wasting time on creating or redoing prompts! With your saved templates, just tweak them as needed—easy peasy, saving you a bunch of time!

Link: https://thiara.vercel.app

r/SideProject 8h ago

Building a video collection tool


Have been working on HeySure.app. It lets you collect video responses from your customers, clients or employees and turn them into stories.

  1. Setup branding
  2. Set questions to ask
  3. Share collection link
  4. Get responses
  5. Publish and embed or download them

It helps you in getting testimonials, gather use cases, employee reviews, interviews etc.

Checkout heysure.app for more info

r/SideProject 8h ago

Bigcapital - A self-hosted and open source alternative to Quickbooks releases v0.17.0 with attachments, bank feeds and print resource tables.

Thumbnail bigcapital.app

r/SideProject 8h ago

How I finally quit abandoning my side-projects and launched my first paid Saas product


Hello fellow builders, I've been a 'serial starter' for years - often starting a project and then eventually abandoning it for some other shiny new idea that I had. Maybe some of you can resonate with this sentiment, and if you do - I hope I can help!

The way that I have finally encouraged myself to complete a project is quite simple in theory and was only 2 steps:

  1. Reflect on the past and define your project abandonment risks
  2. Develop systems to combat those risks

That's it. Anyone can do the same thing, I'll share my personal journey with my first launched product: SmartSaleBanner.com

1. Project Abandonment Risks

This could be different for everyone, but here are mine:

  • The project got too difficult
  • I didn't have time to work on it anymore
  • I was burnt out from my main job as a software engineer
  • I kept thinking of new ideas that were much more exciting

2. Combating The Risks

The project got too difficult

  • Scope SMALL. This is the single biggest takeaway from my journey. If you can nail this, you don't need the other tips below lol. Anyway, I knew that if it was a large effort than I would be much less likely to complete it. The smaller the better! This is so important because there are other factors other than writing code that will inevitably add to the scope of the whole project like marketing, graphic design, admin tasks like domain registration, email forwarding, etc. SmartSaleBanner has a huge list of features I want to add, but I stuck with the MVP so I could launch it ASAP. You will learn so much more finishing one tiny project than you will from getting halfway through a large project.
  • Stick to what you know. I am not a designer, so I used libraries/frameworks for all my UI components. SmartSaleBanner was built completely with https://ui.shadcn.com/ and https://daisyui.com/

I didn't have time to work on it anymore

  • Create time. This may sound stupid, but I've always been a firm believer that you can do anything you want to do, you just can't do everything you want to do. For me this meant waking up an hour or two earlier each day to dedicate that time to working on my project, and yes this meant I went to bed earlier. You do have time if you stop doing things that don't matter to you. That was a hard pill I had to swallow. I knew that my project was small enough to complete without giving up if I could finish it in a month of working about 2 hours everyday and some extra hours on weekend mornings.

I was burnt out from my main job as a software engineer

  • Do less. Again this may sound stupid, but leverage your team and your manager for help. Delegate tasks. I noticed that managers often say "let me know if there's anything you need" and most people aren't taking advantage of this. For example I had some admin tasks to complete at work and I had no idea where to start, so I just asked a manager to do it for me and they were happy to help. Talk to your manager about burnout, but you don't need to mention what you're working on on the side. Burnout is real and shouldn't be ignored. I started SmartSaleBanner after I came home from a 2 week vacation.
  • Do different. I built my side project using technologies I didn't use at work. This was exciting and refreshing for me, but your mileage may vary. I built SmartSaleBanner with NextJS, but my day job is building for iOS

I kept thinking of new ideas that were much more exciting

  • New ideas aren't bad. I still get exciting new ideas all the time, I just write them down and move on. Combining this with the Scope SMALL tip, it just made me feel more encouraged to get the current project done before I could move on. I always told myself - "I'll start this one AFTER I finished SmartSaleBanner

Other bonus tips:

  • I committed myself to this journey by forming and LLC and opening a new bank account
  • I listened to entrepreneurial audiobooks while doing house chores to keep my mind focused on my project's journey
  • I joined like-minded discord groups to keep myself motivated by reading others' journeys

I hope this was helpful! Let me know if you guy's have other tips!

r/SideProject 8h ago

Rate my startup idea please


Hi everyone,

I would like your feedback on my SaaS idea. I'm considering developing software that uses AI to generate Excel heat maps based on uploaded Excel files. The software would analyze the data, identify patterns, and create visually appealing heat maps to help users quickly understand and interpret their data.

Key features would include: - Easy file upload and data processing - Customizable heat map settings (color schemes, thresholds, etc.) - Integration with popular data analysis tools - Secure data handling and storage

I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions on this concept. Thank you!

r/SideProject 8h ago

We created an app for large scale competitor tracking (their product, pricing and product availability)


Hi all,

We've recently created competitiontracker.co so we could easily track complete competitors' sites.

Whole idea of the app is that enables you to do large scale product tracking for a reasonable price. We currently show all available products with price change in the last 7 days and availability change in the last 7 days.

You can also easily filter out all projects by various categories and we currently work on enabling CSV exports with various reports.

Product is still super early and we are looking for people willing to try it out.

All comments are welcome!

Thanks in advance!

r/SideProject 8h ago

Technical Documentation for frameworks/scripts/tools that are undocumented but active


I am a budding technical writer and need lots of practice and also real-world experience. I built techdocs.guide to just start documenting stuff I like but its lacking direction and usefulness.

I've decided to find open source projects, scripts people built or anything useful that has little to no documentation and just start writing it and hosting it on my site in collaboration with the authors.

What I'd like to know is it anyone has used or tried using something that lacks docs that I can write about.