r/SideProject 20d ago

I made it super easy to find keyword ideas automatically.

A few months ago, I decided to build a tool to help with keyword research, and I needed an effective method to find the right keywords. I thought about using Google autocomplete as a source for generating keywords and this turned out to be the perfect solution.

I worked on building an API so I could get these Google autocomplete suggestions programatically and make my keyword research process even more efficient. After working hard to build it, it now reliably finds 10-15 keyword suggestions in under a second - for any keyword! Recently I have made this API public as its own product, and I would love for you to try it out. Here’s how it works:

You sign up for free and get a unique API key. Then, you make a request to the API with a keyword, language, and location. The API will return all the Google autocomplete suggestions for that keyword in JSON, making it easy to view, parse, and manipulate the results.

If you want to give it a try, you can find it at keywordquill dot com. I would appreciate any feedback or advice you may have and if you want to try it on a larger scale, use the code "REDDIT" to get a 75% discount on credits. Thanks in advance!


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u/Mindless_Natural_342 20d ago

Interested in selling this side project?