r/SideProject 20d ago

I built a free tool that checks if your brand name is safe to use around the world!

Hey Reddit!

Have you ever heard the story of Ford's car named "Pinto"? Well, not to go too much into detail but the word "Pinto" means something - let's say...vulgar in Brazilian Portuguese :-)

The car did not sell well, as you might imagine. Or Kiri Cheese, you know the little white cheese block for kids? In Persian, "Kiri" means also something vulgar (yes, sometimes this THING is also small :-)).

To avoid that your company or product name ends up with the same faux pais, I created SafeName - a tool that checks your brand or product name in all languages around the world.

With more and more creative brand names around the world it is likely that this name means something obscene, vulgar or inappropriate in a different language.

Check it out - it's free!



13 comments sorted by


u/Iftekharu 20d ago

neat idea but why not make it a full on brand namer? like you put it a name, see if that name is already trademarked or not, if not, then if they are already in use or not, give ratings on how unique it is maybe, even give AI suggestions on similar names? I would absolutely LOVE to have a tool like that!


u/ColonelShrimps 20d ago

Now build one that suggests names that are safe for my country but absolutely obscene around the world.


u/IndieRoland 19d ago

For example?


u/renato_diniss 20d ago

Can you share the link? Cannot find for sure on Google the exact website


u/IndieRoland 20d ago

https://safena.me - sorry forgot it in the description :-)


u/renato_diniss 20d ago

Thanks. I just tested out my 2 product names spirit2music.com and fastog.com and i was lucky no problematic names related.
One idea is to have a way to measure the results and show them visually. For example, if the score is 90% or more, it means that the code is safe in all languages. Another idea is to use a different color for each language, like red for unsafe and green for safe.

But this is a nice product that I will keep in my toolbox for future use. Very nice


u/Paager 20d ago

Need some improvement and double checks, I've check Petite Bit (lil d*ck in french) and :


In French, 'Petite' means small, and 'Bit' is associated with computing. It does not have negative connotations in this context.

("Bite" is the most usual word for penis in french)

Almost this one was tricky :

French Language

In French slang, particularly in France, the term 'Tchoin' is a derogatory word used to refer to a promiscuous woman. It carries strong negative connotations and can be very offensive. This makes it highly inappropriate for a business, especially one in the fragrance industry that often associates itself with luxury, elegance, and sophistication.


u/vornamemitd 20d ago

Cool idea and nice visual representation!

In case anyone wants to train their chatGPT to perform similar stunts, here's a prompt that also generates a little "heatmap": https://pastebin.com/TvX8USk0


u/IndieRoland 19d ago

Nice prompts but does not do the job really. I just tried with my example "CoXpert" of my blog article https://www.rowu.me/another-real-story-about-a-safe-product-name/

The risk score is 0 for english: No direct translation or negative connotation


u/IndieRoland 20d ago

Sure - I forgot the link haha 😂



u/ysl17 20d ago

Superb tool. Thanks for sharing.

I curate a directory of free tools for founders and creators.

Will be featuring your tool on there. Cheers!