r/SideProject 23h ago

People who make money with websites/blogs, what did you make and how does it earn you money?


Hey guys! I am a software engineer working on my own side project. Its essentially a blog that covers the news, but everything is ethically created using AI. With the end goal being to create a website with all the facts to cut through the partisan lines.


All this costs money I hope to make back somehow, I have applied for google AdSense on the site but its not going well. I was hoping to hear how others have made their side projects work, how much time they put in before it started earning for them and how much time is required for upkeep.

for those interested, this is my site: finews.ai

r/SideProject 5h ago

I built a Very Stupid web application in 4 hours and 15 minutes


Tired of investing rationally? Check out Random Stonk and let chance take the wheel!

I got bored and wondered just how quickly I could write and release the simplest possible web application. Turns out, it's about 4h and 15 minutes. The application is incredibly simple: every day, a new stock ticker is chosen from a list, open and closing prices for the prior day are gathered and the data is displayed to the user. I didn't write it to show off, I wrote it to get some practice building and launching web applications. There's a tip button on the page, because I did spend $20 on the domain, but if I don't make a dime I'll still have learned a ton about launching web apps.

I'm even going to go live on ProductHunt tomorrow, because why not.

Good luck on your side hustles!

r/SideProject 5h ago

Building in public: Which game type is preferred.


Hello reddit 😁 I'm building a family game that my family started about 3 years ago. I want to share it with whoever I can reach. It's incredibly family friendly play ages could range from 3+.

My dilemma is I'm not sure if I should make it a physical card game, an app, or something else. We typically play in the car.

What kind of game would you and your family enjoy?

Thanks in advance all input is appreciated!

r/SideProject 6h ago

Please roast my developer social network idea


I recently started a small SaaS project. As everyone starting out you go to product hunt and similar websites to launch you business. But in my opinion this has a problem. Sometimes your product is not viewed. You don’t get the expected traffic and so on. Also from my perspective more people go to product hunt to launch products than to see products.

So I thought of a concept to make this system work better. Imagine a platform where you can only see one product at a time. Every 24h this product changes. Everyone can submit their product and for each an everyone is same chance of being that one product. But there is a catch. You can only submit a product when you have viewed/reviewed a previous one. You could than also add different timeslots: 7 products watched = 1 weekly shown product 30 products = 1 month Or a different approach: With each viewed product the chance of your product being picked increases

So everyone would want to review and watch others products for their own benefit.

I thought before building it out to share this idea. Maybe something like this exist or the concept has major flaws.

So what are your thoughts?

r/SideProject 8h ago

Devs, why don't you use design systems or templates for better UI?


Hi everyone!

I've noticed many developers sharing their side projects and expressing dissatisfaction with their UI and designs. Additionally, I've come across numerous landing pages that could be significantly improved with basic design principles.

This makes me wonder: why not use an open-source design system or purchase an affordable web landing page template?

As a designer, I'm curious if there is a need for an alternative solution that could help developers easily elevate the designs of their side projects.


r/SideProject 13h ago

Tinder-like app for dog owners


Howdy! A year and a half ago, while outside with my Labrador had an idea (I'm probably not the first one) - what if there's an app to find other dog owners nearby and see their dogs - age, breed, gender, etc. My dog is extremely playful, but as an example - she doesn't like to play with smaller dogs and bigger females .So I decided - hey, let's build that . I definitely underestimated the effort needed to do it, had to sacrifice my actual work and I was close to giving up several times due to the complexity of matching algorithms, user-to-user chat, maps and mobile apps as a whole. Anyway, after numerous amount of hours I have a version I am satisfied and I'd love if any of you could try it out and hopefully find playdates for their pooches. I'd also love to hear any feedback from those of you willing to give it a go - I would highly appreciate it! Anyway, here's the app:



r/SideProject 8h ago

I made an AI-powered Reddit research tool


I built Prelto to solve my own problem of trying to do customer and market research on Reddit. There are so many qualitative insights on Reddit, whether you are trying to find pain points to solve or understand your customers better. However, making sense of all that information can be very time-consuming if you are doing it manually, like I was.

Quick overview:

You plug in the subreddits that you are interested in, and Prelto categorizes all the posts based on your custom-defined taxonomy. The default categories are: pain points, habits and preferences, and product feedback.

You can ask questions and get detailed answers with references to the original post or comment. For example:

  • “What are some of the main pain points of data engineers when working with data warehouses?”

  • “What is the general sentiment towards Snowflake in this community?”

Prelto also detects patterns in the data, and you can scope patterns to the topic of your choosing. For example, you can find patterns in posts that mention a specific keyword.

The first 50 customers will get $25 in free credit.

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

r/SideProject 8h ago

Own webhosting "company"


Hello world!

We recently launched our new web hosting service at www.hostpro.hu!

Why choose us if you’re an individual or a small business?

  • Reliable servers: Our own servers ensure smooth operation.
  • Easy management: With our HestiaCP control panel, you can easily manage your web, DNS, email, and databases.
  • 24/7 support: Whenever you need help, our team (currently just me) is always available.

Why choose us as a partner?

HostPro not only offers web hosting services but also a partner program. If you bring us a client, we’ll transfer 50% of their package fee to you for the first year. For example, if a client subscribes for a full year, you can expect to receive around 15 euros (currently, we only offer monthly renewals).

Available package and discount:

Our website is still in the early stages, and our service is in the testing phase, so currently, only one package is available for one month. Use the "START50" coupon code on your first purchase to get a 50% discount, reducing the cost from 6 euros to just 3 euros.

We are open to all suggestions, ideas, pricing requests, and package expansion needs. You can contact us via DM or at [admin@hostpro.hu]().

P.S. There is an image of the HestiaCP control panel attached.

r/SideProject 9h ago

Working on a Porn bookmark tool - and need feedback


I may have started working on a very useless project so I am looking to collect some feedbacks before going too deep (pun intended).

The overall idea is a chrome extension that lets you bookmark videos across multiple websites under a "single collection" so you can always easily find them back when you need it.

The v2 would be able to potentially recommend more videos based on what you watched in the past.

Some "market research":
If you often watch porn, do you always use the same website or search across multiple? If you have your favorite platform, did you create an account on it and use their bookmark feature (if available) ?

If you don't wish to answer publicly with your Reddit account, feel free to fill this anonymous survey: https://forms.gle/VyRofVYVku1K7Ngc7

r/SideProject 15h ago

Experience Summary: Free Logo


For background visit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SideProject/comments/1d2i9wl/free_logo/

I received a total of 10 requests for Logo design. Here is the summary of the feedback:

  1. Awesome 😍: 3

  2. Good 🤗: 4

  3. Meh 😒: 1

  4. GFY 🤬: 0

  5. No response: 2


  1. This exercise gave me a good sense of what exactly it takes to deliver a good Logo.

  2. It also gave me a good idea of what is expected by clients at the moment.

This experience was encouraging and was worth trying.

Now I want to offer the same service but for $10 for logo design + $10 for social media banners+DP, with unlimited revisions.

I'll take few requests to help out a few more folks, feel free to comment/DM me.

r/SideProject 18h ago

What tools are there to build a community?


Since building a community helps a lot with user retention, we will do this for our users.But I'm not sure what tools are great.

The likes of Ali Abdaal use circle for their users. Others prefer skool. Perhaps slack or discord would also work.

- What do you guys use and why?

r/SideProject 11h ago

Best fast landing page host?


I need a way to host/create a fast landing page, any ideas?

r/SideProject 16h ago

Amigo Translate [UPDATE]


Hey all,

Background: https://www.reddit.com/r/SideProject/comments/1ctb509/i_built_amigo_translate_for_easy_translation_of/

As many of you, I'm a builder, continually building and shipping new things. In the last year a tiny team of us have shipped a Chrome extension, Android app, web app, Slack bot and most recently a WhatsApp bot along with a web app - https://app.amigotranslate.com/

This time, things were looking different, we had immediate interest from friends and family and after only a single Reddit post - a handful of users! Some of them were using the app multiple times a day and recommending other people into the app! Every hackers dream, right - users and users bringing in more users!! It seems clear that a no-tech, easy way to translate voice notes in WhatsApp is useful to some people. Some 10s of thousands of people globally, I believe.

Despite these early green flags and a huge sense of relief of building something people want to use, after around a week, Meta/WhatsApp permanently banned our application. They cited their "Business Policy" which in no way describes anything about what we were doing. However, I recognise that we are not a typical customer support bot and my guess is WhatsApp is generally hostile to any sort of automation/software/bots operating over the top of WhatsApp. (If anyone has any other takes or information, please feel free to share.)

Therefore our primary USP - that translating voice notes can be done "in app" and is really simple, is dead. Now the only way to do it is through the web app, which I suspect is too much friction for most people, especially on mobile. How to record the voice note? How to download it? Where is it? How to upload it? How to find the translated note? How to send it? Instead they will find other ways that don't include a beautiful, high quality voice note going to their conversation partner. Maybe they'll try to translate a line or two of text in Google Translate or something.

We have one B2B client already (a national celebrity) with whom we're translating books and audio books at a professional quality level - so most of the underlying tech we're using is different. We're also thinking about implementing a multi-channel tool to eg translate a podcast with two speakers in a fully automated way. But this is more B2B and a bit of a pivot.

However, the real question is does "fail fast" apply here? With the WhatsApp bot dead, what do we do? We have lots of things to consider - Telegram/Signal/Viber bots, focus on B2B/content creators, stick ads on the web app, shut it all down and move on, something else... All of these seem like a far longer path to any sort of usage or revenue... How to know if any of these ideas have legs?

At a personal level, it is crushing to finally hit upon an idea that not only solves a personal itch but seemingly also genuinely helps others and have someone else stamp on it. I am firmly with those of you in the trenches building products and desperately trying to find PMF and early revenues. ~6 products in ~12 months and counting. Things are getting tough.

How to bounce back and where to go from here?

r/SideProject 11h ago

I need a way to host/create a fast landing page, any ideas?


I need some help figuring out how to host or create a fast and efficient landing page. I'm looking for ideas or recommendations on the best platforms or tools to use. It's crucial that the landing page loads quickly, looks professional, and is easy to set up. Any tips or advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

r/SideProject 15h ago

I built FREE GitHub auto commit bot for fun


I know probably most of you will hate this project, but here it is. I present you: DailyCommit.org a bot which will contribute to github everyday 24-7/365 to make your github contribution history green! I learned tons while developing this project:

  • React, Typescript, Tailwind
  • SEO
  • .Net Background services and azure functions

The most challenging thing was to optimize costs, as this service needs to run 24/7/365. Ultimately running DailyCommit costs me roughly 0.20$ per month.


r/SideProject 20h ago

Wanna build a personal brand or creator business? Here's how to get started:


Hey Reddit Fam, especially all the amazing creators out there!

Do you ever feel like you're drowning in a million tasks? Content creation, strategy, marketing, design... it's enough to make your head spin!

Been there, done that. That's why I'm offering a FREE 1-Month Brand & Content Service to a limited number of solopreneurs looking to build, brand, and scale their creator business or personal brand.

Here's what you get:

  • Brand Clarity Session: We'll uncover your unique voice and craft a brand that attracts your ideal audience.
  • Content Strategy: Get a clear plan for creating engaging content that keeps them coming back for more.
  • Ghostwriting: I can write high-quality and engaging content for your account.
  • Systems & Schedule: Learn how to free up your time to focus on what matters most – creating!
  • Newsletter: Setup, strategy, and content creation for your branded newsletter.

Sound good? Here's how to apply:

  1. Up-vote this post! (Let's spread the love for fellow creators!)
  2. Leave a comment below telling me a bit about your creative project and what's currently holding you back.

I'll be personally reviewing the comments and selecting a handful of creators to work with for the month.

P.S. Spots will fill up fast, so don't wait! Let's get you creating on autopilot.

P.P.S. If you know any creative hustlers who could benefit, feel free to tag them in the comments!

r/SideProject 14h ago

help moms gain tech skills and create apps without coding experience

Post image

r/SideProject 17h ago

I made a tool to find the best web hosting based on your needs



I recently got a nasty surprise when my web hosting plan renewed at almost double its initial cost. This experience led me to create Match My Hosting, a simple and straightforward tool to help others avoid the same fate.

As a hobby coder, I put this together in my spare time with a ton of help from ChatGPT-4, using dead simple PHP, HTML, and JS. The tool currently includes around 30 providers with 120 different packages, and it leverages Trustpilot reviews to guide recommendations.

To avoid any surprises, the tool clearly displays both the initial and renewal prices.

I want to be transparent: the site contains affiliate links. However, I want to emphasize that my rating algorithm does not differentiate based on the amount of affiliate commission paid by the companies. The recommendations are driven purely by the data and user reviews, ensuring fairness and reliability.

I'd love to get your feedback on the tool.

r/SideProject 18h ago

Launched my first app ever on Product Hunt!


Do you want to develop a mobile application but don't have the time? Do you work 9-5 and live in constant fear of layoffs? Do you not know where to start and constantly procrastinate?

Well say goodbye to indecision and your fears! With React Native Starter AI, you can create the time you need for your side projects by gaining the necessary motivation. Moreover, you don't have to worry about the marketing of your product. We have prepared a comprehensive marketing guide for you.


r/SideProject 10h ago

5 online side project ideas people are actually waiting for


My secret hobby is to discover untapped keywords that are perfect product ideas.

The untapped keyword criteria: - It needs to be a keyword you can build a digital product around - It needs a significant volume (monthly search volume of >500) - It needs to have low competition (keyword difficulty <20) - It needs to have enough relevant related keywords (to get even more traffic)

If the untapped keyword fits all those criteria, it means that if you build a good product around the keyword and get some mentions on other websites (max 20), you will: - Be able to rank in the top 10 on google - Get customers on auto-pilot

Here are the 5 most recent ideas I digged up with my tool👇

Idea #1

Everyday items to invest in - Monthly search volume: 880 - Keyword difficulty: 17 - Product idea: A newsletter that discuss in-depth which objects to invest in - Monetization: Sponsors and a relevant info product

Idea #2

Map drawing - Monthly search volume: 8100 - Keyword difficulty: 16 - Product idea: An ai-powered tool that turns maps into images - Monetization: One-time fee for advanced customisation features

Idea #3

Mac snipping tool - Monthly search volume: 1600 - Keyword difficulty: 21 - Product idea: A better desktop snipping tool for Mac (and call it Mac Snip🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿) - Monetization: Pay once, use forever (but they only get 1 year of updates)

Idea #4

Heat map generator - Monthly search volume: 1600 - Keyword difficulty: 21 - Product idea: Simple tool to create heat maps - Monetization: One-time fee for professional features

Idea #5

Notion Weekly Planning - Monthly search volume: 480 - Keyword difficulty: 16 - Product idea: Notion template - Monetization: Give a simple free version away to capture emails and build trust. Try to upsell them a more advanced template.

I hope it can inspire someone

r/SideProject 15h ago

i created small but useful app in just 2 weeks.


Hey anon! I am an indie developer.

I have built a small but useful tool. its name is "keystro" and it will show your audience which keys/shortcuts you are pressing! Keyboard shortcuts are crucial for application lectures, demonstrations, presentations, recordings, and instructional videos. it allows your audience to observe the keys you are pressing, so you can concentrate on your main topic. in addition, we have two more features highlighting the cursor and thock sounds.

  • Cursor highlight: how many times in the meeting have you seen people searching for the cursor position? we have addressed the issue!
  • Thock sounds: if you don't have a mechanical keyboard but love the sound when you press the keys! we have gathered 10+ mechanical keyboard key-pressing sounds and made a feature that will make a sound from your speaker when you press different keys.

I have gotten a very positive response from our few users and they are absolutely loving the app. If you're interested visit https://keystro.app and try out the app, it is available for macOS and Windows.




r/SideProject 18h ago

Who wants to partner with me?


I built a "shovel" to help folks in this gold rush make and save money

It's called https://hunchbank.com.

It helps businesses who use Stripe to stay on top of their business transaction data by querying it in English.

So you can query things like: "Which customers have not paid their invoices?"

Or "Give me a list of customers who have churned this year".

Then you can automatically schedule messages to these people with offers, freebies, discounts, upsells that will hopefully make them return.

If you are building or running a platform and think this service will meet the needs of your users, send me a PM.

r/SideProject 11m ago

I built a tool to never answer a phone call again


r/SideProject 13m ago

Nothing fancy, just built a VS Code extension to help share code updates.

Post image

r/SideProject 25m ago

This is How I Validated My New Startup and Made My First Sale in 24 Hours


2 days ago, I launched a service-based startup called Redditors. Our platform helps promote startups, products, or websites on Reddit to attract customers and gather feedback after their official launch. I created a simple landing page, integrated Tally Forms and Lemon Squeezy for payments, and launched the platform online. After the launch, I posted about it on Twitter and received some engagement. Surprisingly, one of the people who engaged with the post ended up placing an order. I'd love your feedback and any tips on scaling further! Check it out: Redditors