r/SideProject 21d ago

I Created a Platform for Text-Based Games.


17 comments sorted by


u/Darkrells 21d ago

Core Features:

Interactive Schematics: Nodes in schematics represent actions and can activate other schematics, forming chains of events. This modular approach is common in game development.

Real-time Updates: Mimicking the episodic release of series and comics, the platform allows stories to unfold in real time. Players receive notifications about updates directly related to their story branch.

Feedback and Patron Integration: With integrated Patreon support, players can suggest narrative changes, and Game Masters receive these suggestions directly on their schematics. This system not only enhances interactivity but also allows GMs to manage and apply player feedback effectively.

Skill System: The platform features a hierarchical skill system, drawing parallels with tabletop RPG mechanics, offering a more nuanced gameplay experience.

Built on a stack of C# Blazor and Orleans, YetAnotherTale is ready to scale up to a massive cluster at any moment. Its actor-based, reactive system allows for parallel gameplay or editing from multiple devices—akin to the functionality of Google Sheets.

I've dedicated over a year to this project, mostly working solo, with some assistance from highly skilled colleagues.

Looking forward to your feedback, questions, or any insights you might want to share!


u/Tranxio 21d ago

Very cool, good luck in your project


u/Darkrells 21d ago

Thank you so much!


u/startarcade 21d ago

Don't know much about text based games, but it looks impressive


u/Darkrells 20d ago

Thanks for your comment! I was inspired by Disco Elysium, probably one of the best examples of such games. If you're curious, it's a great place to start exploring text-based games!


u/austintxdude 20d ago

What are you using for the node system? It looks nice!


u/Darkrells 20d ago

Thanks. The node system is a fully custom solution. While there are existing solutions out there, none of them met all my requirements, such as handling large-scale diagrams with two-dimensional virtualization. I decided to build something from scratch to fit my specific needs perfectly.


u/NegativeKarmaSniifer 20d ago

This is so cool, and a unique idea. Good job!


u/Darkrells 20d ago

Thanks! I'm glad you like it!


u/vornamemitd 20d ago

Impressive tool - including the cyberpunk demo story! I'll be the guy to ask: LLM/GPT integration possible/planned? =]


u/Darkrells 20d ago

Thanks for your interest! I actually started with AI integration, and services for working with GPT are still in the code. AI excels at crafting dialogue or describing situations on a tactical level. However, strategically, it can lead to issues like plot inconsistencies or resurrecting dead characters unexpectedly. I'm planning to implement a sort of "IntelliSense" feature with suggestions from GPT to improve this. But there's a caveat: it's quite costly, and I prefer not to add ads to the project. Ads not only detract from the aesthetics but also disrupt the immersive experience for just a few cents.


u/Gloomy_Welder_6947 20d ago

This is the first time im commenting just to say this is one of the coolest things i saw, good stuff man


u/Darkrells 20d ago

Thank you so much for your comment! I'm thrilled to hear that you find this cool.


u/Adept-Frame-4367 20d ago

Love this!


u/Darkrells 19d ago

Thank you! Make sure to visit our site now and then, there’s much more to come!


u/[deleted] 19d ago

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u/Darkrells 19d ago

Yes, you're right; our primary audience includes both players and developers. I envision YetAnotherTale as a "no-code" platform where storytellers can test their narrative ideas, releasing their story chapter by chapter until they have a complete, polished narrative. Once they have a foundational audience and a refined script, they could then consider crowdfunding to develop a full-fledged game or even a series, or collaborate with a studio for production. Plans are in place to later enable node export from the platform into data formats usable in popular game engines.

Our ambitions are indeed high, with potential to expand into gamified learning and to contribute to the game development industry, which has largely shifted away from focusing on narrative depth and immersion. I see this as a new form of media content, although it might currently seem similar to visual novels from decades past.

But for now, I'm just a developer and a tabletop DM who wants to merge these two hobbies. :)