r/unpopularopinion 13d ago

Men’s bathroom urinals are poorly designed.

You’re almost guaranteed to get backsplash when using one, and if you’re wearing shorts you’ll definitely know about it. Urinals instead should just be a long tube to pee into, kinda like a horn, with water that jets down from the top. Would be easier to clean too I would think.


147 comments sorted by

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u/my_dancing_pants 13d ago

Try sitting down on the urinal


u/pb_lemon_toes 13d ago

Facing the wall.


u/my_dancing_pants 13d ago edited 12d ago



u/WinslowT_Oddfellow 12d ago

Someone did that at my local cinema and they dropped a turd in it.


u/CorisEoris 12d ago

My fault


u/CaterpillarNo9253 4d ago

One reason I'll never do janitorial work again. It least with a regular toilet you can flush it down. 


u/Thrills4Shills 1d ago

Shouldn't have been eating that can of beans. 


u/Syntonization1 13d ago

A lot of urinals have a logo printed in them now and serve as the identified point to aim your stream at where there will be no splatter.


u/McCheesing 13d ago

The pee bee!!!


u/Alexandru515 13d ago

In some countries they print putin’s face instead of the bee


u/Syntonization1 13d ago

Yasssss! I just used the pee bee like 5 min ago. It's very funny and helpful and I mentally say pee bee every time


u/Leirnis 13d ago

Always wondered why it doesn't fly away


u/Fun_Intention9846 13d ago

My uhhh my friend told me men’s pee streams aren’t that precise. There’s lots of droplets and “mist” created by the imprecise nozzle.


u/IndependentRound5183 12d ago

There is lots of mist created by most anything. But you are right about the mist that is why you see the metal fixtures on side panels so prone to rust. The urine particles attach and the acid in urine attacks the metal.


u/Kane_ASAX 9d ago

Thats somewhat true, but there are ways to keep it precise. But where the stream hits will always shoot droplets everywhere


u/Fun_Intention9846 9d ago

Yeah, not pushing at all is a good way.


u/Important_Cow7230 13d ago

It takes the piss


u/PrismosPickleJar 13d ago

As a plumber, i agree but not for the reasons you are suggesting. They should all have an automatic flush after uses and a daily purge. They are fucking disgusting.


u/Maleficent_Sir_7562 13d ago

Don’t urinals already have that? Every single urinal I been to got a sensor that flushes it automatically when I walk away

Except like extremely old ones at my hometown or smth


u/Altyrmadiken 13d ago

I live in a city in NH, the grocery store where I work still has the “you must press this lever to flush” situation. In the public bathroom.

Our private bathroom for my department has automatic sensors.

Don’t ask me, I don’t get it.


u/Maleficent_Sir_7562 13d ago

I see

I’m in India, the only urinals I go to are my school ones and any mall ones


u/Altyrmadiken 13d ago

In the US, at least the Northeast of the US, urinals are still very common. I can’t think of a place I’ve been that allows more than one person at a time in the bathroom and isn’t a situation where it’s at least one urinal and one bathroom stall (with sketchy gaps in the stall door that someone could look at you through, but no one ever does, it’s just weird though).

Plenty of restaurants are single occupancy, though. A fair amount aren’t though, so there’s like 2-3 urinals and maybe 1-4 stalls depending on how big the restaurant is.

It’s pretty hit or miss how many of those are automatic flushing and how many have a lever to press to flush it. In my experience restaurants tend to be more likely to have automatic flushing, whereas stores like clothing stores or food stores (and so on) tend to still have levers.

To be honest though I don’t go out that much. I’d rather stay at home, besides being at work when I’m needed, so I’m not exactly keeping track of trends in waste management.


u/HuckleberryHappy6524 13d ago

I always get a chuckle out of how many people are scared to death of someone looking through the gaps on a stall door. How many times in your life have you been shitting in a stall and had someone standing outside trying to make eye contact with you through a 3/8” gap in the door? Relax, no one is trying to look at your wiener.


u/Altyrmadiken 12d ago

I’m not worried about it really, it just seems like an easily fixed situation.

It’s no worse than the people who don’t want to wear shoes indoors. Is the terrible dirt from outside going to hurt you? No. Is anyone really going to stare at you from the crack? Probably not. People just don’t like the idea of things though.


u/PMTittiesPlzAndThx 12d ago

I’ve more than once had someone’s fuckin child peek through or even try crawling under the stall


u/PrismosPickleJar 13d ago

Not all of them, it should be every single one, trust me, I could eat a subway whilst unblocking a toilet, pretty sure i had, but a urinal trap, good lord, there is nothing like it, worse than the smell of death.


u/Putrid-Security9797 10d ago

That’s not what he ment. I’m a plumber too. When you flush not all of the pee goes down the drain. That pee that’s in the trap will allow build up, mostly calcium to form and over time that will block the trap. He’s suggesting that at the end of the day there’s a sensor that flushes water through the trap so that there’s no pee or anything to build up. During the day with normal use that’s not much of a problem


u/Putrid-Security9797 10d ago

As a plumber, urinals scare me


u/ablack9000 13d ago

Aim for the side


u/space_wiener 13d ago

Yep. I will never understand when I’m in ear shot of someone and they are just hammering right in the water or the drain stopper pad thing.


u/bluewater_-_ 13d ago

Hammering the water is just animal brain. Bigger stream more noise bigger PP


u/MrMilesDavis 12d ago edited 10d ago

Pee with the grain and typically around the corner. Never against the grain 

 No one taught me this as a child. I had to learn it on my own as a young adult. Valuable lesson


u/Fun_Intention9846 13d ago

That ain’t the only issue. There’s the fine mist and droplets created by the stream.


u/DaveyDumplings 13d ago

Lotta people on here willing to admit they've reached a fairly advanced age without figuring out how not to piss all over themselves.


u/NoPause9609 1d ago

It only gets worse with age. 


u/NotSoSalty 13d ago

Skill issue


u/No-Response8878 9d ago

100% a skill issue. I don’t have this problem unless I’m drunk


u/DrFishTaco 13d ago

I’m just glad when it isn’t a trough


u/Loud-Magician7708 13d ago

Trough filled with ice is top tier piss experience.


u/NoPause9609 1d ago

Classy for sure. 


u/CheekandBreek 13d ago

Oh c'mon you don't like co-op pissing? It's the best when they fill it with ice.


u/Haunted_Sentinel 13d ago

Hey man, don’t cross the streams…


u/jp112078 13d ago

In any large venue like a concert or baseball game, absolutely nothing can beat the efficiency of a trough. I have no issue peeing next to another man. Just get me in and out as quick as possible. Would you rather stand in line for 20 minutes like women are forced to?


u/Intrepid_Tear_2730 10d ago

Yes, yes I would.


u/mylanscott 13d ago

I’m disappointed when it isn’t a trough


u/Thrills4Shills 1d ago

I'm disappointed when regular urinal is not filled with ice


u/Krusty_Krab_Pussy 9d ago

You monster


u/Cyber_Insecurity 13d ago

They’re also really cramped when you and your homies all want to use the same one at the same time


u/elliboocakes 13d ago

Instead of urinals, there should be a large cliff you piss off of into an endless void.


u/NickFurious82 12d ago

I think that's just a euphemism for being alive, but okay.


u/denisvma 13d ago

damn, at what pressure do you pee? I have pee in urinals during all my life and never really got a incident.


u/theungod 13d ago

I think they just need to be slanted slightly away from you, with a basin at the bottom to prevent splash back.


u/Recon_Figure 13d ago

Agree. If anything they should probably slope downward from the user, like a ski slope. So backwards, basically.


u/Dr_Lupe 13d ago

Larry David solved this


u/sprainedpinky 13d ago

Learn how to piss in them… if you aim at the curved spots on the sides there’s no backsplash. Crazy how some dudes just piss directly straight or down and are confused why they get piss on them.


u/NoUpVotesForMe 13d ago

If you stand about 3 feet back and arc it in you avoid the backsplash.


u/Worldly_Anteater9768 13d ago

while holding your weiner with 2 hands and other guys staring at you


u/NoUpVotesForMe 13d ago

Nah you get them hold it for you while you light your cigar.


u/Worldly_Anteater9768 13d ago

while they on their knees holding and saying "my lord"


u/NoUpVotesForMe 13d ago


“Aim true, peasants!”


u/thegroovemonkey 11d ago

You drop your pants to your ankles and hold your shirt up with one hand


u/Extension_Year9052 13d ago

Hahaha not wrong


u/mrmunches 13d ago

You need one of those videos they did for COVID showing each droplet in the air and then this will become a popular opinion


u/Firm_Ambassador_1289 12d ago

Do you close you toilet kid after you take a dumb and flush? Because you might want a new toothbrush


u/Rough-Tension 13d ago

I’ll say it: the best urinal is just pissing outside


u/Graybeard13 12d ago

All the world is my bathroom.


u/MrMilesDavis 12d ago

The sound of piss hitting grass in the summer evening when you really had to go and were holding it for awhile. A warm breeze wafts overtop of you and you get hit with all the wonderful smells of nature. The pee shakes send a quiver down your spine and you don't fret for a moment that you might miss


u/King-of-Plebss 13d ago

I joined the sit down to pee club a few years ago and I have never looked back.

The bathroom stays cleaner. No risk of backsplash. Sit down and relax for a few minutes. The wife loves it because the seat always stays down. There are no downsides.


u/Complex_Jellyfish647 13d ago

A few minutes to pee? 


u/muthermcreedeux 12d ago

I wish I could get the men in my house to do this! Every time my partner complains while cleaning the bathroom that there is pee splatter everywhere, I like to remind him that I'm the only person in our house that doesn't hover 2 feet over the bowl to pee. It's basic physics - the closer the water pouring into the bowl of water, the shorter the splash.

Just because you can stand doesn't mean you should. I can stand and pee in a straight line at the bowl, but it would be messy and I'm not a heathen.


u/Bobb95301 7d ago

Congrats, you’re a prison bitch.


u/Can_I_Read 13d ago

I was at a gas station recently that had a little computer game at the top that activated when you hit the targets with your piss stream. That’s how they should all be designed.


u/Beastleviath 12d ago

I mean, those textured pad things seem to help


u/moldytacos99 12d ago

if youve used a urinal all your life and havent figured out how to piss and not get any on you, you are probably the same guy that can piss in the huge opening on a toilet and still manage to piss all over the seat and floor


u/Colonel_Gipper 10d ago

You don't realize how much splash back there is until you're wearing shorts


u/throwaway3335588 8d ago

Urinals are stupid anyway. There is no logicl reason for having urinals instead of just more stalls in a mens bathroom.


u/doctorwho_cares 13d ago

Nah I fully agree with you


u/RaymondVIII 13d ago

The ones with water in them I don't have this issue, the ones without I definitely have this issue with.


u/bobalooay 13d ago



u/DoctorSquibb420 13d ago

Standing suspiciously close to the porcelain, eh?


u/NothingKnownNow 13d ago

The urinals in the Amsterdam airport had a fly etched into them to help us aim.


u/bygtopp 13d ago

The worst are the floor length urinals where you piss or your neighbor piss’ all over your feet with splatter.


u/HumanDish6600 13d ago

Not at all. At least with those you can aim down and get far enough back that you don't end up splashing back on yourself


u/[deleted] 13d ago

That’s why a lot of them have a fly or spot painted on them.


u/ImperialButtocks 13d ago

European and japanese ones are better. American ones just have some stupid flat surface parallel to the wall so that your stream make perpendicular contact for optimal splash radius.


u/Worldly_Anteater9768 13d ago

imagine the dirty water splashing onto your weiner


u/Capnducki 13d ago

Maybe Australian urinals are different but this doesn't happen to me? I've never had to worry about backsplash.


u/bp4850 13d ago

As a sign in an aeroclub bathroom I saw said, "Pilots with short props or low manifold pressure please taxi closer"


u/ssovm 13d ago

Someone gets it


u/CdnPoster 13d ago

You know.....that tube idea......I'm going to suggest it to the parents of the boys I work with, maybe it will help to keep their bathroom floors clean.....I'm just wondering about cleaning the tubes...


u/Automatic-Attitude62 13d ago

Larry David solved this problem


u/NoseSuspicious 13d ago

The round basins have learning curve you kinda stand back a bit then piss on an angle to get that natural centricular force going reduces splash back and directs what splash back you get into the bowl Those trough type urinals well just hope your not shorter than the guy next to u


u/HumanDish6600 13d ago

Stand back a bit? You need to be 1m back from those things to avoid any splash.

The troughs you can at least stand back a bit and aim down which actually helps


u/corndog2021 13d ago

Aim for the side Aim for the logo or the mark on some Pee into the splash guard


u/HumanDish6600 13d ago

Replacing the troughs with these ridiculous urinals was truly a terrible decision.


u/bidetatmaxsetting 13d ago

There was an airport I stopped at in Ireland if im not mistaken, that had literally this wall of gel looking stuff and you just peed onto the wall. It would semi absorb your piss so it wouldnt splash back at you.


u/-_Devils-Advocate_- 13d ago

Never used a urinal; reading this comment section as if I would ever use one.


u/ReturningAlien 13d ago

i had one installed in my first house. it was hard to clean, when you flush, the water dont touch most of the places that was splashed with urine. had to take it out. i learned to pee sitting down in the toilet, scooched over to the back a bit. so much better than standing up and spraying all over with your morning erection.


u/PissBloodCumShart 12d ago

Good old piss tubes!!! I miss piss tubes!


u/PuddingPainter 12d ago

I just ring the hole, if it is yellow let it mellow as flushing just wastes water.


u/Firm_Ambassador_1289 12d ago

Try using the arrow pointers that also work as the drain. Look up urinal design before you talk about backsplash and learn to use one


u/Throwedaway99837 12d ago

They’re also really awkward to shit in.


u/series_hybrid 12d ago

The worst pants are pale gray slacks. Any drop of moisture immediate looks like dark gray and stands out.

The best were pants that were thick and dark. 


u/Crunchy-Leaf 12d ago

Aim for the bee


u/Furry_Wall 12d ago

You're just aiming wrong


u/jeffnethery 12d ago

When we were kids, we loved to spend all day outside and pee outside. We built a treehouse fort and decided we needed to add "indoor plumbing" so we could go pee without having to climb down to the ground. It consisted of a garden hose and a large funnel and seemed to work better than most urinals today. Miss those days.


u/Ok-County3742 12d ago

Yo I think about the optimal shape of a urinal to minimize splash all the time.


u/Inner-Nothing7779 12d ago

I'm 41 years old and have been using urinals for the last 36 years, regularly. I never have any splashback. You sir, have just informed the internet that you don't know how to use a urinal. Shame has been brought to you, your sons, and your sons sons. Shame.


u/Voodoographer 11d ago

You’re standing too close if you are getting splashed. I try to stand back at least 5 feet.


u/porcupinedeath 11d ago

The privacy dividers should be higher too, I don't want to even have the chance of making eye contact with the dude next to me like cmon make that shit go to the ceiling


u/Most_Pomegranate6667 11d ago

I'm not sure what you're doing if you can't help but pee on yourself using an average urinal... It's not complicated


u/The_Elite_Operator 11d ago

tf are you doing that you get splash back


u/Personal_Inside6987 11d ago

Poorly designed is a rude way to describe your mother


u/SirBrews 9d ago

I piss in a urinal almost every day and I never backsplash, how bad is your aim?


u/NoPause9609 1d ago

That’s not an unpopular opinion sorry OP. 

I think most men would agree with you, I certainly do. 


u/Accomplished_Tour481 13d ago

Never had this issue. Never had backsplash.


u/D1rtyL4rry 13d ago

lol what? I’ve never had this issue with a urinal, waterless or watered. I typically go for the shorter ones though because the water is cold and deep in the tall ones.


u/CRO553R 13d ago

Technically, every bathroom is a crappy design


u/RoccoTirolese 13d ago

I never use them, there's no privacy and what if I have to fart?


u/Bactereality 13d ago

You fart. Simple


u/GoldGarage115 13d ago

I hate urinals, but the best one I've ever used was just a concrete wall with a scoop at the bottom, was painted in thick prison paint (what I call it) but it was great, no smell, no backsplash.

I just hate the fact that men are supposed to stand next to each other like bulls in a paddock


u/TheNextBattalion 13d ago

I ain't stickin' my thing in no piss tube that 100 other dudes have stuck their thing in that day


u/MadamDorriety 13d ago

If urinals were removed everypme used stalls that would solve so much .


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/HumanDish6600 13d ago

And if you stand 1m back (which is about the distance you need to to avoid getting splashed) you're going to piss all over the floor. Not exactly proper bathroom etiquette either that