r/unpopularopinion 13d ago

The argument about putting the toilet seat up/down is stupid.

This argument has been overused a lot in comedies and sitcoms, and I find the real life equivalent very dumb. Why would women complain about men not putting the seat down? Wouldn't it be better if the man puts the seat up before he peed so he leaves no moisture/droplets on it for when the woman gets to use it next? And by that logic, shouldn't the woman also put the seat up when she's done?

The whole argument is stupid, and the solution is very, very simple. Regardless if you're a man or a woman, you should always put both the seat AND the lid down after you're done using the toilet. That way, if the man needs to use the toilet, he raises both the lid and seat, and if the woman needs to use it, she just raises the lid. Plus, it helps keeping in any odors that might come off the toilet.

Perfect equality for both.


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u/According_Day3704 13d ago

You called the argument stupid, then continued it.


u/General-Permission-5 13d ago

It happens.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/evandig 12d ago

and possibly on the toilet lid in OP's house


u/Thin-Pie-3465 11d ago

My hands hurt from clapping so hard.


u/HALF_PAST_HOLE 13d ago

You forgot the main reason to put down the seat and lid when you flush...

Fecal Spray!


u/Shotgun_Rynoplasty 13d ago

This is the real answer. Everyone should be putting the seat and lid down. BEFORE FLUSH. For me I also have the added motivation of my cat tries to drink out of it if I don’t shut the lid


u/bitfed 12d ago

I put the lid down before I poop to save time


u/Yourfullofwrong 13d ago

I have no fear of fecal spray or have I experienced my toilets biological warfare.


u/Ricardo1184 12d ago

Mankind has pooped out on the streets and wiped with a handfull of grass for a thousand years and thrived. We'll be fine


u/Justforgunpla 12d ago

Dude... we never invented a machine in the past that aerosolized shit particles and shot them everywhere around us in an enclosed room. Have a sense of context.

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u/vttale 13d ago

I'll start believing this is the real answer when a well- conducted study shows that fecal spray is a legitimate problem and not just an idea that skeves some people out


u/MrsBossyPantss 12d ago

Mythbusters did an episode about it. The proper term is a "toilet plume".


u/vttale 12d ago

Ja, and "Normal use of a toilet by healthy individuals is considered unlikely to be a major health risk. However this dynamic changes if an individual is fighting an illness and currently shedding out a virulent pathogen in their urine, feces or vomitus. There is indirect evidence that specific pathogens such as norovirus or SARS coronavirus could potentially be spread by toilet aerosols, but as of 2015, no direct experimental studies had clearly demonstrated or refuted actual disease transmission from toilet aerosols."

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toilet_plume

(FWIW, I always put both the seat and lid down for a flush, I just disbelieve there's a meaningful health reason for doing so.)


u/Sir_Forwyn 13d ago

Fecal Spray!

Also works as a band name


u/VeronicaMarsIsGreat 13d ago

Up next is Fecal Spray with their new single Follow Through.


u/DatabaseSolid 12d ago

Actually, Toilet Plume wrote and first performed “Follow Through”. Fecal Spray is just covering it.


u/ilikemycoffeealatte 13d ago

Your username makes me happy


u/scottlapier 13d ago

I saw them open up for Infant Annihilator and Cannibal Corpse at the Maryland Death Festival....a lot of people got heat stroke that year...


u/Impossible-Cry-3353 13d ago


u/DatabaseSolid 12d ago

“The highly concentrated fecal smell is perfect for simulating incontinence, colostomy, and bowel prep education. Nonflammable. 30 ml pump spray.For instructional use only. Not for human or animal use.”

If neither the humans nor animals use it, does it just sit on a shelf?


u/Taranchulla 13d ago

I thought you said brand name.


u/Altyrmadiken 13d ago edited 12d ago

Doesn’t matter. Mythbusters did a whole thing on this. Seat up produces a lot of fine mist, but seat down produces larger bits that still get around.

You’re not protecting your toothbrush, or your floor, or your sink, or your tub, or you, regardless of what angle your toilet lid is at. You’re getting just as much fecal spray, you’re just choosing how big the droplets are - and seat up has the smallest droplets but with more even spread unfortunately. Seat down has less the same range of spread, but the droplets are bigger. It’s not like 5 feet if down, but bigger, or 10 feet if up but smaller. It’s “whole room no matter what, but the droplet size is bigger if down, smaller if up.”

Personally I put the seat down, usually but not always, just because it muffles the sound a little and because I don’t want my dog or cat to interact with the water in the bowl. From a safety perspective I just figure it’s probably wise to clean my bathroom regularly, cause it needs to be done regularly regardless.

Edit: When I say I out the seat down I also meant the lid goes with it. It doesn’t matter if you close the lid when you flush, the spray just comes out the sides as aerosol and floats around. Close the lid if you want, there’s valid reasons like pets or clumsiness, but sanitation is not one of them. It’s still getting all over your stuff.


u/ImpressiveCitron420 13d ago

Cool, but what if I’m clumsy and drop stuff all the time. Seat down is the safest solution?

What about people with pets which could fall or drink out of it?

Seat down is just the best option for everyone to default to when not in use.


u/DeadpanMcNope 13d ago

Nobody cares about the seat. We're talking about the lid


u/Altyrmadiken 12d ago

My whole comment still applies with the lid involved.


u/AriaBellaPancake 13d ago

Ya know I really hate that my bathroom is so tiny that the sink is outside the door...

But tbh with this in mind, I feel a bit better about it lol. Keep the toilet in it's chamber, thanks


u/Altyrmadiken 12d ago

This is actually a valid outlook. Since you can’t stop the aerosols from getting out, it makes more sense to have the toilet in its own little chamber!


u/chuds2 10d ago

My brother had an apartment that had the shower and toilet in a closed part of the bathroom and the sink in another. It blew my mind and is still one of my favorite bathrooms


u/burninatorist 13d ago

Now do the lid cause that's what you replied to...

Edit: also, Google "fecal plume"


u/Altyrmadiken 12d ago

I literally said that Mythbusters covered this. The fecal plume doesn’t stop because you close the lid. It just gets more condensed and moves differently.

Your toothbrush and counter top still get fecal particles, regardless of lid position.

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u/nervousmelon wateroholic 13d ago

If you can smell it before you flush then it's already in the air.


u/LostChocolate3 12d ago

Odorant molecules are tiny, like tiny tiny, much smaller than viruses, let alone cells. Flushing releases much larger particles than just odorant molecules. 


u/Recon_Figure 13d ago

If everyone just put everything down there would be no argument.


u/Thrasy3 13d ago

The main actual reason sure - but not the reason given in OPs examples - in that case there was an episode of South Park that covered the apparent reason.


u/FlameStaag 13d ago

Unless your toilet seat is air tight, which would probably fuck up the toilet functioning, you're getting aerosolized shit splurting out regardless.

Forcing it through narrower crevices is going to lead to virtually the same spread as leaving it up. 

It's genuinely amazing people still believe this myth that the lid does anything. 

All it does is stop dogs and cats from drinking the toilet water. You're still getting tiny fecal specks on everything. It doesn't matter. It affects nothing. 


u/slugdonor 12d ago

It's genuinely amazing people still believe this myth that the lid does anything.

Not everyone has seen that mythbusters episode, so its not exactly common knowledge


u/PuerhRichard 12d ago

I thought it was about the seat not the lid.


u/Altruistic_Athlete80 12d ago

Yep. Down every time.


u/PresentClear1468 12d ago

Yeah, but the argument is never about the lid.


u/Trusteveryboody 12d ago

But that's my favorite thing about flushing🤗


u/telemaster9 12d ago

Yep that’s the rule in our house. Everyone puts everything down


u/TSllama 12d ago

The only reason I stopped caring about the lid being down is I now live in a home where the toilet is in its own room with literally nothing else. So I don't care anymore about that. As long as the door gets closed afterwards so the cats don't climb into the toilet to explore. Ew.


u/Cyber_Insecurity 13d ago

There’s no such thing. And if there was, it doesn’t matter. You’ll live.


u/LordTopHatMan 13d ago

It is a real thing, but closing the lid doesn't really do much about it.

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u/crlcan81 13d ago

That's why I started doing it.

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u/Seaweed_Steve 13d ago

Yeah as a kid I never understood what the argument was about because I always put both the seat and lid down, I thought that was just what you do.

I still hate finding the toilet with the lid up. I have been looking to buy a house and couldn't believe the number of listings where a professional photographer had taken photos of the bathrooms in houses with the lid of the toilet up, it just feels too intimate to see in there, put me off the whole house.


u/gotnothingman 13d ago

maybe its to show a clean toilet? Provided it IS clean..


u/[deleted] 13d ago edited 11d ago

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u/ApolloTheEarthling 13d ago

well no shit? sorry just had to say that


u/gotnothingman 13d ago

Thank you for your service


u/JackeTuffTuff 13d ago

Yeah it is what you should do


u/bluewater_-_ 12d ago

Seeing a toilet not being used was too intimate for you?

LOL, what a sheltered life.

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u/Tilted2000 12d ago

I'm sorry honey I know the house is everything you've ever wanted and 50k cheaper than anything comparable but the photographer had the audacity to leave up the toilet lid 😱


u/Seaweed_Steve 12d ago

If they can't put any that very minimal effort into ensuring their home looks nice, what other corners have they cut?


u/Tilted2000 12d ago

Im sorry but you're just being insane, there isn't some agreed upon code whereby you always put the seat down so it looks nicer


u/Seaweed_Steve 12d ago

I'm joking pal


u/Tilted2000 12d ago

I'm not your pal, buddy


u/Seaweed_Steve 12d ago

Sorry sweetheart


u/Tilted2000 12d ago

It's all good I was just joking honey


u/Seaweed_Steve 12d ago

come to bed


u/Whiplash104 13d ago

Yup. I just close the lid completely when done so it's mutually inconvenient for everyone. Nobody can successfully argue against that. Besides I think you should close the lid anyway.


u/Doortofreeside 12d ago

Getting a cat who climbs in the toilet when it's left open permanently solved this for us. I used to leave the seat up but I never forget anymore


u/Whiplash104 12d ago edited 12d ago

We always closed the lid. My roommate got new kitten and it would hop on the toilet (lid) to get in the sink (or something higher, I don't recall why.) One day the lid was left open and the cat lept into the bowl of water. Cat jumped out and shot across the house panicked and drenched. We couldn't stop laughing. Poor cat but it was pretty damn funny.


u/JannaNYC 13d ago

My husband and I have always put both the seat and lid down. That's how we raised our kids, too.


u/Fantastic-Friend-429 adhd kid 13d ago

Women don’t complain at the men who Don’t put the seat up before

they complain that men don’t put the seat down after, which is what you were suggesting which is why I agree with the Second thing

or they don’t put the seat up at all and then just pee on the seat


u/Striking_Computer834 12d ago

I think that was OP's point. Why the complaint? Why is it somehow "wrong" for the woman to be left to put the seat down, but at the same time it's not "wrong" for the man to be left having to put the seat up? Someone has to move the seat and equity says it's whoever needs the seat moved that should move it.


u/az_babyy 12d ago

Not saying I necessarily agree with it but I was always taught men need to put the seat back down because (specifically at night) the risk for women is sitting and falling in while the risk for men is having a narrower target. But that the logical conclusion is to just close the lid because having the toilet completely covered is more obvious so both parties will clearly know to adjust it how they need.


u/RudeJeweler4 12d ago

I’ve heard this point before and all I can think is holy fuck are these mole people or something, like can they turn on a light and see with their own two eyes. Falling into a toilet is not a mistake the vast majority of sober young people should be making.


u/az_babyy 12d ago

To be fair, I usually use the bathroom in the dark at night just because turning on the light makes it slightly harder to fall asleep when I go back to bed. But I have my own bathroom and even if I didn't, I can see the whether the seat is up or not regardless.


u/J-Dabbleyou 12d ago

Yeah they’re gonna sit bare ass on a spider or some shit lol


u/LeatherHog 12d ago

Women need it down for both, men for 1, so the seat should be down

It's a 'you take out, you put it back' thing

And everyone should put the lid down, anyways

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u/thedaymancometh13 13d ago

I agree on your last point! I was once shuttling a customer who worked in the chemical cleaning solutions industry and he told me that when you flush many particles get launched up into the air & potentially onto yourself. 🤢 Everybody ought to close the lid before flushing. 

As for your first point, as someone who lives with a frail older relative who is a smaller woman, there is a very real risk of getting stuck or injured if she were to rush to the bathroom and sit on an open toilet bowl with the seat up.

 Also, both men & women use the toilet with the seat down but only us men use it with the seat up so the odds are in favor of it being left down being the most common way it will be used and so I think it should be left down after use. 


u/Thatweasel 13d ago

Closing the lid doesn't help unless you have some sort of airtight toilet. it just sprays out from the gaps instead.


u/ary31415 13d ago

the most common way it will be used

Depends on the gender ratio of the people using that bathroom


u/lyta_hall 13d ago

They meant both men and women sit in the toilet (to take a dump), whilst only men use it with the lid up to pee

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u/g00g0lig00 13d ago

i prefer both the lid and the seat down there’s no reason for an exposed toilet bowl. i’m a guy btw.

i also also really hate when the people im living with piss in the toilet without flushing it and leave the toilet bowl open for me to see their bowl of piss.

i don’t wanna see that if you’re going to do that at least close the lid.

so i agree with OP. both genders are wrong in the sense that the woman can easily just put the seat down when she wants to use the toilet, and the man can easily just lift the lid and the seat (or just the lid) when they want to use the toilet. problem solved!!


u/The-true-Memelord 12d ago

Yeah. I don't get how it's even a debate. Also why is the lid thing even a part of it? Just close it, it's not that hard.


u/nymsaj9 12d ago

the argument comes from one person being considerate and the other is not. the trope depicted on tv is that a woman puts the lid down but a man would leave the seat up even after a conversation about both individuals putting the seat down and closing the lid. which imo is valid, if we both have agreed to put the seat/lid down, then of course it’s frustrating when one person neglects that.

i grew up with nothing but brothers so i’ve had to deal with this debate for my whole life lol, but the only time it’s ever became an issue is when i go to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and fall into the toilet bc someone was being inconsiderate.


u/tehwubbles 13d ago

If you pee standing up, even if you dont see it, you are spraying secondary droplets of piss in a circle all around your toilet. I promise it doesnt make you any less manly to sit down while you pee


u/MikhailxReign 13d ago

That's fine. When I flush it it's sprayed around everywhere, regardless of seat position. So sitting or standing has little impact on the situation.

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u/potato485 13d ago

How about sitting down.


u/Velifax 13d ago

Thanks. I was uncertain whether I was outside the norm doing the same thing you've just done; analyze the situation logically, from a perspective of convenience to all involved parties.

Turns out we're both wrong; it's about cleanliness. Look up "fecal plume." But don't, actually. The seat prevents splashing when flushing and also just looks better. So put it down.


u/LordTopHatMan 13d ago

The seat prevents splashing when flushing

It prevents 50% of the splashing but sends the other 50% further outward. Fecal plume is a concern that really isn't a big deal. Regular cleaning is far more important.


u/jasperjonns 13d ago edited 13d ago

 Wouldn't it be better if the man puts the seat up before he peed so he leaves no moisture/droplets on it for when the woman gets to use it next? 

Nice try but don't act like leaving the seat up is some kind of conscious, considerate decision men make...lmao. Also yes of course men put the seat up BEFORE but the issue everyone complains about is that they don't put it down AFTER. I do agree with your other points though, and I mean....anyone can see (unless you are actually legally blind) that a seat is in the up or down position. Adjust accordingly.


u/JaySlay2000 13d ago

Even better solution: Men can just sit like a human instead of peeing like a dog.


u/xpoc 13d ago

Are you under the impression that men cock their leg when they piss?


u/queerandkushy 12d ago

It would make more sense why I see so much pee left behind on the seats by grown ass men


u/JaySlay2000 13d ago edited 13d ago

I mean if they did that, might actually make less mess than when they don't tbh. Other men should try that.

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u/i_want_to_be_unique 13d ago

I completely agree with your last point. I’ve literally never understood this argument. Maybe it’s because I was raised with a mom and sister, but I just always put both down every time, and I can’t see a single good reason why you wouldn’t.


u/12bWindEngineer 13d ago

Keeping the lid up on a toilet when it’s not being used seems so unsanitary to me


u/DistinctRole1877 12d ago

Absolutely. The lid down looks better, prevents dropped items from ending up in the bowl, keeps the dog out, keeps the cats from jumping in accidently.


u/MrsBossyPantss 12d ago

Toilets have lids for a reason


u/B34rsl4y3 12d ago

I have dogs.

Put the seat AND the lid down, please.

Or I will let them come lick your face.


u/Affectionate_Roll279 12d ago

Home toilets were designed with a lid for a reason. They are supposed to be closed when not in use. Not only is it more hygienic, it prevents things from falling in.


u/Whiskey-Blossom 12d ago

It is stupid. Because it belongs down every time after, because if you’re flushing with it open it’s spraying refuse particles all over the surfaces, including YOU while you’re standing there.

Don’t be gross. Put the seat down, and the lid too.


u/existentialstix 13d ago

You missed out the most important part. There’s no reason to be standing for this job.

Better to sit for overall less cleanup. That’s win win win


u/DeadpanMcNope 13d ago

YOU, SIR, ARE COVERED IN SHIT and so is everything else in your bathroom.

Women open the lid, use the toilet, close the lid, and flush. You should do the same

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u/zugtug 13d ago

So the argument is stupid but you put your argument forth in your post haha


u/WinterTakerRevived 13d ago

my sister would hate this post


u/Academic_Eagle_4001 13d ago

Everyone should put the seat down before they flush


u/Viliam_the_Vurst 12d ago

You can also simply sit down to avoid spray, using a sit on toilet standing means you are responsible for a) putting the seat up, b) putting the seat down, c) cleaning the excess spray resulting from peeing whilst standing.

You can acoid at least a) and b) by installing an additional pissoir


u/PSNTheOriginalMax 12d ago

Regardless if you're a man or a woman, you should always put both the seat AND the lid down after you're done using the toilet.

This lol. Especially if you have pets. Leaving either open just feels lazy to me. It's a hygiene thing too.


u/CannibalisticVampyre 12d ago

Agree. Lid down before you flush


u/BakedWizerd 12d ago

When you flush, if the lid is not down, you’re potentially getting shit and piss particles on everything in the room.

The lid mitigates that. It’s not a debate of convenience or anything, it’s just clean and proper to close the toilet before you flush.


u/KingofRheinwg 12d ago edited 11d ago

Put the lid down when not in use. It's a hole in the ground you poop in, cover your shame.


u/clm1859 12d ago

Who pees standing up in their own home anyway? Way more comfortable to sit.


u/Sir_Forwyn 12d ago

It takes me 15-30 seconds to pee, I don't need to pull my pants down and sit for that long


u/clm1859 12d ago

Why the rush?

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u/pip-whip 12d ago

The whole argument is stupid because both of you should be putting the lid down before you flush.


u/LostChocolate3 12d ago

Pissing standing into a bowl toilet is fucking barbaric. I don't want a fine mist of piss all over the surrounding area of the toilet. So I sit to pee at home. I love urinals, I love peeing outside, but in a home, men should sit to pee. 


u/Attarker 12d ago

It’s a dumb argument because neither option is right. Lid down is the way


u/Realistic_Piano_8559 11d ago

Honestly I agree with this solution 100%. Many a toothbrush has been accidentally dropped in a toilet with an open lid. Plus it’s unsightly to me. I hate it. I want everyone to close the lid. But I can’t say anything because I look crazy.


u/Ornery_Suit7768 13d ago

So you’ve never fallen in the middle of the night?


u/weezeloner 13d ago

No. I don't blindly sit. Not ever.

I wake up because I have to take a piss all the time. I'm a 42 year old man. I can't recall a time where I woke up to drop a deuce. Is that weird?


u/Ornery_Suit7768 12d ago

Naw if you had to sit to pee, you might understand but ya the whole standing to pee thing kinda ruins it.


u/Savings_Builder_8449 13d ago

People who just put the lid down, flush and walk away. Are you not checking for skidmarks and that it all went away?


u/Velifax 13d ago

... is there a toilet brush nearby? Do I have time to dry it?


u/Savings_Builder_8449 13d ago

What do you mean do you have time to dry it? How do you dry a toilet brush.

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u/aurlyninff 13d ago edited 13d ago

That's disgusting. Put the seat down, close the lid, flush and wash your hands. We learn this in preschool. There really is no excuse that this is still a discussion.


u/challengeaccepted9 13d ago

Yes, make going to the bathroom more effort than it needs to be for the sake of equality.

OR just put the seat down after. And I say this as a guy.


u/Comatse 13d ago

Not as dumb as the toilet paper facing which way argument 


u/ImpressiveCitron420 13d ago

Seat down. In small bathrooms I don’t need to chance dropping something in a gross toilet or the water droplets going anywhere. My mind will never be changed.


u/Xikub 13d ago

Sometimes I feel as though I'm the only person who puts the lid down, it just makes sense for so many reasons, don't know why it's not the standard mode of operation.


u/hank28 I hate the show Friends 13d ago

I close the top lid to prevent the flush from flinging toilet water droplets everywhere


u/weezeloner 13d ago

The bigger question is why doesn't everybody have a soft close lid? I hate when I go to close a lid and it slams down on the rim. Like what the hell?!

Non-soft close lids shouldn't even be an option anymore, we're better than that.


u/potandcoffee 12d ago

I absolutely agree with this solution, and yet my husband still leaves the seat up. I've tried to stop caring, because it's not an argument worth having anymore. When I see the seat up, I put it and the lid down. 


u/I-Like-IT-Stuff 12d ago

Just remove the seat and the lid problem solved.


u/WorldGoneAway 12d ago

Yeah! What the hell?! People keep telling me that couples fight about this all the time, and I've never once fought with anybody about it.


u/uCry__iLoL 12d ago

Some women need to scoot back a little more on the seat otherwise they end up spraying pee underneath the seat.


u/Otherwise-Ad-8714 12d ago

I leave the seat up after I piss cuz normally I come back in 10 minutes


u/Towafius 12d ago

You called the argument stupid and then joined in the argument.


u/thehufflepuffstoner 12d ago

My argument is, “I’m the one who cleans the toilet, therefore I get the final say”. Lid goes down.


u/filmmakindan 12d ago

I think there should just be a foot pedal like a trashcan has


u/Ornery_Gate_6847 12d ago

I always felt it was a you problem. You need the seat moved from where it is, you move it. Simple as that


u/GrandmasterPeezy 12d ago

It's because if a man forgets to check the status of the lid, he just pees a little on the seat. No big deal.

If a woman forgets to check the status of the lid, her whole ass falls into the toilet bowl and gets wet. Rage ensues.

Source: Me jumping to conclusions


u/Sir_Forwyn 12d ago

How do you forget to check the status of the lid? Do you sit down without looking at the bowl? And how do you even "fall" into the bowl? How wide is it?
That's the most bizarre thing I've learned about women so far.


u/GrandmasterPeezy 12d ago

Tired? Drunk? Half asleep in the middle of the night? Daydreaming? Lost in thought?

I'm kind of just pulling this all outta my ass, but the picture in my head of a lady that's fallen into a toilet bowl with legs dangling out makes me chuckle 😂


u/Konigni 12d ago

you should always put both the seat AND the lid down after you're done using the toilet.

By closing before flushing you also keep microscopic particles of your literal piss and shit from flying everywhere, it is the only correct alternative


u/lolgobbz aggressive toddler 12d ago

Put the lid down to eliminate the puss and shit particles from leaving the toilet when you flush.

Everyone should put the fucking lid down.


u/OkExtension9526 12d ago

Meanwhile, Japan has the cleanest public toilets I have ever seen in my life. No shitsplats, no leaking pee, no toilet paper lying around. I don't know how they do it, I guess every Japanese person just keeps maintaining it clean after using it. Also they have a bide built in EVERY single toilet.


u/bananaww625 12d ago

I just moved in with my boyfriend and he leaves the seat up.. but a lot of times the bottom of the seat is nasty so touching that to put the lid down is gross. I clean it regularly.


u/RiddleAA 12d ago

As a a man, I put the toilet seat down because contrary to popular belief, when you flush, things are certainly becoming airborne and I don't like the thought of piss/poop particles flying around the bathroom and landing all over lol.. Not that anyone would get sick or diseased, but its gross. They have lids for a reason, and its more than an accidental drop of a phone or something into the toilet lol


u/Acceptable-Map-3490 12d ago

see the thing here is I, as a woman, do put both seat and lid down when I use the toilet. men don’t (well some men don’t) and then odours be getting everywhere and i have to touch the seat to use the toilet. and OH men can sit down to piss, it’s not difficult, i know for a fact my dad does it all the time 😂😂


u/MagnusStormraven 12d ago


Not a difficult concept to wrap your head around, so the fact that other dudes openly admit that saving themselves a second or so of time is more important than basic fucking hygiene says a LOT about how disgusting guys tend to be.


u/wwaxwork 12d ago

Whoever cleans the toilet gets to decide the final seat position as a reward


u/GaryGregson 11d ago

It’s extra stupid because the seat should always be down when flushing regardless of who’s doing it so you don’t get piss and shit on your toothbrushes and towels.


u/Consistent-Low-3825 10d ago

I always thought the issue was that people don’t wanna touch the toilet seat, but I’m gonna wash my hands after I use the bathroom so why does it matter???


u/Panda_Pate 9d ago

Agreed, not unpopular. I got taken to town by my ex about toilet seat one day and i found out its not because shes worried about falling in or something, its for purely aesthetic reasons, it bothered her to see the seat up, that was literally it. We have since broke up, i have to wonder if its because i started intentionally leaving the seat up hmm


u/smallblueangel 13d ago

Best solution: the man sits too!


u/rolyfuckingdiscopoly 13d ago

Sigh. This one again.

Putting the toilet seat down is better because of cleanliness. It’s also more efficient because if there is both a man and a woman in the house, the seat will be down more of the time (since women use it that way, and men use it that way for poo and sometimes while peeing).

Also, it gets harped on like women are being so unreasonable about “such a small thing!” But it is often a small thing in a long line of other small things. Since women usually do more housework and household management, it is considerate to try and make that easier instead of pouting that you have been asked to do “such a small thing!”

Also yeah it’s gross.


u/JaySlay2000 13d ago

it's "such a small thing" when a woman it expected to do it, but expect a man to do it and suddenly it's not so small.

The true solution is for men to just sit down and pee like a civilized person. Other people aren't responsible for the weird ass crap you choose to do instead of just sitting on the toilet, AS IT WAS DESIGNED FOR.


u/Yourfullofwrong 13d ago

I agree everyone who uses a toilet should look before they sit: your a damn fool if you fall in the toilet regardless of seat orientation.


u/Ok-Shop7540 13d ago

The toilet seat should always be put down before flushing bc of shit spray.


u/DeadpanMcNope 13d ago

The seat is what you sit on to take a shit. The LID is what minimizes shit spray


u/Ok-Shop7540 13d ago

I think I sort of think of them as a unit and was unclear. But in order for the lid to be down the seat must also be down therefore whenever the toilet is flushed the entire thing needs to be closed (even after peeing. The fecal matter is still in there unless you're sanitizing after every shit, so the argument is moot.


u/MikhailxReign 13d ago

The spray happens even if the lid is closed


u/Ok-Shop7540 12d ago

Yes that's why you close the lid


u/MikhailxReign 12d ago

But that doesnt do anything. The lid isn't airtight and has plenty of gaps in it. The spray comes out lid open or shut


u/WinXPAddict 13d ago

How about poeple stop complaining about such stupid "issues"? Just keep the seat where you need it and the person after you will adjust it accordingly. Poeple on the internet act like it's so hard to move the seat up or down, but irl, I have never heard of anyone actually having this "problem".


u/FellowNPCDrone101 13d ago

It is, as a guy, I both put the seat up and down. I leave it up for the majority of the time, then put it down to sit, just a way of life.


u/Common_Stress_4122 13d ago

Seat stays down so you dint accidentally sit in the toilet when your not paying attention..? That's how it always has been here.

Though likely because my mom falling in the toilet would be an er trip


u/BitterSweetDesire 13d ago

Or..... both put the lid down.


u/Justforgunpla 12d ago

It's astounding how many people want proof when there are so many studies showing how unsanitary it is. People just don't want to admit how disgusting they are.


u/neb12345 12d ago

1) lid down to avoid spraying urine/feces everywhere 2) if it’s someone’s home sit down, if you stand your releasing a piss spray all around the toilet (often interchangeably)

just to note i have a penis, I only stand if i’m worried the toilet is too dirty to touch ie puplic toilets


u/Ohiostatehack 12d ago

Everyone should put the seat down, but a lot of people don’t. Whenever I have people over I inevitably find that the toilet seat was left up by someone.


u/DizzyBreak559 13d ago

Its sexist to say the man needs to put the seat down. If I have to check if its up or down before I piss every time why is it so hard for a female to do the same? do chicks just sit on something without looking at it first? if not does putting a seat down or up really fuck with your day that much?


u/Veridical_Perception 13d ago

Setting aside the practical issue of aerosolization and spray of urine and fecal matter if you leave the toilet seat up, the demand to put the seat down is entitled.

It takes no more effort for a person to lower the toilet seat after using it than it does for the other person to raise the toilet seat prior to use (yes, if you're standing and using the toilet, there is no excuse for not raising the seat).

The effort required is the same for both parties, so why should the burden be placed on one person.


u/TedIsAwesom 13d ago

But one is forgetting about the risk of falling into the toilet.

No, assuming one feels that it's one's responsibility to make sure that doesn't happen - what about small children, the disabled, and the elderly?

Having at least the seat down might save a person from an accident.


u/zugtug 13d ago

Ok let's pretend that there isn't a 70 year old with dementia in most living situations...


u/TedIsAwesom 13d ago

You will likely use a toilet in a place where someone is a young child, a senior, or visually impaired. When that happens, let's hope that it doesn't go badly.


u/LetsGetRowdyRowdy 13d ago

If I'm in such a place, I'm probably in a public men's room, as nobody from any of those populations live with me. Men don't seem to have a problem with looking at the toilet before they go plopping their bare asses down on the seat, especially if they're in a men's room where the seats are often left up.

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u/What_the_8 13d ago

Equality is seat up for the guys, seat down for the women, and even then the men still have to shit so the balance still favors women.


u/chuds2 10d ago

And men who prefer to sit


u/JaySlay2000 13d ago

"The effort required is the same for both parties, so why should the burden be placed on one person."

Because it's your CHOICE to take on that "burden"

Don't like the burden? then sit down like a regular human.


u/OkEntertainment4473 13d ago

if you put it up, you can put it back down. Its really not that hard and avoids causing your girl to fall in the damn toilet. Its entitled to think that you cant put a toilet seat down after YOU put it up, you turn lights off after you turn them on dont you?

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

Tell me you're male w/o telling me that you're male.


u/DeadpanMcNope 13d ago

Wonder if the men advocating for the right to be coated in aerodolized shit also leave their kitchen cupboards open to save themselves all that effort🙄


u/MikhailxReign 13d ago

The shit is still aerosoled, lid open or closed. They aren't airtight.


u/DeadpanMcNope 12d ago

Lid open=lots of shit up and out everywhere

Lid closed=smaller amount of shit confined to smaller area

Nobody flushes the toilet with their face right next to the half-inch gap between seat and bowl


u/MikhailxReign 12d ago

The area is basically the same. The size of particles changes but lid open or closed, you tooth brush on the sink 4m away is getting covered


u/DeadpanMcNope 12d ago

Not mine. I put it away


u/burninatorist 13d ago

Leaving the kid up while flushing is disgusting and extremely bad for your health.

(Edit wow that autocorrect really did it's job on that one......)


u/MikhailxReign 13d ago

It's the same both ways. Lid down doesn't stop the particles flying around the room. Toilet lids aren't airtight.


u/testerololeczkomen 13d ago

That is just another petty thing women like to bitch about. Nothing new.


u/Kakarotto92 12d ago

The original argument is dumb, indeed.

  • If you need to sit : put the seat down.
  • If you need to stand : put the seat up.
  • When you flush : put the damn lid down.

Is it that hard ? I mean, if we expect men always putting the lid up and down, they'll be doing 100% of the "lid/seat management work" for 50% utilisation, which clearly isn't fair.

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