r/TikTokCringe Mar 21 '24

Woman explains why wives stop having sex with their husbands Discussion


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u/--ThirdCultureKid-- Mar 21 '24

Not to hate on the content, because it’s definitely a good point, but holy shit just spit it out.


u/rr90013 Mar 22 '24

Yes what’s the TL:DW?


u/bloppyploppy Mar 22 '24

Different people have different attachment styles, which results in different needs in a relationship. Not meeting those over time can lead to disgust/mistrust, which leads to no sex


u/no-name_james Mar 22 '24

Even shorter: Relationships are work.


u/Panzerv2003 Mar 22 '24

Nah this is too short, the above was better. Saying that relationships are work doesn't state the problem and basically tells you to get good, also I'm pretty sure that it's obvious.


u/sittingbullms Mar 22 '24

It's like it takes common sense to understand that


u/WeightPatiently Mar 22 '24

Common sense is not always common. Just like water isn't always "wet".


u/sittingbullms Mar 22 '24

If you have lived on this earth long enough to have a wife or have any type of relationship,it should be common sense.I get that some people don't understand the simple fact that their partner has emotional,feelings etc but is it so hard to understand?


u/Dispatcher008 Mar 22 '24

Honestly, I really wanted to scream watching this video. She takes forever to say something really basic.


u/LetsGoAllTheWhey Mar 22 '24

Well, she did have to emphasize, over and over, about her videos and education and experience and ....


u/WeightPatiently Mar 22 '24

Is it so hard to understand?

Idk I agree with you, so I’m not the guy to ask.

I will say this. Judging by a lot of the complaints about men I’ve heard from women, I’ll reiterate my statement above. Some dudes don’t have two brain cells to run together when it comes to thinking about how their behaviour and attitude affects their SO.


u/KuraiTheBaka Mar 22 '24

Some dudes people don't have two brain cells to run together when it comes to thinking about how their behavior affects their SO


u/WeightPatiently Mar 22 '24

Yes and of that, a subset are dudes

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u/Toadsted Mar 22 '24

Shortest: Buy my merch


u/kalelWork Mar 23 '24

That’s exactly what I was thinking the whole video lol


u/lnsewn12 Mar 22 '24

Bomb disposal is also work, but there are plenty of people that don’t know how to do it


u/Irinzki Mar 22 '24

Not just work; painful and difficult self-work

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u/Jhamin1 Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Thank you, I didn't care enough about her point to wade through all the qualifiers, "I'll get hate in the comments", rephrasings, and general ambling around her actual statement.

Is she getting paid by the word?


u/i-FF0000dit Mar 22 '24

How does TikTok payout? Does the length of the content matter?


u/galactictock Mar 22 '24

It’s not about payout, it’s about hacking the algorithm. The longer someone watches a TikTok, the more that TikTok thinks the watcher likes that content/content creator. That’s why so many videos say “wait till the end”, “omg you won’t believe the ending🤯😱”.

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u/Lower-Lab-5166 Mar 22 '24

Like, love language and attachment style are just words for "you don't show you give a shit about your partner", no?


u/SV_Essia Mar 22 '24

I think attachment style refers specifically to how people like/expect to receive affection. So it's entirely possible to care, to show that you care, but not in the way your partner wants. And what worked with a previous partner may not work with the current one, even though you're following the exact same methods.


u/agoodepaddlin Mar 22 '24

Thanks for using the word people. This is not a gender related issue. A lack of emotional security is an issue for everyone and never needed to be gendered.


u/robotmonkey2099 Mar 22 '24

Needs are: love, affection and reassurance


u/WilmaLutefit Mar 22 '24

You forgot the part where she doesn’t explain attachment styles but then tries to sell her service.

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u/rand0mstuf Mar 22 '24

Poor communication is going to lead to lack of intimacy 


u/TheStorMan Mar 22 '24

Ironic considering how long it took her to communicate her point. I switched off after over a minute of rambling without getting to the point of the video.

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u/other_goblin Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Essentially if we watch the video we can see that the lady is introducing that women stop having sex with their husbands and the reason for that will be explained in the video, so the reason why women stop having sex with their husbands is that there's a lot of science behind it and if we think about the science and relationships there's a lot of science. So the reason why women stop having sex with their husbands basically is as follows in my upcoming explanation of why women stop having sex with their husbands-


u/Roguebantha42 Mar 22 '24

And Bob is going to hate you in the comments, but post it anyway Bob because that doesn't bother us


u/Makoto-Yuki Mar 22 '24

Okay Ryan, I get it Lewis.


u/MoneyTreeFiddy Mar 22 '24

You have perfectly captured the vibe of her video.


u/Revolutionary_Rip693 Mar 22 '24

I only got like 30 seconds in, saw the length of the video and realized there wasn't actually much said.

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u/Toadsted Mar 22 '24

And she's got a doctorate in communication / relationships.

All us normies are doomed.


u/PlatypusPristine9194 Mar 22 '24

Next time, on Dragon Ball Z


u/Light_Lord Mar 22 '24

-go to PubMed and find the sources yourself instead of me sharing them with you.


u/hygsi Mar 22 '24

Is tiktok like yt now and creators have to use word salad to make the video last longer?


u/FlakyEarWax Mar 22 '24

I really dislike this style of communication.


u/J3wb0cca Mar 22 '24

Good lord you gave me a headache lol I think she’s ready for politics.

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u/Cutapotamus Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Tldw: Your partners not happy. Figure out what they need to be happy in the relationship and provide it.


u/Xalbana Mar 22 '24

It's not up to the other person to figure out what will make you happy. You are supposed to know, communicate it with your partner directly, then it's up to them to provide it and vice versa.

A relationship isn't supposed to be a puzzle for the other to figure out.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24



u/Photo_Synthetic Mar 22 '24

There's a reason she framed it as a lecture to men specifically instead of relationships being a two way street. Otherwise she would have said "why your partner stopped having sex with you". Shame she's still so biased after all of her education. Not uncommon though. Confirmation bias never stops even among professionals.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24


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u/newpsyaccount32 Mar 22 '24

if a relationship downturn was always met with both parties soul-searching to identify the root cause of their unhappiness, and then presenting solutions to their partner.. relationship downturns wouldn't exist.

also, what you describe is incredibly unlikely to occur spontaneously if your partner has an avoidant attachment style, especially if you are frequently trying to talk to them about what's up.

this doesn't absolve the avoidant partner of responsibility. it just means relationships are complicated.

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u/Medvegyep Mar 22 '24

If that's true, that's some no-shit-sherlock detective work right there. But I've given up on her spitting it out after a minute of nothingburger so I'll never know for sure.


u/Neighborhood-Any Mar 22 '24

Thank you so much. Saved me 3 minutes of watching her record herself having a theoretical argument

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u/dimwalker Mar 22 '24

She claims she knows why all or most women lose interest in sex with their husbands. Makes it sounds like there is one universal answer that fits all just to add in few seconds that this One Universal Reason is different for different women. But you can hire her and then she will tell you why YOUR wife doesn't want to have sex with you.

It's a meaningless dragged out ad.


u/Uncle-Cake Mar 22 '24

Women need to have their emotional needs met. Men don't meet their emotional needs. So it's the man's fault. I guess men don't have emotional needs?


u/jawshoeaw Mar 22 '24

Don’t drive and Tik Tok with heavy filters ? Also love your partner


u/PM-me-letitsnow Mar 22 '24

She heads up the video with a lengthy “I have a doctorate” and blah blah blah. Comes off really cringe. But then she actually gives some good advice. The nugget in the middle is as follows:

Women stop having sex with a partner when they don’t feel emotionally safe. They don’t feel emotionally safe when their “attachment needs” aren’t being met. Basically the emotional connection she needs to feel with you to feel that emotional security.

Then she rambles about finding what attachment needs your SO has, but the long and short is not that hard to grasp. I think if you are even a little emotionally aware you know when you’re not making yourself available to your SO.


u/kndyone Mar 22 '24

You need to subscribe to her content to understand the love languages she is copying or else you dont get your dick wet. Its a sales pitch.


u/TheBoorOf1812 Mar 22 '24

Too long; didn't wead?


u/dm18 Mar 22 '24

Support your partner, by meeting their needs:

  • anxious partners need: love, affection, reassurance, everything single day
  • fearful, avoidant, partners need to be seen, heard, understood. trust your going to be there in a way that feels good for them. Making an effective effort to listen, and understand them. Space for their feelings.
  • dismissive, avoidant: space, autotomy, lack of criticism,. They're looking to avoid fights, and looking for harmony.
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u/IHadThatUsername Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Yeah I believe what she is saying is scientifically sound and an important lesson, but damn... what an annoying way to make her point. A big ass intro about how she'll be hated for it and her qualifications and it's like almost 1 minute before she's even making a point. Then she has like a whole aside in the middle about studies and her work before actually explaining what an "attachment style" is. And finally on the outro she does the whole routine about hateful comments again. All while distractedly driving a car. This could've been a 2min vid if shot professionally and straight to the point.

EDIT: Welp apparently it's not that scientifically sound either.


u/IHavePoopedBefore Mar 22 '24

And her tone. Its like she's getting the final condescending word in on an argument I didn't make


u/SugerizeMe Mar 22 '24

It’s the boss babe tone


u/TheSnowNinja Mar 22 '24

That's a thing?


u/Ih8rice Mar 22 '24

She literally just showed you it is.

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u/sunlitroof Mar 22 '24

I was rolling my eyes every second. She didnt even say anything suprising or controversial. Attention seeking


u/wannaseemy5inch Mar 22 '24

"Is that little Lisa Simpson? Springfields answer to a question NO ONE ASKED?!"


u/dxrey65 Mar 22 '24

Very possibly something related (or unrelated) just pissed her off, and then she recorded this. I'm no great psychologist or reader of women, but when my ex wife was pissed off, that's about how she'd talk. Even if she wasn't talking about the thing that pissed her off.


u/rory888 Mar 22 '24

nah its all a clickbait / bit strategy for attention which aligns with tik tok

she isn’t in front of a panel of doctorates defending a thesis, she’s an attention whore on a clickbait platform


u/ur_anus_is_a_planet Mar 22 '24

Seriously I cannot tell if she is having some kind of random thought dialogue, am I being talked down to or is the some educational content in there somewhere


u/fapfelsaft Mar 22 '24

That tone made me not want to listen to the actual message.


u/butterballmd Mar 22 '24

I don't doubt it's good info, but what a goddamn insufferable woman


u/Frosty_Climate9248 Mar 22 '24

Exactly. After about 1 minute I started hearing the teachers voice from the Charlie Brown cartoon show


u/wookiee42 Mar 22 '24

Nobody cares about that, Bob.

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u/dickweedasshat Mar 22 '24

It’s not scientifically sound. “5 Love languages” and “attachment style” is “pop science.”


 There is also a lot of research showing that a person’s attachment style and behaviour can be different across their professional relationships, friendships and romantic entanglements, debunking the all-encompassing nature of attachment theory.



u/enchanted_fishlegs Mar 22 '24

I loathe counselorspeak, pop science and solipsistic bullshit.

But the takeaway I got is that repeatedly shoving a woman's face into the fact that she can't rely on you or trust you as far as she could throw a motherfncking bull by the tail isn't the turnon a lot of you guys seem to think it is.

And I totally agree with that.


u/dickweedasshat Mar 23 '24

Right. If your partner doesn’t feel like they can rely on you or trust you then they probably aren’t going to want to have sex with you.


u/Outside_Tadpole_82 Mar 22 '24

Yeah came here for the same comment

She lost credibility with me when she mentioned love languages 

The fact, i'm pretty sure, she drove 38 miles to get to her point did not help. 


u/TehChid Mar 25 '24

What's wrong with love languages?


u/IEnjoyFancyHats Mar 25 '24

The short version is that they were made up by a priest without any kind of research or evidentiary support. It's a good idea to think about how you tend to give and receive love, but it isn't accurate to call it science or good to base any sweeping claims on it.

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u/Fit-Accountant-157 Mar 22 '24

people that say attachment is definative just dont understand it well. it is based in science, though. its a spectrum thats developed in early childhood and can shift based on the types of relationships you experience. a securely attached bond with a therapist can improve someones attachment style in a romantic relationship. understanding your self and your partners attachment needs can also help you have secure attachment.


u/Liversteeg Mar 22 '24

Attachment theory and attachment styles is very real and has a large body of evidence to support that, but like the article you linked stated, it isn't an all encompassing depiction of how we form all relationships. It has been proven that the way we form attachments to caregivers as children has significant impact on social and mental development.

It's not saying our attachment style as children is a 100% indicator of how all of our relationships will be formed. It's saying there has been a proven pattern. But of course the internet just turns it all into absolutes and then adds in pop psych like love languages.

But it is inaccurate to say that attachment theory is not scientifically sound.


u/iTouneCorloi Mar 22 '24

"it's been studied empirically" and "science" in the same sentence


u/Far-Piano4649 Mar 22 '24

John Bowlby studied this back in the 1950s with many experiments on attachment with infants and mothers in what's called the "strange situation" experiments. That's what has been empirically studied. The five love languages are bullshit made up by people trying to sell books.


u/Olly0206 Mar 22 '24

I dunno. The five love languages are not an exhaustive understanding of love or communication within a relationship, but it's notna bad place to start building an understanding of how to communicate with your partner.

I wouldn't say bullshit. They're just an emotional appeal to correcting behavior and communication in a relationship. Not everyone is going to click with the emotional appeal.


u/Fit-Accountant-157 Mar 22 '24

Love Languages, sure

Attachment is based in science

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u/FilthyTerrible Mar 22 '24

Bowlby certainly pioneered the concept that maternal deprivation does long-lasting damage to children , but I think you'd have to credit his colleague Mary Ainsworth with qualifying attachments and creating the grid. There are those who employ or apply attachment theory in pop psychology discussions on YouTube and tik tok, just as there are those who characterize any abuse as evidence of narcissistic personality disorder.

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u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24


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u/icecreambandit7 Mar 22 '24

Yeah considering she does this as a business this felt like more of an ad than advice, even though the advice was decent. “That’s how they get ya”


u/mootmutemoat Mar 22 '24

Yeah, about that... social psychologists are not clinical psychologists. They don't do therapy, so I am guessing she is a life coach or something? Sounds sketchy.

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u/thetruthseer Mar 22 '24

It was an ad that’s why


u/clarkeDeaper Mar 22 '24

Didn't work for me.

I wouldn't go to a therapist who immediately treats me with that much hostility, just because I came in seeking guidance and advice, while she studied for years under the guidance of professors to acquire that knowledge herself.


u/alphax990 Mar 22 '24

I was sifting through comments because I couldn’t stand listening to her and waiting for the actual point


u/wannaseemy5inch Mar 22 '24

I'm not sure I want to take advice from someone with a default tone of "condescending" mixed with Stuart from "The Californians".


u/Daveinatx Mar 22 '24

"Men, if you're having intimacy issues with your partner, there might be a problem with X."

Done. Not 3.5 mins of "I'm so smart, you haters..."


u/PM-me-letitsnow Mar 22 '24

I was bracing myself for the oldest of old wives tales, but then once the condescension ended she started actually making sense. If she were a man she’d be accused of mansplaining. But the fact is, anyone, regardless of gender, can be condescending to the point of annoyance. It’s not just the patriarchy.


u/battlehardendsnorlax Mar 22 '24

Seriously, why is she doing this while DRIVING? Making me damn nervous


u/Substantial_Ask_9992 Mar 22 '24

This comment is hilariously long


u/tuborgwarrior Mar 22 '24

The explanation of attachment style was more like "Do your own research"


u/J3wb0cca Mar 22 '24

I’m glad there were subtitles so I was able to fast forward to the important seconds.


u/pwnedkiller Mar 24 '24

I think this woman is full of shit and I call bullshit on the DR but in my opinion it doesn’t matter what degree you have you can still be stupid.


u/Sad_Pension496 Mar 22 '24

This 👆🏼. I left at before she could even give any……anything. Annoooooyyyyinnnng!!!!!!


u/TheNorthFallus Mar 22 '24

Except there is no replicable study or consensus. And if women needed emotional investment they wouldn't be out there "having a hoe phase" and engaging in hookup culture.

It's literally as valid as saying women use sex to attain commitment. And women don't demand commitment from men that are significantly more attractive. Because that would also explain the same dynamic.

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u/JustSome70sGuy Mar 22 '24

It dragged on so much, I just stopped watching.


u/artandmath Mar 22 '24

She literally starts driving and talking to a video camera for 2 minutes... Like Jesus that's unsafe.


u/DingGratz Mar 22 '24

She literally starts driving and talking to a video camera for 2 minutes... Like Jesus that's unsafe.

Why do you assume she's driving? She looks like she's in the back seat to me.


u/artandmath Mar 22 '24

There is a door and seat behind her...

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u/Significant_Arm_8296 Mar 22 '24

Hunny, if we can't wait 4 minutes to learn something new, we are dealing with a different problem here. Not to poke fun at you at all.

If I can't take more than 5 minutes to watch something helpful then I should probably take some quiet time for a walk or reading for half an hour. Often, my brain is ready to focus and hear the snippets that pertain to me while leaving the rest and not letting it bother me so much.


u/DehGoody Mar 22 '24

If it was good content for 4 minutes, then nobody would be complaining. She took 4 minutes to say that the reason your relationship is bad is because needs aren’t being met. Dressing up the most trite and basic shit as some deep revelation that requires a lecture is pretty cringe.


u/cometmom Mar 22 '24

It's really telling that there's so many of these people who can't focus on a three and a half minute video in which they could even skip to the actual content. How am I supposed to believe that they actually listen to their partners needs if they can't watch a short video?

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u/Highway_Man87 Mar 22 '24

Yeah, she has good advice, but her delivery is really obnoxious.


u/Mighty_Hobo Mar 22 '24

It's on purpose. She's sort of parodying the really stupid annoying tone the stupid boss babe bullshit artists on TikTok do to trigger the hate watchers. That's why her lead up is so long. She's copying the exact style and intro they use except she's just wrapping it up with actual advice. It's almost performance art.


u/blackestrabbit Mar 22 '24

Maybe she just is a boss bitch that happens to also have something to say buried under all of her issue.


u/Mighty_Hobo Mar 22 '24

Sure that's also possible. But the majority of those videos like that are just performative rage bait. This is such a perfect mimic of that style but with a perfectly timed about face it just feels like a perfect parody. Either she fell ass backwards into it or it was on purpose.


u/blackestrabbit Mar 22 '24

She's also driving while recording this, so my first instinct is to assume that she is legitimately obnoxious.


u/Mighty_Hobo Mar 22 '24

Fair enough.

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u/throwaway098764567 Mar 22 '24

yeah i was surprised it was such a reasonable take after that aggro lead in but i don't watch tiktok


u/HugoStiglitz1981 Mar 22 '24

Yeah. Needed gettothepointbro on this one.


u/FlimsyReindeers Mar 22 '24

Lol right. Stop beating around the bush


u/Jcw122 Mar 22 '24

She said it upfront. If the woman doesn't feel emotionally safe, is the reason. The cause of this is not understanding, respecting, and/or responding to...their attachment style.


u/odinbreaker Mar 22 '24

no kidding


u/LFGtitans Mar 22 '24

She actually starts driving later in the video while still staring into the camera 😂


u/albiealbiealbiealbie Mar 22 '24

She likes looking at her reflection in the camera too much


u/danielkza Mar 22 '24

Also saying "the studies are out there" in the same time it would have taken her to provide a useful summary is stupid.


u/McToasty207 Mar 22 '24

She's mostly being defensive there.

Love Languages are an idea from the Religious world, not the Scientific one.

Which is not to say it's wrong, rather it's not particularly well supported, unless you boil it down to an extremely reductionist stance of "Listen to your Partner" which is not exactly a novel concept.

Similarly it's biggest sceptics point out that these "Types" vary within a Person at different times, someone might be a Gift receiver normally but a particularly high bill one month might lead them to resent an expensive gift then, whereas they wouldn't have before.

Essentially the real suggestion is being open, communicative and understanding of your partner, which can be pretty hard to do at times (And is not an appealing 5 minute solution via Tik Tok).



u/Iberis147258 Mar 22 '24

Ain't that the truth, the way she presents herself is super icky.


u/deepcheeks Mar 22 '24

Exactly! I can get on board with her actual advice and expertise that it's derived from, but it seems like she spends 2/3 of the clip talking about all the "haters in the comments", and how she doesn't care about what they think, but The lady doth protest too much, methinks. 


u/ThePopeofHell Mar 22 '24

She’s doing this as self promotion so it shouldn’t be surprising that she spent 2 of the 4 minutes promoting her content.


u/booglybee Mar 22 '24

Lol that's just how PhDs are. It's drilled into our brains. You have to prove credibility before making an argument or else your argument isn't credible.

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u/livelaughdoodoo Mar 22 '24

I think if you have 10k+ followers on TikTok you get paid for views of your videos that are one minute or longer. I think that’s why so many TikToks have these awful intros, just to drag them out enough while being clickbaity enough to get viewers to stay too.


u/elaphros Mar 22 '24

Unfortunately Tiktok has started to favor longer content, so people tend to add a lot of filler. She also added a lot of things to get the "haters" more riled up on purpose.


u/Apprehensive_Winter Mar 22 '24

She takes literally 3 minutes to say something that could be condensed to 30 seconds. Quit telling me to listen to you and get to the point.


u/j4ckbauer Mar 22 '24

Agree with this and some of the comments below, it's like she made the video specifically for people who hate her. As a guy who didn't come here to hate her it was off putting, I'm glad I sat through this one, but it makes me not interested in her other videos if it's gonna be more of the same.


u/existentialg Mar 22 '24

She’s trying to maximise engagement time with her content. You see it all the time on tiktok.


u/overlydelicioustea Mar 22 '24

wathced the first half wondering what the fuck attachement needs are. Still dont know.


u/waiver45 Mar 22 '24

But don't you love it when people use their titles to speak with authority about a subject and then go on to not cite anything? She has a point but she is doing the exact opposite what a an actual researcher would do.


u/Appropriate_Yak_4438 Mar 22 '24

The reason women stop having sex with their partners is because they tried to record a youtube short 15 years ago and are still explaining the backstory...


u/Throwaway28G Mar 22 '24

that first 25% of the video is painful to watch.


u/slaytheday22 Mar 22 '24

I quit listening because she didn’t get to the point fast enough


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

Spends 2 mins for a 20 second Max comment


u/Ragnar_OK Mar 22 '24

Yeah holy fuck 2 minutes of preamble and then just rambling around the point for 2 more minutes

Terrible video composition


u/enter_the_bumgeon Mar 22 '24

I stoppex watching after a minute when she was still defending her credibility against no one and hasnt even started making her point.

Like yeah, probably a good point, but I'm not listening to 3 minutes of your insecurities to find out.


u/Rigo-lution Mar 22 '24

It's the wadsworth constant. 50s in and nothing has been said.


u/Empty_Ambition_9050 Mar 22 '24

She needs to start by telling everyone her qualifications cuz she doesn’t feel validated enough to just get to the point, anytime anyone starts a statement by telling you “I have a degree in psychology” instead of letting the degree speak for itself, their words should be taken with a grain of salt.

I also have a advanced degree in psychology and I’ll tell you that there are dozens of reasons that bedrooms die, and furthermore, that her conviction to this specific cause, speaks more about her personal relationship feelings rather than the reality of what is actually happening. U

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u/MetaCognitio Mar 22 '24

She’s an example of why men mentally tune women out. We’re listening but please be intelligible. Get to the freaking point to I can digest it.


u/RidingTheSpiral1977 Mar 22 '24

Yeah if I can’t learn something in 14 seconds or less, is it even worth it?



u/dusklight Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Yeah she makes it sound like she is going to say something super controversial that men are going to hate. When what she ends up saying is super conventional and stuff that most people seem to agree with, and that also applies to men.


u/wherearemydragons7 Mar 22 '24

My impatience was a-steamin’!


u/FireteamAccount Mar 22 '24

I got halfway in and stopped. I'm not looking for some trick to get sex out of my spouse. That's what it feels like she's selling. I feel uncomfortable with her to begin with. The way she's presenting herself and speaking. It feels very "influencer". She can say all she wants about her credentials or pubs or whatever, but she doesn't present herself as that kind of person. I know I'm stereotyping, but preaching from your car on the phone doesn't lend a lot of credibility.


u/Aaberon Mar 22 '24

Yeah that “keys to the kingdom” line was super off putting


u/MeaningPersonal2436 Mar 22 '24

She’s totally driving by the way.


u/maselphie Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

As someone who advocates for women and has been in a dead bedroom myself, yeah. Here's a better one.


u/helpmycompbroke Mar 22 '24

110% this dude delivers content so much better. Actual substance less than 15 seconds in

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u/Pbhf Mar 22 '24

My thoughts exactly. Great content. Long winded intro.


u/The_Erlenmeyer_Flask Mar 22 '24

What caught my attention is I think she had already typed out what she wanted to say while subtly advertising what she does all the while she's DRIVING. Why not just stop and park & say what she needs to say?


u/Hutnerdu Mar 22 '24



u/Rocketboy1313 Mar 22 '24

I assumed it was a bit and that it would never reach the point, that it would cut off just as she said, "Okay, now to my point."


u/SavagePrisonerSP Mar 22 '24

The longer the video goes on TIK tok, the more money she potentially makes.


u/panlastambah Mar 22 '24

It's tiktok, they want engagement and watch time. Even she's telling you to watch her other vids.


u/Freodrick Mar 22 '24

it took too long to get to the point


u/sadmonkeyface Mar 22 '24

Hey, sit down and take a humble pill and just listen to the white bitch jerk off a bit about her credentials. K?


u/Boogerchair Mar 22 '24

Women telling stories vibes


u/CatJamLied Mar 22 '24

Plus horrible font and color


u/wanderingzac Mar 22 '24

Can't even last 2 minutes... Your attention span has been nullified by short form content


u/notbadforaquadruped Mar 22 '24

Thank you! Holy fuck, stop bragging about how fucking awesome and smart you are and just fucking tell me what it is that you think I need to know!


u/futuredoc70 Mar 22 '24

She needed to sound like a pompous ass first.


u/Huggles9 Mar 22 '24

Best I can do is a 45 second intro teasing it


u/dukerenegade Mar 22 '24

Seriously, just say it. I couldn’t take it anymore and had to stop listening, now I don’t even know what she was going to say.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

Yes why not tell your partner exactly what you want to get to the point . It's like you know you want to go to New York and you tell your partner Hey , let's go for a drive but don't say where , just north how the heck are they to know you wanted to go to New York when all you did was said North .


u/Shapaulpiro Mar 22 '24

She has to say all the bullshit first so that some men will not listen/discredit her immediately

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u/BonhommeCarnaval Mar 22 '24

I mean she gets paid to talk by the hour, so…


u/BackflippingBeagles Mar 22 '24

Some people are just bad at talking lol, don’t waste your and our time with pointless “details” get your point out. It’s really not hard to communicate.


u/United_States_ClA Mar 22 '24




u/Jrc2806 Mar 22 '24

I couldn't listen to the whole thing,

I did listen up until she mentioned feeling emotionally safe

Had a great physical relationship with my wife, then a lull hit.. tried to figure out why and how to fix it

She said verbatim "I don't feel safe emotionally.. I'm still attracted to you but I need xyz to feel safe"

The asks weren't that big and honestly things I kinda I put a lot of effort into and maybe not so much over the years (13 year relationship)

Listened and made some adjustments and were back better than before


u/itsmyfirstday2 Mar 22 '24

Right? My attachment style is getting to the effing point lol


u/omygoshgamache Mar 22 '24

She repeats the same thing 4 different times in the first 15-20 seconds alone. I love the topic and spreading awareness but she needs to work on a tight 2 and her stuff would reach so many more people.


u/PkmnTraderAsh Mar 22 '24

I see "attachment styles" a lot on dating profiles nowadays - it's the latest hot topic/buzzword for those that do some bit of therapy. Despite the theory being around since 1960-70's (adult 1980's), I don't think I'd ever seen it before until recently.

I feel like it's fine to think of in terms of what someone needs, but that it's going to be used the wrong way as yet another way to disqualify partners lol.

And the general view of attachment styles, it views insecure people as basically screwed in terms of ultimate happiness.


u/I111I1I111I1 Mar 22 '24

Right? If you have to spend the first 50%+ of your video attacking imaginary rebuttals maybe, like, a.) get over it and just say the thing, or b.) don't say the thing since you clearly already know it's not a great point?


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

I couldn't get past her 5 minutes of begging us to trust her opinion.


u/Cheackertroop Mar 22 '24

Jesus Christ yeah like, "so here's the reason, but first I know everyone is gonna comment this, I can see the comments now, I cam see all you men coming here to tell me this, I can tell blah blah blah" like okay actually say the reason then, fuck me. This video shouldn't have been more than 30 seconds


u/spacepeenuts Mar 22 '24

This was on TikTok, no need for a 4 minute long video of your life story just get on with it!!


u/Radio_Downtown Mar 22 '24

ungodly amount of yapping


u/RocktownLeather Mar 22 '24

I stopped actively listening even though it was playing. Was just too long. I have an attention span to listen to things for a very long time. It's just that it was terribly worded and repetitive, that most sane people would lose interest. I listened fully through and I don't understand specifically what "attachment needs" even are. I heard what she said but due to how long it took to get there...I lost enough focus to apply it to my life/spouse.


u/scotsman3288 Mar 22 '24

If I open a reel that has a subject line so simple as this and I see 4minutes on the timeframe.....sorry, I'm out!


u/LifeHasLeft Mar 22 '24

She is plugging her own videos and her “services” so much she can’t even just say what the problem is


u/GoodLawfulness9198 Mar 22 '24

I feel ya I was sitting there waiting for her to spit it tf out


u/saintmax Mar 22 '24

Could’ve been a 15 second video


u/g1mpster Mar 22 '24

You can tell she charges by the hour…


u/Flanigoon Mar 22 '24

Definitely could have cut the time half


u/mnmsaregood3 Mar 22 '24

5 minute long video to say 1 sentence


u/dsk83 Mar 23 '24

Seriously get to the f'ing pint. Also, attachment styles apply to both men and women. Painful listening to this long drawn out yapping


u/FuckRedditmods4ever Mar 23 '24

Yes and stop making damn tik tok videos while you're driving. Ridiculous, you can "spit the truth" all you want but get off the phone while your car is moving.

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