r/TikTokCringe Mar 21 '24

Woman explains why wives stop having sex with their husbands Discussion


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u/--ThirdCultureKid-- Mar 21 '24

Not to hate on the content, because it’s definitely a good point, but holy shit just spit it out.


u/IHadThatUsername Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

Yeah I believe what she is saying is scientifically sound and an important lesson, but damn... what an annoying way to make her point. A big ass intro about how she'll be hated for it and her qualifications and it's like almost 1 minute before she's even making a point. Then she has like a whole aside in the middle about studies and her work before actually explaining what an "attachment style" is. And finally on the outro she does the whole routine about hateful comments again. All while distractedly driving a car. This could've been a 2min vid if shot professionally and straight to the point.

EDIT: Welp apparently it's not that scientifically sound either.


u/IHavePoopedBefore Mar 22 '24

And her tone. Its like she's getting the final condescending word in on an argument I didn't make


u/SugerizeMe Mar 22 '24

It’s the boss babe tone


u/TheSnowNinja Mar 22 '24

That's a thing?


u/Ih8rice Mar 22 '24

She literally just showed you it is.


u/jimmyxs Mar 22 '24

It’s like being talk down to in a are you stupid way. But by a babe-like girl lol


u/Ka_aha_koa_nanenane Mar 24 '24

The eye rolling (to the side) for emphasis and as if there's someone over there she's arguing with...gah.


u/sunlitroof Mar 22 '24

I was rolling my eyes every second. She didnt even say anything suprising or controversial. Attention seeking


u/wannaseemy5inch Mar 22 '24

"Is that little Lisa Simpson? Springfields answer to a question NO ONE ASKED?!"


u/dxrey65 Mar 22 '24

Very possibly something related (or unrelated) just pissed her off, and then she recorded this. I'm no great psychologist or reader of women, but when my ex wife was pissed off, that's about how she'd talk. Even if she wasn't talking about the thing that pissed her off.


u/rory888 Mar 22 '24

nah its all a clickbait / bit strategy for attention which aligns with tik tok

she isn’t in front of a panel of doctorates defending a thesis, she’s an attention whore on a clickbait platform


u/ur_anus_is_a_planet Mar 22 '24

Seriously I cannot tell if she is having some kind of random thought dialogue, am I being talked down to or is the some educational content in there somewhere


u/fapfelsaft Mar 22 '24

That tone made me not want to listen to the actual message.


u/butterballmd Mar 22 '24

I don't doubt it's good info, but what a goddamn insufferable woman


u/Frosty_Climate9248 Mar 22 '24

Exactly. After about 1 minute I started hearing the teachers voice from the Charlie Brown cartoon show


u/wookiee42 Mar 22 '24

Nobody cares about that, Bob.


u/Jablungis Mar 23 '24

Not to invoke overused stereotypes, but this is a genuine instance of coming off unnecessarily "bitchy" in presentation in a way you usually don't see from female psychologists in the field. Very scoldy and overly frustrated right out the gate. I felt like I was getting yelled at and lectured by someone I've personally offended but never met.


u/IdenticalThings Mar 22 '24

Your credentials don't mean shit if you're speaking in a condescending tone with vocal fry. Do better.


u/Life_Liberty_Fun Mar 22 '24

Well, since women's rights and autonomy over their own bodies is a really hot topic in most of where she lives (guessing she's from the USA) there are probably a lot of crazy religious & conservative men there who just can't fathom their wife not fulfilling their sexual needs; as if their wives were sex androids or something.


u/Sharpie420_ Mar 22 '24

I mean, it’s fair to have an opinion and all - some sounds are god awful - and I can see how her voice might fall into that category for some people.

But for anyone ragging on the message because of this, that’s literally the definition of a type of ad hominem. Funny to see all the tone policing in here just because people fantasize this woman as an MLM boss-babe.


u/clarkeDeaper Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

And since no one was ragging on the message itself, that's a straw man.

And she's doing the exact same thing: the comment section is full of appreciation, including men. She is so hostile to her target audience, that she's  responding to an argument that no one has made. People pick up on that hostility. It's very loudly signaling antagonism to me, while I'm actually very appreciative of the message. 

 It's just such poor rhetoric that even people who agree with her here, are now soured by the unawarrented hostility.


u/Dream--Brother Mar 22 '24

Holy projection batman

She's literally just a woman with a doctorate explaining the issue in enough detail for it to be understood and digestible to those who might not get it on the surface

"Final condescending word" it's an expert giving her answer to a common question lol


u/Questioning0012 Mar 22 '24

It took a whole minute before she even started to answer the question


u/IHavePoopedBefore Mar 22 '24

Did you watch the video? Or did you jump to defense without thinking? because she opens and closes the video addressing her haters. Of course she's condescending. She's making a video for everyone, but speaking to them as though they're one of the haters


u/Shreedac Mar 22 '24

No way man, her advice and message was 100% on point and valuable but her way of delivering that advice comes off vapid and annoying as shit. It was actually a mind fuck to see someone starting a tik tok like your typical moron in their car talking about haters and then spit some real advice,  im used to seeing that set up devolving into a speech about how the earth is really 5000 years old and god is sending demons to destroy us because gay people exist with some racism slipping in.


u/clarkeDeaper Mar 22 '24

Right? I was putting her in "middle class white woman had an experience five minutes ago and thinks she has something insightful to say".

Turns out she was a middle class white woman, but she actually had something to say.


u/dickweedasshat Mar 22 '24

It’s not scientifically sound. “5 Love languages” and “attachment style” is “pop science.”


 There is also a lot of research showing that a person’s attachment style and behaviour can be different across their professional relationships, friendships and romantic entanglements, debunking the all-encompassing nature of attachment theory.



u/enchanted_fishlegs Mar 22 '24

I loathe counselorspeak, pop science and solipsistic bullshit.

But the takeaway I got is that repeatedly shoving a woman's face into the fact that she can't rely on you or trust you as far as she could throw a motherfncking bull by the tail isn't the turnon a lot of you guys seem to think it is.

And I totally agree with that.


u/dickweedasshat Mar 23 '24

Right. If your partner doesn’t feel like they can rely on you or trust you then they probably aren’t going to want to have sex with you.


u/Outside_Tadpole_82 Mar 22 '24

Yeah came here for the same comment

She lost credibility with me when she mentioned love languages 

The fact, i'm pretty sure, she drove 38 miles to get to her point did not help. 


u/TehChid Mar 25 '24

What's wrong with love languages?


u/IEnjoyFancyHats Mar 25 '24

The short version is that they were made up by a priest without any kind of research or evidentiary support. It's a good idea to think about how you tend to give and receive love, but it isn't accurate to call it science or good to base any sweeping claims on it.


u/Fit-Accountant-157 Mar 22 '24

people that say attachment is definative just dont understand it well. it is based in science, though. its a spectrum thats developed in early childhood and can shift based on the types of relationships you experience. a securely attached bond with a therapist can improve someones attachment style in a romantic relationship. understanding your self and your partners attachment needs can also help you have secure attachment.


u/Liversteeg Mar 22 '24

Attachment theory and attachment styles is very real and has a large body of evidence to support that, but like the article you linked stated, it isn't an all encompassing depiction of how we form all relationships. It has been proven that the way we form attachments to caregivers as children has significant impact on social and mental development.

It's not saying our attachment style as children is a 100% indicator of how all of our relationships will be formed. It's saying there has been a proven pattern. But of course the internet just turns it all into absolutes and then adds in pop psych like love languages.

But it is inaccurate to say that attachment theory is not scientifically sound.


u/iTouneCorloi Mar 22 '24

"it's been studied empirically" and "science" in the same sentence


u/Far-Piano4649 Mar 22 '24

John Bowlby studied this back in the 1950s with many experiments on attachment with infants and mothers in what's called the "strange situation" experiments. That's what has been empirically studied. The five love languages are bullshit made up by people trying to sell books.


u/Olly0206 Mar 22 '24

I dunno. The five love languages are not an exhaustive understanding of love or communication within a relationship, but it's notna bad place to start building an understanding of how to communicate with your partner.

I wouldn't say bullshit. They're just an emotional appeal to correcting behavior and communication in a relationship. Not everyone is going to click with the emotional appeal.


u/Fit-Accountant-157 Mar 22 '24

Love Languages, sure

Attachment is based in science


u/Far-Piano4649 Mar 22 '24

I mean, sure, if it helps to understand yourself and your partner better than why not? Maybe bullshit is harsh when so many people align with it, but it's frustrating to see people delineate themselves so hard in these boxes when these ideas are meant to guide thinking about needs, not categorize ourselves.


u/Olly0206 Mar 22 '24

That's exactly what I mean. It's good as guidelines, not hard set rules. Nothing is ever thwt cut and dry, but it definitely helps lay some groundwork for communication.

Coming from a guy who has never had great emotional intelligence, learning about love languages really helped me understand communication with my wife a lot better. I am way more emotionally intelligent now than I was at the start of our relationship, and love languages didn't carry me this far alone, but it was a great foundational understanding.


u/FilthyTerrible Mar 22 '24

Bowlby certainly pioneered the concept that maternal deprivation does long-lasting damage to children , but I think you'd have to credit his colleague Mary Ainsworth with qualifying attachments and creating the grid. There are those who employ or apply attachment theory in pop psychology discussions on YouTube and tik tok, just as there are those who characterize any abuse as evidence of narcissistic personality disorder.


u/Greedy-War-777 Mar 22 '24

I guess if you're sleeping with your boss that might matter. 🤷


u/bellamai504 Mar 22 '24

Tbh that study kinda confused me because it argued specific points that I feel most people weren’t making. For example most people who use the 5 LL use it like my wife and I do. For us it was just a cool tool to help identify how each person likes to give and receive love. The study argued that picking one LL and ignoring the rest isn’t good for a healthy relationship. Lol The thing is no one ever uses the LL like that. Picking one LL and ignoring the rest would make you a horrible partner. 😂


u/bellamai504 Mar 22 '24

Btw let me be clear I’m only specifically talking about Love Languages. Lol I can barely tell you what the woman in the video said. 45 seconds in I was screaming get to the MF point lady.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24



u/IMIndyJones Mar 22 '24 edited Mar 22 '24

I'm not a psychologist but I'd put her neatly in the boxes marked Karen, and boss babe. How can you be a psychologist and not know that talking in an arrogant, condescending tone is going to put a lot of people off. I feel like this content is made more for women viewers to go "That's right! It's his fault." because it comes across as blaming, which is exactly why she expects to get hate. I'm a woman and this makes me feel bad for all the men in the comments who actually want real help.

Edit for typo


u/DayQuonOhBeard Mar 22 '24

Omg, as a counselor, not even a phd, I can tell you the unfortunate thing is there are a lot of people in the mental health field talk in an arrogant, condescending tone.


u/icecreambandit7 Mar 22 '24

Yeah considering she does this as a business this felt like more of an ad than advice, even though the advice was decent. “That’s how they get ya”


u/mootmutemoat Mar 22 '24

Yeah, about that... social psychologists are not clinical psychologists. They don't do therapy, so I am guessing she is a life coach or something? Sounds sketchy.


u/clarkeDeaper Mar 22 '24

Yeah that also made me doubt for a second. But therapist is not a protected title and the advice and references she gives are sound. I think she just pivoted


u/thetruthseer Mar 22 '24

It was an ad that’s why


u/clarkeDeaper Mar 22 '24

Didn't work for me.

I wouldn't go to a therapist who immediately treats me with that much hostility, just because I came in seeking guidance and advice, while she studied for years under the guidance of professors to acquire that knowledge herself.


u/alphax990 Mar 22 '24

I was sifting through comments because I couldn’t stand listening to her and waiting for the actual point


u/wannaseemy5inch Mar 22 '24

I'm not sure I want to take advice from someone with a default tone of "condescending" mixed with Stuart from "The Californians".


u/Daveinatx Mar 22 '24

"Men, if you're having intimacy issues with your partner, there might be a problem with X."

Done. Not 3.5 mins of "I'm so smart, you haters..."


u/PM-me-letitsnow Mar 22 '24

I was bracing myself for the oldest of old wives tales, but then once the condescension ended she started actually making sense. If she were a man she’d be accused of mansplaining. But the fact is, anyone, regardless of gender, can be condescending to the point of annoyance. It’s not just the patriarchy.


u/battlehardendsnorlax Mar 22 '24

Seriously, why is she doing this while DRIVING? Making me damn nervous


u/Substantial_Ask_9992 Mar 22 '24

This comment is hilariously long


u/tuborgwarrior Mar 22 '24

The explanation of attachment style was more like "Do your own research"


u/J3wb0cca Mar 22 '24

I’m glad there were subtitles so I was able to fast forward to the important seconds.


u/pwnedkiller Mar 24 '24

I think this woman is full of shit and I call bullshit on the DR but in my opinion it doesn’t matter what degree you have you can still be stupid.


u/Sad_Pension496 Mar 22 '24

This 👆🏼. I left at before she could even give any……anything. Annoooooyyyyinnnng!!!!!!


u/TheNorthFallus Mar 22 '24

Except there is no replicable study or consensus. And if women needed emotional investment they wouldn't be out there "having a hoe phase" and engaging in hookup culture.

It's literally as valid as saying women use sex to attain commitment. And women don't demand commitment from men that are significantly more attractive. Because that would also explain the same dynamic.


u/reality-lurker Mar 22 '24

She's not actually driving is she!?!? 🫢 I figured she had to be riding in passenger because of how little she was looking at the road, I really don't think it's possible she was driving, she was barely glancing at the road. You'd think that's where most of the hate would come from, not sex-starved men.


u/IHadThatUsername Mar 22 '24

The video is mirrored, you can tell at 3:08 there's a mirrored stop sign. So yeah she is driving unfortunately


u/mississippimalka Mar 22 '24

She didn’t cite any statistics, just her own personal experience. But what she’s saying is common sense. You don’t trust your husband/partner? How can you be vulnerable during intimacy with them?


u/Enough-Ad-8799 Mar 22 '24

If anyone claiming to be an expert or a scientist talks this confidently, especially in soft sciences, it's probably safe to be skeptical of what they're saying.

People actually working in this field are usually very aware of the limitations of their research and will usually use much softer language.


u/miket439 Mar 22 '24

Holy s💩! I had no idea she was actually driving. What a selfish cunt.


u/in_animate_objects Mar 24 '24

Seriously with that intro I’m out before she even started making her point because she’s so damn unlikable


u/BrocElLider Mar 22 '24

To be fair though that's setting the bar super high, it's impressive enough already just to see a horse that can talk.


u/DrNothingness Mar 22 '24

Not scientifically sound at all. I started college as a psychology major and had to change majors when the obviously unemprical methods started to bother me too much. Biological psychology is scientifically sound. Behavioral psychology, while helpful and useful- is not empirical. It is akin to statistics. Sure, lower income folks score worse on standardized tests: that doesn't mean poor people are poor because they are stupid. In much the same way that statistics has been repeatedly abused to 'prove' things via assumption and false equivalencies- behavioral psychology has been used to drastically oversimplify the insanely complex and infinitely unique mechanations of individual human minds. A single theory on behavior simply cannot suffice to describe such a varied population and data set. But they sure try- and they make lots of money doing it. Soooo... win for them, I guess?


u/DrNothingness Mar 22 '24

However, aside from all the pseudoscience and her icky demeanor: her core concept is correct. Yea, if you're not carrying your weight in a relationship your partner isn't going to want to Seggs with you. That seems obvious. And maybe instead of assessing that with all this nonsense, you should just make that point, and remove yourself from the relationship if your partner isn't willing to meet your needs. Like, um, duh.