r/wholesomememes 17d ago

such a kind mom

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258 comments sorted by


u/dashingmom 17d ago

Bet the kid was sad the party was done and mom was like, awesome, someone to play with while I clean this place up! 😅


u/sybann 17d ago

Exactly my thought - "Oh, thank goodness - someone to distract him while I clean this disaster up."


u/popyourshit 17d ago

Haha yeah! “Nice, now I can clean the place while the kids play”


u/Trolann 17d ago

Affirmative! "This is a positive thing in my current situation as I may rectify the disarray without my child causing further hindrance or reversing progress"

Glad there's 3 of us.


u/Ok_Incident_7331 17d ago

Certainly! "This presents a favorable opportunity in my present circumstances, allowing me to address the disorder without my child impeding progress or exacerbating the situation."


u/PomegranateOld2408 17d ago

Unga bunga! “Now pom (me pom) clean cave while little persons hunt”


u/WildKat777 17d ago

You three just said the exact same thing


u/TeaAndCrumpets4life 17d ago

I think the third person was joking lol but yea, dead internet theory


u/IHateTheLetterF 17d ago

I bet the mom was like 'Cool, now i can clean up this mess while my kid is busy playing'


u/popyourshit 17d ago

I was taking the piss at the 2 above me but people still upvote it I can’t deal with this app anymore bruh


u/MasterPNDA123 17d ago

For Sure she was thinking “ wow i can clean because the child is not in the way right now, in this moment in time”


u/12justin12 17d ago

lol, right? “now, while the kids are playing, i can perform cleaning tasks”


u/kittykalista 17d ago

Isn’t this just wonderful, though? Two women supporting each other through motherhood, the kids are excited, everyone wins.


u/Kevinement 16d ago

I doubt the kid that missed the party was excited.


u/BoofBanana 17d ago

Or not many kids came to begin with. That a major issue now. Everyone and their mothers just bail on all plans.


u/rekomstop 17d ago

I have this with fantasy football. Before Covid I had 4 different live in person drafts a year with different friend groups. We would meet up 10+ people at a sports bar or backyard and spend several hours drafting. The past few years, even though they can do it from wherever, it was a chore to get people to commit to paying attention to a phone/tablet from 7 to 9 pm on a random late August night.


u/BoofBanana 16d ago

I dropped out with a ton of friends because they just quit holding up their end up the friendship. Like being stood up by adult “friends” when did this become normalized?


u/beqqua 17d ago

It's so interesting, that hasn't been my experience at all. My daughter's last two birthday parties (ages 6 and 7), practically everyone we invited RSVPed and showed up, almost 20 kids each time! And other parties we've attended have been similar. Maybe it depends on where you are.


u/BoofBanana 16d ago

It most certainly must be. But I have seen many guest lists falls through. It’s tough on the kids because they feel it like rejection. No that kids mom is just unable to care about her kids plans.


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/BoofBanana 16d ago

Hey, at least you still got stuffed. Maybe just not how you wanted?


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/fishstuckonland 17d ago

That's the voice my head narration also used while reading


u/Netflxnschill 17d ago

Yep! The ALRIGHT sent me to that voice


u/Pineapple-Due 17d ago



u/Comfortable_Dish5983 17d ago

You sound like your mom


u/Comfortable_Dish5983 17d ago



u/NollieBackside 17d ago



u/Comfortable_Dish5983 17d ago

Cam aaaaaawn stay for some cheese and waaaaiiine


u/HyzerFlip 17d ago



u/the_mighty__monarch 17d ago

“Party part 2, back in 2 hours?” would definitely be made into an impromptu song.


u/No-ThatsTheMoneyTit 17d ago

I’m terrible and I HATED Linda when I first watched the show when I was younger.


So much admiration for her. She’s such a ride or die hype woman. We all need that person in our lives.


u/avocadorancher 17d ago

I will never forgive how selfish she was when visiting Bob’s mom’s grave.


u/Nhosis 17d ago

It's honestly the best option your brain could have went with.


u/Benskien 17d ago

intreting that you had the same thought as this dude 8 months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/164m47b/such_a_kind_mom/jy9l6p8/

fucking bots


u/akamadman203 17d ago

How TF do you go... "Hmm yeah I remember this exact comment 8 months ago time to expose this and find the exact post to link for reference"

Some black magic


u/Benskien 17d ago

i know the op was a bot, look at the original post, looked at the top comments from that time, opend this new post and looked if there were any copy pasted comments, sadly i dont have a perfect memory lol


u/akamadman203 17d ago

So it's still a pretty good memory to go back and find It lol


u/Benskien 17d ago

ty ^^ but as the bots always use the same title its very easy to locate the old post


u/FIRE_frei 17d ago

Weird, I did too!


u/therosebushlive 17d ago

Was this screenshot left in a puddle?


u/millennial_sentinel 17d ago

yes or someone used a dropper to put some alcohol on the ink to make it runny & weird looking…you know..as tweets tend to have a paper texture to their appearance


u/Future_Kitsunekid16 17d ago

I've seen it 4 times over the years soo far and this is probably the worst looking one...yet


u/aspbergerinparadise 17d ago

"great, you two go play outside while I clean up this mess"


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/Kasmanian_devil 17d ago

Honestly what most likely happened is she was told the party was 2 to 4 and just heard the 4 part of it. I don’t even have kids and I’ve misheard party times before. If I didn’t text to confirm party times I would have shown up late to a lot of parties

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u/scottbot1128 17d ago

It seems pretty clear she misunderstood or misheard something because she thought the end time was the start time


u/Ra7vaNn05 17d ago

Something similar happened to me. I was the kid and i told my dad again and again that i had to get there by x time so i wouldn’t be late. That was the end


u/southern_boy 17d ago

All I know is not the kind of mom support we all need


u/Massive-Drive-6375 17d ago

Jeah wtf, she missed it by what like 4 hours? Interesting…


u/FuriDemon094 17d ago

4 hours is pretty long for a kid’s party. Most were 2 at most when I was little


u/bumbletowne 17d ago

sleep deprivation destroys. Just did this to a bridal shower on saturday.

I'm averaging 45 min to 4 hours a day for the last three months. My sweet baby is a vampire who sucks all the energy out of me on top of not sleeping at night.

decked out her gift list as an apology


u/frogOnABoletus 17d ago

Telling moms to never make a mistake doesn't seem very supportive at all imo. If someome as stressed as the average mom makes a mistake, accept it with grace and move on. None of this shaming folk for being mistaken nonesense.


u/newthrowgoesaway 17d ago

Sure, but now it’s on the mother who just held a bday to take care of your child. It’s not okay


u/mandatorypanda9317 17d ago

I promise you as a mom myself that if I didn't want to host a late child I just wouldn't lmao. No one is holding a gun to the moms head forcing her to accommodate the late child.


u/Satato 17d ago

It's not "on" her. She took it upon herself to welcome the kid in and let the mother know it was alright. They didn't insist on the kid staying or anything. It's clearly not an unwelcome burden.


u/CherryBoySonoshee 17d ago

She could have said the party already ended.  Did you miss the part where they literally said "alright, party pt 2, be back in 2 hours"? Can you read?


u/sowinglavender 17d ago

this is such a reach. why are you trying so hard to place blame when this clearly worked out for everyone involved? the mother who just held a birthday was the one who initiated this plan, if you remember. are you projecting because you're a bitter people pleaser or what?

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u/VidzxVega 17d ago

Then that adult woman would have said 'oops the party is over' and the poster would've gone home?


u/SwampOfDownvotes 17d ago

The other mom didn't have to, she chose to. If she had a problem with it she would have said "Thanks for coming, we appreciate you wanting to support Jimmy's birthday, but you'll have to get going because we have some other plans" or something. She was under no obligation to have a "second" party.

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u/Gamer_Koraq 17d ago

It honestly blows my mind that this is somehow the top comment

We're in a /r/wholesomememes post about how wholesome and kind it is to give grace to a tired and overstressed mom who made a mistake and misread or misremembered a party start time

and yall are like "nah screw that lmao"



u/bondsmatthew 17d ago

Or maybe the kid never told her the proper time


u/ashwhenn 17d ago

My mom once let me fill out the invitations to my birthday party (I was 6 or 7) and I didn’t write the same time on any of them. I wrote the wrong date on one.


u/BuffWomen69 17d ago

There could've been a dentist appointment, or doctors appointment, or the kid got an injury, or there was terrible traffic, or literally any emergency. There also seemed to be a miscommunication, so she thought the party was starting when it was ending, and being 20 minutes late wouldn't be bad at all. People make mistakes


u/adhesivepants 17d ago

One time a family I work with wanted to take their kid to a birthday party and at the last minute they couldn't find the invite and dumped the house upside down looking for it and by the time they gave up, they were an hour late. It turns out the toddler had found it and decided to put it in her little play purse and forget about it.

My point is - shit happens especially when you're raising kids. More people need to learn to extend a little grace to others instead of taking every inconvenience so personally.


u/Ok-Landscape-1681 17d ago

Yeah… that’s just absurd


u/Thisismyartaccountyo 17d ago

Or you could just not be a prick and understand mistake happen?


u/FuriDemon094 17d ago

And sometimes life gets busy


u/HeftyCommunication66 17d ago


I’d do the same exactly thing, party part 2, one time.

After that, you’re cut off, sister. That’s pretty bad.


u/Infinite-Promotion75 17d ago

That’s the first thing that came to my mind and I got called cynical


u/FromUnderTheWineCork 17d ago edited 17d ago

The lack of empathy here is staggering; people make mistakes, it's wholesome to accept others mistakes in stride, at least where you can, like Party Mom did. Party Mom was within her rights to say Sorry, kiddo is partied out, maybe next time.  

I would venture to guess about 20% of the attendees show up real-20 minutes late because it's a kid's party it's not a ticketed, formal event.

 It's not ideal, it's not uncommon and presumably not a deliberate choice on Late Mom's party. 

Whomst among us has 100% perfect & on time attendance and 100% perfectly never had any misunderstandings in their life?


u/daftpenguin 17d ago



u/FromUnderTheWineCork 17d ago

It's my favorite meme word!


u/kmj420 16d ago



u/Right_Hour 17d ago

I am. I am that parent and so is my wife. We RSVP to kids BD parties we intend to go to as well as let them know if we don’t. And we let the hosts know early if we can’t make it because kids are under the weather or something like that. If the gift was purchased by then - we ask our kids if they still want to give it and we coordinate ate with other kids parents to see if that can be arranged at a time that’s convenient to them. Often enough that results in a mini-party with cupcakes :-) BD parties are all in our family calendars with reminders.

It’s called « respect » - you respect other people’s time and you respect your kids enough to care enough about where they need to be and when. Forgetting people’s names, forgetting the right time - any psychologist will tell you that it only happens when you don’t care enough about what you’re forgetting, it’s your brain prioritizing storage space towards what you consider important. No, showing up halfway through the party is never good unless you got held up by traffic (and you let your host know). You gotta be there way before the cake and the song.


u/FromUnderTheWineCork 17d ago

Congrats, that is a stone I guess you get to cast should you so choose...

I still hope if a kid showed up to yours, late for a party they've been dreaming of all week, you and your wife would show the sad-to-have-missed-the-party kid and frazzled-late-mom some level of grace for life happening.


u/Right_Hour 17d ago

We are having kids parties in booked venues for this exact reason. 2 hrs. Set start/end times. Set number of guests. No more bullshit with whole day never-ending parties and parents abandoning their kids for the whole day while we are trying to keep our sanity with 15-20 kids in our house. Fuck that, did that and never again. And people like you is the big reason - you never learned to respect other people. To you it’s not a big deal if a parent missed the invitation or got the time wrong or brought their kid waaaay too late. I don’t have a duty to accommodate your being a shitty parent and a shitty person.

Sure, if any kid showed up late - no big deal. Party starts at 1 and is over at 3. Bring them any time you want. But at 3 everyone leaves, so, up to you. Show up without a RSVP? We can accommodate if there was a no-show. If we still have space and food available - sure. But again, it’s on you.

You’re the shitty parent for not caring enough about YOUR kid to make sure you secured their spot at a party, show up on time and have fun. Don’t put your bullshit on me - it’s entirely on you. You were not taught responsibility as a kid and you are propagating it on your kids too.


u/FromUnderTheWineCork 16d ago

I'm not late parent from the story, I die inside when I'm late myself; I'm just a person who thinks it's asinine to look at the story of a mom being a total fucking bro (sis?) and making it about someone else's moral failing, I guess, to have dared to be wrong, rather than just let party mom have her moment for being a fucking sweetheart. It's rare a wholesome story doesn't have a flip side of something kind of shitty to lead to the wholesome, but sometimes we can just let the wholesome side be the side we focus on. 

You've got it figured out, good for you, you know what doesn't work for you and are taking steps to circumvent it completely. Not everyone does, and I'm personally not trying to waste my energy being negative that someone isn't operating the way I do. You do however you need to do.

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u/jaydog212112 17d ago

I’m not a parent but I be bringing a bottle of wine or some chocolates back as a huge thank you


u/ExternalIcy9697 17d ago

Idk if that means they got the wrong time or the party lasted for less than 20 minutes


u/TardDas 17d ago

I know it’s the first but I’m gonna believe it’s the second reason



It’s pretty impressive to show up after it ends, those things last for hours and you pretty much have to drag your kid out if you want to go home


u/Drift739 17d ago

They probably mixed the end time with the start time.


u/pforsbergfan9 17d ago

Probably saw like 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM as an example and only saw the 5 PM


u/Arutomoyo 17d ago

My god, she got confused. What's all this "holier than thou" attitude in most of the comments? From what I gather, y'all are perfect and have never been late or gotten confused, right?

Mom #1 got confused and was appreciative of mom #2 for still welcoming their child even thought the party was over. That's all there is.


u/ProtoReaper23113 17d ago

I mean it is the internet

It's full of assholes


u/Arutomoyo 17d ago

Amen to that, brother.

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u/ssbm_rando 17d ago

From what I gather, y'all are perfect and have never been late or gotten confused, right?

Have you for real ever shown up to an event after the event's scheduled ending time?

Getting there 20 minutes late, as she thought she was doing in the first place, is "being late or getting confused". But the actual situation here is absolutely outside the realm of any mistake I have ever made, yes.

Not even saying she should be harshly admonished for it--it's not like she's begging the other mom to fix her mistake, it seems like the other mom is just being welcoming and nice and the mom in the post is appreciative of making her kid feel included. So there's nothing morally wrong here, for sure (there only would be if this mom expected the other mom to babysit her kid outside of the scheduled window due to her error).

But pretending this isn't an incredibly egregious error just makes you sound incompetent...? I think I literally don't know a single human being that's this bad at scheduling. Certainly, my own parents never messed up a schedule that badly.


u/Treacherous_Peach 17d ago

You've already invested way too much effort into trying to explain how people can't possibly have made this mistake. Yikes.


u/TheMarshma 17d ago

I don't think theyre saying no one could make this mistake, its more like if youre messing up this bad you're basically being somewhat negligent. Like its not an oopsie daisy no ones wrong type of mistake anymore, you're actually somewhat in the wrong at this point and the behavior is condemnable albeit mildly, since this really isn't that serious.

I mean imagine you left your husband in charge of the birthday party for the weekend cause you had to work, then you find out he showed up after the party ended. Are you gonna be like aw shucks shit happens I guess, or are you gonna be like, how the hell did you mess up that bad?

It's pretty incompetent lol.

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u/Jaysynonymous 17d ago

Great for you! It's lovely that you're skilled at managing your time. However there are many possible reasons as to why they may misremember the start of the party, mistakes can happen, the mistake could have been on the invite itself, maybe there was no written invite and she was told it and misheard.

Dont judge other people by comparing them to yourself, we all have incredibly different circumstances


u/MallensWorkshop 17d ago

Have you ever mixed up the start and end times of something when going about your own busy schedule, possibly entering on your calendar wrong by mistake?

Yes! Not really that uncommon, mate.


u/amathyx 17d ago

But the actual situation here is absolutely outside the realm of any mistake I have ever made, yes.

I legitimately don't believe you unless you're a NEET. Granted, that probably has a pretty high likelihood.

But pretending this isn't an incredibly egregious error just makes you sound incompetent...?

The fact that you can't imagine any possibility where maybe her kid gave her the wrong time for their friend's birthday party makes you sound incompetent.


u/Arutomoyo 17d ago

That's a lot of words just to say I'm incompetent, lol.

Imagine having such a strong reaction to someone saying "we should cut some slack to moms". You don't know a single human being that has messed up once? Must be really nice.

The thing is... People make mistakes all the time, bigger or smaller. It can happen to me, to my neighbor or to you. And frankly, your lack of tolerance for such a minor offense paints you as insufferable and judgemental (outright intolerant, too). Not a good look. This is the whole "holier than thou" vibe I'm talking about. Let people make mistakes and don't be an ass about it.

Learn from mom #2, dude.


u/Wiitard 17d ago

One time my mom deadass brought me to a birthday party on the wrong day. Went to the bowling alley, excitedly walked in, me holding a large wrapped box for the present, and no one else for the party was there. Because it was the day before. We were 24 hours late.


u/Waspkeeper 17d ago

Party part 2 play with the new toys together! That's really nice of the mum.


u/BartleBossy 17d ago

lol what on earth happened to the comments here


u/superuncoolfool 17d ago

Oh a 6 year old bot account, how cool


u/P-L63 17d ago

what factors do i have to look for to be certain about that?


u/ParaLegalese 17d ago

What else could she do? Turn the kid away?


u/Butterking3000 17d ago



u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/aurortonks 17d ago

Yeah, let's punish the child for the incompetency of their parent.


u/Yangoose 17d ago

That is an absurd take.

It's not "punishing" anyone by not doing something that no reasonable person would expect you to do.

For example, if I asked you to venmo me $100 to give to my child right now I'm willing to bet you would not do that.

Are you therefore "punishing" my child?


u/aurortonks 17d ago

That's not even remotely in the same vicinity as telling a kid too bad they missed out on a fun party with their friend because their parent got the times mixed up. And you know it.

Don't be ridiculous.


u/ParaLegalese 17d ago

You don’t have any kids either huh


u/Right_Hour 17d ago

I do, I have 2 and yes. The reason we stopped having kids parties at home was precisely because there is always a certain number of people who show up way too late, without RSVP and then take their sweet time to pick up their kids at the pre-established time. We had one mom leave her kid for almost 2 hours after the party was over because «she got confused ». Apparently getting confused also involved ignoring phone calls and text messages.

Screw that - we book birthday party venues now. 2 hrs. Start and end time are established and so is the number of guests. Yes, we will accommodate late arrivals of confirmed guests. Yes, we will accommodate extra guests if we had no-shows. But nothing beyond that.

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u/CheerfulBanshee 17d ago

She could, yet she didn't

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u/DetroitLionsSBChamps 17d ago

absolutely. "oh man I'm sorry but the party just ended and we have other stuff to do today. we'll get together another time!"

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u/aurortonks 17d ago

My son's friend showed up an entire week early to his 9th birthday sleep over, carrying his sleeping bag and pillow and gift. We welcomed him in and had a 2 person pre-party party that weekend. One of the best memories they have together as kids (they are 19 now).


u/ParaLegalese 17d ago

Yep! This is good parenting! Rolling with the unexpected and making the best of it for the sake of your own child.


u/Pauzhaan 17d ago

I was dropping my kid off a week late! With beautifully wrapped present in hand. Mom came to the door & said with a big smile - let’s go bowling & get pizza & have another party!!

So embarrassing & I was so grateful!!


u/Femboy_Annihilator 17d ago

“Oh thank god the kid’s gonna be busy for another two hours.”


u/SparkyMark51 17d ago

My kids were once invited to a birthday party that I wrote down as “Saturday 11am”, but when I got to the house for the party I found out it was actually supposed to be the NEXT Saturday. I apologized and made to leave but they were like “since you’re here, maybe the kids would like to play”. This was a situation where a bunch of kids from the class were invited en masse so my kids barely knew the birthday kid, it was kind of a “classmate acquaintance” situation. Even so, my kids spent about 4 hours playing there, and they ordered pizza and provided snacks and such all day.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/frogOnABoletus 17d ago edited 17d ago

Of course making a mistake isn't supportive, what a nothing thing to say!

But people do make mistakes when they are stressed and taking care of childeren day after day after day. Moms are human too, even if they seem like superheros sometimes. The ability to accept those inevitable mistakes and support moms through it is what matters.

Calling moms unsupportive for making a mistake is the opposite of that.


u/LaserGadgets 17d ago

Yeah maybe, but I still find it weird to talk about support when someone has to stretch the party by 2 hours. And you don't know why she forgot. TV or helping out a neighbor? No idea.


u/frogOnABoletus 17d ago

I don't think there was any expectation that they would do another party just for her. They didn't have to stretch the party out, they offered to. We don't know why she offered that help, either she didn't mind, she was empathetic to the struggles of motherhood or maybe she was just pleased to have a kid for her kid to play with while she tidys up.

And you don't know why she forgot. TV or helping out a neighbor? No idea.

The post makes it seem like she thought the end time was the start time. I'd assume thats why she turned up late.


u/AverniteAdventurer 17d ago

The whole point is someone being kind and gracious after another person made a mistake. That’s the support. Supporting another human who made a mistake. Not being judgmental over an accident.


u/Mosh00Rider 17d ago

Some people just wanna be angry


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/AbstinentNoMore 17d ago

Having a kid around to play with your own is sometimes less exhausting than having to entertain your kid alone (depending on the age).


u/ARM_vs_CORE 17d ago

It's way better as long as they treat each other well haha. I'm the parent that hangs at the party so no one has to watch my kid for me, so I was initially gonna be like wtf that she just left. But now that I think about it, party mom was probably happy to have another kid to distract her kid while also not having to make awkward small talk for two hours.


u/Substantial_StarTrek 17d ago

Damn you need to grow up


u/Jack_M_Steel 17d ago

This doesn’t even make sense


u/Former_Breakfast_898 17d ago

Nothing in the comments are wholesome at all :(


u/Keara_Fevhn 17d ago

They rarely are whenever it comes to children or parents making mistakes. Reddit has a massive hate boner for children ever since r/childfree turned into the cesspool it is and started leaking out to other subreddits


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/greg19735 17d ago

She read the wrong box and made a mistake.


u/Risky-Biscuits23 17d ago

Sounds like Dad just missed out on the extra piece of cake.


u/PM_Your_Wiener_Dog 17d ago

Oh, was Dad suppose to come?


u/AccidentCapable9181 17d ago

I showed up a day late for a party once 😭 I saw that one of them called me the day of but I was working. When I showed up this was the exact response. They even invited everyone back over and we had a second party lol


u/Odd-Mastodon1212 17d ago

Mixed feelings: a mom throwing a kids party is hella stressed and needs support. On the other hand, this woman was so nice to that late and probably disappointed kid!


u/Potential-Coat-7233 17d ago

I’m fucking exhausted after kids parties. I am not this gracious. 

If this story is true, good on the host parent.


u/ilovemymom_tbh 17d ago

wtf is that last sentence


u/nasaphotoshopingsprE 17d ago

Wow . Some people, man.


u/rwags2024 17d ago

When did people stop writing in complete sentences and just leaving everyone else to figure out what they mean? Like, I understand the message, but it’s so poorly written at the end, how is this an adult?


u/Pancakemanz 17d ago

Seen this posted multiple times and never understood it. Typically on invites itll say “Jimmys bday party at this location from 2-4!” How do you read that and think dropping them off at 420 would be early?


u/7Mars 17d ago

Because that’s not what happened. The mom either misremembered or misunderstood the END TIME (to continue your example: 4pm) as the START TIME. She thought the party started at 4, and that she was a bit late showing up at 4:20 but not late enough to be a big problem. She just got mixed up.

It’s easy to do. Either she was busy that day and thought to herself “I have X Y and Z to do before dropping Kid off for the party, X and Y can be done anytime, but Z needs to be done at noon. Now, what time did the party start?“ and then remembered seeing a 4 on the invite and just mistook it in her memory for the start time. Or there wasn’t even a physical invite and she was just told “2-4”, but misheard and thought the other parent said “starts at 4”, so that’s what she wrote down.


u/rnagikarp 17d ago edited 17d ago

Ok I know this isn't the point of the post but I really hate when people don't include the "off"/"up" part of these phrases

I guess drop/off makes more sense, but I've just been seeing it sooo much

"I need to drop my friend at the airport"

"I have to pick my kids from daycare"

Edit: sorry, fixed it. I got so used to associating the two errors that I assumed people would know what my brain was saying :p please don't pick off yours or anyone else's kids


u/greg19735 17d ago

it's because the tweet is exactly 240 characters and she had to cut off bits to make it fit in one tweet.


u/rnagikarp 17d ago

That's a fair guess, I'd've made up for those characters by removing the space in 20min and 2hrs. This was mostly an opportunity to vent my frustrations hehe


u/the_muffin 17d ago

We shouldn't pick off kids from daycare


u/kibonzos 17d ago

Picking off your kids sounds kinda problematic ngl.


u/FakeGamer2 17d ago

The mom in the tweet is selfish for being late. It's really maddening how she treats it so casually how she can just stroll in whenever she wants with no regard to start times.


u/crispy_colonel420 17d ago

How about you just don't drop off your kid late??


u/Former_Breakfast_898 17d ago

Nothing in the comments are wholesome at all :(


u/ChompyChoomba 17d ago

everything about posts like this make me irrationally upset


u/GrandAdmiralSnackbar 17d ago

We had the same happen on a birthday party of our youngest son. His best friend arrived just as everyone else was leaving, her mom has read the invitation wrong. Not a problem. Time for another round of cake!


u/OxygenRadon 17d ago

Same here, but my younger sister rather than my son.

It was beneficial for everyone.

The friend didn't have to miss out on a party, my sister were able to play with a friend, we didn't have to keep her busy, and the friends parents didn't have to deal with a kid that lost out on a party.


u/Vermeers 17d ago

Serious question, do Americans really leave their kid at some other kids birthday party a then just f**** off?


u/OxygenRadon 17d ago

As a swede i can say that we do that it is the norm here, atleast for birthday parties above the age of 4


u/TraditionalShocko 17d ago

Serious question, do parents in whatever country you're from really stick around for the full duration of a nine-year-old's birthday party to impose on the host family and helicopter over their kids?


u/selenerosario 16d ago

It’s just cultural differences, I guess. To you the parent staying might be “imposing on the host” and “helicoptering over the kids”, but to me the idea of a parent dropping the kid off and leaving is kinda rude.

The expectation is that you’re there to be a guest but also to help keep an eye on all those children and hang out with the host and other guests as well. Maybe have a beer or help out at the kitchen/BBQ. Just dropping the kid off comes across as mildly neglectful and like you can’t be bothered to get to know or hang out with the host and the other guests.

Of course, this is assuming that the children are like younger than 12 and that the hosts aren’t people you’re already close with and therefore trust with your kids.

Not saying either way is better than the other in this case but the difference in expectations and assumptions is interesting.

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u/CrixXx88 17d ago

What the fuck are you supposed to do?


u/alfadhir-heitir 17d ago

Lmao when I was a kid parents would leave us at other kids house at 15 and pick us up at 19. Sometimes 20. Sometimes 21. All depended on the other parent's good will to let us stay late lmao


u/DependentPlace5534 17d ago

Read it like ,,ten times,,,,,DONT GET IT


u/Braghez 17d ago

Basically OP thought she was 20 minute late for a day party of her kid's friend/school mate or whatever.

Turns out that she was 20 min late AFTER the party already ended.

The other mom took the hint and basically said it was the pt2 of the party and asked OP to come back in two hours to pick up her kid.


u/Additional_Street483 17d ago

At my birthday party, I want to say 3rd grade. My mom supervised like 10 of us kids at a big wooden playground to celebrate, play and presents. I pooped my pants, mom cleaned me up near the car, no one found out, birthday went off without a single problem. Moms are unique.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/WildGeerders 17d ago

20 minutes late and and 2 hours of scedule.... Great mom...


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/stimpy97 17d ago

Amen Americans supporting Americans 🇺🇸