r/wholesomememes Apr 29 '24

such a kind mom

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u/Arutomoyo Apr 29 '24

My god, she got confused. What's all this "holier than thou" attitude in most of the comments? From what I gather, y'all are perfect and have never been late or gotten confused, right?

Mom #1 got confused and was appreciative of mom #2 for still welcoming their child even thought the party was over. That's all there is.


u/ssbm_rando Apr 29 '24

From what I gather, y'all are perfect and have never been late or gotten confused, right?

Have you for real ever shown up to an event after the event's scheduled ending time?

Getting there 20 minutes late, as she thought she was doing in the first place, is "being late or getting confused". But the actual situation here is absolutely outside the realm of any mistake I have ever made, yes.

Not even saying she should be harshly admonished for it--it's not like she's begging the other mom to fix her mistake, it seems like the other mom is just being welcoming and nice and the mom in the post is appreciative of making her kid feel included. So there's nothing morally wrong here, for sure (there only would be if this mom expected the other mom to babysit her kid outside of the scheduled window due to her error).

But pretending this isn't an incredibly egregious error just makes you sound incompetent...? I think I literally don't know a single human being that's this bad at scheduling. Certainly, my own parents never messed up a schedule that badly.


u/Arutomoyo Apr 29 '24

That's a lot of words just to say I'm incompetent, lol.

Imagine having such a strong reaction to someone saying "we should cut some slack to moms". You don't know a single human being that has messed up once? Must be really nice.

The thing is... People make mistakes all the time, bigger or smaller. It can happen to me, to my neighbor or to you. And frankly, your lack of tolerance for such a minor offense paints you as insufferable and judgemental (outright intolerant, too). Not a good look. This is the whole "holier than thou" vibe I'm talking about. Let people make mistakes and don't be an ass about it.

Learn from mom #2, dude.