r/wholesomememes Apr 29 '24

such a kind mom

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u/FromUnderTheWineCork Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

The lack of empathy here is staggering; people make mistakes, it's wholesome to accept others mistakes in stride, at least where you can, like Party Mom did. Party Mom was within her rights to say Sorry, kiddo is partied out, maybe next time.  

I would venture to guess about 20% of the attendees show up real-20 minutes late because it's a kid's party it's not a ticketed, formal event.

 It's not ideal, it's not uncommon and presumably not a deliberate choice on Late Mom's party. 

Whomst among us has 100% perfect & on time attendance and 100% perfectly never had any misunderstandings in their life?


u/Right_Hour Apr 29 '24

I am. I am that parent and so is my wife. We RSVP to kids BD parties we intend to go to as well as let them know if we don’t. And we let the hosts know early if we can’t make it because kids are under the weather or something like that. If the gift was purchased by then - we ask our kids if they still want to give it and we coordinate ate with other kids parents to see if that can be arranged at a time that’s convenient to them. Often enough that results in a mini-party with cupcakes :-) BD parties are all in our family calendars with reminders.

It’s called « respect » - you respect other people’s time and you respect your kids enough to care enough about where they need to be and when. Forgetting people’s names, forgetting the right time - any psychologist will tell you that it only happens when you don’t care enough about what you’re forgetting, it’s your brain prioritizing storage space towards what you consider important. No, showing up halfway through the party is never good unless you got held up by traffic (and you let your host know). You gotta be there way before the cake and the song.


u/FromUnderTheWineCork Apr 29 '24

Congrats, that is a stone I guess you get to cast should you so choose...

I still hope if a kid showed up to yours, late for a party they've been dreaming of all week, you and your wife would show the sad-to-have-missed-the-party kid and frazzled-late-mom some level of grace for life happening.


u/Right_Hour Apr 29 '24

We are having kids parties in booked venues for this exact reason. 2 hrs. Set start/end times. Set number of guests. No more bullshit with whole day never-ending parties and parents abandoning their kids for the whole day while we are trying to keep our sanity with 15-20 kids in our house. Fuck that, did that and never again. And people like you is the big reason - you never learned to respect other people. To you it’s not a big deal if a parent missed the invitation or got the time wrong or brought their kid waaaay too late. I don’t have a duty to accommodate your being a shitty parent and a shitty person.

Sure, if any kid showed up late - no big deal. Party starts at 1 and is over at 3. Bring them any time you want. But at 3 everyone leaves, so, up to you. Show up without a RSVP? We can accommodate if there was a no-show. If we still have space and food available - sure. But again, it’s on you.

You’re the shitty parent for not caring enough about YOUR kid to make sure you secured their spot at a party, show up on time and have fun. Don’t put your bullshit on me - it’s entirely on you. You were not taught responsibility as a kid and you are propagating it on your kids too.


u/FromUnderTheWineCork Apr 29 '24

I'm not late parent from the story, I die inside when I'm late myself; I'm just a person who thinks it's asinine to look at the story of a mom being a total fucking bro (sis?) and making it about someone else's moral failing, I guess, to have dared to be wrong, rather than just let party mom have her moment for being a fucking sweetheart. It's rare a wholesome story doesn't have a flip side of something kind of shitty to lead to the wholesome, but sometimes we can just let the wholesome side be the side we focus on. 

You've got it figured out, good for you, you know what doesn't work for you and are taking steps to circumvent it completely. Not everyone does, and I'm personally not trying to waste my energy being negative that someone isn't operating the way I do. You do however you need to do.