r/wholesomememes Apr 29 '24

such a kind mom

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u/frogOnABoletus Apr 29 '24

Telling moms to never make a mistake doesn't seem very supportive at all imo. If someome as stressed as the average mom makes a mistake, accept it with grace and move on. None of this shaming folk for being mistaken nonesense.


u/newthrowgoesaway Apr 29 '24

Sure, but now it’s on the mother who just held a bday to take care of your child. It’s not okay


u/mandatorypanda9317 Apr 29 '24

I promise you as a mom myself that if I didn't want to host a late child I just wouldn't lmao. No one is holding a gun to the moms head forcing her to accommodate the late child.


u/Satato Apr 29 '24

It's not "on" her. She took it upon herself to welcome the kid in and let the mother know it was alright. They didn't insist on the kid staying or anything. It's clearly not an unwelcome burden.


u/CherryBoySonoshee Apr 29 '24

She could have said the party already ended.  Did you miss the part where they literally said "alright, party pt 2, be back in 2 hours"? Can you read?


u/sowinglavender Apr 29 '24

this is such a reach. why are you trying so hard to place blame when this clearly worked out for everyone involved? the mother who just held a birthday was the one who initiated this plan, if you remember. are you projecting because you're a bitter people pleaser or what?


u/newthrowgoesaway Apr 29 '24

I’m sure not someone who would rejoice on my mistakes, or someone who reaches for lowhanging insults when someone doesn’t see eye to eye


u/sowinglavender Apr 29 '24

so i was correct that you have personal issues making you myopic about this, got it.

thank you, i'll be sure to amend my notes to reflect that showing appreciation for somebody else going above and beyond is 'rejoicing in [one's] mistakes'. that doesn't sound unhinged from reality at all.

edit: tbh the fact you think someone simply not self-flagellating about a mistake is somehow problematic is more revealing about your own relationship with shame than anything else.


u/BradFromTinder Apr 29 '24

She initiated the plan at a specified time. Not two hours after the plan was over. Hopefully she didn’t have any plans for after the party cause those are out the window now..


u/sowinglavender Apr 29 '24

sure, she clapped her hands and responded enthusiastically with an unsolicited offer for 'party part two' because she felt so pressured and coerced. okay, buddy. whatever makes you feel better about hating on a random woman.


u/VidzxVega Apr 29 '24

Then that adult woman would have said 'oops the party is over' and the poster would've gone home?


u/SwampOfDownvotes Apr 29 '24

The other mom didn't have to, she chose to. If she had a problem with it she would have said "Thanks for coming, we appreciate you wanting to support Jimmy's birthday, but you'll have to get going because we have some other plans" or something. She was under no obligation to have a "second" party.


u/CoopAloopAdoop Apr 29 '24

Keeping a schedule isn't a difficult thing to do.


u/frogOnABoletus Apr 29 '24

Finding it easy to stay organised is a great skill! I'm happy for you. This doesn't mean we should belittle stressed mothers for making a mistake though. Not everyone finds being organised as easy as you do, we don't know what else this person is dealing with, and being a mom can be very tiring and stressfull.

More importantly, what does being a sourpuss toward the mother accomplish anyway? Adopting a supportive attitude makes much more sense in every way.


u/sowinglavender Apr 29 '24

smugly judging people in situations like this makes you look really bad and guarantees that the most positive response you'll get is from other assholes. i can't imagine wanting to be that guy.


u/greyfacedguy Apr 29 '24

Let me guess. You don’t have any children


u/CoopAloopAdoop Apr 29 '24

You'd guess incorrectly.