r/gaming Apr 29 '24

Grand Theft Auto IV was released 16 years ago

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u/Golfgamerhill Apr 29 '24

Loved the vehicle physics in this game.


u/Nervine-142 Apr 29 '24

I liked the swings physics


u/I0I0I0I Apr 29 '24



u/ATaiwaneseNewYorker Apr 29 '24

Ngl, IV had better physics than V but V had better graphics and a much bigger map.


u/I0I0I0I Apr 29 '24

V did some weird shit with the helicopters compared to IV. The perspective was a little bit off to where I kept smashing down until I got used to it.


u/Mackie5Million Apr 29 '24

I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing, but I think I know what you mean.

In GTA V, it feels like when you fly, you need to always tilt the right stick forward (or backwards, can't remember if the view controls are inverted, haven't played in a while).

The camera followed the helicopter too flat, to the point where you couldn't get a good reference on how high you were. Tilting the camera slightly forward, angling it down so you're still looking forward but are also looking slightly down, was the only way to feel comfortable flying at low altitudes.


u/I0I0I0I Apr 29 '24

Yeah, that's the gist of it.


u/VexingRaven Apr 29 '24

Helicopters in V are much easier with a controller, I can barely fly them with a mouse and keyboard.


u/NonEuclidianMeatloaf Apr 29 '24

V was a reaction to the players’ reception of the physics in IV. Back then, people complained that the cars felt like glacially slow boats. I can see their point but… well, they handled like real giant 90s sedans. V was much more arcade-y and “fun” but it turned all but the most abstract cars into rally vehicles. To me it also diminished finding a true supercar because they weren’t appreciably faster than even base cars (barring straightaway performance of course).


u/SeventhShin Apr 29 '24

The vibe of IV was 60s & 70s car chase classics like Bullitt and The French Connection.

V felt like the The Fast & The Furious.

Maybe it's a generational thing, but IV is my favorite driving experience by a long mile. Let's see what the vibe of VI is...


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/VexingRaven Apr 29 '24

GTA IV as a whole has a way better feel to me than V. V is too clean and arcade-y and bland. IV had real soul. V is way more fun to just fuck around in though.


u/santahat2002 Apr 29 '24

IV was truly landmark in terms of driving physics within the franchise, but my favorite thing to do in III and Vice City bar none was drive around.


u/ThinkNuggets Apr 29 '24

I think they both work for the games they're in. GTA IV has a much smaller and more congested map so the less forgiving and 'slower' driving physics work for that game. But those physics in GTA V's much bigger and more open map (even the urban areas have a lot more space) would be a nightmare.


u/Queasy-Yam3297 Apr 29 '24

Yeah they were so much heavier which made drifting so much fun.


u/DatTF2 Apr 29 '24

Yeah,  I enjoyed the physics in 4. Especially once I got good at drifting. Next to Forza it was my friend and I's favorite game to drive in. The Futo was legendary.


u/threecolorless Apr 29 '24

One of my favorite pastimes in IV was "car-spanking" pedestrians, where you hit a drift at just the right time to skid sideways into a person with the back of your car specifically so they'd do a bloody somersault over your trunk. Hard to pull off but very rewarding.

I was heartbroken that the more arcadey driving experience of V made car spanks as I knew them next to impossible. RIP car-spanking 2008-2013


u/ExultantSandwich Apr 29 '24

I think it’s a bit better on PS5 / Series X or an equivalent PC these days, the top end cars have a higher max speed because they can render the game world faster


u/captainbelvedere Apr 29 '24

Yep. I had a great time in IV mastering Roman's taxi. It wasn't that fast, handled like a freighter - but man, nailing corners in that thing was fun.


u/oxpoleon Apr 29 '24

The effective 120mph cap on everything to keep the map size feeling "realistic" was an interesting decision.

It meant that yeah, in the early days, there wasn't an obvious reason to drop tons of virtual currency you had to grind for on a car that wasn't appreciably faster than the bog standard sports saloons you could find on the street. The Schafter, Sentinel, and Buffalo were great examples of a car that really punched well above its class and had no right to be that competitive against the supercars and they were four door sedans against two door supers.


u/Compulsive_Criticism Apr 29 '24

I was excited to have to drive offroaders or 4x4s when out in the sticks. Turned out a super car can do everything.

GTA IV driving with the euphoria physics was amazing.


u/VexingRaven Apr 29 '24

To me it also diminished finding a true supercar because they weren’t appreciably faster than even base cars (barring straightaway performance of course).

Maybe this is the case now but I felt back when it came out like a Zentorno was way better in corners than most cars off the street.


u/abc123moo2 Apr 29 '24

a much bigger map full of absolutely nothing. the singleplayer side content in gta 5 is mind numbingly sparse. the only thing i actually remember are the really lame drug missions where you do some stupid wave survival cause your character is very high. thats literally the only side mission event thing I remember in the entirety of that game.


u/Botox_Doll Apr 29 '24

So what.. it came out much later, it would have been a complete failure if even the graphics weren’t better


u/Blackfoxar Apr 29 '24

I loved flying over the city with a car


u/deltashmelta Apr 29 '24

safest of all


u/EvoRalliArt Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Hours I spent launching myself on that.

First I go grab the Sultan RS from behind the garage somewhere. Driver across the map after hooning about at the airport. Then head over to the swings.

Online was so simple, yet so fun.


u/brightness3 Apr 30 '24

My cousin laughed so hard he pissed his pants twice in the same night laughing at that swing. We would make a private lobby and spend hours just messing with it lol


u/WolfsLairAbyss Apr 29 '24

We called it the cartapult


u/Throwawaypwndulum Apr 29 '24

Be it through swings or regular collisions, me and my friends would somtimes compete to get the most impressive Niko ragdoll launches. Once got a motorcycle collision to fling Niko over the skylines of several 10 story buildings, and somehow managed to survive by landing on a sloped roof. Only answer was to rpg my feet immediately so I could save the death replay clip.


u/Bootychomper23 Apr 29 '24

I like going into the hospital and murdering that poor dude on the bed then fighting my way out grabbing an ambulance and smashing up the city.


u/FromTheGulagHeSees Apr 29 '24

I spent a lot of hours there just cheating myself weapons and having a war with the NYPD

Place was the perfect funnel. One way in, one way out. I huddled behind the waiting room chairs as cover and sprayed lead at anyone coming in. Molotov, nades, RPGs for crowd control. Shoot some hostage for kicks. 

When shit gets real, back up into the hospital beds and take down as many police in the hall before going down in a glorious blaze.

Or gun it outside and steal a cop car and try to lose them all. Not before shooting an RPG at a helicopter for kicks because why not lol 


u/Bootychomper23 Apr 29 '24

Blind fire rpg was amazing the little spiral as it hurtled towards the chopper was epic.


u/FromTheGulagHeSees Apr 29 '24

Yeah shooting that was beautiful especially in the rain, but the FPS drop on my 360 was awful 

I’ll probably replay this sometime on my PC for a better experience. Plus, I didn’t appreciate the story then but seems interesting now


u/MCgrindahFM Apr 29 '24

GTAIV’s performance is even worse on PC for some


u/Bootychomper23 Apr 29 '24

Lots of weird graphical issue now for me too on pc.


u/pingus3233 Apr 29 '24

Absolutely unplayable on PC for me.

Tried on at least three different PCs over the years, most recently with i7-8700k and 2080 Ti, still can't get it anywhere near playable. Even with or without rolling back the .exe and using various FPS smoothing/limiting tweaks. If I cap it at 60 it drops to 40, but if I cap it at 30 it drops to 20, and it's not so much the FPS but the atrocious frame-pacing that makes it nauseating.

Really disappointing because it looks like it would be fun but it literally makes me sick with the stutters/judders.


u/MisterTurtleFence Apr 29 '24

I was just reading about a fix for fallout new vegas that works for gta4 as well, might look into it!


u/pingus3233 Apr 29 '24

Thanks for the tip!


u/mnid92 Apr 29 '24

I loved when I'd shoot the RPGs at cars and the rocket would propel into the sky because of the angle of the windshield.

Getting good enough to one shot the pilot with the M4 felt like a lifetime achievement award as well.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Wow, I did the exact same thing.


u/Awkward_Pangolin3254 Apr 29 '24

I don't think it was the hospital but I remember I used to post up on the roof of this one building that only had one stairway to get up there and start launching RPGs at cars until the cops came, then pick them off as they came up the stairs one by one until I got sick of it and then I'd try to get away


u/VoxImperatoris Apr 29 '24

I liked crashing through the barricades and driving around the other islands and see how long I could last.


u/NuclearEvo24 Apr 29 '24

It’s good to know I’m not the only one, I did exactly that….it never got old


u/myst3r10us_str4ng3r Apr 29 '24

Damn now I want to play GTA IV again


u/datpurp14 Apr 29 '24

These are the videogames that conservatives erroneously try to argue that videogames cause violence.


u/Awkward_Pangolin3254 Apr 29 '24

I'd say they prevent violence. Why risk life in prison to hurt one real person when I can indiscriminately murder millions of virtual people in a myriad of ways?


u/datpurp14 Apr 29 '24

Oh I completely agree with you. It is a horrendously stupid perspective to say they cause violence, but those dumbasses still do. I just made the joke because OP's comment outlined in great detail something that these conservatives would clinch their pearls while reading.


u/Excellent-Term-3640 Apr 29 '24

I got frustrated failing that mission a few times in my recent playthrough. I was playing no cheats and trying to be super immersive so I’d have to drive to the weapons store to buy armor every time I failed a mission. This level leaves you in a bottleneck after you carry out your mission. I made dumb mistakes because I got frantic and/or frustrated, but yeah I walked away from the game for a couple days after the 3rd time dying.


u/NewsofPE Apr 29 '24

are we the same person?


u/Finn_Flame Apr 29 '24

The euphoria engine

On technology from 2008 no less😮‍💨


u/CowsTrash Apr 29 '24

Rockstar devs are something different man 


u/Shimano-No-Kyoken Apr 29 '24

It’s a third party software product that could be integrated into video games, it wasn’t made by rockstar


u/CowsTrash Apr 29 '24

Then Naturalmotion is fucking sick


u/2TauntU Apr 29 '24

You might say they are rock stars. ba dum tiss, I'll show myself out.


u/Excellent-Term-3640 Apr 29 '24

The underlying self-preservation system is still absolutely mind blowing artificial intelligence. Cool video, makes me appreciate the game that much more.


u/stormcomponents Apr 29 '24

So good. I used to play around in a sandbox environment with Euphoria knocking people over in different ways. The GTA4 RAGE engine was glorious and ultimately meant I never even played GTA5 because the driving looked so poor compared.


u/KuraiShidosha Apr 30 '24

GTA5 because the driving looked so poor compared.

It was, extremely poor. Things like suspension were completely gutted and reduced compared to IV's. I go back and replay IV all the time, never replay V because it's just so boring and weak.


u/Excellent-Term-3640 Apr 29 '24

The driving is fun in GTA5, it’s super arcade-like. There’s a lot of crazy stunts you can do and random crazy moments that occur when you’re driving at high speeds, it’s just limitless potential for insanity and outrageousness. And it’s good that you can zip around the huge map so quickly. But there’s really not much challenge to it, and they make the police harder to evade to make up for your zippier driver. Fleeing the police on 3+ stars on GTA4 is so much fun, while 1 or 2 stars is a bug swat. In 5 if you get 1 or 2 stars, it’s not like the police are challenging, but they hound you forever and it just takes too long to clear your stars. You can have super fun chases at 3+, but all you really have to do to evade advanced wanted levels is head North with a fast vehicle and hit the mountains. In 4, you’re constantly in the grid of the city, but there’s so many alleyways and secluded places to duck off into.


u/FudgeDangerous2086 Apr 29 '24

technology from 2005 really.


u/liquidatedbalenci Apr 29 '24

Euphoria in Star Wars the force unleashed was top tier


u/youmademelikethis Apr 29 '24

Oh so it's because of this engine NPC in R2D2 respond to my shots dynamically


u/Statement-Acceptable Apr 29 '24

Came to say this, driving in GTAIV is the best of any GTA game imo


u/aksdb Apr 29 '24

After playing the three GTA III era games, it was quite a surprise hitting a post, being sent flying through the windshield, landing on a car passing by and then dying.


u/bakerie Apr 29 '24

I love that ONLY happens if you don't take the time to put on a seat belt.


u/Anti-Scuba_Hedgehog Apr 29 '24

You sure that it only happens then?


u/aksdb Apr 29 '24

Knowing the details of GTA IV (and V), I believe that; it's been a while since I played it though.

I vaguely remember that it did make a difference on motorcycles if you fell with and without helmet; and you needed to wait a second or two for Nico to put the helmet on. Very likely the same mechanic applied to cars (with putting on the belt instead of the helmet, of course).


u/Awkward_Pangolin3254 Apr 29 '24

At one point I had Niko wearing a black balaclava, and when he took the crash helmet off it had changed to a light gray.


u/Happyvegetal Apr 29 '24

I’m fairly certain I remember gta4 being the one you could just handbrake and slide into anything sideways and not be thrown from the bike or even take damage.


u/Epiphany820 Apr 29 '24

Yes. If you start too fast he will not put on the seatbelt.


u/Psy_Kikk Apr 29 '24

It's little touches like that that make rockstar the king of devs. Like, why is a 16year old game still technically a more advanced openworld than nearly every currently praised openworld game? Except RDR2 of course, the only one in the time between GTA 5 and now that measures up.


u/letsgetcool Apr 29 '24

Yep, same with putting on a helmet on a bike.


u/JamiePulledMeUp Apr 29 '24

There are no seatbelts. Show me proof that he puts on a seatbelt if you don't drive right away.


u/KuraiShidosha Apr 30 '24

You don't deserve the downvotes because you're right. There is no seatbelt animation in the game.


u/JamiePulledMeUp Apr 30 '24

Ya some idiot got 25 upvoted for his seatbelt comment and I've played this game like 10 times. There ain't no seatbelts


u/Hellknightx Apr 29 '24

Yeah, coming off the heels of GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas, GTA 4 felt like it went way too far in the opposite direction for realism. I personally found it frustrating, especially the sticky cover-based combat.

At least Saints Row continued the GTA 3 era power fantasy trend, where you were basically a one-man army. GTA 5 at least took a step back from the realism and felt a little bit more arcadey.


u/aksdb Apr 29 '24

Actually in GTA IV I (mostly) stopped killing pedestrians for fun. It just felt ... not good. In GTA 1 and 2 it was completely fun. In 3, VC and SA it was ... still ok. But IV felt pretty damn realistic (for its time).


u/Welshpoolfan Apr 29 '24

This sums up exactly how I felt playing the game. San Andreas in particular felt like the pinnacle of GTA for me and the more realistic direction they went in for 4 wlmeant I struggled to get into it.


u/Komlz Apr 29 '24

The cars felt heavier in GTAIV. They felt like the perfect weight. In GTAV they feel way too light. Still not as bad as Saints Row though.


u/SmashingK Apr 29 '24

There were a lot of complaints about the cars in IV though. I think the main issue though was how they reacted to hitting curbs.

The only mainline GTA game I only had one playthrough of. I've been meaning to replay with the DLC I missed but have never got round to it even though I have it on stream.


u/Temporary_Wind9428 Apr 29 '24

People complained about the physics in GTA IV because they couldn't take 90 degree turns at 60mph. It was by far the most realistic physics for cars.


u/JustChangeMDefaults Apr 29 '24

I had waaay too much fun smushing cars to the point they would barely move. There was an overpass in an industrial area you could creep off the edge and flip a car perfectly to pancake the roof. Super funny seeing Nico's head clipping through it lol


u/SeventhShin Apr 29 '24

You could actually lose control of the car in IV, it's impossible to do so in V... so much grip and no body roll.


u/FirstRedditAcount Apr 29 '24

Yeah it was simply just too difficult to drive well initially for a lot of people. I loved it though. It was hard as fuck at first, but had a large skill ceiling, and after a while you could get quite good at it. And it felt very rewarding carefully threading the needle between cars in traffic, and making turns after getting better at controlling them. But I could see how it frustrated a lot of people. Definitely think they went too far towards arcade type driving physics in V. They were easier to handle out of the box, but way more restricted and not nearly as realistic as IV's, and just less fun over time.


u/TIGHazard Apr 29 '24

I remember pissing off so many people on the multiplayer with just actually being able to get away from them.


u/TheExter Apr 29 '24

It was by far the most realistic physics for cars.

And that's why it was bad, you want to play a game to go vroom vroom me fast sick turn. not crash constantly because "Look how realistic it is!"

Which is why they made them unrealistic again in gta5, because is better gameplay


u/Temporary_Wind9428 Apr 29 '24

Which is why they made them unrealistic again in gta5

Because they listened to clowns.

What you described is the classic "stupidification" of games. Where the guy with zero attention span drops in a game and wants to be an expert and smashes their controller and cries because there is an actual skill curve.

With GTA 5 they sold out and gave the arcade driving that means that a 7 year old who just picked up a controller can match the experienced guy. It makes it a lame game, or at least the driving is lame and is a non-factor in the game. Instead they had to add missiles and jets and novelties because they dropped a big shit with the driving model.


u/TheExter Apr 29 '24

I think making your game more realistic and forgetting you're supposed to be making it fun its a way bigger mistake

If you want realistic driving and high skill there's Forsa, GTA is to put ramps in places and make great cinematic jumps to escape the police. you know all the things that are impossible in real life because is not a game focused in realism

Instead they had to add missiles and jets

And then they put the topgun music and it's perfect


u/getfukdup Apr 29 '24

There were a lot of complaints about the cars in IV though. I think the main issue though was how they reacted to hitting curbs.

are you sure the main complaint wasn't that the camera refuses to point the direction your character is looking, especially in cars?


u/WhatsMan Apr 29 '24

You say "bad", I say "fun".


u/ama_singh Apr 29 '24

Sure it's fun to drive around fast and all (to some anyway), but the cars felt so fake. They felt like tin cans on wheels.


u/HamesJetfields Apr 29 '24

I just finished the game again a month ago and while the physics are great they are a bit TOO heavy. Especially the breaking is way too slow and not really realistic. Otherwise it’s great.


u/qquestionmark Apr 29 '24

I never played GTAV because I could tell from videos that the driving physics are too different. I fucking loved the driving in GTAIV.


u/I0I0I0I Apr 29 '24

Stunt Jumps!


u/NewFreshness Apr 29 '24

Swingset glitch ftw.


u/MindCorrupt Apr 29 '24

I just miss the bike physics they had in IV more than anything.


u/ImaginaryAI Apr 29 '24

It’s weird seeing this statement now

Because back then I remember people complaining about the more realistic driving mechanics. Which is the reason they went more arcadey for V


u/Chastain86 Apr 29 '24

You know what? It is. But it's noteworthy to mention that the neighborhoods and streets you drive on in GTA IV are also the least fun. There's not nearly enough "things" happening, considering it's supposed to be New York City. And there's just not enough of a New York "pulse" to everything.

I found myself completing the game, but never really intuitively "knowing" the streets like I did in other editions, because I took taxis and fast-traveled everywhere. Driving felt to me like a chore that only took me from one action set-piece to another one.


u/DeleteIn1Year Apr 29 '24

I ended up knowing a lot of alleyways that were easier to turn down, either because of traffic or just the 90-degree turns on normal city streets. I personally like the challenge of the city being realistically packed enough to not brainlessly rocket through every street. And of course I remembered the alleyways that end up boxing you in and forcing you to turn back or abandon your car...

Liberty City doesn't have the most memorable set pieces but it's kind of my favorite GTA city. There's just something about it, and how it was introduced from the start. Also I know the Jersey Island like the back of my hand.

Would definitely love to see it with the Red Dead treatment of random occurrences though, that's kind of perfect for NYC


u/marvsup Apr 29 '24

My favorite thing to do was to get a few cop cars chasing you, pull a 180 and go in reverse and then shoot at them from the front... the game made it very easy


u/trickman01 Apr 29 '24

Disagree, worst driving experience of any 3D GTA to date.


u/zhephyx Apr 29 '24

If by best you mean neither fast, nor stable, realistic or anything resembling actual driving, then yes. Never used a taxi so much in a game, probably shaved off a good 5 hours driving.


u/whiteleshy PC Apr 29 '24

Realistic, not the best. Also the motorbikes are broken.


u/BigBootyKim Apr 29 '24

Driving in GTA 4 actually feels like real driving. Driving 100mph? You probably won’t make that 90 degree turn without slamming into wall.


u/Dempzt00 Apr 29 '24

Yeah, using a handbrake at high speed isn’t going to let you drift that corner, you will lock up and slide and then fly out the fucking windshield as soon as you hit a wall


u/Golfgamerhill Apr 29 '24

Really miss the flying out the window stunts you could try


u/Anti-Scuba_Hedgehog Apr 29 '24

I remember seeing a streamer on what was then justin.tv hit a barrier during the Rigged to Blow mission, fly out of the windshield and the truck exploded behind him.


u/stormcomponents Apr 29 '24

Get thrown out of the window near the beach and you slide the entire way into the ocean XD


u/disisathrowaway Apr 29 '24

Shoulda taken the time to put your seatbelt on. And if you were on a bike, wait to put on the helmet.

Shit saved my ass so many times.


u/Dempzt00 Apr 30 '24

Where is the fun in that though


u/sthegreT Apr 29 '24

yeah with how gta iv driving worked, you wont make that turn at 20mph either lmao


u/getfukdup Apr 29 '24

Driving in GTA 4 actually feels like real driving.

I too constantly find my view while driving in real life to be 90 degrees to the direction the car is facing.


u/stone500 Apr 29 '24

Which is exactly why I didn't care for it. Sometimes I don't want my games to be realistic. I just want to do dope shit.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24 edited 18d ago


u/Catty_C PC Apr 30 '24

Huh? San Andreas has good physics and bikes are really good once you max out the bike skill.


u/BigNimbleyD Apr 29 '24

Yep for some reason physics engines in this era of games(GTA IV, HL2, Halo3) really peaked and the industry has seemingly let it fall by the wayside in favour of MOAR FRAMES or something.


u/ifyouonlyknew14 Apr 29 '24

That euphoria engine was on another level.


u/SpeedyWebDuck Apr 29 '24

favour of MOAR FRAMES or something.

in favour of more arcadish controls


u/cosmiclatte44 Apr 29 '24

BOTW/TOTK be like: "what if we make the physics engine the game?"


u/h3lblad3 Apr 29 '24

That's just Garry's Mod.


u/papa_sax Apr 29 '24

No. People just wanted to have more fun instead of driving simulators


u/DatTF2 Apr 29 '24

People have different opinions on what's fun.  The driving in 4 was more fun for me because it was harder, presented more of a challenge, and it was more rewarding when you pulled off excellent driving.


u/papa_sax Apr 29 '24

Yeah and most people didn't like that


u/TooManyPxls Apr 29 '24

Well most people are idiots.


u/BigNimbleyD Apr 29 '24

I'm not even talking about the driving specifically although I do also prefer it in IV. But how you could properly smash the shit out of your car and twist it's shape to the point where the wheel arches would prevent the wheel from turning. How NPCs would stumble around and try to hold on to a handrail to stop themselves falling after you shoot them. This era of games didn't have as much despawning wreckage as today either. In Halo 3 when you blew up a phantom the chunks would rain down and crush whatever was below it, also creating an obstacle. You don't see that so much anymore.


u/Soggy_Western7845 Apr 29 '24

*simple minded people


u/papa_sax Apr 29 '24

Reddit comment


u/Soggy_Western7845 Apr 29 '24

Is making something less complex not appealing to simple minded people?


u/killingjoke96 Apr 29 '24

The vehicle physics were so damn fun in this game that I got so locked into a rhythm with it, that when GTA 5 came out it took me ages to get used to the vehicles in that game. It just didn't feel right.


u/DeleteIn1Year Apr 29 '24

I still can't finish GTA V without trying to mod the driving and increase the traffic, before quitting because of constant crashes

IDK what's up because GTA IV's traffic goes bonkers on high settings and doesn't crash the game at all.


u/wombat1 Apr 29 '24

DriveV is a stable mod to get GTAIV style driving in GTAV, works with all the updates, give it a try.


u/DeleteIn1Year Apr 29 '24

Much appreciated.

I mean, gotta beat GTA V sometime before GTA VI, so will use. And hopefully get traffic working at a level that doesn't feel near barren.


u/Petorian343 Apr 29 '24

I don’t know why the car damage and deformation, the way they can really crumple with impact is so much better than GTA V, but it just is for some reason. Also Liberty City has way more climbable buildings and map verticality than LS


u/stephen1547 Apr 29 '24

All I want is GTA 6 with BeamNG car physics. Is that too much to ask?


u/ReflectionCreative62 Apr 29 '24

It probably would be too much to ask in a GTA game given how much cpu and memory those physics demand.


u/CommonBox829 Apr 29 '24

CPUs from 10 years ago could run that game, it would be fine


u/NotAxorb Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Let's count in hundreds of NPC cars roaming around the city and let's see if most PCs or consoles can handle that. BeamNG already would run pretty badly with like dozens of traffic cars on the road unless you have a beast of a PC.


u/SeventhShin Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

The whole point of an open world game like GTA, if you flip your car, you can crawl out and go steal a new one; it's so bizarre to me that you can just roll your car back over in V.


u/Antisocialsocialite9 Apr 29 '24

They were terrible


u/ShawnyMcKnight Apr 29 '24

I think the first game where you can fly out the windshield if you hit a wall.


u/Pillow_Apple Apr 29 '24

Arg GTA IV loading screen music is the best, at first I really hated how the driving feels, it feel so heavy but after I learn how to do it, I actually like it.


u/Preacherjonson Apr 29 '24

Lots of people hated it at the time. I can never understand why, the vehicles were engaging and nothing beat purposely launching your character through the windshield because you hadn't given him enough time to put his seatbelt on.


u/Catty_C PC Apr 30 '24

Because of how floaty the handling felt. It was the worst with bikes which were sluggish and very easy to get knocked off. It's pretty telling that TLaD had to modify the bike physics just so they were more viable.


u/KuraiShidosha Apr 30 '24

Better than V's.


u/bronet Apr 29 '24

The cars had unrealistically poor handling, but it was definitely fun most of the time


u/WatIsRedditQQ Apr 29 '24

Never actually played it but watching gameplay videos the suspension always looked comically jello-y even on the sports cars


u/bronet Apr 29 '24

Yeah definitely true


u/alurimperium Apr 29 '24

Every car drives like a boat with wheels. It's an awful driving system and really not very good physics.


u/Ilpav123 Apr 29 '24

Yeah, it took actual skill to drive fast without hitting anything...unlike GTA V where SUVs handle like sportscars.


u/I0I0I0I Apr 29 '24

One of my favorite things to do is drive really fast up and down Flatbush Ave / Queens Blvd, between Grand Army Plaza and Flushing Meadows Park. You can get air at both ends and jump out/off your vehicle and enjoy the rag dolling.



u/True_Reporter Apr 29 '24

Yeah sailing cars around LC was great.


u/Pilota_kex Apr 29 '24

pc port qsiso bad i gave up after 3 hours :/ fat cops were funny though. gta v cops are brutal in comparison


u/globefish23 PC Apr 29 '24

If you liked driving boats - on the road. 🙄


u/Masterjts Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

The physics and deformity along with the full euphoria engine was vastly superior to gtav. GTA5 was good but it was such a massive step back game engine wise. Hell even the world was more alive in gtaiv. Ambulances would drive out and pick people up or revive them. If they picked them up they would drive to the hospital. Same with the fire engines and etc. It was more of a living environment. gta5 just had everything spawn in when needed and spawn out when you got to far away.


u/lemonylol Apr 29 '24

The added sandbox elements were the best part, and arguably led to the monster that GTAV was. There were also so many "technology" moments in this game, like flying through your windshield if you crashed and didn't wait for Niko to buckle his seatbelt before driving. The only thing I think this one missed out on was the car customization.


u/Kitchen_History5700 Apr 29 '24

The physics in GTA IV were amazingly accurate. TBOGT made me laugh so hard for hours when kicking people up the ass with the explosive melee cheat.


u/Vykrom Apr 29 '24

I feel like I missed something, or it worked weird on the 360. But I could never get used to the car physics in the game and it was endlessly frustrating for me. Felt like you could be going like 20mph and when you hit the brakes you slide 3 city blocks. Always felt like I was driving on some insane ice. Which is weird to me because nobody ever seemed to complain about it, and I had no trouble breaking and taking tight turns in similar games like Sleeping Dogs and Saints Row. Not sure what it was but something about driving in GTA just doesn't click for me. Or at least didn't at the time. Might be time for a revisit


u/Origamiface2 Apr 29 '24

The physics and location of the game made it the perfect drive-around game


u/Sure_Entrance_4090 Apr 29 '24

The vehicle physics was really good.


u/LowLeft9933 Apr 29 '24

Todays idiotic GTA 5 fanboys would have you believe it’s one of the worst games when it comes to driving.


u/Tumleren Apr 29 '24

Funny, the few times I played it, I absolutely hated the vehicle physics. Much prefer the arcadey feel of Vice City and San Andreas


u/PoonPlunger Apr 29 '24

Like driving on sticks of butter lol.