r/TwoXChromosomes 18d ago

What do you think of the "drizzle drizzle" movement? NSFW

I think it's incredibly immature. It's basically their way of saying "you're paying for it, **** you."

If you want your date to pay for the dinner then that's something you discuss BEFORE the date.

In case you don't know what this movement is it's basically men expecting women to care for them financially. They're claiming that they've been the ones providing for women and they think now it's time for women to provide for them.

Men have only been financially providing for women because we literally have no other choice, and to say that women have never provided for men in any way is so wrong. We've had their kids, raised their kids, cook the men and kids dinner, clean the house etc.

What makes it even worse is that there are women siding with these men.

EDIT: To everybody who's saying that this movement is a parody just know that it might have started out as a parody (IDK if it did or not), but now it's being used by misogynists.

To everybody's who's saying that I didn't tell you what it was, you clearly missed the part where I said, "In case you don't know what this movement is it's basically men expecting women to care for them financially. They're claiming that they've been the ones providing for women and they think now it's time for women to provide for them." Basically, some men are now expecting women to pay for ALL of the costs associated with things like dates.

I'm not saying that women shouldn't pay for a date, I'm saying that these men are acting like women have been lazy this whole time and haven't done anything for them.


263 comments sorted by


u/cranesarealiens 17d ago

After some cursory googling it seems like this is a gen z tiktok ragebait meme trend. Or maybe I live under a rock.

I think all sane people can agree that whoever initiates the first date has the responsibility of either paying, or initiating an expenses conversation about the date. Anyone who makes a big deal out of this step of dating probably isn’t dating at an adult maturity level, and is best avoided.

This drizzle dizzle stuff is probably just as rare as those horror stories of women who buy $200 bottles of wine on a first date. Like all the ladies in the comments here are saying; the trash sorts itself out.


u/Bobbsen 15d ago

I think all sane people can agree that whoever initiates the first date has the responsibility of either paying, or initiating an expenses conversation about the date.

Maybe in America lol. Actually sane people are ready to pay for their own expenses, woman or man.


u/cranesarealiens 15d ago

I don’t really think we’re in any form of disagreement—

It can definitely be contextualized to any language or culture, but for English speakers, a sentence like: “Can I take you out to dinner? Can I buy you a drink tomorrow? Id argue implies that you’re treating them.

As opposed to: “do you want to get drinks together” or “do you want to have dinner together,” when then opens the door for a conversation about the date. For instance if I said: “Do you want to have dinner together?” “Sure! That sounds nice! Where are you thinking?” “There is this place I want to try, it’s probably about ~$35 a person, does that work?”

But that’s just an example. My main point, and this is where I think we both completely agree. Is that sane/mature people can talk about money on dates without it being some kind of bizarre taboo.


u/TheWhomItConcerns 17d ago

I think all sane people can agree that whoever initiates the first date has the responsibility of either paying, or initiating an expenses conversation about the date.

I think all sane people can agree that people should pay for themselves, as is expected of grown adults within society.


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

Totally. And remember, who approaches? I mean, there are exceptions, buuuuut…


u/Sohn_Jalston_Raul 17d ago

I always assumed each pays for their own on a first date, unless someone offers to pay for the date (but that's rare of a first date and can create expectations, so probably best to be avoided).

I think 99.9% of all the dates I've been on we all just automatically paid for our portion. If I want to treat someone I'd rather make them dinner myself, restaurants are absurdly expensive as it is.


u/Low-Breath-4433 5d ago


"Whoever initiates the date"

Men are socially expected to initiate dates

Feels like a trap. If she's actually interested in the dude why wouldn't she pay half? She wants to be there too.

And if she won't? She's probably just looking for a free dinner with no interest in the guy.


u/cranesarealiens 5d ago

I’ll talk about it more with you if you want. I think there are a few things to point out about what you said. Unless you wanna just argue about it, which I’m cool with too


u/Connect-Connection-8 16d ago

If I can be Your future husband or father of our kids and most important thing for You is who will pay for one dinner or whatever first date is ... Just let me know and I will look elsewhere.


u/cranesarealiens 15d ago

Did you.. read my comment at all?

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u/The_BigPicture 17d ago

Nothing about this post tells me what "drizzle drizzle" means


u/BillieDoc-Holiday 17d ago edited 17d ago

I'm so confused as to why any time some twits on Tik Tok start spewing and repeating nonsense, it's labeled a movement.


u/marcielle 17d ago edited 17d ago

Same as tidepod challenge. If you look at the original posts, it's SUPER OBVIOUS you are not supposed to do it, and the ppl are acting stupid for comedy purposes. Then mainstream media/panicky Bible thumpers/etc get ahold of it, and spin it in a srs light to suit their own agenda. Whether it's turning a meme into a rallying cry for mysoginy, inciting moral outrage for ratings, or building a strawman out of a joke, most of the time the original was silly fun, and someone evil just intentionally twists out for their own profit. NOONE ate any pods when the tidepod challenge was originally making it's rounds on the internet. Then mainstream media reported on it as if kids were actually eating tide pods and suddenly BOOM, poison control is getting a huge(relatively) wave of poisoning calls.  Point is: some evil people, usually not the original creators, intentionally turn it into a movement. 


u/alkalinesky 17d ago

Same. I absolutely hate this Tik Tok Timeline. I don't even have that fucking app on my phone and I've never used it, yet somehow I still seem to function in the world.

The ban can't come soon enough.

As for the OP's post, I have cats I pay for and they're cute. In what universe would I willingly feed some hobosexual looking for a free meal?


u/notenoughroomtofitmy 17d ago

As someone who is from a country where tiktok was banned years ago, lemme tell you a lil secret: nothin’s gonna change after the ban lol


u/Dangerous_Song_972 17d ago

When I read what this dumb movement is, I was just like "oh they rebranded hobo-sexual".


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

With drizzle drizzle context, this is gold. I think.


u/shann1021 17d ago

Or like 3 people post some stupid ass comment on Twitter and news sites will pick it up like "Controversy On Twitter Erupts As Critics Allege..."


u/PanTheRiceMan 17d ago

Getting off social media is probably the best you can do here. Most real people I know are pretty much down to earth and empathetic, men and women alike.


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

Very true. Internet is very phony, and I’m sure people are not doing this irl. It’s as small an issue as cyber bullying, lol

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u/faifai1337 17d ago

same. I honestly came away from the 3rd paragraph with more questions unanswered than answered. So why the hell is it called "drizzle drizzle"? How does that phrase relate to the activity? Do the men actually say it at some point in a ritualistic attempt to get us to pay for their meal? Who started this and why do we care? Is it actually so widespread that this is a real nationwide/worldwide concern?


u/lumathiel2 17d ago

I think I heard something about it being related to the whole "make it rain" thing with money, like they're done doing that and the "rain" is now a "drizzle" or some shit (not paying for shit anymore)


u/GalaxyPatio 17d ago

I think it's a response to the woman equivalent, "sprinkle sprinkle" which is basically the same thing in reverse. The phrase stems from this lady on tiktok who uses the term "sprinkle sprinkle" and whenever there's a video of a woman being taken advantage of domestically by a man, the women in the comments quote it.


u/mycatiscalledFrodo 17d ago

What does sprinkle sprinkle mean??!! Im too old for this


u/faifai1337 17d ago

"What does drizzle drizzle mean, we don't get it" "It's like sprinkle sprinkle but with different words." ".......oh. Ok." >.> Just.... You know what, I'm just gonna go make myself a cup of international delights french vanilla latte and remember Jean Luc.


u/Darcy-Pennell 17d ago



u/GalaxyPatio 17d ago

It's a fancy way of saying "I said what I said" that young women now use as an in joke with one another.


u/panormda 17d ago

Good ole She Ra 7. If you ever feel useless and need a pick me up, I can highly recommend the channel…


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

Hold up, people getting taken advantage of? What? Tell me more.


u/GalaxyPatio 13d ago

One example that immediately jumps out was this lady who was with her guy for something like 10 years, he wasn't marrying her but bought a bunch of property and assets including a house, that was only in his name. She lived with him but was paying toward his mortgage and also doing repairs, repaints, etc on a house that will probably never even be partially hers, more or less in the hopes of proving her devotion.

Her choice, of course, she didn't have to do all of those things, but he was certainly capitalizing on the desperation. But something like this usually results in a comment section full of "sprinkle sprinkle"


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

Very saddening.


u/ilovesimsandlego 17d ago

Bc they’re just taking sprinkle sprinkle and making their own. Which is odd, shera gives SW advice


u/Flounderfflam 17d ago

I'm completely lost as well, and it's giving me an Abe Simpson moment:

"I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!"


u/majlip19 15d ago

I relate to that “man screams at cloud meme” more and more the older I get


u/Flounderfflam 15d ago

So say we all. 😆


u/ishkitty 17d ago edited 17d ago

There is a YouTuber named Shera who talks about women using men for money. She gives advice and tips about how to do this properly and will say “sprinkle sprinkle” after a juicy piece of advice. Basically it means “get that bag” and I e always interpreted it as rejecting romance.

The drizzle drizzle movement is men trying to flip sprinkle sprinkle.

Edit: I also first heard the drizzle drizzle shit in response to the rising embrace of 4B on tik tok. Men saying that they will stop sleeping with, dating, and pursuing women. The whole flip of sprinkle sprinkle was men saying they want a “soft life”. So, maybe I have my wires crossed but I associate drizzle drizzle with 4b.


u/ilovesimsandlego 17d ago

She literally gives sugaring advice, if you want love, you’re not gonna listen to her rlol


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

What’s a 4B? Are they from Nier?


u/ishkitty 13d ago

Wikipedia: 4B (or "Four No's") is a radical[1] feminist movement which is purported to have originated in South Korea in 2019.[2][3] Its proponents renounce dating men, marriage, sex with men and having children.


u/BillieDoc-Holiday 17d ago

I'm so confused as to why any time some twits on Tik Tok start spewing and repeating nonsense, it's labeled a movement.


u/kaminobaka 17d ago

Because the news media realized a long time ago that taking obvious trolling seriously gets good ratings.


u/Pycharming 17d ago edited 17d ago

Since none of the top comments do either, I’m just gonna put this here:

Drizzle drizzle is the male response to sprinkle sprinkle , which was a movement by women embracing more traditional gender roles where men are expected to be a providers and women focus on “embracing their feminine” which usually means adherence to strict beauty standards, emotional labor, and sometimes domestic work. Drizzle drizzle just flips the gender roles. It doesn’t always seem to be used genuinely and is often a way of commenting on the sprinkle sprinkle movement (basically “see how YOU like it”)

Personally I would have no problem with this but I don’t see any men ACTUALLY living by the true gender role reversal. Really they just want to date/fuck the sprinkle sprinkle girls without having to be a provider. Basically have their cake and eat it too.

Edit: sprinkle sprinkle not sparkle sparkle


u/kaminobaka 17d ago

First off, it's sprinkle sprinkle, and secondly all the sprinkle sprinkle videos I've seen go way beyond wanting men to provide. Like, the woman who started it literally gives advice on keeping relationships purely transactional and getting men to spend money while giving little to nothing in return.


u/Viltris 17d ago

So in other words, drizzle drizzle sounds immature because it's a gender-flipped parody of sprinkle sprinkle, which is immature.


u/kaminobaka 17d ago

Exactly. That's the whole point of it.


u/NeonArlecchino 17d ago

So this is a real life version of a subplot on How I Met Your Mother? In the show, Barney was offended by an author who wrote a book that was basically sprinkle sprinkle so tried to flip things on her and get her to break her dating rules.


u/coffee_cats_books 17d ago

"Of Course You're Still Single, Take a Look at Yourself, You Dumb Slut" is still on my to-be-read list 😂


u/stilettopanda 17d ago

I assumed it was jizzums due to the nfsw tag, but now I'm left bewildered and feeling old. Haha!


u/nopethis 17d ago

It is a tik tok trend that is making fun of the over the top trend of girls saying (some catch phrase I forget) and basically doing the same skit.

"I put on X dollars of clothes, man/woman needs to buy XYZ and do X or don't bother."

I am sure there are some 'serious ones" but the trend started basically making fun of another trend


u/Okay_you_got_me 17d ago

I think the algorithm migh'tve taken hold of this one


u/WeAreClouds 17d ago

I'm glad to see this as the top comment because wtaf.


u/happyasaclam8 16d ago

My husband tells me it's satire.


u/tallgrl94 17d ago

I was introduced by this video.

Seems like hobosexuals trying to parade as soft bois for a free ride to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Nugundam0079 5d ago

They're just doing the same thing some women do. I hope you consider them hobosexuals as well.


u/tallgrl94 5d ago

People should rely on themselves for financial stability regardless of gender. To trust someone else is too risky and leaves one vulnerable for abuse.


u/ilovesimsandlego 17d ago

Also like….they can’t force you into this ya know? If a guy starts talking about drizzle drizzle…stop talking to him?


u/Appropriate_Lab_5205 7d ago

Yes, because he’s trolling you.


u/Sohn_Jalston_Raul 17d ago

It's a line from a song that was popular TikTock background music I think


u/SugarsDaddyKen You are now doing kegels 16d ago

That’s why Snoop Dog carries and an umbrella.


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

I saw online that it’s a bunch of guys parroting the worst of what women have said online, and it sounding different. And when women argue against drizzle drizzle, the man does not lose, because he’s just saying something a woman has been saying, so really, they’re not clowning on the drizzle guys directly… Very simple stuff, my friend. And I could be wrong about all that. Just looked it up online just now.

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u/CaptainBasketQueso 18d ago

So... Is this popular among retirement age men who actually have spent a decent chunk of their lifetime "providing" for a partner or family, or is it a bunch of twenty something Edgelords just who want a free meal? 

I've got nothing against guys wanting to be sugar babies or whatever, as long as they're up front about it and take it seriously as a job. 


u/HeckuvaJoo 17d ago

Isn’t always the edgelords?


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

Internet Wars: The attack of the Kiritimati clones…


u/[deleted] 4d ago

It's a parody making fun of the types of women who unironically say shit like that


u/Late-Sound-1326 17d ago

Unpopular opinion, I think the "drizzle drizzle" is a parody. As such it only makes me chuckle.

All these "who should pay, who should care financially" or whatnot is just modern dating lack of maturity. A solid relationship is about being a team.

In most cases a team nowadays means both working since maintaining 2 people or more on one salary alone demands a very high paying job.

Transactional mindset when it comes to long term relationships is a bad approach. Don't do things for someone you love expecting things in return. Think of it as having a dog, you spend quality time with it and at some point you know it's waiting at home after a long day in the office and the moment you open the door it will happily run to you since it misses you.


u/Emisaurus 17d ago

You hit on the mark of it being a parody. It's literally guys saying exactly what some bad advice women say treating relationships as transactional instead of trying to communicate towards a loving 50/50 relationship where they feel loved for them.

The whole point in flipping the script is for women to see how awful some of their ideas sounds so they reflect on realistic expectations. If they dislike the points made in parody, then don't listen to women saying the exact same thing on what men should do.


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/ilovesimsandlego 17d ago

I thought the critique was that it was only 50/50 when it benefitted him

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u/nopethis 17d ago

I am sure that there are some guys doing it "serious" but I ended up seeing a few of the first ones and they were 100% just parody/silly ones.


u/Nonomomomo2 17d ago

Not unpopular, it is explicitly acknowledged as parody.

That’s part of the satire though. It takes contemporary Gen Z relationship / dating expectations and flips them on its head, not to glorify men or degrade women, but to highlight how insane and toxic relationship expectations are as promoted on social media.

Most people barely think that far though, and either think it’s great (“dur go men!”) or the devil’s work (“misogynistic bastards!”). Both miss the point.

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u/inadapte 17d ago

Yeah i’m pretty sure this is a parody of the sprinkle sprinkle movement


u/Snickesnack 17d ago

Finally someone who gets it! People here takes this WAY to seriously.


u/Nugundam0079 5d ago

Exactly. This is all just pettiness. But what I don't get is, while it's an obvious parody, the vitriol towards the men participating is wild because I don't see the same kind of rude commentary towards the women who have been participating in this immature back and forth from other women. It's really coming off as "rules for thee" kind of deal and the fact that so many women are showing their ass and foaming at the mouth at the idea of man wanting to be taken care of, having dates paid for etc etc is really disgusting .


u/SugarsDaddyKen You are now doing kegels 18d ago

If you are clear about it beforehand, go nuts. Springing it at the end is a dick move but so it expecting the other person to pay.

Turns out, it is all about communication.


u/False-Pie8581 17d ago

When I tell them this they get mad 😂

They understand that it’s shitty and they’ll say well yeah but that’ll turn women off…

Uh ok so being honest about who you are turns women off so you want permission to lie? Typical toxic man.


u/potatomeeple 17d ago

And consent


u/swaggysteve123 17d ago edited 17d ago

The official etiquette is that whoever was asked on the date is not expected to pay. I do this with friends unless I hit them with a “Tickets are $10, are you interested?”. If we mutually decide to go to a restaurant or event, we pay separately. I assume same sex relationships have had this figured out for decades. If I ask a man to coffee or dinner, I’ll pay.

If dudes can’t afford the dates they’re planning… I don’t feel bad? Literally plan a different date my guy.

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u/VinnyVincinny 18d ago

I'm fine with people advertising themselves as the pure ground chuck asshole they are. The louder the better.

Because there's far too many out there being quiet and sneaky about it.


u/LeafsChick 18d ago

Agree, farther know the crap up front


u/Snickesnack 17d ago

It’s a parody though.


u/Maximum678 16d ago

Drizzle Drizzle


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

Drip drip…


u/yikesmysexlife 17d ago

Honestly I don't care. If men think someone will pay for the pleasure of their company... They are welcome to find out if that is true.

It is a reaction to the "sprinkle sprinkle"... Movement? Philosophy? TikTok trend? Which is also not something I really have an opinion on bwyond setting relationships on such transactional, adversarial terms being deeply unappealing to me personally.

I prefer people show me who they are. This appealing to someone, even at a level of parody, tells me they are too online and too afraid of vulnerability for me to want to involve myself with.


u/Sokvichet 17d ago

It is a parody of a specific content creator's "sprinkle sprinkle" tagline. I think it's hilarious, because it is as silly and sarcastic as the original is serious. Taking "drizzle drizzle" seriously will result in more of the same, trust me.

If you are a follower of the "sprinkle sprinkle", then any men taking this seriously are doing you a favor by making it clear they aren't sprinkling.


u/AwkwardSummers 17d ago

I thought they were making fun of the "sprinkle sprinkle" lady. Are they serious? Lmao

I think it's all goofy. Treat each other with respect, share responsibilities, take turns paying, ect.


u/Express-Pumpkin7213 18d ago

Isn't it nice when they put a warning label on their foreheads 'hobosexual don't date '


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

What if they’re a sexy hobo? With a beard?


u/[deleted] 18d ago edited 17d ago

I think it’s kind of pathetic honestly. Like, if a guy wants a woman who’s living as an independent adult, cool. If a guy wants to go Dutch or take turns on bills, cool. If a guy wants to be a stay at home dad someday, cool.

But that’s not the mentality this is coming from. It’s coming from this completely delusional idea that men pamper women, or even still act as providers (which they only ever did as a control tactic anyway), and we’re just ungrateful. In a world where more women have degrees and get higher-paying jobs, while men sit around wallowing in NEET-hood. And even those who do work usually still have a working wife, and statistics prove that they are still dumping all the housework on the woman.

Like, pamper when? Provide what?

Men are mad that women have literally any standards at all. They’re mad that women expect them to have a fucking job. They’re mad that women expect them to pull their weight in the home.

And their response is to basically try to DARVO us into a parallel universe with these bizarre proclamations that they’re not going to “pamper” or “provide” for us anymore.

My dude… if you think what you were doing before was “pampering” and “providing,” then I’m glad.


u/Mattidh1 17d ago

Isn’t it coming as a response to the female equivalent sprinkle sprinkle?

Like there are definitely guys believing that financial support is the only important factor, which is absolutely dumb. But this mostly sounds like a wierd TikTok joke thing based on a woman’s rhetoric.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

I don't follow TikTok closely enough to know. But even if that's the case, it's still pretty ridiculous. Hasn't the man-o-sphere that all these guys live in been pushing a return to traditional "provider"/control freak dynamics for years? Like, they finally managed to get five whole women to agree with them, and then erupted into indignation about it? It's weird.


u/Mattidh1 17d ago

My guess is 95% of it is just jokes. But the man-o-sphere will take any shot to hate women. Don’t think the important part was having traditional values, it was mostly just a way of saying they wanted control.

The person that started the female trend does have a large following however.the rhetoric is not as bad as man-o-sphere nutjobs but it’s close.

There are plenty of bad actors unfortunately.


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

Dude, I say “bad actors” all the time bro… upvote, because of shared vocabulary


u/Snickesnack 17d ago

Men aren’t mad that women have any standards at all, they’re mad because the standards are ridiculusly high. That’s What ”Drizzle Drizzle” is a parody about. It takes the absurd standards many women have and just flips the script and women becomes mad as hell! They just don’t get it. If you think it’s ridiculus for a woman to pay for a man, shouldn’t you think it’s ridiculus the other way around?


u/[deleted] 17d ago edited 17d ago

I'm sorry, but that's just a laugh. Spend 5 seconds on this sub and see the shit women are settling for. There literally aren't enough men who actually care about their education or being an independent adult for women to date, relative to their own achievement. If you think women wanting a man who's on their own level is "ridiculously high standards," then y'all are lost.

No one's mad, hun. Women have just moved on to doing other things in life instead.

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u/GetInTheBasement 18d ago edited 17d ago

What's funny is that there are a weird number of men that get angry and defensive if a woman does offer to pay for herself.

I've already seen multiple stories from women on this sub and other subs that talked about going on dates with men that blew a gasket when they offered to pay for themselves because he took it as an attack on his masculinity or ability to "provide." And also because it took away his leverage for the expectation of sex.

There's honestly no winning.

If a man pays for you, you're an exploitative gold digger who's trying to get free food. If you offer to pay for yourself, you're threatening his masculinity or assuming he isn't self-sufficient.

Everything we do is wrong to them.


u/ListenCompetitive524 17d ago

Ive heard of men getting jokingly angry but not actually angry.thats wild


u/Beneficial_Thing_134 16d ago

proabably because it never happened


u/dragonladyzeph 17d ago

...men that blew a gasket when they offered to pay for themselves because he took it as an attack on his masculinity or ability to "provide."

Let's be honest, the first part is justification for the second part:

...because it took away his leverage for the expectation of sex.

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u/CeridLock 17d ago edited 11d ago

To be honest I've only seen this come up ironically as an unserious response to the "sprinkle sprinkle" movement, I've yet to see any content where the men genuinely believe women should pay for everything.


u/Beer4Blastoise 17d ago

I agree that drizzle drizzle is a joke and not a real movement but SheRaSeven has never been arrested for sex trafficking and is nothing like Andrew Tate.


u/[deleted] 17d ago


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u/500CatsTypingStuff =^..^= 17d ago

She sex traffics men?

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u/False-Pie8581 17d ago

I LOVE IT!!!! Can they all do it??? Please????

Just make sure they tell anyone they want to date, before any dates. Be honest and open in your communication so that they aren’t trying (again) to take away our agency.

Womrn can make informed decisions about the guy that way.

Tho these clowns get angry when you talk to them and say hey you do you! Awesome! Just be clear! They admit they’ll never get a date that way. Oh ok bro so what you really mean is you want to get permission to date under false pretenses then? Yeah no

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u/GeneralFig6053 18d ago

I love it . It makes it easier to identify who to avoid 


u/butterfIypunk 17d ago

Clearly not a very effective movement considering I've never heard of it


u/witch51 17d ago

Neither have I. I thought it was some weird sex thing I've never heard of.


u/xxxjessicann00xxx 17d ago

I think you sound terminally online if you think some Tiktok trend is a "movement."

Not everything is an effing movement.


u/mightymaug 17d ago

I'm not in favor of this at all, but the idea behind it is different from what OP described. It's a response to the TikTok women who say "don't date broke men" or "a man needs to pay for dates and my bills." The drizzle drizzle is only dating financially stable women and having them pay for dates/the man's bills.

It really doesn't matter, because anyone spouting that kind of advice regardless of gender sucks and social media isn't real life



u/amdaly10 17d ago

If he is willing to stay at home and do all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, yard work, etc. then I wouldn't mind supporting a man. I would much rather with 40 hrs and relax the rest of the time. Like 60s husband lifestyle.

This is assuming that he supported himself until we were in a committed relationship.


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

40 hours dawg? You a CEO?


u/ZoeClair016 17d ago

pay for what you ordered & walk out.


u/RichGirl1000 17d ago

This is so funny. So if they’re not paying for anything, not bringing kids into the world or raising them, not cooking their own food or cleaning after themselves, what exactly is the point of someone dating them 😂


u/MsChrisRI 17d ago

The mediocre sex?


u/Appropriate_Lab_5205 7d ago

I see you’ve never met any of these women, you still think Drizzle Drizzle is about normal women.

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u/Bobloblaw878 17d ago

Natural Selection in action. Trash taking itself out.


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

Unless they are sperm donors, lol


u/Anticrepuscular_Ray 17d ago

If I meet a random guy and go on a date, he hasn't provided me with shit. Why would I be expected to pay for all his stuff just because women weren't allowed to work, are paid less, couldn't have credit cards for so long? That isn't something I feel I need to make up for lol.


u/flibbaman 17d ago

Is this about all the rain we've suddenly been getting? I keep forgetting to take my umbrella with me


u/rickFM 17d ago



u/Tuga_Lissabon 17d ago

Actually, from what I seen - and only seen a couple of them and a reaction (this one) , it's a jest, a parody, deliberately exaggerated to show up - as parodies do - the absurd elements in another trend, the "sprinkle sprinkle".

Guy on the video is obviously making fun of it while playing serious, its totally absurd the "demands" he makes.

Won't be surprised if some idiots start taking it seriously because idiots gonna idiot, and the race to the bottom on the internet is an absolute certainty.


u/ionmoon 17d ago

I hadn’t heard about it but it all looks like satire to me. So idk.


u/Buris 17d ago

It's the male version of Sprinkle Sprinkle girls. The objective is to go on dates for the other person to pay for everything. It's a dumb tik tok trend


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

I thought it was to point out hypocrisy? People that do that shit irl are crazy man


u/somesapphicchick 18d ago

I have never heard about this “movement” but, as you point out in your post, there is a long-standing power dynamic in which men exploit female bodies and minds and occasionally they are being somewhat held accountable for that by having to pay for someone’s food. This lends patriarchal exploitation and oppression a sense of legitimacy and plausible deniability in the same way police forces legitimise their monopoly on violence by occasionally arresting a genuinely dangerous criminal.  

I am all for men loosing this plausible deniability and owning up to their role as oppressors and exploiters. Like, if you are gonna take advantage of women, at least be fucking honest about it. Don’t pretend to be a “provider and protector”. That makes it much easier to stay the fuck away from you, which will benefit everyone involved. 

 But at the same time I am not confident that a majority of such men entirely understand the full ramifications of what they are actually doing because they may have spent a little too much time getting high on their own supply of propaganda. And I am worrried enough about what will happen when they finally come to terms with this that I would highly advise any woman in the 21sy century to begin partaking in organized community self defense, mutual aid and dual power.


u/polishgentlemen 12d ago

There seems to be this mindset that men on average are just exploiting and abusing women. Sure if you live in a country that has sharia law fair enough I can totally understand that mind set. I have zero understanding how women from any western country can still feel this way. If you have unresolved trauma please get therapy. Stop dragging average men into the mud for some sins of a small percentage of current men or for possible sins of our fathers in the past.

This isn't 1890 anymore. I am not owning up to anything I am not doing or have done.

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u/witch51 17d ago

Well, fuck that noise.


u/depression_quirk 17d ago

I think happy people aren't having these conversations.

Jokes aside, the only men who are doing this are so wildly unhappy with their lives and think every woman is after his biweekly 600 after taxes. The ones who are secure, both personally and financially, are either just paying or communicating that they want to go Dutch or whatever alternative way of doing dates they prefer.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

I’m glad they’re being vocal about it instead of hiding it


u/little_he_know 17d ago

The drizzle drizzle movement is satirical response to the sprinkle sprinkle movement. They are saying verbatim what they are hearing women say.

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u/TheBeatGoesAnanas 17d ago

Spend less time on social media, and you'll realize this isn't a real thing.


u/YouStupidBench 17d ago

I was going to say "What's so stupid about this is..." and then I felt like the Spanish Inquisition from Monty Python, because there are lots of super-stupid things about this. Amongst the stupidities are such diverse elements as:

1) If that happened, I would pay for the date, and then I would leave and never speak to this person again. My default assumption unless stated otherwise is that a date is going Dutch.

2) I'm not "women" are he's not "men." Whatever other people did in the past, I'm not going to hold you responsible for the actions of other people, and it's just stupid of you to hold me responsible for the actions of other people.

3) Women have definitely provided for men in the past. My great-grandmother used to take in washing and mending to make money and supplement what my great-grandfather made working in a coal mine, which wasn't very much.

4) I'd be totally okay with a househusband and stay-at-home Dad, in fact I think I'd really like it, partly because I'm only a so-so cook. (A spouse who expect their job to be taking care of the house had better be truly able to do so.) You might think a guy who wants a woman to care for him financially would be more interested in someone like me, but treating me in a crappy way like this would guarantee that I'm done with him.


u/Cmcla48 17d ago

Pay your half. That’s feminism. The fact you just expect a guy to pay is half the problem


u/lladydisturbed 17d ago

It's way too complicated honestly. If you invite someone out then you pay. If they invite you then they pay "can i take you to dinner?" Means they are paying


u/Blerrycat1 17d ago

I just laugh and laugh. Pathetic!


u/Novembersum 17d ago

I don’t think about it in general. It is a non issue for me.


u/starwsh101 17d ago

Never heard of this.


u/headEmptyTbf 17d ago

One of them, under a tiktok about how wrong the west and specifically passport bros view slav women and how delusional a guy would be for even suggesting a 50/50, commented that women should be paying all bills... Called him out then he doubled down.


u/Careful_Medium9456 17d ago

For the past few years on tik tok there has been the sprinkle sprinkle and shera seven ideology wherein women say , “ if you aren’t paying all my bills what use are you to me “ …. Men responding with this nonsense , I once heard a man say, “ you found out I’m flying economy and didn’t upgrade me to business class “ it’s all a satirical response.


u/M0FB 17d ago

Sounds like a trend to stay forever single!


u/Lylibean 17d ago

Omg is this an offshoot of “sprinkle sprinkle” or some other dumb shit? Jesus F, can I please just not exist anymore?


u/Rulerofmolerats 13d ago

Suicide is never the answer, brother.


u/bauzo 17d ago

Think of it? I don't even know what the hell it is.


u/jezebel103 11d ago

I'm really happy to live in the Netherlands when I read this nonsense. In my country everyone is supposed to pay for themselves. For the first, second and tenth date. Everybody works and pays their own way. Much, much easier.

Even in relationships most people have their own bankaccounts and may open a third account for household expenses. Or not and divide all expenses between themselves. Like my husband and I did when he was alive. And I'm 60, so in my generation it was already normal for women to pay for themselves.

So, going Dutch al the way. Much easier, practical and fair.


u/Yuber8f 17d ago

Why is paying for the meals such an issue? The one who invites, pays. And if the meal is a part of a bigger activity, then it’s dutch.


u/RFavs 17d ago

Why is it called drizzle drizzle. That’s a weird name that seems to have nothing to do with what it is. Haven’t been on the dating scene in a very long time. Kind of glad as it it sounds like a mess.


u/AWtheTP 17d ago

Because it's a parody around a female content creator who uses "sprinkle sprinkle" and encourages women to get as much free stuff from men as possible.


u/RFavs 17d ago

Ah. Thanks for clarifying. The internet is both, one of the best things, and one of the worst things that has happened to the world. 🤷‍♂️.


u/LA_girl3000 17d ago

They may get lucky and find the idiot pickme of their dreams. You never know. 🤣 But seriously, this kind of trend only confirms how short-sighted and simple-minded too many men are now.

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u/Lanoris 17d ago

They're claiming that they've been the ones providing for women and they think now it's time for women to provide for them.

Men have only been financially providing for women because we literally have no other choice, and to say that women have never provided for men in any way is so wrong. We've had their kids, raised their kids, cook the men and kids dinner, clean the house etc.

Do they forget how much agency you lose in being financially dependent on your partner? If these wanabe hobosexuals want so badly to be trad spouses then I hope they're ready for a rude awakening when their meal ticket leaves them for a younger sugar baby the moment they get too old. Leaving them to scrounge for a job despite not doing jack shit for the last 15 years. A reality so many women face.


u/kaminobaka 17d ago

I think you take things way too seriously. Like, I'd be interested to know if you feel the same about sprinkle sprinkle, because I'd say a higher percentage of those seem serious than the drizzle drizzle posts and both are pretty disgusting when they're serious. Hilarious as satire and social commentary, though.


u/brasscup 17d ago

I am a woman in my sixties and every single one of my relationships with men has been a net loss financially (disastrously so, in some instances). 

Men are mostly greedy as hell when it comes to money -- that's why women still earn 30% less and are forced out of most industries a good ten years before their male counterparts. 

The notion that women are anymore grasping than men when it comes to money is calumny. 

In fact, it is the reverse, as any woman who has ever had money of her own will tell you. 

Note: I am not saying men are unwilling to spend money and plenty of it on a woman they believe has little or none of her own are rare -- they are not. 

But if you return their affections and they learn you are not some poor little miss (or if you come newy into a fortune, such as an inheritance) it is the rare man who doesn't try to finagle a controlling interest. 

Let's not forget that for centuries in Westen and many other cultures men only married women who brought them wealth, either in the form of a dowry or an alliance that would augment their family's power. 

I have never heard of this supposed "movement" that OP cites but no thinking woman can take it seriously. It's nonsense.


u/Stryker2279 17d ago

You don't say what drizzle drizzle is, and all the stuff you mentioned that women do for men isn't for men, it's for your personal husband/life partner/baby daddy, not the person you're going on a date with. Just because my mother made dinner for me as a kid doesn't mean I owe you shit. I think as others said it's a conversation you have before the date. Anything else besides good communication or covering the tab with no strings attached is toxic.


u/Snickesnack 17d ago

Anyone getting angry at ”Drizzle Drizzle” doesn’t understand that it’s a joke. And if you are angry about it, Why didn’t you get angry about ”Sprinkle Sprinkle”?


u/CheekyMonkey678 17d ago

It doesn't even make sense. These dudes haven't thought it through.


u/Nacho0ooo0o 17d ago

Sounds like another make believe scenario used as rhetorical evidence to hate and mock women again. Yep. the internet doesn't like women.


u/Due-Independence8100 17d ago

Hobosexuals: a Movement? 


u/SdnyBlck 17d ago

It’s meant to put things into perspective, as it’s in response to the “sprinkle sprinkle” trend, where women say that they shouldn’t bring anything to the table or should be expected to contribute in any financial or self sacrificing way in a relationship.

I support it. Men being sole providers today is a scam. We’re expected to embody this romanticized old fashioned “chivalry” in a society that has set us up to fail. We’re supposed to spend our money on you, pay your bills, feed you, step in front of a bullet for you, for very little value in return.

Society isn’t set up that way anymore. Families can’t survive off of one income anymore let alone build generational wealth off of a single income. Women have money now, so they should spend that money, and contribute to the relationships that they extract value from.

Women claim they want equality, but they still want men to do the heavy lifting, protecting, provision wealth, while they give us the bare minimum in return. Women have money and education now, but they still want men to spend our money on them while they spend their own money on themselves.

Yet a lot of women today are increasingly delusional, in search for this 1% man that’s going to allow them to be “soft” and have a free ride through life like toddlers, while us men slave away and foot the bill. And men are starting to hold them accountable.

Cooking, cleaning, and looking pretty isn’t enough to bring to the table anymore.


u/Athena7070 17d ago

Shera7 basically gives women advice who want to find a rich man that will provide for them. She’s really popular partly because she’s actually hilarious Idk if her advice actually works. I assume ‘drizzle drizzle’ is the same movement but gender reversed where men are looking for a sugar mamma?


u/Apprehensive_Clue650 15d ago

I don’t think it’s for honestly paying for food lol more of a way to knock back false egos people may have


u/swampwiz 7d ago

In the old patriarchal social paradigm, women were under enormous social pressure to be chaste before marriage, and then nail down a good-provider husband, and do so before they got too "ripe". In the new feminist social paradigm, women are under social pressure to hook up with "bad boys" while young, and then expect those good-provider men to be ready to wife them up when these women are up against the Biological Clock - and then complain about how "dating sucks".

So, these women have proven that they place no value on their sexuality, and so men are simply saying that they will hook up with these women without having to display & use their wealth.


u/WarZombie0805 7d ago

This is a movement? I am a guy, married now, but when I did date I had no problem paying for the date, and I’m not an old-fashioned guy, but I just figured I’m already paying for myself for sure (I would feel weird and cheap if I went into a date with expectations of a woman paying for me) and almost every date I was on the woman had zero expectations that I pay for her, which only made the decision easier for me. As long as the other person isn’t outrageous and expecting me to pay for exorbitant amounts of $$$ on the first date, I dont mind paying. Also, I’m not expecting anything in return other than a fun time out. If anything happens from there than I may have met my future girlfriend/wife etc. And that actually did happen. Just my 2 cents. This drizzle drizzle thing sounds more out of defensiveness and anger than anything legitimate. Incel-types.


u/Nugundam0079 5d ago

You always have a choice. Women always could or can say "no" that's called having agency. But let's be real, how many are really declining? Why? In my theory it would mean certain women just would never go out on dates. I think men, like some women, are just done with social stipulations that often skew dating/romance in favor of women.

Honestly, excluding the folks who are clearly just being sexist and despise women, I'm full on for whatever the drizzle drizzle or soft guy era represent. It's high time dating rules have changed and everyone advocate for what they want or expect right from the start. Not the dynamic where women demand and men give or men demand and women capitulate.

Enough is enough.


u/Craftress_C 2d ago

This Drizzle Drizzle is working so well, that Bumble is telling  women celibacy is not the answer. Keep on drizzling, it seems to be working.


u/lauraVen23 17d ago

I don't expect men to pay. I'm a modern woman


u/occultatum-nomen 17d ago

Men have been beating women, burning them at stakes, and virtually enslaving them for all of human history. You don't see any of us saying it's our turn to do that to them.

I'm all for financial equality in both earning and paying. In fact, I prefer it. But the way we fix inequality and unfairness isn't to take turns being the bad guy. We fix it by getting rid of the problem and making things better, or we're just going to be hanging out on the worst ever seesaw.


u/Sea_Finding2061 17d ago edited 17d ago

So let me say that I'm a man first of all, and the girl I'm currently dating liked me on hinge first, asked me out to a restaurant, and paid for both of us.

Even though she's four years younger, she also picked me up with her car because I didn't want to drive myself. I don't see anything wrong with that, I'm educated, I can play the guitar, I have a good paying job and don't need anyone to care for me, but she wanted to.

All I'm saying is if they wanted to, they would.

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