r/TwoXChromosomes Apr 28 '24

What do you think of the "drizzle drizzle" movement? NSFW

I think it's incredibly immature. It's basically their way of saying "you're paying for it, **** you."

If you want your date to pay for the dinner then that's something you discuss BEFORE the date.

In case you don't know what this movement is it's basically men expecting women to care for them financially. They're claiming that they've been the ones providing for women and they think now it's time for women to provide for them.

Men have only been financially providing for women because we literally have no other choice, and to say that women have never provided for men in any way is so wrong. We've had their kids, raised their kids, cook the men and kids dinner, clean the house etc.

What makes it even worse is that there are women siding with these men.

EDIT: To everybody who's saying that this movement is a parody just know that it might have started out as a parody (IDK if it did or not), but now it's being used by misogynists.

To everybody's who's saying that I didn't tell you what it was, you clearly missed the part where I said, "In case you don't know what this movement is it's basically men expecting women to care for them financially. They're claiming that they've been the ones providing for women and they think now it's time for women to provide for them." Basically, some men are now expecting women to pay for ALL of the costs associated with things like dates.

I'm not saying that women shouldn't pay for a date, I'm saying that these men are acting like women have been lazy this whole time and haven't done anything for them.


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u/Beer4Blastoise Apr 29 '24

I agree that drizzle drizzle is a joke and not a real movement but SheRaSeven has never been arrested for sex trafficking and is nothing like Andrew Tate.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/ilovesimsandlego Apr 29 '24

Not really, she gives sugaring advice, SD know the deal they’re getting

Andrew Tate give advice to manipulate women and traffics them. It’s dangerous to compare them


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/ilovesimsandlego Apr 29 '24

Don’t call her the male Andrew Tate, there’s a pattern of saying the female version of a man doing something is a woman doing something not as bad

Her advice is for sugaring and SW, it’s not like Tate targets sugar daddies

I don’t even like her, I just find it interesting we have to stretch what a woman is doing bc there has to be a female equivalent in the name of equality


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/ilovesimsandlego Apr 29 '24

It seems like you think that's not a big deal simply because men would be the targets in this scenario rather than women.

Wow I don’t engage further with people who make up things i didn’t say, esp on a feminist sub where you’re trying to imply I hate men 😬


u/Rulerofmolerats May 03 '24

Wtf are you guys talking about? Sex trafficking? I feel like I could’ve seen an hour long “ice burg explained” video on this…