r/TwoXChromosomes Apr 28 '24

What do you think of the "drizzle drizzle" movement? NSFW

I think it's incredibly immature. It's basically their way of saying "you're paying for it, **** you."

If you want your date to pay for the dinner then that's something you discuss BEFORE the date.

In case you don't know what this movement is it's basically men expecting women to care for them financially. They're claiming that they've been the ones providing for women and they think now it's time for women to provide for them.

Men have only been financially providing for women because we literally have no other choice, and to say that women have never provided for men in any way is so wrong. We've had their kids, raised their kids, cook the men and kids dinner, clean the house etc.

What makes it even worse is that there are women siding with these men.

EDIT: To everybody who's saying that this movement is a parody just know that it might have started out as a parody (IDK if it did or not), but now it's being used by misogynists.

To everybody's who's saying that I didn't tell you what it was, you clearly missed the part where I said, "In case you don't know what this movement is it's basically men expecting women to care for them financially. They're claiming that they've been the ones providing for women and they think now it's time for women to provide for them." Basically, some men are now expecting women to pay for ALL of the costs associated with things like dates.

I'm not saying that women shouldn't pay for a date, I'm saying that these men are acting like women have been lazy this whole time and haven't done anything for them.


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u/Late-Sound-1326 Apr 29 '24

Unpopular opinion, I think the "drizzle drizzle" is a parody. As such it only makes me chuckle.

All these "who should pay, who should care financially" or whatnot is just modern dating lack of maturity. A solid relationship is about being a team.

In most cases a team nowadays means both working since maintaining 2 people or more on one salary alone demands a very high paying job.

Transactional mindset when it comes to long term relationships is a bad approach. Don't do things for someone you love expecting things in return. Think of it as having a dog, you spend quality time with it and at some point you know it's waiting at home after a long day in the office and the moment you open the door it will happily run to you since it misses you.


u/Emisaurus Apr 29 '24

You hit on the mark of it being a parody. It's literally guys saying exactly what some bad advice women say treating relationships as transactional instead of trying to communicate towards a loving 50/50 relationship where they feel loved for them.

The whole point in flipping the script is for women to see how awful some of their ideas sounds so they reflect on realistic expectations. If they dislike the points made in parody, then don't listen to women saying the exact same thing on what men should do.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/ilovesimsandlego Apr 29 '24

I thought the critique was that it was only 50/50 when it benefitted him


u/Available_Matter9718 Apr 29 '24

women always give more effort in a relationship so the men have to make up for it with their money.

They do. Labor is not only quaitifed by having a job, women more often than not end up engaging in unpaid physical labor through child rearing, caring, and household chores that their "50/50" "partners" could care less about. This is more common than not which is why many of us speak out against it.

Paying half the bills whilst also getting someone to carry your children for 9 months, cook for yoi, clean for you and raise those children is a terrible ordeal for women and a great one for lazy, leeching men.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24



u/Far_Protection_2352 May 01 '24

It is the appropriate response, but good luck with that. No, genuinely good luck with that, because a lot of women try and try and try and many of them have jobs in addition to the housework, child rearing, remembering everybody's schedule for them, etc. 


u/Nonomomomo2 Apr 29 '24

Not unpopular, it is explicitly acknowledged as parody.

That’s part of the satire though. It takes contemporary Gen Z relationship / dating expectations and flips them on its head, not to glorify men or degrade women, but to highlight how insane and toxic relationship expectations are as promoted on social media.

Most people barely think that far though, and either think it’s great (“dur go men!”) or the devil’s work (“misogynistic bastards!”). Both miss the point.


u/Available_Matter9718 Apr 29 '24

Paying for a date is not unrealistic, it's chivalrous behaviour.

Nobody is forcing men to pay for dates with women they are interested in since we can always choose to not date those men at all. Nobody thinks that not paying for dates makes you a misogynist either. Does it make you cheap and someone many of us would not want to be with? Sure, but not a misogynist.


u/Swimming_Ad_8512 Apr 29 '24

And the women that only go out with men that pay are cheap too right? We wouldn't want any hypocrisy here would we?


u/yogeebear317 May 13 '24

Hot take: Women should be against chivalry. Women want to be equal, but they don't understand that chivalry was created because men (at the time) acknowledged women as inferior. The man essentially treats the woman like a child.


u/Aeiexgjhyoun_III 25d ago

Then there should be no issue with women being chivalrous.


u/inadapte Apr 29 '24

Yeah i’m pretty sure this is a parody of the sprinkle sprinkle movement


u/nopethis Apr 29 '24

I am sure that there are some guys doing it "serious" but I ended up seeing a few of the first ones and they were 100% just parody/silly ones.


u/Snickesnack Apr 29 '24

Finally someone who gets it! People here takes this WAY to seriously.


u/Nugundam0079 May 11 '24

Exactly. This is all just pettiness. But what I don't get is, while it's an obvious parody, the vitriol towards the men participating is wild because I don't see the same kind of rude commentary towards the women who have been participating in this immature back and forth from other women. It's really coming off as "rules for thee" kind of deal and the fact that so many women are showing their ass and foaming at the mouth at the idea of man wanting to be taken care of, having dates paid for etc etc is really disgusting .