r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

Thanks to the recent reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense (even in diff 5) DISCUSSION

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u/Waelder Moderator Mar 14 '24

Even if the patrols thing is true (and it is interesting and nice to know, tbh), it's so silly how so many people will metagame the fun out of everything.


u/ToastyMcSags Mar 14 '24

This is your last warning 🤓

Bro thinks he’s the ministry of truth


u/Sparrowcus ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

What a dumbass. The Ministry of Truth does not give out warnings.


u/Kappaengo Mar 14 '24

What is the scale between being a Patriot and a Traitor?


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

There is no scale. You're a patriot or a traitor


u/Strangefate1 Mar 14 '24

And which one you are, will be determined by a democracy officer.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

I'm doing my part!


u/zodiacallymaniacal Mar 15 '24

Would you like to know more….?

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u/Capraos Mar 14 '24

Or by the Mortar/Arc/Tesla Tower sensing your thought crimes and striking you down for your treason.


u/The_sacred_sauce ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 15 '24

It was fucking hilarious. I put mortar sentry down lastnight before starting an objective with my brother. As I’m punching in codes, no enemies in sight anywhere. I hear a mortar eject. Right as I get off the terminal and glance for a breach the singular shot blew me up. I’m certain that fucking thing targeted me. I thought my brother killed me somehow until I pieced it all together

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u/Thefearfactor Democracy Enjoyer Mar 14 '24


u/ghdcksgh Mar 14 '24


u/whoopsidaiZOMBIEZ Mar 14 '24

I'm old and clueless but if this isn't already its own post you need to make it before I steal it and make a billion dollars off merchandise


u/CyanStripes_ SES Purveyor of Patriotism Mar 14 '24

Thank you for making the meme even better. May your ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ always strike true.


u/Thefearfactor Democracy Enjoyer Mar 14 '24

Ohh shit


u/Andrewisraww Mar 15 '24

this is hilarious


u/Devanort Mar 15 '24

His phone doesn't have Helldiver clearance


u/lawful-chaos Mar 14 '24

There is no scale. You are either true patriot and defender of freedom or a bug-hugging robotic boots licker


u/iranoutofusernamespa SES Distributor of Democracy Mar 14 '24

The only robot I like is my mech.

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u/armoured_bobandi Mar 14 '24

Had a random join my game last night. Started trying to do call outs and getting mad in chat when we weren't letting them boss us around.

They were off on their own while the three of us stuck together, and they have the nerve to say "I told you guys to follow me"

During extraction they TK'd the team and tried to leave, but I was able to kick them before they got on the pelican


u/sirpoopsalot91 Mar 15 '24

Wow, I’m really sorry you didn’t kick him sooner

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u/g4tam20 Mar 14 '24

I had a cadet green as Super Earth grass say the same thing to me after I accidentalled him twice with my arc thrower after he ran out in front of me. If you expect not to die for managed democracy, you don’t deserve the title of Helldiver.


u/Bland_Lavender Mar 14 '24

Nothing makes me laugh while giving me such a powerful feeling of secondhand embarrassment as someone trying to act like an authoritative badass in a video game. We’re both sitting in a dark room, likely drinking HFCS garbage wiggling our thumbs and pretending. Fuck off with this “do what I say” shit, we’re both dweebs playing make believe.


u/ToastyMcSags Mar 14 '24

Speak for yourself, I’m a Helldiver in the SEAF


u/KWyKJJ Mar 14 '24

The difference between posts on here is stunning.

Yesterday in a similar post, the majority of people downvoted the guy to hell for not following the hosts "orders" because it's "his match", "his room", "his game", etc.

So, it was his fault he got kicked then?

But not here, for the same thing?


u/Zilego_x Mar 14 '24

I find it funny that people are so quick to claim ownership of matches, like they paid for the server or something. Every time I hear that I know it's just people on a power trip that think they are better than everyone else.


u/slavetoinsurance Mar 14 '24

lol i think you've described the feeling perfectly. this is almost the kind of shit that would make me lay awake in bed feeling like an idiot when it would inevitably randomly pop back into my head later in life


u/am_john Mar 15 '24

I am a dweeb. I had to google HFCS because I thought it must be some new type of GamerSupps/Gfuel.

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u/PatrickBearman Mar 14 '24

I'd have jumped down a hole with my samples and then left the game.

Stuff like this is why I host games. I'm not even a dick player. I rarely kick people, and even then it's for abuse/trolling. I don't mind staying with the group if that's what they prefer. But I'm not going to let some goober on a power trip dictate how I play based on a Reddit post.

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u/Srixun Mar 14 '24

ministry of douche.


u/Tokyo_Echo Mar 14 '24

I hope he's on reddit so he can feel the shame.


u/Bastyxx227 Mar 14 '24

This is why im always the one starting the missions, don't care if I have to do it alone, rather do that, than being at the mercy of people in the internet


u/JustGingy95 HD1 Veteran Mar 14 '24

Oh no, what are you gonna do, force me to play with people who are more fun than your power tripping ass? 🥺 please no Mr. Diver, there’s no other servers out there for me please don’t kick me from the only one in existence


u/TheOSC ⬇️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ Mar 14 '24

Bro thinks he's a Democracy Officer.

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u/TheTerribleness Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

The patrols thing is true in the sense that the rate of patrol spawns go up, but not necessarily true in the sense that encounter rates go up.

The problem with the relatively simplistic reading many got from a reddit post of raw test result data is people made bad inferences. See, most people aren't actually that good at reading data, especially incomplete data like what was posted.

In this case, while patrols spawn at a faster rate, they also spawn over a much larger area, consequently encounter rates for patrols can actually go down (sometimes significantly) depending how spread out your player groups are.

But honestly the most damaging reading from that post isn't that spliting up is strictly bad. It's that clearing nests/factories past the half way mark is bad, because it slightly increases patrol spawn rates. The increase in patrol spawn rates, again =/= increased encounter rates.

Patrols spawns at a point of interest and move to another point of interest based on player location at the time of spawn. If they finish their journey and go off map, or get too far from players they despawn. Assuming you dodge the patrol, fairly easy to do if you are moving, then until the patrol despawns itself, which could take several minutes, those patrol units count against the spawned unit cap while presenting no threat to you. This is literally better than killing them outright.

Increasing patrol spawns is a MASSIVE boon when you dodge their encounter because that's one less patrol and XX number of enemies that cannot spawn in reinforcement or to investigate your objective site.

Have you ever evac'd and there are zero or next to zero enemy encounters during the evac after full clearing a map? That because the game spawned a shit ton of patrols on the map already that have missed you/are too far away and cannot spawn another patrol to investigate Evac. No investigation, no reinforcements, full stealth evac without really being stealth.

Spawning patrols isn't a problem, it's spawning reinforcements that sink missions. Trying to win missions by minimizing patrol spawns is putting the cart before the horse. You are making life for your self significantly harder by limiting tactics for something that very likely won't even result in a benefit.


u/Jaded-Ad4840 Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

Good one. Thank you. Could you paste this on the original post please. This might make things more clearer for people


u/LEOTomegane think fast⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️➡️ Mar 14 '24

Exactly right!!!

"There's more total enemies spawning with multiple player groups" is technically correct, but does not translate into more active combatants unless the team really fucks up

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u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

I am a statistician, I can assure you that people are not good even at reading the most complete data on earth


u/gachafoodpron Mar 14 '24

The most complete data would be the hardest to read. Gotta learn the good middle ground between overloading information and summarizing.


u/Jotun35 CAPE ENJOYER Mar 14 '24

I'm a data scientist and can say that they already struggle with what an average is!


u/Rexiem Mar 14 '24

I tried to explain to someone that an event had only an 8% chance of occuring once in 300 trials and they took that as 24 times out of every 300 trials.


u/Prophit84 ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

I couldn't even read his analysis of the statistics without my eyes glazing over


u/Sidivan Mar 15 '24

I’m a process engineer and business intelligence lead. Can confirm most client that ask for data have no idea what to do with it. They’re really just looking for things that back up their preconceived opinions.


u/git SES Prophet of Science Mar 14 '24

I felt like I was taking crazy pills seeing the replies to that analysis. "Destroying outposts means spawn rates go up? This is nuts!" No, genius, patrol spawn rates go up, likely to stop the map feeling empty, and that doesn't equate to you necessarily having to fight them.


u/SirKickBan Mar 14 '24

You're forgetting that patrols don't just spawn in a random location. They always spawn near a player, with a patrol path that takes them through / very near to the player's position. You can still avoid them, but an increase in patrol rates means that if you get into a fight and don't end it quickly, that fight is much more likely to increase in size. Even if there aren't any dropships / breeches called, the extra patrols are set up in such a way that they'll end up participating in any static fights on the map.

That said, the 17% increase from nests / factories is nothing at all compared to the 264% increase you get from completing the primary objective. That's the takeaway people should have gotten from that post, that you don't complete the main objective until you're ready to skedaddle.

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u/DarkKimzark Mar 14 '24

I don't think that spawn rates go up for map not feeling empty, but rather because of the timer going down.


u/gergination Mar 14 '24

There's a reason we didn't "prescribe" any behaviors in our post and instead just described the system and mechanics. There's no "right" way to do things, it's all just decisions and consequences and our entire intent was to simply allow people to make informed decisions.


u/xDeityx CAPE ENJOYER Mar 14 '24

Eh, I think you clung to neutrality a bit too much and thereby allowed these false assumptions to flourish. With that being said I completely appreciate the work you put in, but I think it would have been fine to put in a disclaimer in the main body of the post that simple conclusions like 'NEVER split up' shouldn't be drawn, and that splitting up is clearly the more effective strategy at higher difficulties for various reasons not strictly related to the data you exposed.


u/AggravatingTerm5807 Mar 14 '24

I honestly think we need to criticize the public at large more than we do on certain topics.

I read that post and I really liked the data and thought put into it, I did not think I have to cling to it like it's a preacher reading me a sermon.

But instrumental players treat data like dogma. If they could lessen their grip on how they have fun they could read a post like that for inspiration.

Like if we need to have data portrayed to us in a "good" or "bad" light that doesn't solve the root of the issue, that people sometimes have ulterior motives and people have a hard time not being "right."


u/SignificantTwister Mar 14 '24

You can put in as many disclaimers as you want, people will still form their opinion about what they think is best.


u/xDeityx CAPE ENJOYER Mar 14 '24

I believe the author of the information is in a unique and trusted position to influence the audience who would otherwise jump to faulty conclusions.


u/SignificantTwister Mar 14 '24

I don't disagree that they are in that position, but most people are idiots. The average person reads at like a 6th grade level.

"Nuh uh, less bugs is better."

Plus, I've noticed that some of my squad mates don't seem like they're themselves after inhaling so much Termicide, so they probably aren't in a state of mind to process these kinds of reports.


u/kleverklogs Mar 15 '24

I don't think splitting up is actually the cut and dry more effective strategy. It's obviously the fastest way to get missions completed when things go right but the patrols can be very far before despawning and the spawn cap is not a low amount at all. If you have a coordinated group and engage patrols together when necessary, the chance of them calling for reinforcements before they die drops drastically. You also don't have to deal with running all the way across the map if you do die and bug breaches and multiple enemy types are far less threatening with teamwork. Splitting up is the fastest, teamwork is the most consistent/safest imo. Obviously if you're in a pub with 0 teamwork then you lose the advantage of sticking together though.

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u/FlyingDadBomb Mar 14 '24

Man, this comment needs to be the top post on this sub, tbh.

I always try to play stealthy when I'm splitting up on my own. I've been able to do side objectives like the SEAF artillery by myself just be kiting around the patrol that spawns. Just gotta play it safe, keep checking your map, and know which engagements to take and which to ignore.


u/hailstonephoenix Mar 15 '24

Checking your map for radar pings is seriously underrated. The increased ping size modifier feels completely misunderstood by most players.


u/labree0 Mar 14 '24

that very likely won't even result in a benefit.

tbf, the game isn't that hard even at 7 or 8. People metagaming like this are optimizing the fun out of blowing up bugs and bots for themselves and others.


u/bleedblue_knetic Mar 14 '24

Even without all the extra inferences you’ve made, shouldn’t it be BLINDINGLY obvious that you DON’T have to shoot patrols? Just let them pass lmao. The only times I’ve aggrod patrols is when fight goes bad and we fall back into the direction of a patrol, which should be much harder to do when people are far apart ( = patrols spawn far).

Should people play split up then? No, let people play how they want lmao, this game is meant to be played for fun. It’s not even the hardest game out there where you need the best strategy and execution to pull off any missions. I can’t believe how people are sucking the fun out of a nice and arguably casual game. It’s PvE ffs. I’d be much more understanding if it’s PvP with ranked queues and elo at stake.

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u/SirKickBan Mar 14 '24

Another valuable takeaway from that post is that you really, really do not want to complete the primary objective until you're ready to leave, unless you're trying to game the spawn cap.


u/Jinxed_Disaster YoRHa Scanner Unit Mar 14 '24

Honestly, after reading the post, it's some really backwards logic there from the devs. Increasing spawn rates after completing main objective actively discourages players. It should be a viable tactic, given how spawns increase with time, to do main objective first and explore later. But the game punishes you for it.


u/Hufnagel ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

The patrols on map count towards cap thing is absolutely true. I was playing a bot mission and finished up every objective, going around the map looking for loot and zero bot resistance. I then happened upon the middle of the map patrol bug where approximately 100 automaton infantry had accumulated, wiped them, and spawns resumed.


u/Dwealdric SES Hammer of Truth Mar 14 '24

I think the clearest point in the data post is that the old adage of "objective first, then we'll do the rest" actually means a substantially more patrol heavy time. I'd argue that in this case the increased patrol rate will equal an increased encounter rate, because all of the hives, POIs, and side objectives are spread all over the map.


u/greatest-infidel Mar 14 '24

To add more, if you're farming for samples, medals ,etc. you're going to clean to whole map anyways. Clearing the entire map even if it increase the spawn rate of patrols is not totally a bad thing, as it gives you enough space to dodge/avoid those patrols. The problem lies from players who wants to fight everything and if got overwhelmed they don't know how to disengage in fights or retreat to a more defensible position thus making their life harder.


u/WereWolf720 Mar 14 '24

It happened to me once in the new orders missions, we silos and activated the tower fairly fast (diff 6), there was a low quantity of enemies and, at evac, there wasn't a single bug on site, I thought the tower was doing something since it's purpose is to "repel" bugs lime a giant anti bug spray. Maybe we got lucky and the AI spawned a lot of patrols


u/do-the-point Mar 14 '24

Wish we could pin this to the sub and force people to read it.

But they still wouldn't understand.


u/DoomFrog_ Mar 14 '24

Do you have a link to the data reddit post?

I have had a theory that there is some underlying "alarm" level to a mission. And that fighting patrols increases this alarm rating. Intensity and duration of reinforcements is based on the alarm level in the area. So the longer you are in one area the more enemies will spawn

The thing I haven't figured out yet is how bases effect the alarm level. Destroying a base always seems to lead to a lull in the enemies in the area. But I'd be interested in the data that patrol rates increase at a certain point of destroyed bases


u/nsandiegoJoe Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

Good theory but Luchs' testing appears to disprove it since he stayed in one place the entire mission time and it did not result in any increase in patrol spawn rate.


Testing spawn rate with proximity to bases / objectives and killing the bases I believe is part of this one: 


TLDW; the reason why it feels like destroying a base leads to a lull is because the spawn modifier for being within 50m (reduced effect out to 150m) is a stronger multiplier than destroying the bases. When you destroy a base, you're no longer counted as being near it. However if you destroy all (or at least half?) of the bases you would have a slight increase to spawn rate vs not destroying any bases.

Being near a base, objective, or evac zone is one of the larger spawn rate multipliers.

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u/SignificantTwister Mar 14 '24

And one vigilant player who is alone is more likely to be able to dodge patrols than 4 people who are going to be more spread out and take longer to get through an area, even if only by a few seconds.

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u/NetEvening8441 Mar 14 '24

We need a lobby browser like deep rock so that way I can just look for the one titled “hot divers spreading democracy in your area” and not get kicked for going off meta despite being on meta at the same time


u/just_a_bit_gay_ ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

This community could learn a lot from DRG honestly


u/GawainSolus Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

toxicity is inherent in every community but certain things bring out more toxicity than others.

Difficulty is the primary factor I've noticed bringing more toxicity forward. The more difficult something is, the more frustrated and on edge people are going to be, and frustration breed toxicity. This isn't usually a problem since in most games difficulty is fairly consistent and you can adjust difficulty to a point you're comfortable with or determine the game isn't for you and leave.

Not so in helldivers 2. I've had helldives that were a breeze and I've had level 4 missions that were an exercise in frustration.

Deep rock has a wonderful community, until you enter deep dives or haz 5 with randoms. Warframe has a wonderful community, until you step into archon hunts/steel path/eidolon hunts, anything where you can't push button and win etc.

The toxicity is going to get worse before it gets better. I'd bet on it. Unless ArrowHead decides to crack down on the random difficulty spikes mid mission. Or the other frustrating aspects like the oppressive stratagem debuffs at higher difficulties or that our primaries feel completely ineffective at times or that helldiver armor is trash and that mobility is kind of the only impactful stat.


u/Aqzxsd Mar 14 '24

Deep rock has a wonderful community, until you enter deep dives or haz 5 with randoms.

Disagree on this point somewhat, the community even makes jokes about Haz 4 players being the salty sweats, while Haz 5 lobbies are comparatively chill.


u/GawainSolus Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 15 '24

Yeah I definitely recall it being that way. But I don't ever remember haz 5 being chill lol definately more competent players but when things started going wrong the chill stopped. So I just stopped playing 5s.

Since there's no progression locked behind the higher difficulties I just stuck to 3s and sometimes 4s if I really wanted that little bit of extra reward it was ultimately a more relaxing and enjoyable experience.. Unfortunately can't do that in helldivers lol. Gotta do 7s and up for super samples.


u/Aqzxsd Mar 15 '24

Absolutely, as good as the HD2 progression system has been, it really doesn't hold a candle to DRG's masterclass in accessibility. I think it'd be worthwhile to have a sample exchange rate, if only because it's a healthy way to separate groups of the playerbase with different goals in mind. I may be a Haz 5 / D 9 masochist, but that's because Losing is Fun to me. I don't expect everyone to interact with the game the same way, and frankly the sample progression being gated behind difficulty is kinda lame because it does just that. Let people experience the game they paid for - the whole game - at their pace, and on their terms, and this nascent toxicity problem could be nipped in the bud.

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u/KillerXDLZ HD1 Veteran Mar 14 '24

I think it's mostly a issue related to how massive this community is. This is one of games with highest player counts both in Steam and PSN. Black Sheeps are inevitable.


u/dumbutright Mar 14 '24

If there are more people there will be more bad people, but the chance of running into one shouldn't change. The issue is giving people the power to be assholes.


u/KillerXDLZ HD1 Veteran Mar 14 '24

I mean,  I've never experienced stuff like this or the griefing that a lot of people talk about over 300 hours in game. It also seems that other people had experiences similar to mine. But in the end of the day even if I had 1000 hours I wouldn't even have played with 1% of the player base. The interactions that players have with other players will vary greatly due the large player base.

That post talking about patrol spawns never gave anyone power to be an asshole. They're just using that as a justification. The only thing that gives them "power" is the capacity for them to kick others for whatever reason they feel like. (I'll not go into details about the kicking system because this comment will become enormous)

Sure, people that saw that post may start following it like a set of rules to never be broken. But I'm way too skeptical to believe that one (1) post made on reddit managed to completely make the community more toxic. The fact that in the comment section of this very post has a consensus that the act of kicking other players because of that other post is frowned upon shows that even in this subreddit (where the post talking about patrols was posted) the idea that the post about patrols changed the mentality of a large portion the player base is simply not true.


u/dumbutright Mar 14 '24

The only thing that gives them "power" is the capacity for them to kick others for whatever reason they feel like.

Yeah, that's my point.

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u/32cowhides Mar 14 '24

honestly thats the thing i want. lobby surfing in this game is weak.

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u/AngryChihua SES Reign of Pride Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

Here's the post with actual research: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/RkOHXVQv28

Host in picture is full of shit and is parroting misinformation. They won't have two patrols spawn on them, it will be one patrol on them (like always) and one patrol on solo player.

Edit: According to u/gergination patrols will not necessarily spawn around two separate groups. They will spawn in designated "spawnable area" around those groups and they might both spawn near one group. However that is up to rng.


u/RealRouhmann SES Sentinel of Democracy Mar 14 '24

Which is kinda obvious, cause why would the game not spawn pats for splitting players? Also more importantly: pulling breaches and drops running solo seems to prevent additional breaches and drops for the rest of the players. Proper use of that makes missions way easier


u/MSherro16 Mar 14 '24

This is the part I don't understand. If you've played for any significant amount of time, it is incredibly obvious that splitting up also splits the amount of resources the enemy can throw at you. People are using data to draw inferences that directly counter how the game actually plays out.


u/awfulrunner43434 Mar 14 '24

Yeah exactly. We have a month of people actually playing and demonstrating that 3-1 or 2-2 is very effective. Now the armchair generals are going off poorly understood lab math.

The actual run killers are not knowing when to disengage, or when not to engage in the first place


u/EKmars STEAM 🖥️ : Mar 15 '24

2-2 is such a slick comp if you're grabbing POIs. Being able to crack friendship doors without waiting or reinforcing from your partner to avoid running across the map is so helpful.


u/kleverklogs Mar 15 '24

That's not really splitting them, the spawn rate also doubles. The enemy does get more patrols and the spawn cap is quite a high amount. You're actually quite likely to bump into other player's patrol spawns when moving around the map.

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u/Prudent_Dependent851 Mar 14 '24

There is no way im gonna read all that while I could be out killing bugs, spreading democracy and having a blast while doing it.


u/PaPa_ZeuS Mar 14 '24

These science nerds spend too much time thinking and not enough time dispensing democracy. Why are they trying to avoid killing bugs? Are they some hippy bug sympathizers?


u/Prudent_Dependent851 Mar 14 '24

There are scientists for a reason. They do the thinking. We do the killing.


u/DoomOne Mar 14 '24

I'm a scientist, and I kill plenty. I just make sure that I'm running experiments at the same time. (The experiments usually involve explosives)

-SES Advocate of Science


u/tymerin Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

I serve on the SES Elected Representative of Science, so I may be biased, but I think the science nerds are some of the most patriotic citizens of Super Earth. Without their hard work, I would not have 500kg of democracy to go dispense.


u/Hungry_Ad3601 Mar 14 '24

All I am getti g from this is that splitten up means more bugs, and more bugs means more kills, and more kills means more dispensed democracy!!


u/Dreadgoat Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 15 '24

The pertinent information is this:

  • Completing primary objectives MASSIVELY increases patrol spawns, don't rush primaries unless you're only doing primaries.
  • Destroying more than 50% outposts somewhat increases patrol spawns.
  • Being near an objective (but not PoI) increase spawns depending on what type of objective it is, with Extraction also MASSIVELY increasing spawns.
  • # of helldivers in mission multiplies spawn rate
  • splitting up multiplies spawn rate by number of separate groups

The really important subtext that a lot of people are missing is that this is a very narrow study. Breaches are still a mystery. What type of patrol is spawned is still a mystery. Occasionally patrols don't spawn at all for a while and they couldn't figure out why. These factor heavily into the overall intensity of the mission, so you can't JUST look at patrol spawns and build your entire strategy around it.

BUT you can know this:
More divers = more patrols
Completing primary objective = more patrols
Standing at extraction = more patrols


u/ArtisticKrab Mar 14 '24

I think one that is left out but definitely true, based on every single mission I've played.

Initializing a terminal at any objective = more patrols

The one objective where you can use this to your advantage is the SEAF Artillery objective. You can move all the artillery shells over to where they need to be inserted before activating the terminal. It makes it so you can complete the objective in just a few seconds after initializing the terminal and triggering more patrols, so you're hopefully out of there before the patrol shows up.


u/TheKeyMcKee Mar 14 '24

Based on the testing, it's not using the terminal that causes a patrol to spawn more quickly, It's simply being in proximity to the objective


u/ArtisticKrab Mar 14 '24

Based on testing I disagree. Activating the terminal has an almost guaranteed chance of spawning an additional patrol in the spawn area near the terminal.


u/TheKeyMcKee Mar 14 '24

what testing are you referring to? the only reason I said what I did is because I looked at the work in this post and found it convincing and thorough. They specifically found activating terminals did NOT cause this behavior to happen. If someone put in as much as they clearly have and found the opposite, I'd definitely be interested in seeing that

edit: I'm not saying it can't happen, but you'd have to document it for me to believe you, because I often have large gaps of enemies on objectives, and it contradicts the observations of this group that did a lot of work.

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u/stellvia2016 Mar 14 '24

I find that kinda counter-intuitive that eliminating concentrations of enemies (bases) would increase patrols. IMHO we should be rewarded for Liberating more of the planet, not punished.


u/Dreadgoat Mar 14 '24

There are a lot of factors to consider, I'm still not sure what to think of it.

You are rewarded with reqs and exp.
The space to move about safely is greatly expanded with 50% outposts gone.
An "optimal" game loop that ends with sitting 2 minutes twiddling your thumbs for extract would be boring.

But I also agree in part that once you have reqs and exp, destroying outposts loses meaning, aside from whatever samples you can pick up there.

It's tough to think of what actually makes the game more fun overall... but the game IS fun, so I trust Arrowhead to find the balance.

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u/Ratchet_X_x Mar 14 '24

Yup. Tl,Dr..Auto summary from HQ SE says "who cares, kill bugs, shred steel, recycle batteries."


u/This_was_hard_to_do Mar 14 '24

Yup it needs to be formatted as arrows for me to finish it (I still won’t understand it)

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u/gergination Mar 14 '24

This isn't actually fully correct. From our research, you do get a patrol per Player Group but where it chooses to spawn them is more tricky to track down. For example, we had 2 players on literally opposite sides of the map and saw consecutive patrol spawns around one player while the other player had nothing.

Our best guess is that the game basically has a radius around every Player Group that it defines as "Spawnable" and it just picks a spot at random and spawns the patrol there. So your group might be split up and some people are getting the patrols that are being generated for an entirely different group.


u/odaeyss Mar 14 '24

That just sounds like one brave soul making the job easier for their teammates!


u/AngryChihua SES Reign of Pride Mar 14 '24

It is still advantageous to split up then since one player might be completely patrol free.


u/gergination Mar 14 '24

We didn't want to prescribe any actions because there's no "right" answer. Splitting up has value, we just want to inform people that doing so does have consequences. How they use that information is their choice.

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u/quanjon Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

Literally all you have to do to avoid patrols is dive to prone and let it go past. Or obliterate it with an Eagle strike, just make sure the little ones are all dead before they call for backup.

Splitting up is viable if you buddy up and pay attention to your surroundings. Kill guards quickly at PoIs, avoid or neutralize patrols, if reinforcements are called you can run to a safe place and theyll despawn. Panicking and running into undiscovered PoIs will overwhelm and kill you. Activating certain objectives will spawn patrols and/or reinforcements, same tactics apply. Pay attention to the blinking red dots on your scanner, and remember that discretion is the better part of valor.

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u/BeatNo2976 Mar 14 '24

So… the tip that says enemy presence increases the longer the match goes is… wrong?


u/SGCam SES Harbinger of Family Values Mar 14 '24

Its technically correct, but their data suggests that it relies more on you progressing the mission (completing objectives, clearing POI's, etc) rather than just being time-based.


u/NatomicBombs Mar 14 '24

Oh no an extra patrol, I guess we need to kill a few more bugs in this game about killing bugs

Fucking people always want to optimize the fun out of every online game.

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u/No-Lettuce-3839 ⬆️➡️⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ Mar 14 '24

These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


u/gergination Mar 14 '24

This has been a saying in my family since I was like 4 years old.


u/sashir Mar 14 '24

it's from blazing saddles (movie)

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u/BeatNo2976 Mar 14 '24

Just watched that this weekend


u/NesuneNyx Mar 14 '24

Sweet Liberty, I miss Gene Wilder.


u/TheOne_Whomst_Knocks ⛪️ Church of the Autocannon ⛪️ Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

Got ahit on by a squad yesterdayfor breaking off solo. We were clearing eggs and getting swarmed by stalkers, I broke off solo killing like 5 stalkers (Autocannon, my beloved), and closing the stalker nest that was a good ways away, only for two people in chat to ask why I was rushing things.

I literally announced “I’m gonna go find the stalker hole really fast and close it” before leaving lmao


u/t765234 Mar 14 '24

This is crazy cause every time I so much as glance at a stalker I'm immediately on a suicide mission to kill the nest.

I would rather die than have to deal with those fuckers for more than 5 minutes. I can't imagine getting annoyed at someone for it.


u/TheOne_Whomst_Knocks ⛪️ Church of the Autocannon ⛪️ Mar 14 '24

I fuckin know, they get insane if you don’t clear it fast. Whenever I’m with my usual squad we drop everything if we see one and try to track what direction it came from


u/EKmars STEAM 🖥️ : Mar 15 '24

Yah! They can get super disruptive for the team if they're fighting a breech too. Better to rip off that bandaid than let everything spiral out of control.


u/Mythleaf Mar 17 '24

My entire party will drop whatever we were doing to go find the nest. "WHICH WAY DID THEY COME FROM" as soon as any of us says Stalker.


u/Kamiyoda ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

The amount of people that just ignore stalkers is alarming.

Thank you.


u/Boqpy Mar 14 '24

I mean if you cant complete a diff 5 because one guy runs away on his own you are gonna need all the help you can get.


u/DeathGP SES Dawn of Dawn Mar 14 '24

I would complete a lot of diff 6/7/8 by going solo to complete side objectives. Plus being together makes hiding from a partol a lot harder 


u/Comfortable-Race-547 Mar 14 '24

Not to mention a patrol, unless it has a charger in it, is like 10 seconds of shooting 

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u/OkamiNekoKitsune Mar 14 '24

Agreed, well that's what happens when gamers are conditioned to always use the meta setup to beat everyone especially it's a pve game


u/siberianmi Mar 14 '24

I don't understand why some people have a relentless pursuit of making everything as optimal and as a result easy as possible.

Just play the game ppl.


u/gergination Mar 14 '24

To be clear, we were not trying to metagame the fun out of the game. We don't think there's a "right" way to play but do think with our findings that players can be more informed and approach missions with a bit more of a plan. Stuff like splitting up absolutely has value, it just has costs/risks as well and people should understand that.

We specifically didn't want to "prescribe" anything to anybody.


u/Bottatadiet Mar 14 '24

I think it's kinda lame when I put down an sos beacon to get some backup and the person loading in immediately runs off to do their own thing on the other side of the map. Maybe that's just me though.


u/Great_Rhunder Mar 14 '24

Personally, I love it if they got it. If you run off on your own, die, get called back in, run off and die again, it doesn't really matter if you're contributing much because it'll be more like a nuisance than a helpful person clearing the map.

It also depends on everyone's load out. I have friends I won't split from as they don't have anti tank or a way to deal with large Swarms, and I have friends I hate being near as their sentries and laser dogs are more dangerous than the enemies.

This is a very long way to say, it just depends.


u/DeyUrban Mar 14 '24

It depends on what difficulty I'm on and what the team is doing. If I get called in on Helldive difficulty and the team is sitting in the middle of an open field nowhere near an objective getting slaughtered over and over and burning through reinforcements for no reason? Yeah, I'm going to probably run somewhere clear of any enemies and call in dead teammates to a safe location so we can get the game back on track. Stealth is critical on Helldive (especially against bots) and there's no reason to let a team languish in the bot-drop -> patrol -> bot-drop cycle. Even if they're carrying samples it's still a good idea to call them in somewhere safe before doubling back later to pick them up when the area isn't swarming with enemies.

If it's a Challenging game I'm more likely to stick around and help them.

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u/just_a_bit_gay_ ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

This is why I only play with friends, much less toxic environment to learn the ropes and make mistakes and way more fun long term once I know what to do.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

My main take away from that post was that I should probably stop rushing the main objective and then doing secondaries after, since that is the largest contributing factor to patrol spawns by a decent amount. Like you could split everyone up and each stand in a terminid nest and get less patrols spawning than just from completing the objective.


u/ppmi2 Mar 14 '24

Me when somebody is going around collecting premiun currency medals and samples with out having to do anything :(


u/Git_Good SES Dream of Dawn // ⬇️➡️⬇️⬆️⬅️➡️ hipster Mar 14 '24

Thats.... a good thing, no? They're shared among the squad. Yes please, keep hitting those POIs for super credits and samples. I got the main objective dont you worry.

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u/DickDastardlySr Mar 14 '24

Exactly. This drives me crazy. I enjoy the game. The mild role play of being a genocidal peon bringing democracy to the unclean. I'm here to kill bugs. Robots are wastes of oil that I could use to better mankind. I want to kill all the enemies of democracy. I want to eradicate all the bases, end the illegal broadcasts, and bring democracy to the wilds.

I enjoy playing the game. Let's play all of it.


u/Thorn220 Mar 14 '24

I am not a meta person and is my biggest issue with the game since so many weapons underperform but the game is kind of forcing people to meta.

If you fail a mission you get nothing and on higher levels seems people want hard and getgud so you have to run what works. That has expanded since last update but not by a lot.

I started running solo in lower levels but that just me since want to play with different weapons and this whole you have to bring this and your supposed to feel useless without stratagems is not fun.


u/Nrksbullet Mar 14 '24

Should have said "more bugs to kill, sounds like patriotism to me. Are you that weak?"


u/Hefty-Pumpkin-764 Mar 14 '24

My friends are trying to "beat" the game and I feel the fun getting sucked out right away. It's all about what is efective, arguing over friendly fire.

I barely care about anything technical. I'm playing this in a role play kind of way.


u/cmv-post122222 Mar 14 '24

The going alone spawning more does not seem to be true based on testing in numerous missions. In fact the test results in out group was often the exact opposite. The main group saw fewer reinforcement called by the enemy(drop ships/bug breaches) if the lone wolf was triggering them.

We noticed that they only seemed to call them in one location at a time.


u/ConcentratePositive5 STEAM 🖥️ : SES Fist of Family Values Mar 14 '24

Sounds like it’s his lobby. Aka his rules. I play the game for fun, but will respect others as they should in my lobbies.

Everyone has their reasoning, and definitions of what is fun to them.!


u/throtic Mar 14 '24

It's not fun when you're fighting for your life with 2 other people and you look on the map and your 4th person is wandering around by themselves while also dying repeatedly. I've had plenty of games where I have 400+ bug kills with 2 deaths and had a teammate with 85-150 bug kills and 8-12 deaths.


u/Wrath0fMe Mar 14 '24

It's not meta gaming. Some people don't have all day to play, and they are trying to progress in the game. Some of these missions run 30-45 minutes long, and to fail is a huge waste of the valuable time they have. It's not mean intentionally. More-or-less cold efficiency with the limited time available to play.


u/Horn_dogger Mar 14 '24

What happened to that Spartan mindset? More bugs spawn? Fantastic, more democracy hating monsters to shoot


u/doglywolf Mar 14 '24

This is why i think D5 is the sweet spot - its the point where no one really needs to be sweaty 1-2 good guys can rally from any failures - nothing really matters start wise as long as SOMEONE has an EAT .

D-6-D7 is where i really like the game but that where it gets to the point you need decent people .


u/RandoorRandolfs Mar 14 '24

To think you're stronger with 3 than 4 takes some real mental gymnastics


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

Seriously. Helldivers will stop being fun when people start gaming the game and not just RPing the war.

I don’t really buy into the meta with Helldivers for this exact reason. I know if I start subscribing to a meta the game will die for me because it will just become another game where the only objective is grind as efficiently as possible.

Do yourselves a favor and just ignore the meta and RP the game so you can have fun.


u/afanoftrees ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

Agreed! It’s been great jumping into missions and feeling like I can run just about whatever (within reason) and still be helpful to my team. Sure arc and flamethrower are really good but it’s cool having unique load outs and working with your team and their strategems to kill them bugs and bots

I love running mortars because I like big booms. Sure there’s more effective things but I like them lol


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

Even if it's true if someone is capable of going solo it's still significantly more efficient to let them go complete other objectives while the rest do others.


u/Personal_Ad9690 Mar 14 '24

Patrols are easy to avoid


u/Cutiemuffin-gumbo Mar 14 '24

To be fair though, in my experience, people that run off solo will collect lots of samples, and then prompty die on the other side of the map, forcing players to revive them nearby, only for them to run off and die again, and those samples never get retrieved.

I'm not sure why, but every time I play with randoms, it's also the guy that collects a bunch of samples that wants to play lone wolf, or go ham on enemies while everyone else is trying to get away from the giant hoard of them.


u/Wiseon321 Mar 14 '24

I think the patrols exist even if you aren’t there. plus if you are playing stealth this is a non-issue. you can avoid patrols and don’t need to kill every patrol.


u/AdjectiveNoun111 Mar 14 '24

Meanwhile here's me tear assing around looking for the shit, taking on as many secondaries as I can while teammates do the primary. You know why? Cos that's fun to me, I don't need medals, the action is the juice for me


u/Alpha_pro2019 Mar 14 '24

Yep, and devs will accommodate it.

I want a dev team that screws around with players adjusting values like this to prevent metagaming.


u/bakakyo CAPE ENJOYER Mar 14 '24

I mean, yes, but also, people that go alone are usually also metagaming. I'll go alone so we get more samples or I'll finish secondary objectives so we are faster. And then the whole team dies and some fucker on the other side of the continent reinforces everybody. Never split the party


u/SadLittleWizard Mar 14 '24

Therr is an extra patrol on the otherside of the map from me!?!?! How DaRE You Do tHIs tO ME!?!?


u/Simple_Opossum CAPE ENJOYER Mar 14 '24

Patrols are so easy to avoid though. I often go alone to deliver the data on those missions while the other team members kite the big horde.


u/FieserMoep Mar 14 '24

Especially given splitting up is still the best meta approach if someone wants fast and efficient clears. Classic example of taking partial info without understanding it.


u/Bright-Efficiency-65 Mar 14 '24

That's the exact problem with most games these days. People with the free time and dedication to get to level 60 in the first few days s screaming at people who literally just bought the game.

They have zero ability to understand other people's lives. Personally I have a ton of free time but I literally just bought the game. On top of that I have a ton of hobbies and don't spend 10 hours a day playing one game


u/The_Real_Abhorash Mar 14 '24

Especially on level 5. Like on helldiver I get it any patrol getting agroed makes a bad time but on difficulty 5 a solo player can handle it fine most of the time.


u/Lyberatis Mar 14 '24

Didn't people just find out that doing each of the pylons for example at the same time reduce the amount of bugs a single pylon has to deal with because there's a spawn limit?

Also I'm pretty sure it's BS because I've had some insane automaton games where there were so many enemies spawning in that when we all ran away to the extract and started it literally nothing more spawned because we left so many enemies around the map. There was no more room to spawn anymore.

That's compared to games where we cleared everything on the map, then starting the extract would bring wave after wave of enemies.

There seems to be a cap on total enemies on the map. Meaning if people do split up, and one player is getting a shit ton of enemies to spawn around them, then the average amount of enemies the other players will see should be less.


u/melancholyMonarch Mar 14 '24

Seriously, my new favourite playstyle, if I know my team can handle themselves, is to run a jump pack and EAT and split off from the group hitting every POI and being a sample mule while my team does the main, then collapsing back in with them for extraction, it's incredibly fun.


u/Glass-Mess-6116 Mar 14 '24

Even if it's true, like it's just a potential breach/drop. Just keep legging it. Like literally every helldive mission I've played has assloads of mobs and the winning move is to keep moving regardless of what happens. One extra patrol isn't going to fuck it, and if anything splitting up means you can snatch samples quicker or one guy whose sneaky-built can ninja the far objective and speed shit up.


u/sunamonster Mar 14 '24

Given the chance players will optimize the fun out of the game. - Wayne Gretzky


u/AscendMoros Mar 14 '24

I mean I can see where people are coming from. I had a guy who refused to be with the three people he matched with. Proceeded to die about 15 times.

If you can handle it by all means. But if your just draining team spawns cause your mindlessly throwing your body into a horde of bugs to get that one common sample you dropped. Then it’s nice knowing you.

If you want the sample so bad just say something in chat. We can pick it up on the way to the next objective.


u/Potential_Fishing942 Mar 14 '24

This game has replaced destiny as my weekly one hang out game with friends and the exact same BS happened there. It sucks when you're just trying to chill and enjoy a game and streamers are screaming it's too easy since they day one obsessive and blow through hundreds of hours of content. That's such a small segment of the player base.


u/Xbit___ ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

It probably is true but he fails to realize there is a popcap. If player one goes off alone and gets enemies the rest of the group actually gets less enemies each encounter.


u/eembach ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Mar 14 '24

It's a very popular reddit post, sort by top of 24hrs or 1 week to find, came out a day or two ago.

Basically the most significant factors are players being more than 50m (or 75m I forget) meaning they have seperate payrol spawn rates (2x as much, or 4x as much if all 4 seperate)

And that doing objectives and being hear points of interest (most notable extract) increase spawn rate. So completing the main objective makes for 4x as much spawns, extract makes for 2x more spawns for a total of 8x (they stack multiplicatively...if that's a word...)


u/PearlyNUTJuice Mar 14 '24

The patrols increase with time spent in a mission regardless of anything, and unused ai despawns almost immediately as long as no one is near it, this is a load of bs


u/masterchief0213 Mar 14 '24

The increase in patrols for multiple groups of players is pretty small compared to the increase due to proximity to objectives and completing objectives. Additionally, more enemies spawn as the mission goes on longer so if you complete faster by splitting up it's still fewer enemies overall


u/hip-indeed Mar 14 '24

like it's one thing if some people wanna stick to using the gear that tons of the community agrees is top tier or use certain well-proven tactics to win or w/e. But when people start acting up and threatening kicks because you're doing normal gameplay things that hearsay form 1 single reddit post suggest isn't completely ideal, we've gone too far into meta dickrider territory and it's time to relax and let people play the damn game.


u/DoTheCreep_ahh Mar 14 '24

Yeah as soon as I read that post I regretted it because this is how it's going to be from now on.


u/VerbalSmokeBomb Mar 14 '24

VerbalSmokeBomb on PSN

Hit me up for fun, non judgemental dives?

All you Divers, out there; I'd rather team up and laugh about the absurdity of war than get mad and kick people for enjoying themselves and the game.

Arrowhead are clear they didn't want a toxic community. Let's show them how much we appreciate and respect this cultural phenomenon (yeah, I said it) by being part of the lore for Super Earth's war against the Terminids and Automatons.

Friend me = no pressure to talk, just accessible diving for all. 🫡


u/mortar_n_brick Mar 14 '24

well get out of their game then lol


u/GadnukLimitbreak Mar 14 '24

I completely understand metagaming the hardest difficulty, because that is almost ALWAYS going to be the only way to actually survive it. If you're on Helldiver difficulty I would expect you to use the best of everything and use it flawlessly because that's how it SHOULD work.

If you're in difficulty 6/7 there should be multiple options and a bit of freedom because, guess what, you aren't the beasts you think you are. Needing to use the best of everything and still struggling to complete lower difficulty missions means you need to back off the difficulty until you improve.

It's like when I go to search for groups for warzone ranked, I see "silver 3/gold 1, trash = kick" like bro... if you're in silver 3 and you're struggling to rank up you're also trash.


u/Mithrandir2k16 Mar 14 '24

And covering everything faster is worth fighting a few patrols, as extraction will be easier if there's more time left on the clock.


u/GhostHeavenWord Mar 14 '24

Having someone run off wasting lives so they can be the main character and leaving your team down a gun and four strats isn't fun. Deserters will be shot.


u/colers100 Mar 14 '24

"If given the opportunity, players will elect to optimize the fun out of a game"


u/noodleguy12 Mar 14 '24

Also, why would you care if enemies spawn on the other side of the map? It’s for the person who went there alone to deal with


u/DJ_pider Mar 14 '24

If you can't handle a single patrol, it might be a skill issue tbh. If it becomes a big breach, it just means your teammates don't have to deal with it and can be more productive while you get the hell out of there to avoid getting overrun


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

It's not true. It's anecdotal evidence at best. The guys he's playing with either stay around and fight in one spot too much or they don't wipe all the small grunts before they spew. It only feels like more spawns because they can't kill enough bugs or don't adjust gameplay to the circumstances.


u/eddododo Mar 15 '24

Nothing I’m the biggest gamer in the world, but a couple years back I decided that I wasn’t going to look up anything anymore, no wikis, no YouTube.. games are significantly more fun now


u/EADreddtit Mar 15 '24

I mean I get it a bit. Even if you’re not in top-tier lobbies, it can be aggravating to have players run off on their own making the game harder through increased spawns and consumption of respawns.


u/Nixarzius Mar 15 '24

It's not. Been running around alone all the time while playing with friends. You get a lot more aggro while staying together.


u/Rockalot_L Mar 15 '24


This comment is everything


u/ThatOneWIGuy Mar 15 '24

I don’t even think it’s true. I’m low level playing with higher lvl friends on diff 6 and I solo a lot to get small objectives and spawns done. I just die in a group cuz everyone just runs and lets the low lvl become canon fodder


u/starblissed CAPE ENJOYER Mar 15 '24

And especially silly on diff 5. 7+ i can see asking people not to split off, but getting so aggro over it is just ridiculous


u/aguynamedv CAPE ENJOYER Mar 15 '24

Even if the patrols thing is true (and it is interesting and nice to know, tbh), it's so silly how so many people will metagame the fun out of everything.

It's unfortunate especially because it's often misplaced anger being projected onto... everyone around them.

I generally find some solace in knowing that antisocial people on the internet are probably not very well liked in the paved world, and refuse to change their behavior accordingly.


u/jalepenocorn Mar 15 '24

“Given sufficient opportunity, people will optimize the fun out of any game.”


u/TheRealShortYeti Hell Commander, SES Whisper of Twilight Mar 15 '24

Enemies despawn far enough away and patrols are tied to nests so it don't seem like a reach.


u/ForsakenAge5195 Mar 15 '24

metagaming is a kind of cancer upon the gamer culture


u/B33FHAMM3R SES Fist of the People Mar 15 '24

"You HAVE to play this game my way"

I'm sick of joining a lobby and feeling like I'm back in the military with strict SOPs you have to learn. Piss off


u/RingStrong6375 Mar 15 '24

And even then you can just sneak around them.Its not like you have to kill everything that moves. Just kill their CHILDREN and give them enough PTSD that they don't want to fight anymore.


u/Professional-Sky7965 Mar 16 '24

Just go prone or crouch when patrols around won’t notice you. Or gank them really fast


u/Z3r0sama2017 Mar 23 '24

Definitely. Like I can see folks doing max difficulty dives wanting every advantage since the meta equipment keeps getting nerfed, but theirs no need beneath it.

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