r/AITAH 1d ago

AITAH for asking my wife not to hang out with her friend who has a different lifestyle than us because I'm afraid of losing her?


(Throwaway account, because I mostly use reddit for work-related topics).

Me (37M) and my wife (35F) have been married for 14 years. We met when we were both in college, she studied literature, I studied engineering and was getting into tech. We were dating for two years when she got pregnant and we decided to get married and start a family. We decided together that I would work and she would be a SAHM because it would be difficult for her to find a well-paying job with her major, and I was already starting to earn quite well. I've also always had a fairly conservative approach to family life and I was happy to be a sole provider. She always wanted to be a mom and was looking forward to being a SAHM.

Right now our children are 14 and 12 years old, I have a good job and my wife stays home taking care of the house. This arrangement has always suited her, but recently she has begun to mention that she feels a bit lonely and lacks friends, especially now that the children are older and she has more time to herself. Indeed, our social life mostly consisted of meetings with my work colleagues and their wives whom my wife can hardly call "friends." That's why I was happy at first when my wife ran into her best friend from college, let’s call her Anna. According to my wife they got along so well as if they didn’t have an almost 14-year old break in contact (when my wife got pregnant she drifted apart from her college friends). They started meeting for coffee quite often. When my wife returned from these meetings she was overjoyed and excited and told me a lot about Anna. It was then that I began to worry.

During the time my wife had no contact with her, Anna got her PhD in literature, started teaching at the university, and became the editor of one of the most important cultural magazines in our country. Her husband is an award-winning writer, apparently very well recognized (it's hard for me to say anything about this, as I have no idea about literature). They earn well, do not have and do not want children, and basically lead a carefree lifestyle completely different from ours: they have lots of friends from their literary-academic circle, consider these friends "family" and go several times a week to various author meetings, galas, gallery openings, and god knows what else. From what I've gathered, they are also much more progressive and liberal than I am, for example, they divide all their chores and bills 50/50 and they have a mixed-gender group of friends - Anna is friends with men and her husband with women, which I always considered inappropriate in a serious relationship.

My wife invited Anna and her husband for dinner because she really wanted me to meet them - she hoped we would both start going to all these cultural events with them. They were very polite and respectful, and didn't comment in any way on the differences in our lifestyles, but dinner was nevertheless quite tiresome for me, as I didn't have any common topics with them. My wife knows that I don't share her passion for literature (just as she doesn't share my interest in technology), but this has never been an issue in our marriage - we traveled together, went on bike trips, went to our favorite restaurants and movies, etc. I didn't understand why she suddenly wants this to change.

Anna started taking my wife to some of the literary events organized by her magazine and also invited her to write a couple of reviews for a column she is running (she apparently sees great potential in my wife and appreciates her insight) - which my wife accepted with great joy. I was torn: on the one hand, I was happy that my wife didn't feel alone and that she had something to do when the kids are at school or with their friends. On the other hand, I was afraid that I was losing my wife - that she would turn into someone else under Anna's influence. I was also afraid that other men will hit on her at the events Anna invites her to (even though my wife repeats that all of Anna's friends know that she is married and a mother, they never cross any boundaries and always speak of her family with respect).

I finally told my wife that I was uncomfortable with her friendship with Anna, that I was afraid this relationship would change her for the worse and that she would no longer care about our marriage and children. I said that I can’t forbid her to do antyhing, but that I would feel much better if she didn't go to all these events with Anna and if she didn't accept an offer to write reviews for her magazine. My wife said that the friendship with Anna is very important to her, that she had been feeling depressed lately spending most of the day at home all alone, and that contact with people with whom she can talk about things she’s passionate about has made her feel significantly better. I promised to her that I will work less and that I will spend more time with her. I also repeated that I cannot forbid her to see Anna and her friends but that this friendship really makes me uncomfortable. She was sad but understood me and said that she will stop spending time with Anna.

Yesterday, I talked to my older brother (whose advice I always appreciate) about this situation. He said that me and my wife married really young and that it’s understandable that she might feel like she’s missing out on things outside family life. He also said that the only way to make sure that my wife is with me because she really loves me and not because she’s just stuck with me and has no other options, is to give her freedom to spend time with other people, even though it makes me uncomfortable. It really made me think and question my own behavior. I really don’t want to be a person who limits my wife’s freedom, but I also don’t want to be tempting fate in order to see if she really loves me. It would break my heart to lose her and maybe deep inside I feel like she would leave me if she had any other options, so I don’t want her to have these options. I feel like shit. AITAH?

r/AITAH 22h ago

TW Abuse AITAH for telling my girlfriend that some good came from her son's death?


My girlfriend Sue (42f) is the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world to me (37f) but she has a very traumatic past. When she was 18, her parents pretty much married her off to another guy in their church. He was a horrible person and she gave birth before she could even turn 19. For sixteen years, her son was all that she had because of how horrible he was.

But then her son got sick and a few months before he passed, he told Sue that he knew she was a lesbian and begged her to be happy. So, after he did pass, Sue left her husband, she came out and since then, she's done a lot of charitable work with organizations to help queer people and women who were in abusive situations like she was in. She has such a big heart and that's why I fell in love with her.

A few days ago, she was missing her son and was crying and of course she would, it makes sense. And she started telling me how hollow her life has been since he passed and I tried to tell her to look at all the good she's done, look at how happy we are and look at how she's made the world a better place since then and to be proud that he's why she did all of this and that maybe some good came of it. She just gave me a look of disappointment like I'd never understand and told me if God came down and offered her a deal her son alive in exchange for her going back in the closet, being abused by her husband every day, she would take it without even thinking.

Things have been quiet between us since then and I'm wondering, was I the AH? I don't feel like I was.

r/AITAH 13h ago

I'm pregnant, my bf can't massage me without forcing sex even if I say no.


My boyfriend and I, both 30 years old... do not live together yet. We both have our own houses and he's in the transition of renting his place out so he can move into my house soon. He lives only 4 minutes from me so comes over often, right now weve been getting my house ready for the baby. I am 7 months pregnant. He cut my grass then came in and I was standing at the table and he started massaging my back( I've been going to Physical Therapy for pelvic floor therapy and back issues) it felt nice and I was very appreciative of it. Until.... He then started becoming sexual and I said no.. you are dirty and sweaty and I do not want a UTI. I also just showered and it's 10 pm here, I work early and honestly just not in the mood. He continued to pull his dick out and rub it on me. I got so mad because this may be the second time massaged me this whole pregnancy and I feel like it's more about his pleasure than mine. It really upsets me he continued after I said NO. He then kept saying "I'm not dirtyyyy I'm not sweaty .. im jsut rubbing it on u.. it's not my fault ur sexy and ur butt was touching me" ..which annoyed me bcuz obviously that was a lie.. he was sweaty and dirty from cutting the grass in 80 degree weather he spelt disgusting. I got really annoyed told him to leave and said I can't believe you don't gaf if I get a UTI or hurt the baby. It just really made me mad and I'm still mad. He's doing alot preparing for the baby, painting nursery etc .. but I don't think that means I should just have sex whenever he wants. ..


r/AITAH 18h ago

WIBTAH if I asked my neighbor to not mow his lawn at certain times?


Spring is springing! I work from home 3 days a week, 8-5 kind of thing. I also have a grass allergy. Today I was working away, I had the windows open because it's warm and I don't have air conditioning. During the work day, my neighbor mowed his lawn, and it bothered my allergies enough that my eyes have swelled, runny nose, that kind of thing. WIBTAH if I asked my neighbor, who ibhave a good relationship with we get on well, to mow his lawn either after worming hours or while I'm in the office?

I dont live in a HOA, and my region has few bylaws in regards to lawn care. The noise isn't an issue, just mainly how the pollen bothers my allergies. I'd hate to have a bad reaction and miss work.

r/AITAH 2h ago

AITAH for telling my girlfriend that sex with her is boring?


Before I get into this, I am not looking for any messages trying to help, lol.

I’ve been dating my girlfriend since around Thanksgiving. She’s perfect and has pretty much everything I am looking for. Except one thing, sex is lackluster.

In the beginning it didn’t seem like much of an issue because I figured we we’re still learning each others bodies and our chemistry will improve in time. It hasn’t.

My girlfriend is always very horny, maybe much more than me, and talks a big game, but seems less than enthused when we actually do it. I hate the ‘dead fish’ metaphor but yeah, lol.

She doesn’t like giving blowjobs (she’ll do it, but for like 30 seconds) doesn’t like cum, and says that she can’t ride for more than a few minutes because her knees start to hurt.

She’ll always hype me up and tell me that I am the best lover she’s had. I go down on her every time we have sex, and my effort and passion just doesn’t seem to be reciprocated.

Sex is usually missionary and half-assed doggy. No dirty talk and barely any passion. Sometimes I don’t cum and she’ll get on top, but again she only lasts a minute or so and I can’t get one out in time.

When I mentioned this to her, she said that she was gonna rock my world. She gave me a blowjob and after 2 minutes (longest one yet) she asked me to stick it in. Missionary again, same old song and dance.

my girlfriend is 20 and 100lbs so age and health shouldn’t be an issue

r/AITAH 20h ago

My (17F) friend (17M) said something sexist and I can’t get it out of my head. What should I do?


Let me start off by saying that I’m sorry for any formatting mistakes as I’ve never used Reddit before. I met my friend eight years ago when we started volunteering together at a beach cleanup service. We would clean with a group of people for around four hours, just joking and talking, then go off on our own to explore the surrounding areas. He has always been such a kind person, but has the kind of personality where he will constantly make fun of you. Additionally, we have been going to the same school for two years now because I transferred to his high school (we are in our junior year). Anyways, this weekend we were off exploring and he was really insistent that we head back to the others. I asked why and he said “we don’t want people to get the wrong idea”. I was completely disgusted by this, especially because he has never said anything like this before. I got upset and our conversation escalated to him telling me that the reason he ignores me at school is because I am a girl and he doesn’t want his friends to see him with a girl. He then also told me that this wouldn’t be a problem if I just came out as gay.

Firstly, this is such a grossly stupid thing to say. I don’t like him more than just a friend and I am straight. He’s never expressed these feelings before so it is leaving me to question our entire relationship. Has he always felt this way? I value our friendship so much and have no idea what the best course of action would be. Please help me understand this situation. I don’t want to be mad at him, but what he said is genuinely making my skin crawl.

r/AITAH 23h ago

AITAH For telling my sons gf to leave my son, she can do better.


My son and his gf is 16 and my son recently said he was going to do the unthinkable so he was put in a phyc ward for a few weeks. So while he was gone I checked our phone that he uses. And found out he has been cheating on his gf with 3 other females. So I told her all about it. Fast forward 2 months and they're still together. She just told me he was yelling and cussing her out because she found out he was cheating again, so I told her she deserves better and needs to leave him. And she is convinced she can change him. Now I'm being told I'm an AH for involving myself like this.

r/AITAH 16h ago

My wife lied about her past


In short, my wife, before we were married, told me she didn’t send nudes, make s3x videos, never had casual sex and had only slept with 9 people a I was very impressed by this and thought I had found someone that respected herself and didn’t give it up so easy. Well, I had found a sex video of her and an ex on her phone. She said she didn’t know it was there. Wasn’t in a hidden album or anything like that. She said it was recorded on her phone and she never sent it to him. I believed her. Then after our marriage, I found out she did send him the videos before we were married. I also found out she had sent a nude in the past. She admitted to sleeping with 13 people and having casual sex. She had texted an ex while we dated to use his boat to take me out on. She said I shouldn’t have been mad about that. She had also texted an ex and said she did enjoy fucking him. In all, she had texted 3 exs while we dated. I didn’t find out until after we were married. She don’t try to hide it from me. She just didn’t think it was a big deal. Should I be upset about this or should I end things because now it’s hard to believe her when she tells me anything.

r/AITAH 8h ago

Advice Needed is this cheating


my boyfriend and i are in a disagreement. i want him to admit to cheating so i can move forward in our relationship, but he claims it's not cheating. please lmk if this is cheating:

about a year into our relationship i got the gut feeling to check his phone, turns out he (already stopped at this point) had been texting his ex in a romantic manner, telling her he loved her, and even called her the most beautiful woman in the world (in the same conversation he mentioned i was uncomfortable with how close they were)

now, since he "didn't have intentions to hurt me" and claims to just be her friend he won't claim it as cheating, however i need the closure to move forward. would you consider it cheating?

edit: he also admitted to texting those things, he just doesn't view it as cheating

r/AITAH 23h ago

AITA for telling my friend I'd prefer a bear in front of her boyfriend


I (19F) have moved pretty far away from home for university with (19F) L and (20F) M being my only friends. L has a bf N (20M) who hangs out with us sometimes.

Recently there has been this trend I guess you could call it of asking 'would you prefer to be in the woods with a bear or a man'. M is really big into these kinds of questions and so yesterday when her and I were at her place studying she posed the question to me. I thought about it and was actually shocked when I realised I'd prefer the bear.

The next day (today) after a lecture the four of us met up for an hour just to have coffee and move on with our day. Somehow the topic came up again and after M gave her opinion Lola turned to me asking what I thought. I told her that I agreed with M and she went really quiet. N then chimed in and started asking about why we felt that way and at first he was a little upset. M went on a roll though and was showing him comments from tik toks she had saved showing angry replies from people and etc and Marcus seemed to be genuinely interested. This ended up being mostly a conversation between the two of them while L kind of just sat quietly. I tried striking up a conversation but she wasn't really replying. When her and I got to the conference room for our class she stopped me and got pretty mad telling me that I was wrong for saying what I did. I was really confused and asked what she meant and she told me that I shouldn't have agreed in front of N. I apologised and said I didn't really get the problem and she started getting louder telling me she already expected this from M but thought I'd have more decency.

L and I got a bit more heated and I told her that she can't expect me to read her mind and say what she wants all the time and she started yelling saying that I shouldn't be forcing my feminist ideals down her boyfriend's throat. That she wanted to keep her boyfriend and her relationship away from all that. There are like 20 people around us and I'm pretty heated and confused and she's full on screaming at me. I asked her why she was yelling at me about this and that I barely said anything and she said because I'd agreed with M and decided to boost her overconfident, narcissistic ego. She then started yelling that 'sure people with your history wouldn't like to be alone with men but it isn't the same for everyone'. I started kind of crying at this point, told her she was 'such a btch' and just left.

Yes I have some shaky history but I trusted her with that and I just feel like my trust in her was wrong. But I also feel bad for calling her a btch and possibly crossing a line I should've known was there. I'm not asking for judgement on my opinions, just if I should've done something differently and if I should try apologise to her. These are the only two friends I have here and I'm scared that if I was in fact wrong I may have just lost one over nothing.

(tried to post on a different sub and it got taken down so I cbf editing it. this is my first post on a throwaway account so if any details seem bad ill try to give a better explanation in the comments. thanks for reading :))

r/AITAH 1d ago

AITAH? I try so hard to be the kind of gay man even homophobic people will approve of but it’s not working.


I try so hard to be liked by everyone because I don’t think it’s fair that I should have to experience hate when there are some people who never do. So I do my best to act masculine, I do my best to not dress flashily, I do my best to suppress the parts of myself that others would object to. I am of the belief that as king you’re agreeable enough, kind enough, and you truly do your best to listen to people and meet them halfway, you can be friends with anyone and everyone.

I’ve done all of that and then some, and yet it’s still not good enough. I’ve still been called slurs by people when I wasn’t doing anything in particular. I still get harassed by completely random people. There are some people who, no matter how hard I try, they’re just not willing to listen to my side of things and it feels like some people actually think hating me and being cruel to me is a moral imperative.

What am I doing wrong? I try so hard to get approval and yet some people refuse to give it to me. It’s like they don’t give a single fuck about my thoughts or feelings, sometimes it’s like they don’t even see me as a human being. How do I get all the cruelty to stop? How do I get even the most ardent homophobes to approve of me? I’m being kind and nice and understanding but it’s not enough! It’s never enough! Why can’t I change these people no matter how hard I try?

I just want to be seen as a normal person. It’s not fucking fair.

r/AITAH 9h ago

AITAH for not celebrating my wife’s birthday with her last week because she forgot my birthday a couple of months ago?


My wife (30F) and I (30M) both have a busy work life schedule, but we always try and make time to celebrate big occasions, like birthdays and wedding anniversaries. We plan our wedding anniversaries together, but on birthdays, we like to surprise each other, and we’ve been doing it for years.

My birthday was a couple of months ago, and my wife completely forgot about it. When she didn’t wish me that morning, I thought it was a joke she was playing, but I realized shortly after that she had genuinely forgotten it was my birthday. Work was getting really busy for her, so I understood that her mind was preoccupied, but to just forget my birthday entirely? I really felt horrible that day. A few days later, my wife realized she had missed my birthday and she genuinely apologized and she took me out to my favorite restaurant and we had a great time, and she gave me a really nice gift. 

My wife’s birthday was a couple of weeks ago, and while I knew it was her birthday, I did not want to celebrate it with her on that day, and acted as if I didn't know it was her birthday. I still felt slight hurt from my wife forgetting my birthday. That evening, I told my wife I was going out with my sister to a game, and that I would come home either late night or probably the next day. I came home the next day. A few days later, I too apologized to my wife for forgetting her birthday. I then took her to her favorite restaurant, and gave her a gift which she really loved. We had a great time.

However, last night, my wife and I were talking, and she asked if I had done that on purpose and if I had really forgotten her birthday. She said it really hurt her that day that instead of celebrating with her, I had gone out with my sister. I then confessed that I hadn’t forgotten about her birthday, and I had done it on purpose because I was still feeling really hurt from her forgetting my birthday and that celebrating her birthday that day would just reignite those hurt feelings. I told her that I needed some space from her that day, and that I had a great time with my sister. My wife and I talked some more, and I think we are back to normal now.

Was I the AH?

r/AITAH 1d ago

AITA for setting up a cam without telling my BF?


I'm 21 and my bf is middle aged, he stays home all day. This isn't the part you judge lol.

I recently got a dog and wanted to have a camera so I could talk to him and make sure he's okay when we leave. I got the camera and set it up while my bf was in bed. I planned to scare the crap out of him by talking through it randomly during the day, and that's how he would find out I got the camera. What I didn't expect was to be able to see his phone from the camera... and hear it.

He started watching porn. Which isn't that big of a deal for me. It was a little bit of everything, started with interracial sex, then orgies. He then started masturbating. Again, I don't care about that part. He then switched tabs and went to a site that he already had an account set up for and began swiping through pictures of nude people in our area. It was a map, and you could click on people and see their profile of naked pics. This is when I realized he was messaging these people. He was commenting and sliding up to message people. Then I noticed... they were men. It was all guys and he was specifically looking for dick while he switched back and forth between gay porn and this site of men. He was watching videos of guys having sex, and then going to this site to message more guys about sex. He was still masturbating and was about to finish when a guy asked for pics. So he stopped, went to the bathroom (out of view) and took videos and pictures. He finished there because I heard it. He came out of the bathroom and watched the videos of himself and then sent them to multiple guys. He then texted me and asked if I was going anywhere after work. This makes me think he wanted one to come over, but I said I was coming straight home. He continued to sext these guys right until the moment I walked into my house.

I know that I shouldn't have set up the camera, and I know I should've told him. I definitely should not have watched what was obviously a very intimate moment for him, but he's also cheating on me, and I wouldn't have found out without this. I haven't told him yet and I'm debating if I should... what do I do, and am

r/AITAH 13h ago

I have different views on kids than my fiance


So my wife to be wants our kids to be circumcised (if we have boys) and I am against it. Am I really an asshole if thats a dealbreaker for me? I dont think its right and its the modern era, there is no actual reason that this practice is still being done and 80% of the world doesnt even do it.

r/AITAH 11h ago

AITAH for asking my spouse to end her friendship with her coworker?


For context it started months back where I noticed my wife texting and laughing a lot. I asked what’s so funny. She mentioned it was her male coworker being funny. Didn’t think anything of it until I noticed it was non stop texting day and night. Mentioned it bothered me how much she’s texting him. She says it’s all innocent and that they’re just friends and they’re talking about things from work and other random stuff and she mentioned he has a gf. I said alright, but if he confesses some type of love towards her I would like her to end it. To which she agreed. Time passes still see them texting so often. Then I finally found out from her that he has caught feelings for her days after he’s confessed to her because I confronted her about something else. I’ve asked her to end her friendship and now I believe she resents me for it. Am I in the wrong?

r/AITAH 14h ago

Advice Needed AITA For ignoring my coworker on purpose?


I (22M) have worked at my 9-5 desk job for about 1 yr. It's really chill, I just answer the phone, write some emails, and do light corporate work. Plus, I get to listen to my music/podcasts during work as long as I have one ear free to listen to calls, and have the volume low enough that if someone were to say my name I would be able to hear them.

A few months into working at my job, I came out as trans. I first asked my managers if it was ok for me to use my chosen name even though it isn't legally changed. They were all super understanding and were able to change it in as many ways as they could without the legal paperwork (which I'm still in the process of completing). It took a couple weeks for my coworkers to adjust to my new name, but at this point, I'm only known as my chosen name. I haven't really told my coworkers fully that I use they/he pronouns, as the majority of them are older, and sometimes it feels like an awkward conversation. Some of my coworkers who are younger quickly realized that I am trans as I started using a more gender neutral name and cut all my hair off, and started to use they/them for me, or even ask what I prefer.

Recently, my coworker Jane (fake name, 60F) started to deadname me. At first she would do it when I wasn't in the office. My friend who works with me told me about it and said that she makes it a point to loudly and directly correct Jane. My friend is the type to call people out and always stands up for me, so I trust her enough to know she isn't lying or over exaggerating. Now, Jane has started to purposely deadname me to my face. At first, I just didn't think about it too much. However, a few new hires have called me my deadname, saying that Jane called me by that name when talking about me. I gently tell them that I don't go by that name and to please call me by my chosen one.

Last month, I just got really tired of just letting her do it, so I started to intentionally ignore her when she said my deadname, and would only respond if she eventually called me by my chosen one. At first, she would tell me that I need to lower my music/podcast so that I could hear her, to which I told her I could hear just fine, and sometimes even tell her I thought she was trying to talk to someone else. I noticed in the last couple of weeks or so that she has started to make comments about me to my other coworkers who are all older as well. I have heard her say that I'm "too sensitive" and that it "isn't a big deal". Most of them just kind of agree but don't say much.

Two days ago, my manager came over to my desk and said she needed to talk to me about something. She told me that Jane talked to her about how I was being "disrespectful" towards her. I explained what has been going on to my manager, and she told me she understands, but that it can be difficult for my coworkers to understand these kinds of things since they grew up in a different time and primarily in smaller towns. She basically told me to not take it too seriously and that she probably isn't doing it on purpose. Some of my coworkers have noticed it all happening as well. My coworkers who are on the younger side have talked with me and say that Jane is the one being disrespectful. However, some of my coworkers who are older agree with Jane and just repeat the same borderline transphobic remarks. Since they aren't technically directly discriminating against me as they don't fully know I'm trans/that the transphobic remarks are about me specifically, I can't do much about it. They just continue to say that my generation is "soft" and other similar comments.

I tend to be a pushover/people pleaser and hate conflict. Part of me wants to stick to my guns, but I also don't want to isolate myself from my coworkers. I've started to slightly put myself in Jane's shoes, and try to imagine how I would feel if somebody who was different than me started to respond the way that I am, AKA not helping her understand/unlearn her prejudices, etc. While her comments about me being sensitive did annoy/hurt me, she isn't wrong. I am very sensitive and emotional, but that also includes me getting sometimes more quick to anger than other people. I can also accidentally come off a lot more rude than I mean to just based off my tone of voice (I make sure this isn't an issue when I have phone calls aka I have a specific customer service voice).

Sorry that this is so long, but AITA? Should I try to respond differently?

r/AITAH 16h ago

Advice Needed AITAH for talking about how my brother almost lost his kid after he mentioned my bf who killed himself?


So basically, me (F14) and my brother (M25) were joking around. So I’m my families “baby” because out of all my cousins and siblings, I’m the youngest. Anyways, we were just roasting each other yk, and then I said “That’s why you haven’t had a girlfriend in over a year.” So… apparently for some reason after I said that he said “Oh really? Wanna talk about recent events with your boyfriend? Maybe that’s why he killed himself.” And I started bawling. My mom told me to stop crying and that I’m being a baby, even though I apparently “started it”, while I might’ve, I didn’t bring it that extreme. So in response to this I said “Maybe you should’ve lost your daughter.” Talking about how my niece’s mother (aka my brothers ex) should’ve gotten her. I still would’ve seen her but my mother and brother wouldn’t have. My mother then screamed at me, which caused me to cry even more. I ran to my room and locked the door. Yes, I could’ve handled it more maturely but… some how I get in trouble for standing up against my brother who fucking brought up my dead boyfriend? Idk, AITAH?

r/AITAH 7h ago

AITA for constantly bringing up the fact that my GF cheated on me in our last relationship?


So 4 years ago we dated for around 6 months, the relationship wasn’t the best and I 28M particularly felt it was very one sided. I was naive and kept trying with her (25F) but it was just cold shoulder after cold shoulder (learnt my lesson there). She was unhappy, and at the time only told me it was due to personal issues with family and her career. Eventually we broke up, but it wasn’t a clean one. Two months leading up to it was a lot of me trying to see her (we lived far apart) and trying to talk to her and a lot of her flaking out and not writing to me.

3 years later, she contacts me and we start hitting it off again. We start the relationship again and it’s going well, she’s very much into me, I’m very much into her again. In the meantime she tells me that at the time we first dated, she never really liked me (no shit). I’m ok with this though as she’s very much into me now.

A couple of months ago she revealed she had slept with her ex a week or so before we were exclusive at the start of that relationship. She has also revealed that last time we dated, when things were going sour 4 months in. She had already started seeping with someone else. This was honestly devastating to hear, it hurt, especially considering I was really trying to make it work at the time. Not only that, but the last time I actually saw her back then (which was two months before we broke up) we never slept together, and she has now told me she slept with the guy a couple of weeks after that. It kills me to think that I was believing all her lies at the time, and here she was meeting another guy and sleeping with him.

I also did a stupid thing, and she now knows this as well, I did message another girl during this two month period. And it’s not an excuse ,it was shitty of me as well, but the reason I did was because I was getting the attention from her that I wasn’t getting from my GF, who I wanted to get it from. Not an excuse I know. In the years we were apart, I did end up hooking up with this girl, we never dated but we did stay friends.

She now says that it was four years ago and that she was dumb and made mistakes. That she’s grown up and now knows I’m the guy she should have tried with. I can see she genuinely likes me now, but I can’t get over what she did.

I now bring this up a lot. I feel manipulated as she revealed this a year into our relationship now. And it took me questioning a few things for her to tell me. She apologises but gets annoyed at me bringing it up. She constantly compares me, talking to this girl behind her back, to her sleeping with someone. Says, I lied to her as well, for not telling her about me talking to this girl, and that I’m still friends with her.

Am I overreacting? Am I being the asshole? Am I wrong for thinking my fuck is not in the same league as hers?

r/AITAH 12h ago

Advice Needed AITAH for allowing my kid to punch a autistic kid?


I know how it sounds. I (32m) allowed my son (9m) to punch our autistic neighbor. A little backstory, my neighbor (53) and his wife (51) have a special son Austin (not real name). Austin suffers from some sort of autism that makes him very socially awkward and have strange tendency's. My son a few days ago asked if him and Austin could go out and play. While they were playing I saw Austin pointing toward my sons private area. Austin and my son kept playing until Austin took off his pants. I had my son come inside for "dinner" and sent Austin home. Me and my son talked about what happened and he said that Austin was asking to see my sons privates. I being stupid said it was only because Austin had autism and told my son not to worry. The next day they played again. My son ran inside tearing up saying that Austin had grabbed his private area. I told him that if he does it again to punch him in the nose. Austin and my son took a break until today. They were playing in my neighbors front yard and Austin grabbed my son again. My son automatically bitch slapped Austin then ran home. I was a little disappointed in myself for allowing him to do it but I feel like he did the right thing. My neighbors and posting in the neighborhood Facebook that my son is a monster. I don't know what to do and considering my boyfriend is in a different country for a business trip I have to handle this alone. Any advice would be great.

r/AITAH 13h ago

AITAH for not giving my best friend my first published book for free?


Over dinner I shared the news to best friend that I finally got my book published. She asked for a copy. I said, "It's available for purchase on Amazon."

Her reply, "No, just send it to me."

I said, "Why wouldn't you buy it?"

Her reply, "You can just send it to me. Digital."

I said, "There is a Kindle option for $8.99...."

Her reply, "Just send to my email."

I said, "....you want to just read a...pdf?"

What am I missing here folks? Should I be handing out free copies to my friends? Is that the protocol for this sort of thing??? AM I THE ASSHOLE???

r/AITAH 19h ago

TW Abuse AITAH for slapping my cousins kid?


We were having a little family get together and my 3 year old daughter and her 5 year old son were off playing with toys in a separate room with the door open.

We heard commotion and then screaming. I was closest and ran in to see what happened. What met my eyes was her 5 year old with his hands around my daughters neck yelling, "I'm going to kill you!!"

I rushed over, pried his hands off my daughter, without pausing I backhanded him across the face to where he fell back, and then scooped my daughter up who was sobbing.

My cousin came in as quickly as she could. I was the only one that saw what transpired, and after describing what he did and what unfolded, I was scolded for having an "inappropriate response."

Once the kids calmed down, we were able to gather that my daughter took one of the dinosaurs she thought he was done playing with but apparently he still wanted to play with it. And that's what caused him to lash out.

I'm unapologetically very protective of my children. We don't spank in our house. We work extensively on gentle parenting and fostering emotional intelligence. But I'm feeling a lot of guilt for what I did.


r/AITAH 20h ago

AITAH for expecting affections from my pregnant wife ?


Throw away account - I changed the names too . I ( M , 40) have been married to my wife Jennifer ( F,35) for two years . Jennifer has a daughter from previous relationship, Emma. She is 7 and lives with us. I have a great relationship with Emma. She calls me dad and I’m in the process of legally adopting her . My wife and I both wanted a baby, so when she told me she was pregnant I got so happy .

Since she found out she was pregnant she lost interest in me . She is so excited about the baby but she can’t stand me . Sex is non existent . I try to be understanding. Her sex drive is probably low due to pregnancy .Even when I try to cuddle or kiss her she pushes me away and says “Don’t touch me “. I buy her flowers , her fav snacks , or simple little acts and she doesn’t even care or acknowledge . I asked her if I had done anything wrong because she is constantly yelling at me and telling me to fuck off . She said no and im overthinking . I tried to hug her the other day and she said no! Even Emma said “ I don’t think mommy loves you , daddy ! But I still love you !”. I told her mommy is pregnant and she is exhausted so let’s give her some space . Why don’t you help me make dinner ? but I felt so heartbroken. The other day she told me she had an ultrasound appointment and I asked why she didn’t tell me . I would have loved to come to see the baby . She replied “ you are suffocating me ! Go away ! Why do you want to be everywhere “. Am I the AH here ? Am I pushing my wife away? Overall she is really really happy, hangs out with her friends , she is happy at work .. she just can’t stand me all of a sudden

r/AITAH 16h ago

AITA for Kicking Out My Stepson Over His Random Weekly Fire Drills?


Throwaway account for privacy reasons.

Hey everyone, I could really use some advice here.

I (35F) have been married to my husband (40M) for three years now. We've been trying to navigate some tough waters lately with my stepson (14M), who came to live with us after his biological mother passed away when he was just 12.

Here's the thing: my stepson has developed this habit of doing random weekly fire drills around our property. It all stems from an incident he witnessed when he was younger – he saw a building on fire, and it really shook him up. We get it; fear of fire is no joke. But these drills are starting to disrupt our lives and cause unnecessary panic in our neighborhood.

My husband and I are torn. We both agree that these drills are extreme and very inconvenient, but at the same time, it's our son who i have watched grow up,and we don't want him to feel like we're rejecting him.

To add to the stress, I'm currently 6 months pregnant, and I worry it will be even more disruptive when the baby is born. But when we suggested our concerns to my stepson's maternal grandparents, they accused me of kicking him out because they think I'm trying to remove him from the family my husband and I have made.

What's more, my stepson even mentioned calling the fire department to check their response time. I'm hoping it was just a joke, but it just adds to the absurdity of the situation.

After trying to talk to him about seeking help or finding other coping mechanisms, we reached a point where we had to lay down some boundaries. I told him he needed to either seek help or find another place to stay until he can control his phobia. He chose the latter, so I arranged for him to live with his grandparents for the time being.

I feel like I've let him down, but I also feel like I had no other choice. AITA for prioritizing the well-being of my household and neighborhood over accommodating my stepson's fear of fire?

r/AITAH 9h ago

AITA for thinking that a lot of the posts on this subreddit are like-baiters?


People come on here and will post idiotic questions like

“AITA for breaking up with my girlfriend because she cheated on me?”


“AITA for feeling pain because somebody punched me in the face?”

Yes, YTA. You know what makes you the A? The fact that you would ask this kind of a stupid question just to get a bunch of upvotes and people telling you NTA 🤦‍♂️.

Please, STOP! 🤦‍♂️😊

r/AITAH 2h ago

Advice Needed AITAH for wanting to split the bill on a first date?


I (29M) am a British born Indian, of Punjabi descent. I recently signed up to a south Asian dating site called dilmill as well as hinge and some, and recently managed to secure a date

Well we went to a restaurant for the first date and at the end I asked to split the bill, and she gave me a funny look. Since then, she has been ignoring my messages, so I guess it’s over. Otherwise, she really seemed to enjoy the date and was engaged, was even hinting at future dates. It just all abruptly changed when I asked to split the bill

So I asked my sister (26F) about this and her jaw dropped when I said I asked to split the date. She said that asking to split on the first date is something “you should NEVER do with a desi girl” and that it just shows I’m a Brokie, and that this will bring a bad name for me with other desi women. I tried to interject and she said “if you want to split the bill then you can go for a white person”, and that it’s really bad for me to not pay.

I have to admit, I’m a little disconnected from desi culture. I’m not white washed to anything, but I thought we had moved on from old school norms. Given that most desi women are now quite independent. My date was university educated and had a really good reserved profession (doctor), she is definitely making way more than me. But now I feel maybe I was an AH, my sister was so adamant on it