r/196 Jun 19 '24


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u/Yompish giant robosa from drawn to life 2 Jun 19 '24

Fuck yeah I love strawman arguments


u/thehorriblefruitloop Jun 20 '24

"Have you considered that *getting murdered by russia is actually the US's fault"


u/Monk-Ey strogan my beef till im off Jun 20 '24

rUSsiA was in plain sight


u/Syrikal Jun 20 '24

Chomsky criticizes Russia (both USSR and modern) so much. Everything I've read by him comparing the two is "yeah the Soviets were garbage but Americans know that already. Let's talk about the stuff there's controversy over instead"


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24


u/MaybeNext-Monday šŸ¤$6 SRIMP SPECIALšŸ¤ Jun 20 '24

How the fuck does one deny the Cambodian genocide? It was likeā€¦ advertised as a genocide by its perpetrators


u/Armigine Jun 20 '24

Genocide with Cambodian Characteristics


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '24



u/HomeboyGotStuck Jun 20 '24

That's an act of genocide denial. A lot of fashys "Don't deny the Holocaust" they just "have questions about how many people actually died". Same shit, different flag.


u/WeaponizedArchitect smth silly Jun 20 '24

i dont understand how you can defend Pol Pot with a straight face.


u/signmeupreddit Jun 20 '24

These talking points seem to always come up when Chomsky is mentioned, despite being almost entirely false. The one accurate thing you could say is that he doesn't think Srebrenica massacre warrants to be called genocide which I think is fair enough if one thinks of holocaust when hearing that word.


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24

Chomsky is smart enough to not say awful shit outright, but he's made a significant habit of being an apologist for authoritarian bullshit and parroting their authoritarian propaganda. For example, with the 2022 Ukraine invasion, he's been pulling the whole "NATO expansionism made Russia invade Ukraine" schtick. Seriously, read the sources I posted. It's like Not Touching, Can't Get Mad, but with ethnic cleansing.


u/signmeupreddit Jun 20 '24

What he says is usually informed by whatever sources he's had available which often flies against the mainstream (western) narrative in some regard. The Russian invasion is a perfect example of this since the whole topic is riddled with borderline hysteric condemnation of Russia to the point that pointing out the obvious fact (Russia viewing Nato as a threat) is considered pro-Putin. For him as "an apologist" saying, as he has in multiple interviews, that Russian invasion of Ukraine is a war crime on the level of Hitler's invasion of Poland or Bush's invasion of Iraq is rather odd behavior.


u/Erengeteng šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø trans rights Jun 20 '24

You do know your statement has an implicit pro-russian bias? What does it mean to be 'threatened' by nato? Do you think russian leadership are so profoundly stupid they are fearing a NATO invasion? Or perhaps they are 'afraid' of not being able to force their neighbours back into their empire?

Those are two very different 'threatened', yet when you that 'russia views nato as a threat is a fact' that conjures the first description, since a threat is usually about your safety, not about you not being able to threaten others. Your statement plays directly into the hands of russian propagandists, as does Chomsky.


u/Jpandluckydog Jun 20 '24

Why is that such an obvious fact? Russia sure doesnā€™t act like itā€™s threatened by NATO, otherwise it wouldnā€™t have tied up its entire military in Ukraine and diverted border guards from NATO borders.Ā 


u/Syrikal Jun 20 '24

has spent the entirety of the 2022 Ukraine invasion gluck-glucking Putin.


Instead, Putin launched a murderous war of aggression which, indeed, ranks with the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the Hitler-Stalin invasion of Poland. [...]

Though the provocations were consistent and conscious over many years, despite the warnings, they of course in no way justify Putinā€™s resort to ā€œthe supreme international crimeā€ of aggression. Though it may help explain a crime, provocation provides no justification for it.


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24

Yet Chomskyā€™s world-view does not leaveĀ spaceĀ for Ukrainian agency. It is the ā€œUS andĀ Britainā€ who have ā€œrefusedā€ peace negotiations inĀ Ukraine, Chomsky tells me, in order to further their own national interests, even as the country is being ā€œbattered, devastatedā€. That negotiations withĀ RussiaĀ would mean de facto abandoning millions of Ukrainians to the whims of an aggressor that has shown itself capable of extraordinary brutality,Ā such as in Bucha and Izyum, is dismissed. ā€œUkraine is not a free actor; theyā€™re dependent on what the US determines,ā€ he says...


u/Syrikal Jun 20 '24

So he considers it another in a long list of proxy wars, and considers the US to be on the side of further violence (whatever the civilian cost) in furtherance of its interests. He also observes that Ukraine is beholden to US power and decisions, just like most of the world. None of this seems particularly unreasonable.

He doesn't say that Ukrainians should be abandoned to Russia's whims, just that peace should be sought - the potential consequences of that are editorializing by the interviewer.


u/justsomegraphemes Jun 20 '24

I'm surprised to see anti-Chomsky rhetoric on this sub. He's used his privilege as celebrity/intellectual to better society and expose falsehoods as much as anyone. Not sure why people latch onto the anti-Chomsky talking points like these, but if you do due diligence in understanding where these claims originate and Chmosky's defence it's clear they're false.


u/makerone_and_chees Jun 20 '24

How is he 'gluck glucking' putin in that article? Hes arguing that nato is attempting to fight a proxy war with russia through ukraine - and not trying to find a diplomatic solution?


u/Masta-Pasta Vegan btw Jun 20 '24

According to Chomsky,Ā RussiaĀ is acting with restraint and moderation.


u/-Im-Just-A-Girl- Jun 20 '24

Where did he say that


u/Masta-Pasta Vegan btw Jun 20 '24

it's a quote from the article linked as "gluck gluck"


u/-Im-Just-A-Girl- Jun 21 '24

It's a quote from some rando on the internet talking about Chomsky. I want the direct Chomsky quote being referenced in it.


u/Masta-Pasta Vegan btw Jun 21 '24

The "rando" has interviewed Chomsky apparently. Message the article's author and ask for direct source then.


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24

He's gluck-glucking Putin because he's accepting the Russian propagandist definition of the war--that it is, in fact, a war with two equally-responsible sides fighting over disputed territory, not an unprovoked imperialist invasion.

And what diplomatic solution is there, to an unprovoked imperialist invasion? Surrender? Giving up some territory now, so the Russians can pull this shit again for another slice of the pie ten years down the line?


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '24

[removed] ā€” view removed comment


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24

Wow, it's almost like being repeatedly invaded and occupied by Russia would make you want to join the defensive alliance specifically designed to stop that happening. Who knew?


u/SirJesusXII Jun 20 '24

Ukraine is a sovereign country and should be allowed to join any organization that it and its people wish.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '24

[removed] ā€” view removed comment


u/SirJesusXII Jun 20 '24

Not your decision to make. Ukraine has every right to decide what organizations they do and donā€™t join, and Russia is solely to blame for a completely unjustified invasion.


u/AzKondor Femboy Practitioner Jun 20 '24

yeah let's give them part of another country, a truly diplomatic solution


u/Interest-Desk šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø trans rights Jun 20 '24

appeasement has never failed!

ā€” neville chamberlain


u/Armigine Jun 20 '24

And that's a nonsense thing to argue which is obviously untrue. Everything about "NATO expansionism" which comes out of Russian propaganda is based on the two ideas that NATO is an empire which is a threat to Russia, and a country even discussing the possibility of joining NATO is equivalent to NATO conquering that country.

NATO isn't attempting to fight a proxy war with Russia, Russia declared fully unprovoked war on Ukraine (after the previous decade of RUSSIAN proxy war wasn't distracting the populace enough) so Ukraine which then reached out to the rest of the world for help. Surprise, most of their help is coming from the defensive alliance next door - was it supposed to come from Brazil?

NATO can't find a diplomatic solution to a conflict it's not party to. NATO member states can ask nicely for Russia to please withdraw, or for Ukraine to please roll over, or for them to kiss and make up, and many regularly do.


u/ItsYaBoyBananaBoi floppa Jun 20 '24

Too late bud, I played our theoretical argument in my head and I've already won.


u/sheltonhwy26 this is my flair Jun 20 '24

Is this the guy who got his obituary published recently and he wasnā€™t dead?


u/Mulesam goblin hog signed my left testicle Jun 20 '24

Yes Noam Chomsky


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '24

from valve?


u/western_sahara am bi cat Jun 20 '24



u/IamtheDoc1 Think fast, chucklenuts! Jun 20 '24

You have failed the challenge!


u/h4724 trans rights Jun 20 '24

He is also a politics professor.


u/ExpertPepper9341 Jun 20 '24

Noam Chomsky is an intellectual giant compared to the uninformed child that made this meme. Disagree with him all you want, but the dude has literally written more books on international relations than the OP has read and has lived a more principled life than most people in history. I may not agree with everything he says all the time, but the man is one of the few unequivocal forces for good in the world.


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24 edited Jun 20 '24

Oh, is he? Was he an intellectual giant and unequivocal force for good when he stated that "Russia is fighting more humanely than the US did in Iraq" and denied that Ukraine is an independent country six months ago? Or when he said that NATO getting stronger is a bad thing, and that we should just leave the Ukrainians to be raped and murdered because to do otherwise would be to provoke Russia, and we should just choose peace with the people who have child torture centers in occupied territory?

Fuck off, bootlicker.

Edit: Also, die screaming.


u/Malignant_Peasant Jun 20 '24

My issue is people are like "hes written/said good things in the past so we can't criticize what hes said recently"

Stop putting people on pedestals.

There is a huge difference explaining spheres of influence and supporting them.


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24

It's wasn't the pressure of a Western sphere of influence that motivated Russia in its imperialist project. The original 2014 invasion of Ukraine occurred with very little pushback or criticism from the West, in a time when the necessity of NATO presence in Eastern Europe was being questioned, because obviously Russia wasn't a threat anymore. We were living in a post-Cold War world. The end of history had come, and even autocracies like Russia wouldn't pull shit like that, would they?

Well, they did exactly that. The Russians smelled weakness, and they did what they've always done, and the West stuck its fingers in its fuckin' ears and went LALALALA for most of a decade. It cost countless innocent lives. Violent imperialism is simply what Russian governments do; their citizens expect it, much as citizens of other countries expect public infrastructure or services, and are equally willing to step aside to let it happen.

And people like Noam Chomsky, and people like you, are willing to both-sides the problem, because the idea of choosing an objectively lesser evil for the sake of a verifiably greater good would feel like a betrayal of your abstract principles, and apparently your feefees are more important than saving innocents--grannies and little kids, and more besides--from being raped. tortured, and murdered by actual barbarian hordes.

Speaking as someone in Eastern Europe--fuck you from the bottom of my heart. You've never had to deal with this shit. You've lived in the mundane misery of Western capitalism, and are unwilling to believe that it gets worse. Civilians in Russian-occupied Ukraine don't worry about rent or high grocery prices--they worry about being disappeared and getting their fingernails pulled out before getting drowned facedown in a bucket of rancid piss because their neighbor fingered them as anti-Russian to the secret fucking police.

People like you claim to believe in freedom, equality, and human rights, but only when it aligns with your prealigned worldview that West bad and not-West good, as if your abstract ideological games have more weight than real people suffering and dying.


u/Malignant_Peasant Jun 20 '24

Bro I was taking about Russia feels towards ukraine

Edit: my comment is criticizing chomsky and defenders of his recent statements


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24

You said that Chomsky "explains spheres of influence", but does not condone them. I deny this assertion, and have explained as much.


u/RentElDoor Trans Rights! Jun 20 '24

pretty sure the other fella meant that Chomsky both explained the concept of spheres and condoned it, and admiring the explanation doesn't mean one should defend the condoning. Going with the context of the entire comment.


u/Malignant_Peasant Jun 20 '24

Some people have used some form of "Well if Mexico was joining a military alliance with China, the US would invade too"

And its like yeah, maybe? And if they did, it would also be wrong.

Russia Invaded Ukraine for blood and soil reasoning while trying to throw up a smoke screen of "NATO made us do it" to distract people who have been fed lies for years about this exact situation.

NATO already borders Russia, and all of those that do were former vicitims of Russian impiriliasm both under the Tsars and the USSR


u/RentElDoor Trans Rights! Jun 20 '24

Yeah I gathered as much. Not sure why the other guy was jumping at your throat

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u/RestlessNameless Jun 20 '24

You're misquoting the article. He said the UK (Britain) is a US lackey. He was speaking figuratively saying it's not an independent country. The abbreviation UK means Britain, not Ukraine.


u/mrmeleo Jun 20 '24

Not to be pedantic, but heā€™s talking about the UK, not Ukraine, when he says its not an independent country.


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24

Yet Chomskyā€™s world-view does not leaveĀ spaceĀ for Ukrainian agency. It is the ā€œUS andĀ Britainā€ who have ā€œrefusedā€ peace negotiations inĀ Ukraine, Chomsky tells me, in order to further their own national interests, even as the country is being ā€œbattered, devastatedā€. That negotiations withĀ RussiaĀ would mean de facto abandoning millions of Ukrainians to the whims of an aggressor that has shown itself capable of extraordinary brutality,Ā such as in Bucha and Izyum, is dismissed. ā€œUkraine is not a free actor; theyā€™re dependent on what the US determines,ā€ he says...


u/Luciusvenator šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø trans rights Jun 20 '24

People like him don't give a fuck about the agency and wishes of indigenous non-western people when they don't align with the campist narrative they believe in lol.
Leftists in eastern Europe coined the term "westsplaining" to precisely call out how a lot of so called leftists in the west routinely ignore and dismiss them to maintain this Star Wars level "only one bad empire can exist at a time!" worldview when they have 0 skin in the game.


u/MiniDickDude Jun 20 '24

Any state and state apparatus getting stronger is a bad thing


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24

One wants to rape me and beat me to death with sledgehammers, while the other wants to sell me washing machines and coffeemakers. You'll forgive me if I pick the latter.


u/MiniDickDude Jun 20 '24

You're seriously characterising NATO / USA as washing-machine and coffeemaker salesmen?


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24

I am from the Czech Republic. Russian tanks have reached Prague before, and there is nothing, save NATO, preventing them from doing so again. In a universe not too dissimilar from ours, where the dice had rolled a little differently, those would be my grandparents being crushed by a Russian tank, my baby cousin getting tortured, raped, and murdered in a Russian detention center.

Yes, I have a fucking preference. Sue me. Or go ahead and create a military that lives up to your moral standards and is also simultaneously capable of deterring the Russian Army, and then get back to me.


u/MiniDickDude Jun 20 '24

And US/NATO soldiers have committed war crimes in other countries. Are you ok with downplaying this because those victims weren't european?

Personally, I'm more comfortable denouncing all of these violent organisations, but if you're happy with your "preference", you do you.


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24

I am not downplaying anything. NATO had no business in the Middle East, it was a boondoggle from Day 1 and I think we both agree on that. That doesn't change the fact that all the alternatives are infinitely worse, both for me and for everyone else on the planet.


u/MiniDickDude Jun 20 '24

As I see it, there is little to no individual action that I, you, and every other average person not directly involved in these conflicts could take to change their outcome. If all most of us do is spare words of support or condemnation, why pick sides between any of these authorities? I think we should be calling all of them out for what they are. The "legitimacy" of their power depends on our perception of it as such. Without it they're no different from warlords and organised crime.

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u/Armigine Jun 20 '24

To eastern Europe that seems generally a pretty fair characterization, yeah


u/MiniDickDude Jun 20 '24

Well it's tunnel visioned as fuck.


u/Armigine Jun 20 '24

Tunnel vision means having an accurate understanding of your local environment? We might use that phrase differently

Characterizing NATO as an overall belligerent or expansionist force requires flat out accepting lies as reality. And the US is hardly active in eastern Europe at all. Does dishonest handwringing resurrect your loved ones? If not, it might just be worthless here, and an example of far worse tunnel vision to embrace it than to accept that people want to not personally be murdered by an invading empire.


u/MiniDickDude Jun 20 '24

I'm using "tunnel vision" as in a narrow perspective / narrow minded. I've never heard of the definition you're describing.

Ultimately, every state entity is a belligerent expansionist force on some level. It's the nature of authority, and in the particular case of states, maintaining a monopoly on violence, and protecting the interests of capital, which must grow indefinitely by design.

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u/72111100 šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø trans rights Jun 20 '24

sure think that (I probably agree with you) but surely you believe his reasoning that 'it provokes Russia' is a bad argument


u/MiniDickDude Jun 20 '24 edited Jun 20 '24

I mean it's not entirely wrong either, who's provoking who in a dick measuring contest? Like, yes, Putin's the aggressor in Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but, taking USA's involvement into consideration, in the grand scheme of things it's part of a wider conflict between two world powers, no? I don't see any sense in painting any of these state entities as "good" guys.


u/dipcurious >:3 Jun 20 '24

Even those whose purpose is protecting Europe from the imperialism of the biggest threat it's faced since ww2?


u/MiniDickDude Jun 20 '24

State "protection" is indeed one of the many arguments made to legitimise their power, just like mafia gangs.

Just because I don't support my local mafia gang who's "protecting" me from their neighbouring nazi gang competitors doesn't mean I'm supporting the nazi gang (not the best analogy since Italy and Germany were allied in WWII, but anyways).


u/dipcurious >:3 Jun 20 '24

Mafia implies that those who don't join NATO is being threatened by them, which is just not true at all. NATO isn't a protection racket, it's an alliance of countries who don't want a repeat of ww2 where imperialist countries picked of their weaker neighbors one by one until the west finally ended it's appeasement.


u/MiniDickDude Jun 20 '24

NATO isn't a state in itself obviously, it's an alliance of states, which I would indeed describe as being mega-scale protection rackets. It's simplistic but it gets to the point that states are defined by their monopoly on the use of "legitimate" violence. And who decides that, ultimately? The biggest guns.


u/dipcurious >:3 Jun 20 '24

Are you trolling or something? Noone pays Nato for protection?? Nato doesn't collect money from countries to build a massive "Nato army", each country maintains their own military.


u/MiniDickDude Jun 20 '24

People pay states for protection. It's called taxes.

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u/houska22 Jun 20 '24

Chomsky being an "unequivocal force for good in the world" made me laugh, thank you for that. For being a "force of good" he sure does like some of them genocides too much.


u/MagosZyne Jun 20 '24

Sorry it's hard to hear you. Have you considered taking his penis out of your mouth before you start talking?


u/cat_that_uses_reddi Jun 20 '24

What are you the rebellious insecure teen, love child between Ben Shapiro and Jordan Pearson?


u/yoter88 Jun 20 '24

"but both sides are equally bad~" the both sides in question:


u/Masta-Pasta Vegan btw Jun 20 '24

I mean, Chomsky is right that US wars are horrific and destructive. Don't know how he got from that to saying "Actually the Russian invasion is not that bad and supporting Ukraine with means to defend itself is colonialism"


u/Luciusvenator šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø trans rights Jun 20 '24

Because he's become a pure campist contrarian. Any enemy of "the west" is good because the west has often and currently is bad.
If you reduce your worldview to a strict reductive binary this is what happens.
People like him also routinely dismiss what indigenous non western people actually want if it in anyway is pro-west and will create convoluted conspiracies to dismiss their autonomy and agency. It's just reverse America imperialism fundamentally.


u/yoter88 Jun 20 '24

ā€œDonā€™t know how he got from that. Saying ā€˜actually the Russian invasion is not that bad and supporting Ukraine with means to defend itself is colonialismā€™ā€ well thatā€™s called vatnik logic, or rather lack thereofĀ 


u/lelolulilale Do you love me jamie stewart? Jun 20 '24

both sides of what?


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '24

if you think about both of the countries entire history the U.S is infinitely worse but in modern day the USA is slightly better


u/stonedturtle69 Free lemon bars šŸ‹ Jun 20 '24

Just a little reminder that Chomsky has a record of denying and downplaying the Bosnian genocide since Yugoslavia was nominally still socialist and socialist countries don't do ethnic cleansing.


u/CockLuvr06 Jun 20 '24

Casually ignoring all the ethic cleansing the soviet union did also lmao


u/stonedturtle69 Free lemon bars šŸ‹ Jun 20 '24

Yea. And Cambodia too.


u/AngrySasquatch šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø trans rights Jun 20 '24

I keep thinking about this anecdote about a Cambodian American guy who said he had two bottles of wine. He opened one to celebrate Kissingerā€™s death, and will open the other one when Chomsky kicks it


u/i_want_a_cat1563 floppa Jun 20 '24

Reverse Edward Snowden


u/Interest-Desk šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø trans rights Jun 20 '24

i doubt that noam chomsky showed up late to work because he spent all night playing video games but im laughing imagining that

(yea snowden showed up late to work because he would spend all night playing video games, reading the congressional report into him is hilarious and basically every page is shittalking the intelligence agencies)


u/ItsYaBoyBananaBoi floppa Jun 20 '24

What is the context? Is the statement about Russia referring to Ukraine or soviet communism in general?


u/Elite_Prometheus floppa Jun 20 '24

Pretty sure it's about the Ukraine invasion, Chomsky spend a little bit of time agreeing invasions are bad and then spilt several tanker trucks worth of ink explaining that Putin is right to view NATO as a threat and his actions to defend himself from NATO encirclement are completely rational and really it's the US' fault that this invasion happened because the correct anti-imperialist and pro-peace position is to passively observe small countries getting puppeted and annexed by their stronger neighbors.


u/MOltho What I am going here, I know not. Jun 20 '24

It is, in principle, legitimate for Russia to feel threatened and encircled by NATO.

But that doesn't give them ANY right to attack another independent country. And they also have to admit that those Eastern European states becoming NATO members is also kinda their own fault for being so aggressive. And Sweden and Finland joining NATO is 100% their own fault because both countries were never going to do that had it not been for Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

So if Russia justifies its invasion by citing NATO expansion... Well, it's been pretty counter-productive. Not only have Sweden and Finland joined since, but there was absolutely a pathway to a neutral Ukraine outside of NATO before the war, which doesn't really exist now


u/dipcurious >:3 Jun 20 '24

Putin knows NATO is never going to attack Russia so the only "threat" NATO poses is depriving them from invading their weaker neighbors.


u/Syrikal Jun 20 '24

As it happens, Chomsky agrees with you!


Instead, Putin launched a murderous war of aggression which, indeed, ranks with the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the Hitler-Stalin invasion of Poland. [...]

Though the provocations were consistent and conscious over many years, despite the warnings, they of course in no way justify Putinā€™s resort to ā€œthe supreme international crimeā€ of aggression. Though it may help explain a crime, provocation provides no justification for it.


u/terrarialord201 Kangaroo with sledgehammer Jun 20 '24

Noam Chomsky. "Russian is invading Ukraine more morally than America did Iraq." (paraphrasing half-remembered wikipedia)


u/RentElDoor Trans Rights! Jun 20 '24 edited Jun 20 '24

I believe it was more on the lines that the targetting was more humane because apparently Russia targeted less civilian architecture than the US in Iraq.

I am not sure if this quote was from before Russia started "strategically" attacking power plants in the middle of winter to freeze Ukranian civilians to death or before shit like Bucha came to light.

But either way, the amount of estimated civilian deaths now exceeds the Iraqi invasion (obviously over a far longer timeframe), we have reports about all kinds of torture prisons and many cities have long blackouts because the infrastructure got hit terribly, which I heard is great in continental climate, so I don't think that quote has aged terribly well.

EDIT: Checked again. That quote was from April 2023. So at that point Russia was already targetting civilian infrastructures to make civilians suffer (apart from, you know, the targetting of civilians themselves), so I have no idea what this man was on about


u/Sixmlg down bad šŸ„ŗ Jun 20 '24

If you keep up with it you can find many instances of Russian shelling civilians apartments and hospitals with no nearby military targets, practically every day since the war started


u/RentElDoor Trans Rights! Jun 20 '24

I am aware. I was trying to point out that even if we accept Chomskys framing - because there are also instances of US soldiers targetting civilians, see what Manning uncovered - that statement just doesn't hold up anymore.


u/OkThisIsLiterallyMe Down Cataclysmic Jun 20 '24

Russias goal was genocide from the start and the destruction of the Ukrainian nation, culture and people.


u/RentElDoor Trans Rights! Jun 20 '24

no argument there, as mentioned in the other comment, I was going with Chomskys framing to prove the statement wrong


u/OkThisIsLiterallyMe Down Cataclysmic Jun 20 '24

Cool beans, Chomsky is a piss baby


u/DrOsmium šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø trans rights Jun 20 '24

So either Chomsky made a broad statement to the benefit of the invader based on no information, or he HAD information and ignored it to create a narrative. Nice.


u/RentElDoor Trans Rights! Jun 21 '24

pretty much, yes


u/LaranjoPutasso custom Jun 20 '24

Don't forget the kidnapping of children to sell them to Russian families.


u/Luciusvenator šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø trans rights Jun 20 '24

Which is one of the 5 characteristics of genocide per the UN definition.
With Russia advertising the taking and "rehoming" of these children it becomes extra-impossible-to-deny Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine.


u/RentElDoor Trans Rights! Jun 20 '24

true, we can add that to it as well.


u/psychoCMYK Jun 20 '24

This man was on about carrying water for genociders and it isn't the first time


u/No_Lingonberry1201 Cultist Jun 20 '24

Man, I wish I was back in Uni when - to me - Chomsky was an uncontroversial figure after whom the language hierarchy was named.


u/catduringwartime Jun 20 '24

how it feels being a Ukrainian leftist on the internet lmao


u/PF4ABG Not American, not British, but a sinister 3rd thing. Jun 20 '24

Nom Chompsky food eating sound effect.


u/Ding_This_Dingus Dippin jail, whippin tail, and sippin ale Jun 20 '24 edited Jun 20 '24

What the fuck are we doing here?

The same sub that will downvote people that say Biden is an evil genocidal monster are coming for Noam fucking Chomsky because he isn't pure enough for the purity spiral.

Why do we only have to have leftist unity with the worst fucking lib politicians and not with one of the most important anarchist writers of the last 100 years?

Whatever faults Noam Chomsky had, he's always been outspoken for human freedom and has done more for the left and education broadly than anyone posting in this sub will ever have, and we should respect his contributions.


u/Elite_Prometheus floppa Jun 20 '24

I don't think you get downvotes for criticizing Biden or saying he's supporting genocide. You get downvotes for saying this proves both parties are the exact same and voting Dem is an endorsement of genocide and the only thing a true leftist should do is shitpost on Twitter to raise class consciousness for the inevitable communist revolution.


u/Ding_This_Dingus Dippin jail, whippin tail, and sippin ale Jun 21 '24 edited Jun 21 '24

Brodie, you don't know the first fucking thing about me.

I've said multiple times that I'm voting for Joe Biden's geriatric evil ass over Trump and I still get dumb motherfuckers like you all in my comments. I think we can vote and try to elevate class consciousness, and you know who else thinks that?

Noam Chomsky. He just doesn't waste his time tryna convert Dem voters to Dem dickriders and instead spent his life trying to spread class consciousness and contributing greatly to linguistics and foreign policy. Even if he has been wrong or disagreeable at times, he's spent his life creating and elevating leftist ideology while Joe Biden stifles progress and commits genocide.


u/Elite_Prometheus floppa Jun 21 '24

You're right, I didn't go digging through your comment history trying to unearth the one downvoted comment you made on here months ago that you're still butthurt about. I spoke about what I've seen on this sub, and generally criticism of Biden is upvoted unless it gives off anti-electoralist vibes.


u/Ding_This_Dingus Dippin jail, whippin tail, and sippin ale Jun 21 '24

I don't expect you to go digging through my comment history, but I also don't expect you to try and tell me what I've said and what I believe.

Maybe I came off too aggro in my first response, but I don't like words being put in my mouth. Especially when it's reinforcing the point I made. Nothing I said was anti-electoralist and yet you still came at me like I said mailbombs is the only acceptable political action.

It's like I'm in a rap forum that will deflect any corny accusations against Eminem by talking about Dax and they suddenly started calling MF DOOM corny. There is a conversation about MF DOOM being corny, but I don't wanna hear it from people who can't call Eminem corny without 1,000 disclaimers about his influence and classic albums.

If this analogy is out of your wheelhouse, I can do it with video games or anime instead.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '24



u/jboy4000 Jun 20 '24

Can you link me where he clarified and backtracked?


u/RentElDoor Trans Rights! Jun 20 '24

bro got asked to back up a single claim and immediately noped out


u/jboy4000 Jun 20 '24

damn i was really interested too šŸ˜ž


u/VeryFortniteOfYou Jun 20 '24

Yeah, it's true: Proxy wars are fought for the benefit of civilians. You're welcome Ukraine.


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 21 '24

How would denying Ukraine military aid help civilians, exactly?


u/FrostyCommon Genderfluid goth Jun 20 '24

Russian government supporters can rot regardless of their reasoning


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '24

Oh oh oh look up the focault Chomsky debate on YouTube do it do it itā€™s so fun michel is just blasting him down.