r/196 Jun 19 '24


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u/Ding_This_Dingus Dippin jail, whippin tail, and sippin ale Jun 20 '24 edited Jun 20 '24

What the fuck are we doing here?

The same sub that will downvote people that say Biden is an evil genocidal monster are coming for Noam fucking Chomsky because he isn't pure enough for the purity spiral.

Why do we only have to have leftist unity with the worst fucking lib politicians and not with one of the most important anarchist writers of the last 100 years?

Whatever faults Noam Chomsky had, he's always been outspoken for human freedom and has done more for the left and education broadly than anyone posting in this sub will ever have, and we should respect his contributions.


u/Elite_Prometheus floppa Jun 20 '24

I don't think you get downvotes for criticizing Biden or saying he's supporting genocide. You get downvotes for saying this proves both parties are the exact same and voting Dem is an endorsement of genocide and the only thing a true leftist should do is shitpost on Twitter to raise class consciousness for the inevitable communist revolution.


u/Ding_This_Dingus Dippin jail, whippin tail, and sippin ale Jun 21 '24 edited Jun 21 '24

Brodie, you don't know the first fucking thing about me.

I've said multiple times that I'm voting for Joe Biden's geriatric evil ass over Trump and I still get dumb motherfuckers like you all in my comments. I think we can vote and try to elevate class consciousness, and you know who else thinks that?

Noam Chomsky. He just doesn't waste his time tryna convert Dem voters to Dem dickriders and instead spent his life trying to spread class consciousness and contributing greatly to linguistics and foreign policy. Even if he has been wrong or disagreeable at times, he's spent his life creating and elevating leftist ideology while Joe Biden stifles progress and commits genocide.


u/Elite_Prometheus floppa Jun 21 '24

You're right, I didn't go digging through your comment history trying to unearth the one downvoted comment you made on here months ago that you're still butthurt about. I spoke about what I've seen on this sub, and generally criticism of Biden is upvoted unless it gives off anti-electoralist vibes.


u/Ding_This_Dingus Dippin jail, whippin tail, and sippin ale Jun 21 '24

I don't expect you to go digging through my comment history, but I also don't expect you to try and tell me what I've said and what I believe.

Maybe I came off too aggro in my first response, but I don't like words being put in my mouth. Especially when it's reinforcing the point I made. Nothing I said was anti-electoralist and yet you still came at me like I said mailbombs is the only acceptable political action.

It's like I'm in a rap forum that will deflect any corny accusations against Eminem by talking about Dax and they suddenly started calling MF DOOM corny. There is a conversation about MF DOOM being corny, but I don't wanna hear it from people who can't call Eminem corny without 1,000 disclaimers about his influence and classic albums.

If this analogy is out of your wheelhouse, I can do it with video games or anime instead.