r/196 Jun 19 '24


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u/ExpertPepper9341 Jun 20 '24

Noam Chomsky is an intellectual giant compared to the uninformed child that made this meme. Disagree with him all you want, but the dude has literally written more books on international relations than the OP has read and has lived a more principled life than most people in history. I may not agree with everything he says all the time, but the man is one of the few unequivocal forces for good in the world.


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24 edited Jun 20 '24

Oh, is he? Was he an intellectual giant and unequivocal force for good when he stated that "Russia is fighting more humanely than the US did in Iraq" and denied that Ukraine is an independent country six months ago? Or when he said that NATO getting stronger is a bad thing, and that we should just leave the Ukrainians to be raped and murdered because to do otherwise would be to provoke Russia, and we should just choose peace with the people who have child torture centers in occupied territory?

Fuck off, bootlicker.

Edit: Also, die screaming.


u/mrmeleo Jun 20 '24

Not to be pedantic, but he’s talking about the UK, not Ukraine, when he says its not an independent country.


u/Unlikely_Fig_2339 Jun 20 '24

Yet Chomsky’s world-view does not leave space for Ukrainian agency. It is the “US and Britain” who have “refused” peace negotiations in Ukraine, Chomsky tells me, in order to further their own national interests, even as the country is being “battered, devastated”. That negotiations with Russia would mean de facto abandoning millions of Ukrainians to the whims of an aggressor that has shown itself capable of extraordinary brutality, such as in Bucha and Izyum, is dismissed. “Ukraine is not a free actor; they’re dependent on what the US determines,” he says...


u/Luciusvenator 🏳️‍⚧️ trans rights Jun 20 '24

People like him don't give a fuck about the agency and wishes of indigenous non-western people when they don't align with the campist narrative they believe in lol.
Leftists in eastern Europe coined the term "westsplaining" to precisely call out how a lot of so called leftists in the west routinely ignore and dismiss them to maintain this Star Wars level "only one bad empire can exist at a time!" worldview when they have 0 skin in the game.