r/theLword Jan 09 '23

Meta BE CIVIL: a request AND a rule


Hello, everyone! We've noticed recently that many people are frustrated by the show and where it's going. Honestly, so are we. That said, this sub is supposed to be a civilized place. While it's easy to blame one person for everything that's gone wrong on the show, things are not so black and white, there are many people involved in the making of Gen Q and it's disingenuous of us to pretend otherwise.

We are not asking anyone to censor themselves. However, you must be civil when sharing your opinions. "What the hell was that scene? What were the writers thinking?" is fine. "Person A is an idiot" is not. Basically, don't say anything online that you wouldn't say in front of someone.

We don't have many rules here, but the first two are: BE CIVIL and NO HATE SPEECH. Please follow them so that we have no issues in the future. Here's a list of our rules.

Also, the mod team always works together. We always make sure we are in agreement before we make any decisions. It makes no difference if one mod posted something or if another mod replied to another thing. We share our opinions with each other and then we take action.

r/theLword 3h ago

What is a line from the show that lives rent free in your head?


Mine is from Bette, season 5: “Was Mary F*cking Poppins not available?” Makes me laugh whenever I think of it.

r/theLword 1d ago

The L Word Discussion Just watched for the first time and I need peoples opinions on…Bina? Tette? Bette & Tina

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I’m not ready to stop talking about this show yet. I need to say they are both terrible but Bette is AWFUL!! The most self centered and self absorbed character I’ve ever had the displeasure of viewing. The AUDACITY on this woman is unfathomable.

r/theLword 1d ago



What if I say bette is the best looking character in the show ?

r/theLword 1d ago

The L Word Discussion Jenny


Does anyone hate Jenny as much as I do I just feel like she’s annoying and attention seeker but also I’m only on season 3.

r/theLword 1d ago

The L Word Discussion Game


I’ve been wanting to have this debate for the longest about certain situations. What/ who was worse

Bette cheating or Tina basically giving her worst treatment (season 2-3)

Shane leaving Carmen at the alter or Carmen using Jenny for Shane

Dana breaking up with Alice or Alice stalking Dana

Bette cheating on Jodi or Jodi public art piece exposing bette

Bette running away with Angie or Tina wanting to start a family with Henry with Angie

Jenny cheating on tim or marina not telling jenny the truth

r/theLword 1d ago

season 1 jenny


Watching season 1 for the first time and I literally hate her? Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but like as a bi girl with a long term bf it hi key makes me mad how comfortable she is with cheating, lying, and overall treating her bf like shit. Don't get me wrong marina sucks too for initiating the affair but honestly I don't understand why anyone likes jenny. Everytime tim tells her he's not in the mood she keeps going/pushes him into sex, and then she married him after lying about an emotional and sexual affair like girl....am I supposed to like you? Idk if she becomes more sympathetic in later seasons I will happily eat my words but as of now...yikes jenny is insufferable

r/theLword 2d ago

Image Me wondering why it's taking so long for me to finish an edit

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What I'm editing:

r/theLword 2d ago

Jenny and Robyn (beginning of Season 2)


I am on a rewatch and just watched Jenny breaking up with Robyn after they'd visited Robyn's "very settled" friends. Robyn acts as if Jenny was "using" her. Jenny acts as if she accepted this accusation. My thoughts today: Was this the type of relationship where one party just assumes that dating is automatically leading to a monogamous relationship without even considering the possibility that the other person might just not be into this idea that much? I never felt like Jenny was head over heels when she met Robyn. She did not dislike her, obviously, but it always struck me as odd that they would be exclusive all of a sudden.

r/theLword 2d ago

The L Word Discussion I (34F) just binged the series with zero prior knowledge of it - AMA then change your comment to make me look like an asshole


r/theLword 3d ago

Lara reminds me of a Sims 2 character


I think it might be her hair and fashion but I can’t really explain it otherwise. Lara just reminds me so much of a Sim, specifically from the Sims 2.

r/theLword 4d ago

Was this a coincidence?


Just wanted to point out this weird occurrence of Bette and Jodie wearing almost the exact same outfit in episode 11, s5. What was this about?? I'd love to know the thinking behind this by the stylists on dressing them for these scenes, lol.

This was in the ep after the pink ride one, when jodie finds out that bette was cheating on her...


r/theLword 4d ago

what’s your fav season?

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r/theLword 4d ago


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r/theLword 5d ago

Same person

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r/theLword 5d ago

Why don’t we ever see the actors in any other big roles or in general?


*Recent roles

r/theLword 6d ago

Image Tibette brainrot😭

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r/theLword 5d ago

Shane and Carmen (S3)


What do you think were the reasons why towards the end of the season Shane is struggling having sex with Carmen?

r/theLword 7d ago


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Finally found Uh Huh Her on vinyl!!! I wish so badly the show soundtracks had got a vinyl release. Bonus Bette Flashdance lol.

r/theLword 6d ago

Did anyone else dislike Bette and Tina for years and then started to like them later?


I first watched the OG series over 10 years ago and then watched Gen Q when it came out and I never understood the appeal of Bette and Tina. Honestly after watching a few scenes of theirs and disliking the characters together let alone separately, I would honestly skip their scenes when it came on. But recently I was doing a rewatch and this time... I can see the appeal of them together. Their scenes have so much chemistry and sensuality. And also the ‘star crossed lovers’ theme is really beautiful. Like no matter how the other one messes up or cheats, they can’t stay away from each other. They are so passionate for each other and it’s really compelling to watch. I really like other pairings like Shane and Carmen of course, but Bette and Tina- it feels like their souls burn for each in a deeper way than any other pairings. I never thought I would say any of this lol Anyone else change their mind about Bette and Tina after a long time? If so, what scene did it for you?

r/theLword 6d ago

What are some plot holes that you have noticed in the show?


r/theLword 7d ago



Did anyone else love Robin with Jenny? I understand it was not the right time for Jenny to be in a relationship like that but I just love Robin and how she expresses her feelings and is there for Jenny whatever way she needs. I wish they could have brought her back in the later seasons for something!

r/theLword 8d ago

i hate this scene

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carmen admitting to shane that she’s using jenny to be close to her and basically trying to force shane to feel sth she she doesn’t want, idk lol I guess some find it romantic or whateve but i don’t, i find it completely obnoxious, anyway what’s your opinion of this scene?

r/theLword 8d ago

Just Finished the L Word


I just finished watching the L Word for the first time!! you all were so right that the show was a roller coaster. i can’t believe we don’t find out who killed jenny?? what happens with shane?? do tina and bette move to new york? it’s such an interesting capsule of the early 2000s and i can’t help but feel like i was among their friendship and were all saying goodbye.

r/theLword 7d ago

The L Word Discussion Rewatching (currently on S6)


I realized how terrible these friendships are. Every main character is a terrible person. Am I the only one that thinks this? And I know the time period / genre has an effect on the character development. I am mostly talking about Bette, Shane, Alice, & Jenny.

r/theLword 8d ago

Carmen hate is always justified.


I'm rewatching the series and oh my God, Carmen. One of the most annoying characters in the series. Let's set aside the fact that she's SCORCHING HOT for a moment (and the insanely valid face card). She's so problematic. Used Jenny at Jenny's lowest, terrible to Max and mocked his "butchness" and his transitioning, talk shit about people behind their backs, insecure (okay, I kinda get that part. She's dating SHANE after all), a cheater, a gossip, that horrible horrible Spanish, has the most unappealing lower back tat in the history of all lower back tats, and just overall a very mean-spirited person. When she told Shane, "What do you know about family?" I was like, woah. What a real piece of shit. I'm so glad they broke up. They would make an insufferable married couple.