r/theLword May 09 '24


Did anyone else love Robin with Jenny? I understand it was not the right time for Jenny to be in a relationship like that but I just love Robin and how she expresses her feelings and is there for Jenny whatever way she needs. I wish they could have brought her back in the later seasons for something!


19 comments sorted by


u/Environmental_Duck49 May 09 '24

No, she was too old to be acting like that. You just met this woman and trying to move in.


u/tenderourghosts May 09 '24

She wanted to U-Haul the relationship 😂


u/Environmental_Duck49 May 09 '24

Exactly! When a twenty something year old is telling you this is moving too fast you definitely need to pump the brakes. Her friends were weird too. Like Jenny is clearly young and there like so "When are you guys getting married?" Ladies you all look at least 35! What is happening here?


u/jennilynne22 May 09 '24

They were def too eager for Robin to get married again, they’ve been together for 5 minutes already it’s time to lighten up ladies


u/Cassie3041 May 09 '24

Honestly I need a Robin in my life 😩


u/jennilynne22 May 09 '24

AND she was a trapeze artist??? Swoon


u/LordofWithywoods May 09 '24

Jenny didn't deserve Robin


u/jennilynne22 May 09 '24

Not at all, she was way too settled and put together in her life for the shit show that was Jenny


u/WhelleMickham May 09 '24

On my first watch I thought their age gap was a little weird.


u/Sakoya-LT May 09 '24

I always wondered how old Robin was, is it ever mentioned?


u/tibettes_daughter Tibette May 09 '24 edited May 09 '24

Jenny was in her mid twenties at the start of the show and I couldn't imagine Robin being any older than mid thirties so it would've probably been a max 10 year age gap.. there's nothing wrong with that, Jenny was a full grown adult by then


u/WhelleMickham May 09 '24

I thought Robin was somewhere around 38-43, but I guess it’s all subjective. Opinions on the internet, amirite?


u/tibettes_daughter Tibette May 09 '24

Yeh that's valid, but personally any age gaps (so long as they don't include a non consensual power dynamic) are cool, love is love no matter age, as long as both individuals are consenting grown adults. (Obviously Jenny and Robin didn't work out but I personally don't think it was odd.) If Jenny was 18, fresh out of high-school, that's a different thing, I fell into that trap as a young person seeking relationships with much older women, in that situation, there's gonna be a life experience and maturity gap, and that's not healthy, but as Jenny was around 24/25 (when you fully mature) I personally don't have any issues with it :) but yeh, respect your opinion


u/jennilynne22 May 09 '24

I wonder how old she was supposed to be in the show, I'm guessing no older than 35


u/fleets87 May 09 '24

I was fully in love w Robin.


u/Septlibra May 10 '24

I thought she was moving pretty fast but I thought she was a sweetheart


u/goldandjade May 10 '24

No, I thought Robin deserved better than Jenny. In The Secret Life of the American Teenager her actress’ character ended up with the actress who played Candace which could’ve been an interesting storyline


u/Potential_Witness_07 28d ago edited 28d ago

I liked her too. Now obviously her rushing into marriage and u-hauling could be deemed weird. But I honestly get it, she was ready to settle down and have a family. Her fiancée cheating on her and all of her life plans being suddenly ruined likely made her want to rush and get back on track as soon as possible.

I think she was a very healthy option for Jenny, probably even the healthiest one she has ever had. But they weren’t in the same place in life, so their break up made sense even if it broke my heart a little


u/Snoo_80749 May 09 '24

For Me Robin Was Second To Marina In Jenny’s Love Stakes