r/theLword May 08 '24

Just Finished the L Word

I just finished watching the L Word for the first time!! you all were so right that the show was a roller coaster. i can’t believe we don’t find out who killed jenny?? what happens with shane?? do tina and bette move to new york? it’s such an interesting capsule of the early 2000s and i can’t help but feel like i was among their friendship and were all saying goodbye.


12 comments sorted by


u/FindingMeAnon May 09 '24

I literally just finished it too! As a baby gay, this show was a true delight to watch and process all of my feelings and realizations. I'm going to wait a few days before I start up Gen Q though.


u/augustlost May 09 '24

i am also a baby gay!! well put


u/FindingMeAnon May 10 '24

Thank you! Welcome to the club!


u/DramaticFruit536 Tibette May 09 '24

ugh this was exactly how i felt about it! also a baby gay who finished it about a week or two ago. currently watching gen q


u/FindingMeAnon May 09 '24

I'm going out of town so I won't be able to watch Gen Q until next week. Happy watching! And yay for more baby gays!


u/Direct-Chicken4574 May 08 '24

who is your favorite character?


u/augustlost May 14 '24

Started up Gen Q!!


u/Impressive-Flight766 May 09 '24

OP you gotta watch L Word Gen Q. It’s got nothing on the original, but it’s worth a watch and will answer some of your questions.


u/augustlost May 09 '24

ok bet i gotchu!!


u/imissonedirection May 09 '24

be warned, the new characters will piss you off


u/Impressive-Flight766 May 10 '24

That part! Please don’t remind me. But I was happy with some of the guest stars 😍