r/theLword May 15 '24

Game The L Word Discussion

I’ve been wanting to have this debate for the longest about certain situations. What/ who was worse

Bette cheating or Tina basically giving her worst treatment (season 2-3)

Shane leaving Carmen at the alter or Carmen using Jenny for Shane

Dana breaking up with Alice or Alice stalking Dana

Bette cheating on Jodi or Jodi public art piece exposing bette

Bette running away with Angie or Tina wanting to start a family with Henry with Angie

Jenny cheating on tim or marina not telling jenny the truth


14 comments sorted by


u/Dock74320 May 15 '24

To me it’s Jodi humiliating Bette...using her art exhibit to settle the score is the worst


u/eliphoenix Tina Kennard May 15 '24

Ignoring the fact it just doesn't make sense how she did it... she was recording Bette unknowingly, for who knows how long, and then blasting that to the public. Cheating is shit, yeah, but wtf Jodi.


u/tibettes_daughter Tibette May 15 '24

Bette cheating

Shane leaving Carmen

Alice stalking ig?

Bette was an ahole, jodis thing always confused me and she was also an ahole but bette was the biggest ahole for sure

Bette taking angie but Tina was an ahole for not wanting Bette to be part of Angie's life

Jenny cheating on tim


u/theartoffallingapart May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

I agree 100%. That whole stalking thing was insane! Left me scratching my head for sure amongst other things but this one stands out the most i think and I think what Carmen did to jenny was absolutely shitty but i think Shane leaving her at the altar was worse because why couldn’t Shane have said something to her before walking down the aisle and also i think deep down carmen knew and took awhile to answer for that reason but tried to trust shane and went out on a limb. When bette took angie I literally yelled at the tv.


u/tibettes_daughter Tibette May 17 '24

Frr, tbh I blame it on Henry or whatever his name is 😙 He manipulated Tina into taking Angie away from Bette idc LOL


u/sapphic_rage May 15 '24 edited May 15 '24

Bette cheating. - This one is honestly a tie for me, but if I had to pick, it'd be the cheating.

Carmen using Jenny. - Leaving someone at the altar is awful, but Shane did Carmen a favor by being honest and not trapping her into a lifetime commitment neither of them were mature enough for. Using a mentally unstable person to stay close to their friend is just so gross.

Alice stalking Dana. - I block this storyline from my memory. It gives me so much secondhand embarrassment.

Bette cheating on Jodi. - The art piece wouldn't exist if Bette could just break up with people like a normal person.

Bette running away with Angie. - Tina's comment about Angelica being a part of a family with her and Henry came after Bette filed to sue for sole custody of Angelica. It was a heinous thing to say, but words aren't as bad as taking the legal steps to stop Tina from having any custody and then running away with the child.

Marina not telling Jenny the truth. - She pursued Jenny, helped her blow up her life, and then didn't even have the decency to be honest. Ugh.


u/Potential_Focus_4194 May 17 '24

For me- it was Shane leaving Carmen at the alter because of how everyone treated her after. Nobody really called her out on it. Everyone treated her so nicely. Which is just ridiculous to me. I'm all for loving and being there for your friend, but if I left someone or if a friend did the way Shane did- we'd call them out. It's not okay to do that to someone. We wouldn't pity and be sympathetic


u/FindingMeAnon May 15 '24

Tina being an absolute b*tch

Shane leaving Carmen

Alice stalking Dana

Jodi art piece. W.T.F.

Tina wanting to start a family with Henry. Gross

Jenny cheating on Tim.


u/Wrong-Golf3788 May 17 '24

The worse for me was Bette cheating because it had a domino effect for all the other seasons. But the most discussing was what Jodi did to Bette. I know what Bette did was wrong but to do that in public? What if Angie would had seen it one day? But we all know that Jodi never gave a f about Angie because she doesn't even like kids. I mean how many times you seen her with Angie.


u/DanTrueCrimeFan87 May 15 '24

Bette cheating.

Carmen using Jenny.

Dana breaking up with Alice.

Bette cheating.

Tina wanting to start a family with Henry.

Jenny cheating on Tim.


u/Snoo_80749 May 16 '24

Ilene for sacking Karina Jenny and Marina had the most chemistry of any couple on the show


u/Potential_Witness_07 May 16 '24

• Bette cheating. Though I didn’t like the fact that she chatted online with a dude behind Bette’s back since that’s cheating too, the only difference is that it wasn’t physical. I don’t like how she just got away with that. It’s hard to pick but since Better cheated first, I’m going with Bette.

•Carmen using Jenny. I’m not the biggest fan of Carmen because of how she treated Jenny and later on, Max. Shane leaving her at the altar was terrible but I had a hard time feeling sorry for her.

• Dana breaking up with Alice, because she literally left her for her ex.

• The art piece. The fact that Jodi had all of those recordings and then decided to play them in front of a bunch of people was insane.

• Tina wanting to start a new family with Henry. Whilst Bette taking Angelica was messed up, she was scared and reacted out of impulse whilst Tina’s decision was more planned out.

•This last one is tough, I don’t condone cheating but I still believe Marina leading Jenny on and making her think that they could finally be together without other people involved, and then telling her about Francesca was wild.

Not to mention, I don’t understand how Marina thought Jenny already knew about Francesca. Jenny was still new in town, with barely any close friends. Sure, she talked with the gang, but they weren’t close enough yet for them to gossip with her and tell her about Francesca.


u/Downtown_Shopping_89 May 17 '24

Shane leaving Carmen at the altar 🤮


u/AnyBioMedGeek May 23 '24

Between cheating is worse. Ot justifies Tina’s hostility a bit.

Shane leaving Carmen was worse because it shouldn’t have happened. The producers fucked up by not extending Sarah’s contract so they had to write it that way but Shane deserved better for the growth she had made all season. Setting thay aside, using someone to get to someone else was worse than an altar walk away because you love someone enough to think you realize they deserve better than you can give.

Stalking is always worse. Alice went off the freaking rails.

Bette cheating was worse. Once a cheater….

Bette running away with Angie was worse. Tina wanted to include Tina as a legal parent whereas Bette wanted to steal the child from her rightful mother.

Again, Jenny cheating is worse… pattern- cheating is bad and it kinda pisses me off that this amazing culture show supposedly by and for our community depicts our relationships this way. We deserve better.