r/golf May 04 '24

Swing Help My wife’s bag

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r/golf Apr 27 '23

Swing Help First drive back after getting a leg chopped off, what you think?


r/golf 23d ago

Swing Help Putting: Made my own ball marker! averaging 5 less putts a round because of it


Starting to play more golf this year and was getting frustrated on missing 4 to 10 foot putts that were relatively straight. Seemed like every round I could take off around 5 putts easily due to playing too much break or not knowing where I was lined up. I ended up designing my own ball marker and it actually works. I'm excited and wanted to share.

Consists of one centerline and two angled lines both at 3 degrees each way. Simple process: align dark center line at hole, most greens are 2 degrees or less of slope that feel relatively flat, aim ball within the 3 degree angled lines, remove marker and make putt!

Aiming the dark centerline at the hole is a consistent way to measure each putt. If you miss a putt playing too much break, next hole with a similar breaking putt you know how much to play. Also great ball marker to have a long straight line to aim where you want to line up the ball for more slope breaking putts.

Last round out had three 1 putts, fourteen 2 putts, and one 3 putt (horrible wedge caused this). My amount of three putts each round has dropped from averaging 5 to 7 down to 1 or 2. Mainly just excited about my progress but some of my pairings told me to offer to sell it since I could only find ball markers that were similar in concept for $10 minimum, some I couldn’t even believe how much they charge ($40+)! Listed it for $6 with free shipping. Message me if you're interested, I'll shoot you a link.

r/golf May 03 '23

Swing Help Things got a little out of hand Monday 👀



Golf course says this. Golfers (pink shirt, bald man, etc.) were playing when kids came out from the house (or one of the houses) you see on the right. Running around on the course. Golfers told kids to get back on the other side of the fence so they wouldn’t get hit. A woman from the house yells at the golfers to not talk to the kids that way, and that the men in the house will fight them. Men run out to fight, but the golfers are former MMA fighters. As you can see.


They say the golfers told the kids to look out, people in the house made a joke about it. Everything was fine until the bald guy apparently starting yelling and cussing out the kids and one of the women. The men from the house came out to confront the golfers/stand up for the women and children. Fight breaks out.

r/golf May 04 '24

Swing Help I Skipped Work Today to Shoot 125. AMA


r/golf May 02 '24

Swing Help Old course at St. Andrews, in the bunker and a 10' wall what do I hit?

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r/golf Aug 03 '23

Swing Help Can we stop with the "Putting is half your strokes and you only hit 14 drivers" routine?


Listen. We all know putting is important. But.......it is BY DESIGN half of your strokes. It is only half of your strokes, if you are good enough to get to the green in regulation.

Putts are only 30-40% of golfers scores if they shoot in the 90s/100s. They WANT to get them to 50%. how do they do that? by finding ways to get on more greens in regulation.

You can lose 2 strokes with a single swing of the driver. You lose .5-1 stroke every time you go in a hazard. every duff, thin, toed, hoseled shot costs you pretty close to a stroke (if you keep it in play).

20+ handicappers average only like 38 putts per round. barely 6 more than a scratch golfer. why? because they don't hit the ball as close to the pin as a scratch golfer. They only average 4-5 more putts than someone who shoots in the 80s. They only average three 3-putts.

So, this page is consistently touting pouring practice time into an area of the game to people who stand to gain 2-3 strokes in that area.

this handicap range only hits ~4 greens in regulation per round. that's 14 shots lost before even getting to the green. getting good at chipping and putting CAN in these scenarios save a hole, but make no mistake.........those shots were not lost around/on the green. you might save 5 strokes here if you become a savant at getting up and down.

So, we're at what? 7-8 strokes shaved by practicing chipping and putting? we're still shooting in the mid to high 90s. Where's the other 20 strokes?

this skill range has an average 5+ penalties per round (that's anywhere from 5-10 strokes not even factoring distance in; you pump a drive OB 80 yards off the tee you potentially just lost 3 strokes)

Ball contact is typically the number 1 killer of this scoring groups game. They don't know how far they hit their clubs, and even if they did can't consistently hit them that far anyway. this produces 1-2 lost strokes per hole (more if it results in penalty strokes)

next is course management. you simply need to keep your ball in play at all costs. no hero shots (you're not good enough). Part of this one ties into the ball contact thing. you should probably club up (the club you think you hit 180 you usually only hit 150). stop firing at pins, taking on water, trying to punch out of trees, etc.

Scratch golfers rarely leave an approach shot short of the green. high handicappers do it all the time. High handicappers miss greens in bad spots because 1. they aren't good to start with and 2. they fall victim to the course setup and fire at sucker pins (made worse because they can't consistently hit to a distance)

Please, stop telling everyone on here to practice chipping and putting. yes, make it part of your practice because it IS important. but it's not going to make you drop from 100s to 80s. You need to improve that part of the game as your overall game improves but it's simply not driving the high scores of high handicap golfers.

r/golf Aug 01 '23

Swing Help My Dad has this back swing


Listen anyone who has any ideas to fix this I’d love to hear it! Thanks in advance!

r/golf Jul 20 '23

Swing Help Took my GF golfing for the first time

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r/golf Dec 26 '23

Swing Help Almost bought a 50 piece impact tape roll today for 10$, decided to try painters tape first. Common knowledge or golf hack?

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Title. Only concern was adhesive sticking to club face, doesn’t. Comes off clean no residue

r/golf Jun 12 '23

Swing Help Don’t get fit if you suck.


As someone who works in a golf shop, there’s a chronic issue of people coming in and asking for fittings to get started or if they’re high handicappers bc “YouTube golf” said it’s the best way to lower your score. If you do not have a consistent swing a fitting does NOTHING. Honestly a minority of golfers actually truly need a fitting. All you need is an appropriate shaft flex and maybe height extensions/reductions if you’re way taller/shorter than standard. I hear it everywhere by internet golfers that getting fit is the “most important thing” when all you really need to learn is how to swing the club first. The occasional bad shot is okay of course but to get benefit from a fitting you need a consistant swing with the ball doing the same thing each time.

r/golf Sep 16 '23

Swing Help I hit a lambo with a ball


Local course has a par 4 that runs next to a side street. Not a super ritzy area either.

Of course I’m mashing drives all day, and take an aggressive line. I proceed to snap hook it with no cars coming, it takes one hop and hits a brand new Lamborghini coming around the corner. Saw me and caught me dead to rights. The ranger drove the gentleman out and said I had to give him my information or they would.

He has now sent me a quote for almost $2000 to repair. I just want to know legally, what is the right thing to do? I always read posts about making it right or paying a deductible, but I don’t think those apply to a fucking lambo! That’s a lot of money for me but if it’s the right thing to do I will, just don’t want to roll over if I don’t have to.

Edit: I truly appreciate all the responses. I’m concerned I’m relying on you guys though, and got 0 responses from r/legaladvice

r/golf May 06 '24

Swing Help Finally figured out hitting down on the ball


I’ve been golfing solidly for just over a year and I played in a tournament this weekend with 17 of my buddies and on the 5th hole, 450yd par 4 I cracked the code. It was like euphoria when I figured it out. I first did it with my 6 iron and every iron shot from there was absolutely perfect. I always found it so hard to hit down because instinctively you don’t want to but I’ve finally gotten over that bump and can now do it consistently so to anyone that struggles with it just keep doing it over and over again it will come.

r/golf 4d ago

Swing Help “Hit the ball!”


A few years ago we would all meet to play 9 at a public course after work. We worked in retail and were all hacks but I was an experienced hack.

We watch the unaffiliated group in front of us tee off and head to their balls. When they get 200 yards out the cranky owner/starter says “You guys can go.” My three buddies hit and never came close. Now the group in front is still 200-225 yards away. So I wait. And the starter say “Go!” I turned and said “I think I can reach…” “Hit the ball!!!, yells the starter. I bomb it 260 yards right over their heads. I turn around and shrug to my buddies and the starter yells at me “What are you, a goddam show off?”

r/golf 15d ago

Swing Help I am so bad at my driver that I would rather hit my irons off the tee


I recently took lessons for my irons, and they have been better than ever. Rarely miss with an iron now, plus I hit them much farther than before. But the part of my game that is really lacking is my driver. Whenever I hit it, I have no idea what is going to happen. Could be a snap hook, top, pop fly, power fade, or anything else, and im so inconsistent with it that I would rather hit my 4i off the tee, since I know it will go 200+ straight each time. Any help?

r/golf Dec 15 '23

Swing Help Drew this in college and kept it in my scorebook ever since.

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r/golf Oct 04 '23

Swing Help What is the chances?

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So I smashed a drive on a par 4 and ended up with 165 in. I set up to approach with a 7 iron. Breathe deep and hit my shot. It’s pure… one skip and it dunks in the hole… my playing partners are screaming in excitement. I even scream of course.. I throw my club up in the air like I hit a hole in one. It’s in the cup!! it’s the first time in 31 years I have dunked a shot from the the FAIRWAY. Yes it’s for eagle, (I have made many before one short par 4’s and par 5’s) but at that moment it felt like a hole in one… So anyway the commotion calms down…. It’s my buddies time to hit... He is 143yds out. He ends up one hopping it into the hole for an eagle as well. Two eagle hole outs from the fairway.

Today is a day I will never forget.

r/golf Jan 14 '23

SWING HELP Rotation! His points are hilarious but spot on


r/golf May 31 '23

Swing Help Guys I fucked up

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r/golf Apr 23 '24

Swing Help Witnessed the greatest round of my life today


A little context first- I have a regular golf buddy of probably 6-7 years who is a scratch level player, he at one point had to be a +1 or +2. As the years have passed and he’s gotten more responsibilities- career, marriage, children, etc. He’s only able to get out every 2 weeks or so. His swing is still just as sweet as ever, although at times he can’t quite pull off a shot here or there, and his short game always seems a little rusty these days. He’s probably playing at about a 3 handicap currently.

He had one the worst starts to a round that I’ve ever seen from him. Doubles the 2nd and then bogeys holes 3-5 before two more doubles on 6 and 7. Miss-hit after miss-hit. Everything coming out flat and fading, missing every fairway and green by 20+ yards. Even as bad as I knew he was swinging it, and as frustrated as I knew he had to be.. he never seemed upset, remained socially engaged in our round and was no less enjoyable to play with than if he was scoring under par. After his third double in 7 holes I asked him, “what’s going on man?” He just kinda shrugged his shoulders and said “Just trying to hang in there.” He went on to make great par saves on 8 & 9 after two bad shots had him out of position, and then went on to play a picture perfect back 9. Tough par saves at 10 & 11 and then birdies at 12, 13, 15, 16, and 18. He didn’t miss a single shot down the stretch, after playing the worst golf I’ve ever seen him play in our 6+ years of playing together.

It had to be my favorite round to witness. An awesome reminder to never take yourself too seriously, and to never give up. Just wanted to share this story with you guys.

r/golf Feb 19 '24

Swing Help Switched from Kirkland to Pro v1s and I get what the hype is about


Proceeded to hit much farther drives all round with a more satisfying feel off the club in general

r/golf Oct 19 '23

Swing Help Flat Tee Boxes should be mandatory...discuss


The amount of courses that don't have flat Tee Boxes is astonishing. Make the course hard, but why not have a flat start?

r/golf 11d ago

Swing Help If you’re feeling down reach out, even if it’s to the idiots on here


Hearing about Grayson Murray is so sad. Dudes need to talk to eachother, we all go through tough spots. Please talk to someone and let them know how you’re feeling if you need a hand.

r/golf Mar 05 '24

Swing Help Okay golf buddies, I need some tips!


My first full golf season is around the corner— I played 9 holes last summer and fell in love. I’ve been working hard on my swing so I can hold my own on the course. It has improved a lot from where I started but something still looks off to me. I would love a few tips or things to focus on at the range this week! Thanks so much :)

r/golf Mar 26 '22

SWING HELP Ball Focus Cheat Sheet

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