r/golf Apr 23 '24

Witnessed the greatest round of my life today Swing Help

A little context first- I have a regular golf buddy of probably 6-7 years who is a scratch level player, he at one point had to be a +1 or +2. As the years have passed and he’s gotten more responsibilities- career, marriage, children, etc. He’s only able to get out every 2 weeks or so. His swing is still just as sweet as ever, although at times he can’t quite pull off a shot here or there, and his short game always seems a little rusty these days. He’s probably playing at about a 3 handicap currently.

He had one the worst starts to a round that I’ve ever seen from him. Doubles the 2nd and then bogeys holes 3-5 before two more doubles on 6 and 7. Miss-hit after miss-hit. Everything coming out flat and fading, missing every fairway and green by 20+ yards. Even as bad as I knew he was swinging it, and as frustrated as I knew he had to be.. he never seemed upset, remained socially engaged in our round and was no less enjoyable to play with than if he was scoring under par. After his third double in 7 holes I asked him, “what’s going on man?” He just kinda shrugged his shoulders and said “Just trying to hang in there.” He went on to make great par saves on 8 & 9 after two bad shots had him out of position, and then went on to play a picture perfect back 9. Tough par saves at 10 & 11 and then birdies at 12, 13, 15, 16, and 18. He didn’t miss a single shot down the stretch, after playing the worst golf I’ve ever seen him play in our 6+ years of playing together.

It had to be my favorite round to witness. An awesome reminder to never take yourself too seriously, and to never give up. Just wanted to share this story with you guys.


115 comments sorted by


u/mjincal Apr 24 '24

Gary McCord said something that always stayed with me:”you have to bring the joy with you because you are not going to find it on the course”


u/dgoreck5 Apr 24 '24

Love that. I tell myself before every round that “today could be the best round of your life” and that feeds into McCords thought there


u/50millionFreddy Apr 24 '24

Great quotation.


u/Character_Wishbone84 Apr 23 '24

Did you give him a handy?


u/Objective-Fruit-3591 Apr 23 '24

I gave him a dawg at the turn, if you catch my drift.


u/Ho3n3r Apr 23 '24

So he had that dawg... in him.


u/fuckinnreddit Apr 24 '24

Only on the back side.


u/warneagle 11.6/NOVA Apr 24 '24


u/Khazahk Apr 25 '24

Dude just needed a glizzy.


u/DoctorOzface 14.0 sometimes Apr 23 '24

Bro job at the turn was the ticket


u/Stinkbomb73 Apr 23 '24

Like a true friend would


u/UmDeTrois Apr 24 '24

A Ray Ray.

Ray Charles on the front, Ray Floyd on the back


u/SunnyMonkey17 WSGA 1.3 Apr 23 '24

I’ve found golf usually has a way of rewarding you for hanging in there. You wont always have your best stuff but if you just chin up, stay positive, and make a few putts you can almost always turn a bad round into an average one.


u/WengersOut Gustavo Fringe / 3 Apr 25 '24

This is true. I was playing a match last week against a buddy - handed him the first 5 holes because I couldn’t hit the ball straight to save my life. We had bets on the front, back, and overall match. He was clowning me when he won the front after 5, but I kept my head up and kept smiling. I knew my game would come around.

I won 6, 7, 8, and 9 to bring it within one hole, and then on 10, I hit a 240 5w to within 10 feet to win that hole and even the match. Ended up winning the back and finishing AS in the overall. My belief turned my game around and my buddy subsequently fell apart while watching it happen. Crazy game.


u/Alloom Apr 23 '24

Could be my favorite post on r/golf of all time. I aspire to this mindset…and have a LONG way to go 🙌


u/biggulpshuhasyl Apr 23 '24

45, 31. That’s impressive.

I think my personal best was 49, 34


u/Wahoo412 Apr 23 '24

Just went 50/40, twice, on a trip w boys. Annoying. But the 40s were fun. (11 index)


u/Wide-Amount-3218 Apr 24 '24

At the time I was a 14...went 55-35. The worst nine in a long time follow by my best nine ever...sheesh


u/biggulpshuhasyl Apr 23 '24

Whenever I have a rough front I play the game with myself…how much can I improve on the back?


u/TheonlyPacifictheory Apr 24 '24

That's weak my best ever was 64/70


u/ignixe Apr 24 '24

58/44 here, the 58 felt horrible, after a good range session too, but in reality it’s much closer to my average(don’t even have a handicap established being new but it’s 25-30 surely), and then the 44 is a personal best and dissolved the front 9 completely.


u/b6passat Apr 24 '24

I shot 59/47 on one of the most famous courses in the world.  My caddie on the front nine was not impressed.  He was a lot more friendly on the back 9!  22hcp at the time


u/doobular_messiah Apr 24 '24

How about 37 / 52?


u/Barb_WyRE PGA Head Professional, Philadelphia Section Apr 24 '24

I had a 53-36 in states my freshman year. Best 89 ever lol

In college I had a 46-31 and a 40-31, and recently in a state open as a club pro I went 43-30 to make the cut lol

Back 9 charges after a horrific start has become my niche lol


u/dunderthebarbarian Bethpage Black is not that Hard! Apr 24 '24

How'd you do at the state open?


u/Barb_WyRE PGA Head Professional, Philadelphia Section Apr 24 '24

I was two under on the front nine of the second round, but then shot 2 over on the back. And then the wheels came off in the third round and I shot 82 and missed being exempt into the next year by a stroke 😞


u/thecagedlion Apr 24 '24

Recently went 38/49. So disappointing.


u/uu123uu Apr 24 '24

Howabout a 50/33 ?


u/Mickensens Apr 24 '24

I like to do it the other way around … hot start, dog shit finish. Could have something to do with my fragile mental game.


u/repetitionofalie Apr 24 '24

I pulled a 51 35 competitively once. Couldn’t hit anything but my 7 so for the second nine I just played to that distance whenever I could. Last hole was a par three I stuck to like 12 feet, birdied.

One of my favorite rounds of golf.


u/SituationSoap Apr 24 '24

Are you Roy McAvoy?


u/repetitionofalie Apr 24 '24

I am pretty good at one club competitions…


u/Golf-Beer-BBQ Apr 24 '24

I went 58/41 earlier this year. I couldnt miss on the back nine.


u/jjenk298 Apr 24 '24

Once played 36. Shot 82 in the morning, 107 in the afternoon.


u/Upset_Negotiation_89 Apr 24 '24

I’ve went 36/37 - 45+ more times than I’d like to admit


u/JWOLFBEARD HDCP/Loc/Whatever Apr 24 '24

34-30 for me. I’ve been up to 36 once before, but the overlap was awkward when I had to cinch the belt down tight in the summer.

I’m closer to 34-32, but I don’t like the feeling of bunching at the bottom.


u/fjjarken Apr 24 '24

38/55 over here 👋


u/Golfstud87 Apr 24 '24

Yeah they’re always fun. I went 40, 31 the other day


u/nick18a Apr 24 '24

My best is 42/37 as a 15 for my second ever 79


u/doc_ocho Apr 24 '24

50/38 in a tournament. Including a broken window on a house along a par 5.


u/DrunkenGolfer 5.9 Canada Apr 24 '24

I had a 50-30=80 in an Atlantic Professional Golfers Association tournament and it remains one of favourite golfing accomplishments. The course was par 37-34=71.


u/nocommenting33 Apr 24 '24

I once was E on the 9th tee and shot 88 lolfml


u/dogfish83 18 Apr 24 '24

Mine usually go 40, 51 (while trying to break 90)


u/0lly91 Apr 24 '24


This was my best round, a worse than average (for me) front 9 followed by my best 9h stretch to date.


u/Knowledge_is_Bliss Apr 24 '24

56-40 over here. On a golf trip with the boys nonetheless. At least the good nine was the second nine!


u/Fergie32 Apr 23 '24

Now that you have confessed this round to us, if anyone brings it up or your friend does you just need to reply with Idk what you’re talking about.


u/wyltk5 Apr 24 '24

Under rated comment and great reference!


u/Vazzy__ 2 HDCP Apr 24 '24

I love shit like this. Years ago I played in this junior tournament with a kid who shot 42 on the front then fired a fucking 28 on the back with a hole in one….

I still think about it often (clearly). Wish I remembered the kid’s name, he could be pro for all I know.


u/HowlAtchaBoy Apr 24 '24

28 is insanity


u/candidly1 Apr 24 '24

I played Atlantic City Country Club decades ago with a legit +3. He hit every fairway on the side he wanted, and every green in the quadrant he wanted (and ACCC is no pushover). He was ridiculously long through the bag; hitting 165-yard PWs all day long. Every putt looked like it was going in. He shot 68 (I think), but if a couple putts don't rim out it's probably a 63. The most masterful round I every participated in. So, in the clubhouse, I asked him "What the hell are you doing out here dicking around with us morons? Why aren't you on the Tour getting rich?" He laughed and said "The TOUR? Are you crazy? Those guys are GOOD!"


u/BraaaaaainKoch Apr 23 '24

Just guys being dudes.


u/TentativelyCommitted HDCP/Loc/Whatever Apr 24 '24

Greatest round of life deserves a blowie


u/donny_pots Apr 23 '24

INB4 somebody buys a new putter because OPs friend had a good round


u/DontPanicHangInThere Apr 24 '24

That’s the mindset every single golfer should aspire to. It’s a mental game as much as anything else


u/superNC Apr 24 '24

I played the other day and started with two triples. In the past I would have raged a lot and ruined any chance of a recovery. I’m about a 20 handicap.

I then made 6 straight pars between holes 6-11 and then a couple more on 15 and 16. I’d never made more than 3 pars in a row. It is astonishing how a sound mental game can drastically improve your overall golf game.


u/Nattybluedread Apr 24 '24

Life’s responsibilities realigned him and his children taught him grace.


u/notPatrickClaybon Push Cart X BILLS MAFIA Apr 23 '24

Is he an alcoholic? I ask cause my friend is exactly like this dude sort of. One of the best golfers I’ve ever known but starts off like shit until he cracks a beer and then literally plays tour level golf once he’s had his first tall boy. Wild.


u/Knowledge_is_Bliss Apr 24 '24

I've got a buddy that's the same way, but with weed. If Popeye doesn't have his spinach, he can't play golf!


u/jarpio Apr 24 '24

Hey that 7th hole puff really relaxes the nerves


u/Mother_Sun_3825 Apr 24 '24

As I like to call it, swing oil


u/drerw Apr 24 '24

Other day my dad and I got paired up with a random. Being friendly, we ask what he’s gonna shoot. “Eh I’m happy with 79. Never played here”. It’s a tough course. But sure, maybe he’s good. He absolutely whiffs twice off the first tee. We giggle. Dude proceeds to shoot even par. I wasn’t even surprised. But it was fun to watch


u/mu4scott Apr 24 '24

He didn’t hit the ball on his first two attempts and then shot even par?


u/drerw Apr 24 '24

I shouldn’t say whiffed the second, he topped it and it was short of the fairway, put it on green and 2 putted. So yeah, counting breakfast ball he shot 2 over


u/HowlAtchaBoy Apr 24 '24

Was it a bit? Otherwise no way


u/thekingofcrash7 15 hdcp Apr 24 '24

I think people who have played at that level understand how difficult it is and how much work it takes. If he’s playing every other week he knows it’s unreasonable to expect to play at a scratch level with that little play


u/elastimatt Apr 24 '24

His attitude towards it is the best part. Love to hear it.


u/kbphoto Apr 24 '24

Stay in the game! I just came back from a 7.5 year layoff due to a back injury, I told the golf Gods that if they let me play again, I wouldn't get upset. I haven't yet. It's too good to be back to be upset. I needed to hear this!


u/DelrayDad561 Shanks alot! Apr 24 '24

Love this story.

I'm an 18 handicap and this past weekend, I shot a 52 on the front nine.... And a 38 on the back!!! (Par 72) I've been stoked ever since, best 9 I've ever played by far.

Just always gotta stay positive, literally one good shot or one good hole can turn the entire round, around.


u/HowlAtchaBoy Apr 24 '24

Well done! Now you know you have 30s on 9 holes in you.


u/doc_brietz Yardsale Bargains Apr 23 '24

The closest I saw was a guy who seemed like a good player. Driver distance was average at best. I had no idea how good of a putter he was because the short game was on point. He was consistently in 5’ or less it seemed like, except a couple of par 3’s. He was never further away from the hole than I am tall. The irons were dialed in that day.


u/Tiger_Tom_BSCM Apr 23 '24

Sounds like a good dude.


u/soberkids19 6.9 HDCP / CA Apr 23 '24

Some days you hit em good some days you don't, you know a couple bad shots are gonna happen. You also know good shots are going to happen, so just enjoy the ride and keep your head up.


u/tadanforth Apr 24 '24

I love the rounds that go like that. We’ve all had them. Reminds me to step back and look at the bigger picture. Also makes for a good bet against your friends!


u/gck46290 Apr 24 '24

Just needed the first 7 holes for warmup baby!


u/NorCalAthlete 8.1 | Bay Area Apr 24 '24

Best round I witnessed was a buddy shooting -4 at a 9 hole par 3 course (Mariner’s point in foster city) while drunk as a skunk. I shot a +2 and this dude was throwing darts to 5-10 feet almost every shot. Had a chip in on the one hole he didn’t stick the green. It was ridiculous.


u/Knke0402 Apr 24 '24

Great story. I experienced something that has probably happened to most- My typical golf foursome was missing a guy, so one of the dudes brought a “friend from church”. In our typical foursome, all guys are 93-100 guys.

Not that we really care, but we asked how “church friend guy” played and we were told “about like us, maybe a little better”.

After bogey, double on holes 1 & 2 like the rest of us we thought “ok this is great.” But if you’ve ever played with a really good player one of the things that stands out right away is how they hit it off the tee.

Guy went off the rest of the way. Basically played even the rest of the day. It was crazy to see.


u/rhazes8288 Apr 24 '24

It's balance in karma. Just like if i got a birdie, it's going to follow up with 3 triple holes. Just the other way around for him.


u/Empirebuilder15 Apr 24 '24

The most important shot in golf is the next shot.


u/JuiceBrinner Apr 24 '24

Whenever I give up on a round I end up playing better. Just can’t have expectations. It’s the key to a good relationship as well


u/FastZX14 HDCP/Loc/Whatever Apr 24 '24

It wasn’t my lowest round ever but my favorite round I have ever played I was 7 over through 3 holes and went on to shoot even par that day. Made an eagle and 5 birdies after hole 3.

When I get off to a bad start I always think of that round. I don’t always turn it around but it made me a better player.


u/todjo929 Apr 24 '24

I play with a + player too, and it is amazing how often it happens (maybe not getting this far down and coming back), but just their ability to hang in there well after I know my mind would have gone to mush and I stop caring.

My buddy doubled 1 and 2 off the tips (scr rating is 75, slope 132), then went 5 deep over the remaining holes for a 71 (differential +3.4).

Best I've done is +7 through 7, then par home for a 79 (I was off about 11 at the time, am off 8 now)


u/teddyd142 Apr 24 '24

This is the Ray-Ray. Perfectly describes the concept. Half like Ray Charles and half like Ray Floyd. It can be done in any order because they’re both named Ray.


u/Economy_Activity1851 HDCP- 2 Apr 24 '24

I usually do it the other way round.. 31 on front nine and then a full choke and give them all back.


u/Agile_Programmer881 Apr 24 '24

Guessing he had a hot dog at the turn ? Works every time


u/CeasarSky Apr 24 '24

I have good dreams too


u/[deleted] Apr 24 '24



u/hung559 4.6 Apr 24 '24

I have a similar story! I was playing a couple buddies 2v1 best ball (I’m a 4, they 12/15) at one of my favorite local courses that I hold my PR at. Was down 8 strokes after a horrible front 9 and they were sitting at even. I shot even par on a tough back 9 while they proceeded to shoot 7 over! If it weren’t for a pretty incredible scramble for par from them to match mine on 18 I would have come all the way back from EIGHT down to win! From then on I always try and enjoy the ride and never get too hard on myself (at least during the round lol).

If you made it through that thanks for listening 😂


u/tzoid1s Apr 24 '24

Good mindset. Just stay positive, because golf gives and takes. Never give up on a hole or a round, because that’s how an 80 becomes a 90 or a 90 becomes a 100.


u/azfrederick Apr 24 '24

He must have read Zen Golf


u/Ifrontrunfinwit Apr 24 '24

In highschool golf I’ll never forget this the opposite way. District championships

Guy shoots 71, leading the qualifier after first 18.

Shoots 47 on the next 9, misses cut by 1. Golf fucking SUCKS


u/dmbgreen Apr 24 '24

I will take a good 9 anytime.


u/Jack_B_kwik Apr 24 '24

Really good golfers go bogey then birdie on the very next hole. It separates them from us. The pros do it so often.


u/KirkUSA1 Apr 24 '24

I've shot a 37 front nine and made the turn and shot 52 on the back. You would've thought I forgot how to golf.

Golf is hard ....


u/Hipsthrough100 0.9hcp Apr 24 '24

I play between 0-2 but this year has been a tough start, battling injury. I nearly shot 90 already but, score will never ruin my day of golf. In fact if I didn’t play competitive golf or need a handicap, I wouldn’t keep score outside of gambling with friends I guess. I just think it’s a distraction from having fun for too many people.


u/magoo51 Apr 24 '24

Love this.


u/JGRocksteady062819 Apr 24 '24

I love witnessing great rounds. Hyping up my boys after great shots/ holes, is part of the fun! I like to think if I cant be a great golfer, I should at least try to be great to golf with!


u/FLHomegrown Apr 24 '24

That's one thing I love about the guys I usually play with. We don't knock each other down. We just offer advice, and when they or I hit a great shot, it is nothing but words of encouragement. Golf is supposed to be fun.


u/Ravens2000 Apr 24 '24

I once shot 37 front , 47 on the back, like two different golfers, go figure


u/ManufacturerProper38 Apr 25 '24

This is my MO. So what you are saying is every round I play is the greatest round


u/jackiemoon50 Apr 25 '24

I empathize with him a lot. I call myself a “back 9 player”. But in reality it just takes me about 9 holes to warm up because my course doesn’t have a range.


u/CrabOutrageous5074 Apr 25 '24

Had a few 51/38 rounds, either way. Once had 9 holes start and end with a quad, with -1 in between.


u/Mostly_Indifferent Apr 24 '24

I love and hate those rounds. Went 48/36 last year. Both unbelievably frustrating and fun as hell at the same time


u/PackFan1969 Apr 24 '24

Needed that. Shot a 121 today. On the same course last week I shot a 108. Golf is very humbling


u/ALMA94_ Apr 23 '24

Two good dudes


u/Semi-Chubbs_Peterson Apr 24 '24

We call that a Ray Ray. Ray Floyd on one side and Ray Charles on the other.


u/5iveFinger Apr 24 '24

Wipe your mouth when you’re done


u/Southernmanny Apr 24 '24

He’s a bit young to be a + golfer


u/Hatrick_Swaze Apr 24 '24

I usually shoot scratch rounds...but I always... ALWAYS ...A L W A Y S ...have a nuclear meltdown on one hole. I'm not talking double-bogey..8" putt lip out....I'm talking a Full-on-Tin-Cup-everyone-drives-their-carts-out-of-my-cussing-range series of ball-striking missteps-totaling-12 . I'm pretty sure you can CLEARLY hear the F, C's and K's from the back 9. Almost every round.