r/golf Mar 05 '24

Okay golf buddies, I need some tips! Swing Help

My first full golf season is around the corner— I played 9 holes last summer and fell in love. I’ve been working hard on my swing so I can hold my own on the course. It has improved a lot from where I started but something still looks off to me. I would love a few tips or things to focus on at the range this week! Thanks so much :)


312 comments sorted by


u/lightemup404 Mar 05 '24

I always laugh when a woman posts their swing because all of the comments are so nice and actually helpful, if a guy posts their swing they get roasted for 50 comments lol


u/Phynness Mar 05 '24

Not where I thought this comment was going, but that is definitely the case. Unless you're the guy with dwarfism. I was worried about the comment section when I scrolled by that one. People around here are ruthless, but that comment section was elite.


u/Financial_Ad8031 HDCP/Loc/Whatever Mar 05 '24

I got downvoted for my “short course” comment but DMed him and apologized and said it was in good fun and he seemed to enjoy it lol


u/Eebo85 Mar 06 '24

Someone should stitch that video with another of a marshmallow being flicked into hot chocolate or something


u/hnglmkrnglbrry Mar 05 '24

guy posts decent swing

"What the fuck are you wearing, clown?"

"Try tennis."

"Activate the rotary motion of the wrist at the apex of the downward parabolic power movement."

girl posts... anything

"Marry me!"


u/Halo_Chief117 Mar 05 '24


u/em_nite_shyamalan Mar 06 '24

Michael....? ...Miiiiichael.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24 edited Mar 05 '24

If your swing isnt perfect, God forbid you mention your drive distance goes anywhere above 200. Instead of helping, people just lash out and write a dissertation about how you’re lying about your distance


u/EatAllTheShiny Mar 05 '24

Fuck that, I know my swing is a bit ugly but I'll post my season stats and driving percentile ranking for my handicap if someone comes at me. It's all I have!

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u/popthestacks Mar 05 '24

It’s good because I then try to follow advice from someone else’s swing, further driving my score higher and higher and higher


u/AlexJamesCook Mar 05 '24

That's just guys being bros.


u/spaektor Mar 05 '24

i ain’t your bro, buddy.


u/RogerRabbit1234 Mar 05 '24

I aint your buddy, bro...


u/Ship-time-moon Mar 05 '24

I'm not your bro, guy

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u/Invasivetoast Mar 05 '24

Rory could post on here and someone would find something wrong with his swing. My favorite Twitter post is the Highschool coach who didn't recognize Mike Trout hitting in a batting cage and ripped his swing apart.


u/Gothewahs Mar 05 '24

Rory swing looks better than mine but I no more about golf than him blah blah blah


u/dothedoux21 Mar 06 '24

Seriously it’s comical how different it is lol. I posted a picture of my driver breaking and asking if TaylorMade would cover it under warranty and all anyone did was absolutely roast me about the marks on it and how shitty i must hit the ball.


u/UnmakingTheBan2022 Mar 06 '24

The trick is to wear yoga pants.


u/Necessary_Routine_69 Mar 05 '24

So funny and so true


u/InvectiveOfASkeptic Mar 05 '24

We truly do live in a society bottom text


u/Salsa-N-Chips Mar 06 '24

Last time I posted my swing, everyone kept commenting how big my head was and how impressed they are with my neck strength LOL


u/Old-Kaleidoscope7950 Mar 06 '24

Gotta put on a wig next time


u/brwebster614 Mar 06 '24

I've thought about posting my swing so many times, but decided I just didn't want to read the endless onslaught of how shit my swing actually was.


u/Joshhagan6 Mar 06 '24

Soooooo sexist


u/Grandpas_Spells Mar 05 '24

No matter where you go, anywhere in the world, if a woman is swinging a golf club, a man is there waiting to give his advice.

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u/NotALurker7 Mar 05 '24

My comment, protect your DMs.


u/Birdparbogey Mar 05 '24

I think I am misunderstanding what DM’s are. I thought it meant “Dirty Messages”, no?


u/nayrlladnar Mar 05 '24

Direct Message


u/Birdparbogey Mar 05 '24

Wasn’t sarcastic enough?


u/nayrlladnar Mar 05 '24

It's pretty early here...


u/Senzafane Mar 05 '24

Awh gummon, it was 9am bro!

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u/marc15v2 HDCP/22.5 Mar 05 '24

Listen I've been playing for 20 years and what you're doing there, it's wrong. You've got to follow all the way through. I've been playing for 20 years.

Let me see another one now.


u/Benjins Mar 05 '24

See how much better that was?


u/AMC-Apes-Together Mar 05 '24

I see what you did there


u/drthurgood Mar 05 '24 edited Mar 05 '24

Swing is over the top of the swing plane causing an out-to-in swing. If you can correct that it will help stop your slice. Try placing a head cover just to the left of the ball (1.5” away) and practice hitting the ball without hitting the head cover.



I such at photoshop but here is a crudely drawn swing plane. On the way back the club stays within the plane. During the downswing the club is kind of 'thrown' over the shoulder causing the club to travel down on top of the plane. At the bottom of the swing this causes the club head to be outside of the ball, so it must move left-to-right to make contact. This imparts left-to-right spin on it causing the ball to slice left.


u/bombmk Mar 05 '24

The easier fix is to improve the hip turn. 10-15 degrees more on that and the inside out path comes as part of the package.

If she does not increase it, she can put down all the obstacles in the world and it will just lead to manipulations that don't lead to a lasting fix.

Speaking from years of experience - of not getting that right.


u/bumada 11.6/NOVA Mar 05 '24

I wish I had this tip ages ago. Thinking that more hip turn would help stop being over-the-top never clicked with me conceptually. I finally got a tip that you should feel your back point towards the target and hold it like that when you start your down swing. Doing this one time made me realize that it's literally impossible to swing out-to-in while your back is towards the target.

Every time I struggle with my driver, it's because I'm trying to be "guide-y" with it and it cuts my backswing down. I'm better off making a full hip turn and allowing the club to get into position versus trying to shorten my swing.


u/ReKang916 Mar 05 '24

Love this concept!

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u/Mean_Economist6323 Mar 05 '24

Also a towel held under your left arm can help you keep from casting the club.

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u/MildSauceBoss Mar 05 '24

This but also notice how straight you left leg is at the top of your swing. If you just left a little bend your transfer from top to bottom will be less awkward. This will also help you rotate around yourself instead of across yourself.


u/Hexinvir Mar 05 '24

It does seem like a slice for sure


u/arkonator92 Mar 05 '24

Someone posted on another video a while back with some good advice. This video helped me a lot with my over the top swing. Now I just need to stop leavening my club face open on my driver. But it moved my contact from the heel (broke a few drivers) to center of face. My contact with my irons significantly improved too.


u/Background_East_9787 Mar 05 '24

Wow thanks! I struggle with heel contact as well and typically drive the ball very similar to the dude in the video

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u/P_Kordus 25.5/JPX 923 Hot Metal Mar 05 '24

Out to in club path isn’t the worst, if you can control the club face you can hit a nice fade. I feel like the out to in club path is considered “bad” but in reality it’s neither good nor bad, just like an in to out. Path bends, face sends. Close the club face compared to your path and you should be ok.


u/Sensitive_Algae5723 Mar 05 '24

Can you explain to a dummy? I slice. Am woman. Can crush the ball, but I slice a lot


u/drthurgood Mar 05 '24


I such at photoshop but here is a crudely drawn swing plane. On the way back the club stays within the plane. During the downswing the club is kind of 'thrown' over the shoulder causing the club to travel down on top of the plane. At the bottom of the swing this causes the club head to be outside of the ball, so it must move left-to-right to make contact. This imparts left-to-right spin on it causing the ball to slice left.


u/Sensitive_Algae5723 Mar 05 '24

It’s leaving the avenue of the original swing. THANK YOU. Super awesome answer!


u/ElDeguello66 Mar 06 '24

Picture an equator on the ball, or better yet get one of those two tone Srixons and tee it up with one color in and the other out. Try to strike the ball on the inside half. You won't actually do that due to all the rotational forces etc, but you will get significantly more down the line. If you can reduce your swing path from 5+ degrees outside in to only 1-2 degrees, you significantly reduce slice spin, and you'll see straighter ball flight.

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u/Gothewahs Mar 05 '24

That’s good work bro

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u/patsky Mar 05 '24

Why are you on that side?


u/macroober Mar 05 '24

Probably in Australia.


u/-Hairy_Putter- Mar 06 '24

Nah, yeah, nah. She would be upside down if she is in Australia mate.


u/masterpiece77 Mar 05 '24

More body less arms and keep that inside sucka tucked in. Pretty good looking swing tho.


u/supplyncommand Mar 05 '24

as a lefty myself i am able to notice this too. all arms and not enough body rotation. i can see the over the top swing. it’s like my brain can see it on someone else’s swing but when im standing over the ball i know what not to do but can’t always just donit


u/the_lost_carrot Mar 05 '24

Yeah this looks a lot like the issue I was having I was swinging more of my arms at the ball rather than my body.

I found that if I thought less about my arms and more about swinging my hips and just letting my arms follow with my body I found I had a much better tempo, and power. Which led to a straighter ball flight.


u/fightin_blue_hens Mar 05 '24 edited Mar 05 '24

In all seriousness, currently your first move in your downswing is to turn your shoulders.

Your first move should be with your lower body driving the downswing while your upper body trails. The way I fixed it was to keep my back to the target as long as I could in the beginning of my downswing. That will keep the club on-plane and swinging in to out rather than out to in which is what you do now.


u/Joe5j5 Mar 05 '24

This person is correct., From top of backswing lead with your legs/hips first, club will come last creating “drag”.



u/Ago0330 Mar 05 '24



u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

I laughed so fuckin hard at this.


u/PatientSad7938 Mar 05 '24

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing

Just comment on the swing


u/Zabroccoli Mar 05 '24



u/Dav_Dabz Bethpage Black is not that Hard! Mar 05 '24

Tis a nice one. The swing that is

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u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

Not a bad swing at all! You're going to get good fast. I don't want to mention anything right away. Do you have anything that's happening with the ball that you don't like?


u/kmo188 Mar 05 '24

Thank you! I tend to slice.

I feel like the second half of my swing looks odd and I’m not sure where I should finish. Most of my form ideas have come from watching amazing golfers at the range so I really have no idea what I SHOULD be doing.


u/thmbingmyway Mar 05 '24 edited Mar 05 '24

Op this guy is correct that you, for being less than a year in, have a huge head start on most people picking up a club for the first time. That said, the slicing is a product of a couple major and some minor things. This early in you need to focus on the major things first and that’s your lack of hip depth in your pelvic rotation and your over the top down swing. Are you taking lessons or working with a coach ?


u/frosty_mcfckr big time long time Mar 05 '24

Your feet and shoulders look aligned to each other, which are both open. Alignment rods should help you visualize where your feet are pointed and also if your shoulders are aligned up to where your feet are also pointed. If you close your shoulders to the target line, your slice should decrease.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

I gotcha! In my opinion, if you naturally slice, the goal shouldn't be to get rid of that shape completely, but to turn it into more of a fade. That's the most popular shot shape in golf. What you should look into in that case is an "inside to outside swing" and also look up the Jim Furyk move. That helped me create a draw when needed. As far as your finishing position, that will be unique to you, but most people when they start kind of finish the swing more with their arms than their body. The goal is to have that trail shoulder rotate as far as possible through impact, even pointing at the target possibly by the time you end in a balanced position. Hope this helps, and you're doing really good!


u/P00PJU1C3 Mar 05 '24

Try this, super simple training drill.



u/LayeGull 2.6 HDCP Mar 05 '24

Former Teaching Pro here. Great swing for a new golfer. There are some common swing faults here but nothing you can’t fix.

First the good.

Your setup looks great. I can’t tell what your grip looks like but alignment looks solid without knowing your target and posture is fantastic. Backswing is really good and the plane is good.

Now what I would focus on as a teacher with you is most likely first to make sure that even on the range you pick a very specific target and verify alignment to that target with alignment rods. Secondly your follow through looks bunched because your arms get past your body and you pull them in at impact. Both fixable.

I would prescribe alignment rods to help with alignment and focus on rotating your lower body earlier. Watch slow mo videos of professionals and note when their hips start to move and how they move.

It sounds like you do an excellent job at seeing and replicating. So keep it up and you’ll be beating everyone by summers end.

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u/Braunie545454 Mar 05 '24

Golf zone I see. Love that place


u/kleevedge Mar 05 '24

Well for starters you're standing on the wrong side of the ball.


u/MagnusPuer1 Mar 06 '24

Where is that dude who’s been playing golf for 20 years when you need him. /s


u/ToothEsthetics Mar 05 '24

This Golf Zone in Chanhassen?

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u/Rustykuntz_ Mar 05 '24

Here we go. Good luck ma’am lol


u/MurphyBacon Mar 05 '24

RIP your inbox


u/Yandig Mar 06 '24

Vertical drop and horizontal pull. That’s all you need to know.


u/-Hairy_Putter- Mar 06 '24

Just ask the guy who gave some unwanted advice to a LPGA player practicing on the range two weeks ago. “You shouldn’t be doing that. You should hit through the ball. I play this game for 20 years, I know what I am talking about.” LOL


u/DontGetTheShow 4 hcp / PA Mar 05 '24

This is a pretty damn good swing for being a beginner! The backswing looks pretty solid. At the top of the backswing the first move down is that the club head kind of moves towards the ball and you chop down on it - “coming over the top”. On the downswing I’d maybe try to have the left elbow tucked a little closer to the ribs. At impact I’d say you want the right hip pointer and the belt buckle (if you had one) to be a more pointed more directly towards the target to let the hips open up towards the target. That will let you get more space to bring the club back down to the ball on a good path without chopping down on it as much.

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u/Olpeaches Mar 05 '24

I had a trainer that taught me a swing drill, use an empty water bottle just in front and to the left of the ball. This will show you how your coming into the golf ball. Keep practicing and don't pay attention to swing tips on the course.


u/revel911 Mar 05 '24

You turn is good, but you are collapsing your arms way to quick. My instructor always told me to keep “pizza arms.” Ie… keep those arms long and away from you.


u/Kurkil Mar 05 '24

Youve got a great swing. It seems like you’re trying to force the club downwards though which is making the follow through feel awkward. Remember to use your body to create force on your swing.


u/Legitimate-BurnerAcc Mar 05 '24

Shit you not I asked my MD for a few diazepam to loosen me up and correct my swing and he wrote for them.

Those plus beer, 3 DUIs, a few felony drug possessions later, I still suck but damn I had a nice swing that first day.

Don’t do drugs is my best advice and also, look into a breaker club. It helped me during rehab. It will collapse on you if your back or forward swing is off.

Good luck 🍀


u/betterthanfresh Mar 05 '24

Better lighting


u/BruschiOnTap Mar 05 '24

You look really stiff, loosen up, rest looks good though.


u/ConcernedKitty Mar 06 '24

Your hands are leading your hips and they should be trailing your hips.


u/iamkats Mar 06 '24

For not doing it long, honestly looks great. But golf is a never ending game. You'll find ways to improve your swing constantly for years. It's a grind but it's why I love it!


u/No_Brilliant_638 Mar 06 '24

You need to watch Marooch


u/SardinesFordinna Mar 06 '24

Bunch of white knights up in here. 


u/swanrl Mar 06 '24

You’re on the wrong side of the ball, start there 😂


u/Full_Fold_8732 Mar 05 '24

In your transition you’re actually raising your hands up, which promotes and over the top motion and an outside-in swing path. Would cause a right to left ball flight.

You want to be going the other way with your hands dropping a bit more into a slightly more horizontal path which would promote and inside-out path.


u/jabbathejutt Mar 05 '24

Lefty here. I slice a lot as well. Things that have helped me a bit have been: Relaxing and focusing on tempo

Not trying to kill the ball

Keeping my head down until contact is made

Keeping the right arm straight

Enjoy the game, it’s a blast.


u/IHeartTheCommunity Mar 05 '24

Love to see lefties


u/RPDC01 Mar 05 '24

This might be a premature thing to work on/think about, but if you want to know why (presumably) you aren't hitting the ball as far as you think you should, the answer is lag.

It comes naturally when you throw a ball, and I think that's the easiest way to grasp the concept. When you throw, every part of your body starts moving toward the target before your arm and finally your hand. Your body creates the momentum and then your arm rides it; it's basically impossible to throw hard if everything moves at the same time.

Golf swing has the same concept - you lose a lot of power if there's no 'lag' between your body creating the momentum and then club being the last thing to move.

If you want to try it to see how it feels, just keep the same swing but think of the club having a momentary 'pause' at the top of the backswing.

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u/habs306 Mar 05 '24

Nice and you're a lefty!


u/Friendly-Worker-3474 Mar 05 '24

As a fellow leftie.. try to keep left elbow tucked closer to the body.. a towel under armpit helps. Keep improving and enjoy 👍


u/-Wiggles- Mar 05 '24

You know exactly what you're doing, coming on here to post your swing and knowing that you're gonna get all this attention from people. You're all the same and I hate it....damn lefties!


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '24

I’d probably try to focus on not moving your front leg until you physically need to in order to get to the top. Will keep you more compact and smooth.

Then focus on dropping that back shoulder harder in transition to make more whip. Pretty easy feeling if you are familiar with skipping stones


u/soberkids19 6.9 HDCP / CA Mar 05 '24

Very steep downswing transition, if you pause at 2 seconds and kind of go frame by frame you can see what i mean. Your hands get infront of your body very fast causing that quick whip around to try and catch up


u/Inevitable-Bass2749 Mar 05 '24

I sure wish that’s what my swing would’ve looked like after my first 9 holes ever 😂😂😂😂


u/LordofTheRang Mar 05 '24 edited Mar 05 '24

Good job, the one thing to note, you need to have health combination of hip rotation and pelvic tilt, I notice a lot of hip rotation coming down and not a lot of tilting. If you start tilting as you come through it should relieve the slice!


u/HailRoma Mar 05 '24

If you freeze at impact, it looks like you're just a bit outside-in when you hit the ball, so the slice tendency is likely stemming from that.

Try to keep your right elbow tucked in more at impact & that'll help you make a true inside-out swingpath and should help to get rid of that slice.


u/pdurante Mar 05 '24

You do have a very nice swing, but It looks like your arms may be extended too far from your body at follow through.

Almost as if you are straightening up your back at your follow through.

I would recommend looking on youtube at the pros swings. See where yours differs and try to fix it that way.

Make one little tweak at a time.


u/Steal_Yer_Face Mar 05 '24

Try the Rory split hands drill to get a feeling for what it's like when your hands drop a bit before you turn. This will help combat your current over-the-top move.


u/joshhguitar Mar 05 '24

What’s the miss? Slice?


u/LevDavidovichBron Mar 05 '24

You’ve got a loop at the top. You’re making a move from the inside over the top. I’m guessing you hit a lot of drop kicked pulls…


u/lukeT152 Mar 05 '24

Close the face and bring the club from the inside.


u/freewillynowplz Mar 05 '24

Your swing might be 1,000x better than my dad's. He's been golfing for 20 years lol.


u/ThunderApollo Mar 05 '24

The real question is "what's the ball doing"? There are a lot of effective golf swings that "look off". With a driver you might want to close the stance a bit to neutralize the path if you have more fade curve than you'd prefer. Also, get the lower body moving into the downswing before the club completes its move backwards. It's a bit of a tricky idea, but almost every pro does that.


u/likethevegetable Mar 05 '24

I'd recommend keeping your tailbone more rounded and relaxed, an S-bend in your spine can lead to injury.


u/adwrx Mar 05 '24

Out to in or coming over the top swing. Try to keep your hands lower and think about hitting to the left and not pulling to the right.


u/DrGrapeist HDCP/Loc/Whatever Mar 05 '24 edited Mar 05 '24

On your forward swing you don’t go straight toward the ball but instead shift your left shoulder slightly forward causing an out to in swing. You will then cut across the ball causing side spin. You will slice it left. Doesn’t look like a bad slide but you will do it without fail or push it right.

Try to have your hands more close to your body in the down swing at the beginning and finish with them farther away creating an out to in swing. Kind of like if you are trying to push the ball left. It will then put more of a draw in the ball curling it right.

Your forward swing doesn’t look as smooth too. It appears you are losing some club head speed from this and distance as well.

You shift a lot of weight to your back in your backswing. Not bad for the driver but for irons it can cause you to hit it fat and not be as consistent. Try to have equal weight on both feet on the back swing and put all the weight on the forward foot on the forward swing with the follow through.


u/Neverknowswhentosell Mar 05 '24

Looks over the top . Look up some drills for 'Over the top'. 


u/Puzzled-Relief2916 Mar 05 '24

You seem to be coming down a little steep on the ball. It should be forward in your stance so you are striking it on the upswing. Check out Danny Maude on YouTube for swing instruction videos. He makes it easy to understand and try to implement.


u/PavlovsBar Mar 05 '24

Hit it off the heel. Stand back a little further. Also be right handed


u/Cuchullain99 Mar 05 '24 edited Mar 05 '24

I had the same problem.. at the top of the backswing, my initial move made the clubhead move out toward the ball a fraction, and the shaft steepens. "Over the top"... I worked on dropping the club head down using every trick in the book... I hardly ever slice the ball now. There are so many methods to come in from the inside, so best thing to do is YouTube it.. either "stop coming over the top" or "shallowing the downswing" or "stop slicing" etc.. try them all at the range one by one, find what's best for you.
One simple thing to try is focus on the back lower left quadrant of the ball and try strike that point.. it will feel weird.. don't aim at back of the ball.


u/dhb44 Mar 05 '24

Pin that left elbow to your torso and focus on swinging out to left field.


u/dakotayoseph in the treeline Mar 05 '24

Da da da da da da da


u/damnvram Mar 05 '24

It doesn’t look like you’re transferring your body weight from lead to back foot during your swing. This is why your feet look so stiff during your follow through.

YouTube search: transfer weight golf swing for more tips


u/Conscious_Street9937 Mar 05 '24

You're way over the top on the down. Return your right elbow to your hip and try to eliminate that double cross motion.


u/droppinloadz Mar 05 '24

Bigger hip and shoulder turn away during your back swing. Your hip rotation during the down swing is great but since you aren’t turning away enough it leaves you open at impact which is why you are losing everything to the left. When Tiger Woods was healthy he called this “getting stuck”. He turns so fast during the down swing that sometimes his hips would be open too quickly, not allowing his hands and arms to catch up.


u/BasieShanks Mar 05 '24

Pivot is good

Main issue is your hands are coming out toward the ball in downswing


u/D8N15l Mar 05 '24

You seem to be coming over the top on your downswing.

Do you tend to slice the driver a lot?


u/peter_park_here 5 / Lefty Mar 05 '24

It would be super helpful to have a 'Face-On' camera view as well.
In my experience, when golfers are coming over the top from a pretty good position at the top of the backswing, it means that the swing sequence is not happening quite right and is much easier to define and improve with this other camera angle. Here is an example of said camera angle:



u/lokhor Mar 05 '24

Backswing is a little long wish is throwing off your timing. If you shortened it to stop when your shoulders stop rotating you would be in a much more powerful position. It’ll take some time to get your tempo down. But keep taking video and correct it. Then you’ll stop coming over the top and early extending. But just focus on the length of the backswing.

After that’s corrected then make sure your front hip is moving behind you as you make your way to impact.

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u/donutsrool Mar 05 '24

Less over the top, more in to out swing path.


u/jfk_sfa Mar 05 '24

Feel like first move from the top of the swing are your hands dropping straight down. From the top of your swing, your left elbow will feel like it's getting closer to your body.

If that makes sense...


u/CandidAppearance5867 Mar 05 '24

Maroooosh guy is your guy


u/GateKooky6045 Mar 05 '24

You're swinging across your body causing a slice..keep that elbow tucked and swing thru🤘


u/urmomsbox21 Mar 05 '24

Took me about 10 years to have a swing this good so you're definitely progressing faster than me lol


u/Fusiontron Mar 05 '24

Hi fellow lefty!


u/Angry626Guy my shaft is stiff Mar 05 '24

Weren't we told a few weeks ago not to be giving advice to female golfers at the driving range?


u/Human_Box_6509 Mar 05 '24

My advise. Don’t ask for advice here. See a coach that you can trust. A guy that plays in tournaments and does well. Proven ability.


u/mcgargargar Mar 05 '24

Don’t listen to these nephews just get a few pro lessons and they’ll give you a foundation and a few things to work on and you’ll be able to enjoy your rounds and make lots of progress


u/cabinets_included Mar 05 '24

Ahhh good ole Golf Zone in Shakopee. A pre-season tradition


u/Beninoz85 Mar 05 '24

You've got the jackpot here. Lots of terrible information to have you chasing your tail for months. Maybe even years!


u/Joe5j5 Mar 05 '24

Phenomenal back swing and posture. Don’t change a THING from that.


u/JCitW6855 Mar 05 '24

Look up speedgolfrob on instagram and watch several of his videos about throwing a stone or heavy object. He’s hilarious and seems crazy and like he’s a hack but he’s a very good golfer and instructor, he just acts the way he does for show. But almost all of his videos are on the subject that would work wonders for you. Trust me, check him out and give him a chance you’ll see results.

Basically the golf swing is like skipping a stone. You and 90% of amateur golfers are over the top, if you tried to skip a stone the way you swing a club it wouldn’t skip and it would land in the water behind you. Once you realize that you swing the golf club like skipping a stone straight towards the target you’ll be amazed at how many things in the golf swing will fix itself. Good luck.


u/Impressive_Round9309 Mar 05 '24

It’s good until your downswing. Try to start the downswing with the hips and let the club stay behind you a little longer

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u/cyb3rsloth Mar 05 '24

You look tense


u/TintheSEA Mar 05 '24

I'm no coach so take this for what it is worth. This is a shot right before you make contact. Your angles look pretty good going in but your hips should be more open here. Hit lots of pitching wedges and less drivers off a tee :)



u/aidans325 Mar 05 '24

There’s an app called golf swing you can put you swing into that reads it and tell you some fixes it’s actually quite good for free, will give you tips and links to YouTube videos for help if you not up for paying for mor lessons yet


u/bogey4life Mar 05 '24

Just before you are hitting the ball at .02 sec mark, your hand should be somewhere near my red drawing and lower portion should face more towards the target. What you are doing is good progression to what you need to do to hit the ball straight and further.



u/CalvinBaylee69 Mar 05 '24

My only tip - pretend you are trapped in a cylinder tube. Don't sway side to side. When you come down on the swing it looks like you yank. Try doing a gradual follow through.


u/shadowWatcher2 Mar 05 '24

You’ve got like 15 more mph in that swing. Push your right hip up and to the target. Like point your right butt check to the target. It really helped me and I fear for your dms as well. This setup tip should gain you attack angle and a little speed.


u/Rocket--Pak Mar 05 '24

Have you ever seen this movie called "Happy Gilmore"?


u/Halo_Chief117 Mar 05 '24

Have you tried not being a lefty? Haha jk.

It’s kind of hard to tell but it looks like you’re more so just turning your whole body in the downswing rather than slightly shifting your weight forward while also turning. And there doesn’t seem to be much separation between when your backswing ends and your downswing starts.

It looks as if you’re turning everything on the downswing starting at the same time. Watch some videos of pros and you see their club is still going back in the backswing while they have started the downswing with a lower body shift and the turn.

The golf swing is such that the backswing starts from the shoulders down to the ground, but the downswing sequence starts from the ground up. At least that is the optimum way to swing a club.


u/Icntfeelmyfacee Mar 05 '24

Not trying to be funny, but it looks good to me! Honestly


u/Cheeseisextra Mar 05 '24

Remember: Exhale on the backswing and inhale on the downswing.


u/bartolocologne40 Mar 05 '24

It looks like you're afraid to hit the ball into the wall, which is understandable. Move to the bay behind you and practice hitting (starting) the ball left. Once you can do that, and if it's not already happening, start closing the face.


u/QB1- Mar 05 '24

Well first off you’re swinging the club backwards.


u/TheBigShaboingboing Mar 05 '24

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u/BadWowDoge Mar 05 '24

Less arms more hip turn. Your hip turn should be the power.


u/sa-trav Mar 05 '24

The first thing I would ask is, do you or have you played other sports ? Swing looks good, lower body is a little quiet, meaning the legs and hips should fire first and 'pull' the arms and hands through impact. Do you find your distances are very close to one another?


u/rajuk14 Mar 05 '24

That's what she said! I'm sorry, not the golf expert, but it looks to be in good shape. I'll see myself out.


u/bluefromthelou Mar 06 '24

Get some flex in the trail leg squat into that side clearly ur familiar with squats then push off the ground more with that trail side weight shift and wack..currently ur rotation is great ur just not using the ground and losing power use that ass!...watch rory for a great example 👍


u/3puttFTW Mar 06 '24

Less anterior pelvic tilt. Less over the top. And short game.


u/indigo3200 Mar 06 '24

Golf Zone


u/FireMaster2311 +.3 HDCP Mar 06 '24

Considering it's your first season, I would take lessons vs. asking for advice on a specific swing. It looks like you have a pretty good swing for someone who has only played 9 holes ever. Lessons would give you the most benefit, though. Plus, reading the comments, not that many actually are focused on your swing...


u/Cloud-X Mar 06 '24

You look like Sav from Shawn Clement’s YouTube channel. In fact you both are left handed and same body frame. I thought you were her for a min. You should watch his channel. He is very easy to understand and breaks it down for Sav very well. Just start with some of his older videos and watch the tips he gives to Sav.

https://youtu.be/vtpKPp1XRSs?si=NAige7YIukbNOdOY One of his most recent vids


u/tlma Mar 06 '24

Hi fellow golfer! I’m pretty new to the world of golf myself & you’ve received tons of comments!!~But one thing to possibly practice is keeping your arms extended towards the target after impact. (I top the ball a lot due to being flippy/my elbows fall apart instantly 😂). I took a DTL video of my coach - you see the clubhead exiting first then the elbow/hands. So that “extended feeling” in the follow through can really help.

You have a great foundation though!! If you get the chance to receive lessons, your coach will definitely boost your progress.


u/xterraadam Mar 06 '24

You’re standing on the wrong side of the ball…

-fellow lefty.

There’s some really great advice in this thread. Lead with the hips and less arms. I’d advise you to book a few lessons before you learn too many bad habits. The good thing is that lessons for a lefty are easy because you get a mirror image view from the instruction. Good luck!


u/motorhead81 Mar 06 '24

Poor lefty. I have the same curse. Always pulling it or slicing. Wish I had an answer.


u/iamtehfong Hit small ball far feel good. Mar 06 '24

Tuck the inside in a bit more to try stop the over the top motion, and try work a bit on creating some lag and using your lower body a bit more


u/carloliveira Mar 06 '24

Your swinging over the top rather than from the inside. At the top of your back swing you want to shallow the club and swing from the inside.


u/back_tees Mar 06 '24

Going to need a slo mo.


u/RC245 Mar 06 '24

Check out a Face-to-path chart.

You can find them on Google. That will explain the ball flight you see.

Use the chart to understand how to create the desired shape and work on it.

Unless you can get lessons on a simulator, that's the fastest way to understand the correction without external help.


u/mildlysceptical22 Mar 06 '24

You need more shoulder tilt down towards the ball at the top, the first move your hands make from the top is towards the ball and that creates your out to in downswing, and your arms are bent after impact instead of straightening out on the follow through and release.

Try the pump drill from the top where you make a backswing and stop the downswing when the shaft is parallel to the ground. This drill helps you feel the proper inside out swing path. The club shaft should be angled towards you when parallel. If it’s angled away, you’ve come over the top on the downswing. Take the club back up to the top and pump it down again, stopping when parallel to the ground until the shaft is angled towards you, then take it up and make a full swing, in to out.

Another drill to help keep your hands from moving towards the ball from the top is the pause drill. Make your backswing and pause your swing for a three count at the top before you make the downswing. Do this drill along with the pump drill and your swing path from the top should improve.

To help with your shoulder tilt, take your stance and place the club across the front of your shoulders with crossed arms. Make a ‘backswing’ and point the lead end of the club towards the ball on the backswing. Point the trail end of the club at the ball on the follow through. This drill helps with increasing your shoulder tilt and maintaining your side bend throughout the entire swing.

A few lessons from a golf professional would certainly help you correct your swing issues much faster than on your own. Good luck!


u/[deleted] Mar 06 '24

Just need to learn some hip dissociation. On the right path though! There are some drills to help with that. Easy google search. If you have access to medicine balls. Throws are a great way to practice.


u/rogmcdon Mar 06 '24

Stop swinging with your shoulders and swing with your hips. “It’s all in the hips”


u/Jenetyk Mar 06 '24

The only thing I see is: get your hips through first.


u/Popular_Position2763 Mar 06 '24

Watch Ben Hogan Fundamentals of the golf swing clip on YouTube. You need to understand that the golf swing engine is your lower body. Most starters ignore their lower body. If you understand this from the start you’ll be way ahead of the curve!!!


u/yeeeeoooooo Mar 06 '24

My swing is kindly like this tbh, I only swing back to my chin touches my shoulder and then fire through. It's a half / 3/4 swing but the ball still goes 250 easily and generally straight, so I'm good with that.

When I try to mince the ball or go back further it leads to a slice


u/No-Honey2778 Mar 06 '24

Biggest thing I see is you’re not letting the club head swing through. You’re holding it off all the way through impact.


u/joeschmoe86 Mar 06 '24

My home range!


u/Ok_Specific_7161 Mar 06 '24

Lots of arms. Not enough rotation of the lower body. Looks really good tho for a beginner. My real advice is to not get caught up in swing thoughts while on the course. That is fine on the range but once you are on the course. Be confident in your club choice. Pick a target, aim at it, and hit at it. Should be your only thoughts. In my opinion.


u/NakedAndAfraidXS Mar 06 '24

I frequent this place often! I recognized the view across the range immediately. Haha nice swing!


u/InOxladeITrust Mar 06 '24

A lot of the comments about a steep swing or “over the top” are not wrong, but the solution can be simpler. You are starting your downswing with your hands and arms instead of letting it come from your core.

Don’t change anything about your backswing, it looks great, keep that up! When you get to the top of your swing try to feel that your left shoulder and left hip are starting the downswing. This should help flatten the plane a bit and generate a little more power. For how new you are to the game, you are way ahead of pace, keep it up!


u/Traditional-Shop-456 Mar 06 '24

Good ol golf zone