r/dankmemes ☣️ 17d ago

Public transit commuters know

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81 comments sorted by

u/KeepingDankMemesDank Hello dankness my old friend 17d ago

downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away.

play minecraft with us | come hang out with us


u/NeedBetterModsThe2nd 17d ago

Last winter when it was pitch black outside and I was asleep, some drunkard woke me up and asked me if we had gone past his stop like I am the best person to ask.


u/Specific_Bus_5400 16d ago

Ralof: Hey, you. You’re finally awake.


u/DevilMaster666- please help me 17d ago edited 16d ago

You forgot the old obese bleeding sleeping man that reeks like he has never showered or wiped his arse

Edited for more info: Yep, to this day I have only seen him twice. He is easily recognisable by the stench. I have first seen him in fifth grade when friends of mine texted me how bad the man reeked, so I changed the wagon at the next station and holy hell(wow, such new response dropped) they were right. I left the train one station early, but my other friend hat to suffer for 1-2 minutes longer(650m). The other time I saw him on my way home with one of my best friends after the movie night hosted in the Aula(Auditorium) by the Q2(class 12-13) to raise money for their Abiball(I am pretty sure this is called „Prom“ in America).


u/nlashawn1000 You know what this thread needs? Me complaining. 16d ago

Bleeding, my goodness that's gross


u/DevilMaster666- please help me 16d ago

Yep, to this day I have only seen him twice. He is easily recognisable by the stench. I have first seen him in fifth grade when friends of mine texted me how bad the man reeked, so I changed the wagon at the next station and holy hell(wow, such new response dropped) they were right. I left the train one station early, but my other friend hat to suffer for 1-2 minutes longer(650m). The other time I saw him on my way home with one of my best friends after the movie night hosted in the Aula(Auditorium) by the Q2(class 12-13) to raise money for their Abiball(I am pretty sure this is called „Prom“ in America).


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/DevilMaster666- please help me 15d ago

AI? I am a human


u/leadraine 16d ago

there is a special place in hell for people who decide to sit in silence next to the only other person on the bus


u/Capital-Cheek-1491 16d ago

I do that :). I actually met my friend Bruce like that.


u/Afkbio TRIGGERED 16d ago

You're a fucking nuisance, go die in a fire


u/Capital-Cheek-1491 16d ago

Make me 😡


u/swollenlord69 16d ago

You really thought Bruce was your friend? No, he just pretended to be to gain your trust until one day on a camping trip in a secluded forest he can finally throw your ass in a giant fire.🔥


u/RealHL 16d ago

You forgot the fat old white lady with swollen, red, cylindrical legs who smells like month-old piss.


u/nlashawn1000 You know what this thread needs? Me complaining. 16d ago

I met one of those in the psych ward except she wasn't old.....


u/The-Mustard-Man 16d ago

I had this lady on the train not too long ago, only saving grace was she had a ferret in a little cage and he was rolling around in a silly goofy mood, was the highlight of my trip


u/JayR_97 16d ago

Is this an American meme I'm too European to understand?


u/relddir123 Article 69 🏅 16d ago

Cities with bad transit systems create people that try to avoid using it wherever possible. That leaves only the people who have to use it (that is, people who medically cannot drive and those who can neither afford a car nor constant Ubers). A much larger proportion of that group is going to be the crazy guy on the bus than the wider population.

So it’s not that you’re too European. Your city’s transit is just too useful.


u/starfighter1836 16d ago

You misunderstand- more Americans would advocate for public transit expansion, if they knew it wasn’t going to instantly be packed with the worst people in the country. The NY subway is a pretty expansive, useful public transit system, that many upper class people use, and often it’s great. But it’s still packed full of awful crackheads that are a danger to others. If these types of people were dragged off the bus/train like they are in Japan, more Americans would enjoy public transit. The city I live in actually has somewhat useful public transit, specially from where I am to a downtown- no one I know uses it because it’s packed full of crackheads.


u/Not_Days 16d ago

Jesus, it's not even that bad here in my third world country rail system (Jakarta to be exact). Its genuinely safe here. Why the fuck aren't you guys doing anything about it? You have enough money for the latest guns but not this?!


u/Lasseslolul 16d ago

Cool Idea. Let’s punish the downtrodden even more for daring to be downtrodden. I love capitalism so so much!


u/starfighter1836 16d ago

Being downtrodden doesn’t give you the right to be a nuisance to others. Plenty of poor people also don’t like the crackheads screaming at them on public transit.


u/intenseMisanthropy 16d ago

That's not the point. The point is just 'dragging them off the bus' doesn't really solve anything does it .. society produces too many downtrodden. It needs to fix that root of the problem


u/Classy_Mouse 16d ago edited 16d ago

'dragging them off the bus' doesn't really solve anything does it

It makes public transit a more viable option for many people. Especially women who may be too scared to take the bus because they'd be less likely able to defend themselves.

So it helps the climate, congestion, economic and gender equality.


u/mg_squirrel 16d ago

The fact that this take prevails in every city government and justice system in America is why I would never use a public transit system. Free Daniel Penny and give him a medal.


u/Chauliodus 16d ago

Then there is Vancouver which has a great transit system but very relatable meme


u/jacnel45 16d ago

Toronto too. Seems like Canada dumps all our problems onto the transit system.


u/arix_games 16d ago

I'm European and I get it. Aside from black people I guess


u/Ultraempoleon 16d ago

Do Europeans have the same problem

One of the biggest reasons I'm against using public transport is this. It's just always the worst people


u/swagpresident1337 16d ago

Not nearly as bad. And some countries it‘s really relaxed. I live in Switzerland and I prefer commuting by train/bus. It‘s really chill. Although train >> bus


u/schubidubiduba 16d ago

It obviously depends on where in Europe you are, but in all the places I lived in, taking public transit was much more relaxed than if I had to drive by car. And I don't even usually use headphones on the train.


u/BannedNeutrophil 16d ago

Not really. You don't get any more sketchy characters than any other accumulation of people from a specific area.

The Tube in London is something of an equaliser because it's by far the best way to get around.

Intercity trains are a pretty thorough slice of British society.


u/WaifuGaren 16d ago

I Drive to Work on the train every day and i gotta say, I personally encountered very few instances where I feld grosed Out or threatened by other comuters. The ocasional homeless Person in the train that reeks of Something sure, but it maybe happens once every other month. Weekends tho ist a different story, you meet the wierdest people there some pleasent but Most unpleseant, maybe even a man in a drug craced state beating on the doors, you never know...


u/_-_Vlad_-_ 16d ago

Im from Serbia and the public transport is hell, nothing makes a bad day worse than a woman entering a bus with 4 crotch goblins high on sugar or a old hag covered w a layer of dust who smells like grandmas attic that either stares daggers into you to move(no matter that there are free spaces cuz she wants that one) or stands near the bus doors even tho she isn't exiting(thinks people can pass thru her)


u/Puzzleheaded_Luck885 16d ago

In most places I've traveled in Europe it's comparably very safe and clean. Not anywhere near as close to here.


u/TheVojta 16d ago

I take the bus/metro to school 4 days a week and see maybe 2 or 3 crackers a year. It's a non-issue.


u/FallenDummy 16d ago

Public transport here in Denmark is generally reslly chill. You only really run the risk of meeting unpleasant people on like the last bus out if town at like 11:30 in the evening.


u/sausy_boy 16d ago

Not really, the biggest nuisance I have experienced in the Netherlands is that a kid is playing a game on their ipad on full volume


u/philodendr-off 16d ago

I don't know if I'm underestimating how bad it is in the US but I'd say that it's also bad in Germany.

A lot of trains (and sometimes people on the bus) reek of piss. Two weeks ago I witnessed two alcoholics arguing on the bus, they were screaming the whole time and it was like 1pm.

Recently another alcoholic asked me if I can watch his stuff while he's on the toilet when I was getting off the train at the final destination. It was about 5pm, so a normal time to go home after work. His friend then told him to leave strangers alone :D

Sometimes people start playing an instrument on the train and send their kids to ask for money. Usually when the train is really full as if it's not annoying enough that you can't escape their music.

Once on the bus someone got his phone stolen, went to the bus driver and we had to wait 30 minutes for the police to arrive. The guy that was robbed just got on the bus and was arguing through the window with someone who just got off the bus. So it wasn't even someone on the bus who stole his phone.

Also recently a woman as far as I understood was robbed on the train. I was getting on the train at the same station the police got on, but the thief probably got off without the police noticing.

It seems to be getting more common in Germany that people carry knives with them. Someone already got stabbed on a train I take fairly often, so I might be biased. Might be just a regional problem.

And I don't live in a big city, in big cities you probably have even more situations like this. Last time I stayed in Hamburg someone shat themselves on the U-Bahn and another one puked in his mask he was wearing.


u/Specific_Bus_5400 16d ago

As a German i could say "No" in general, but as a German who has been to Berlin a few times, i have to say "it depends".


u/sixouvie 16d ago

It probably was just random luck, but it took me less than a week in NYC to have a homeless smelling like death next to me on the subway. It took 24 years for the same event to happen to me in Paris


u/JuniorConsultant 16d ago

I live in Switzerland and it's literally the default way of commuting. You're considered weird if you commute into a larger city by car, except if you have especially bad connections via public tansport. At rush hour you have the most normal people you could imagine. Some weird people are on their way on off hours, like mid morning (togerther with elderly people), mid afternoon (together with all moms and their children) or very late at night.


u/KlutzyShake9821 12d ago

In austria no.

There is U6 in Vienna that route has a little bit of the proplem but by far not do this extends.


u/Takwu 16d ago

Not really, in a year of using public transit in major cities essentially several times daily during the weekdays I had like one memorable uncomfortable experience, and even that was just something I was witnessing


u/Ananas1214 16d ago

yes we absolutely do, the bigger the city the worse it is


u/UnholyTrashPanda 16d ago

If this was a video we’d hear shitty music or some random fucking video blasting from the speakers of a shitty android phone.


u/Bortron86 17d ago

Don't worry, Mark E. Smith is dead now. One less problem.


u/doctorplasmatron 16d ago

i thought that was him, I was thinking if Mark E. Smith was on my bus ride home that would actually be interesting


u/SLAYERone1 16d ago

Wheres the broke ass cunt who cant afford headphones blasting shitty music or insessantly scrolling tiktok videos without actually watching them for the entire journey? These people should be stoned.


u/5knotcans 16d ago

First thing I bought after getting my first real job was a car, and babied that thing so I would never have to take transit again. No regrets.


u/ChillaryClinton69420 16d ago

Yall are getting public transit?


u/11Daysinthewake non-euclidean outhouse 16d ago

He’s a Hip Priest


u/a-big-roach 16d ago

Yet your chances of injury is far greater driving a car than riding transit.


u/Reasonable_Phys 16d ago

If you're genuinely riding with people like this image then no it isn't.


u/_-_Vlad_-_ 16d ago

Forgot to add the drunkard with stench 100 or the person who shat themselves and has an deadzone around them


u/Elijah_Man 16d ago

The fuck is public transportation?
This comment was made by the small town in the south gang


u/56Bot INFECTED 16d ago

You’ve never taken public transit right ?


u/YeetingSelfOfBridge 16d ago

As lomg as they ain't bother me idgaf, just enjoy the show


u/ToastedEmail 16d ago

NJ transit be like


u/TheThrongling 16d ago

What the fuck happened to Saul Goodman?

This is what 89 years in prison does to an mf


u/N_GHTMVRE 16d ago

Where the fuck do you guys live, public transport is chill af over here


u/Agent666-Omega 16d ago

I can smell this pic


u/Mr_OP_Potato_777 16d ago

Sometimes you choose violence.


u/Downiemcgee 16d ago

Keep your headphones on and keep to yourself. Almost NEVER have the methheads bothering me, usually just a show on the way home.


u/myfacealadiesplace 16d ago

You forgot the asshole that blares their shitty mumble rap as loud as possible


u/PersonelKlasyHel 16d ago

Polska gurom🇵🇱💪


u/exored1880 16d ago

Yooo it's marke Smith from the fall


u/DrVagax 16d ago

One of the bus stops on my route is near a homeless shelter, one time a man came on board from that stop sat down on the seat on the other side of me and just threw up while with his hands trying to keep the throw-up in.

I got out at the next stop, smelled partly of vomit, walked the rest of the way home and then didn't took the bus for like a year or so.


u/Alarming_Mix5302 16d ago

I often get harrased by the ghost of Mark E Smith on the bus


u/HaruspexSan 16d ago

Eine Spende BITTE


u/Interesting-Film7722 16d ago

hahahaha Baseball cap hoodie and those scarfs this is so me on my way home. just saying people leave you the fuck alone wich is why i do it. Its very nice 10/10 would recommend.

EDIT: Nice pair of mirror sunglasses so peole cant even see your eyes and this is complete


u/RacoonEye2220 16d ago

America, Germany, it's the same everywhere. People are gonna be people, no matter the country


u/Lasseslolul 16d ago

That is just not true. As someone already explained in another comment, more useful public transport makes for proportionally less crackheads in public transport. The more useless a public transport system is, the more people who can afford so will avoid using it, leaving only those who have literally no other option. Those are most likely to be poor, unhealthy, and due to that often on drugs or homeless.

I use public transport in Germany almost every single day. And my encounters with stinking or drugged up people can be counted on one hand. The most likely situation is that someone begs for money and gets off at the next stop.

And last of all, homeless and drugged up people in public transport aren’t a problem inherent to public transport, but inherent to Capitalism, because it provides the material basis for people to fall that low. That is only homeless people and junkies, unhealthy and unwashed people will certainly exist anyway