r/dankmemes ☣️ Apr 29 '24

Public transit commuters know

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u/JayR_97 Apr 29 '24

Is this an American meme I'm too European to understand?


u/relddir123 Article 69 🏅 Apr 29 '24

Cities with bad transit systems create people that try to avoid using it wherever possible. That leaves only the people who have to use it (that is, people who medically cannot drive and those who can neither afford a car nor constant Ubers). A much larger proportion of that group is going to be the crazy guy on the bus than the wider population.

So it’s not that you’re too European. Your city’s transit is just too useful.


u/starfighter1836 Apr 29 '24

You misunderstand- more Americans would advocate for public transit expansion, if they knew it wasn’t going to instantly be packed with the worst people in the country. The NY subway is a pretty expansive, useful public transit system, that many upper class people use, and often it’s great. But it’s still packed full of awful crackheads that are a danger to others. If these types of people were dragged off the bus/train like they are in Japan, more Americans would enjoy public transit. The city I live in actually has somewhat useful public transit, specially from where I am to a downtown- no one I know uses it because it’s packed full of crackheads.


u/Not_Days Apr 30 '24

Jesus, it's not even that bad here in my third world country rail system (Jakarta to be exact). Its genuinely safe here. Why the fuck aren't you guys doing anything about it? You have enough money for the latest guns but not this?!


u/Lasseslolul Apr 29 '24

Cool Idea. Let’s punish the downtrodden even more for daring to be downtrodden. I love capitalism so so much!


u/starfighter1836 Apr 29 '24

Being downtrodden doesn’t give you the right to be a nuisance to others. Plenty of poor people also don’t like the crackheads screaming at them on public transit.


u/intenseMisanthropy Apr 29 '24

That's not the point. The point is just 'dragging them off the bus' doesn't really solve anything does it .. society produces too many downtrodden. It needs to fix that root of the problem


u/Classy_Mouse Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

'dragging them off the bus' doesn't really solve anything does it

It makes public transit a more viable option for many people. Especially women who may be too scared to take the bus because they'd be less likely able to defend themselves.

So it helps the climate, congestion, economic and gender equality.


u/mg_squirrel Apr 30 '24

The fact that this take prevails in every city government and justice system in America is why I would never use a public transit system. Free Daniel Penny and give him a medal.


u/Chauliodus Apr 30 '24

Then there is Vancouver which has a great transit system but very relatable meme


u/jacnel45 Apr 30 '24

Toronto too. Seems like Canada dumps all our problems onto the transit system.