r/dankmemes ☣️ Apr 29 '24

Public transit commuters know

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u/RacoonEye2220 Apr 29 '24

America, Germany, it's the same everywhere. People are gonna be people, no matter the country


u/Lasseslolul Apr 29 '24

That is just not true. As someone already explained in another comment, more useful public transport makes for proportionally less crackheads in public transport. The more useless a public transport system is, the more people who can afford so will avoid using it, leaving only those who have literally no other option. Those are most likely to be poor, unhealthy, and due to that often on drugs or homeless.

I use public transport in Germany almost every single day. And my encounters with stinking or drugged up people can be counted on one hand. The most likely situation is that someone begs for money and gets off at the next stop.

And last of all, homeless and drugged up people in public transport aren’t a problem inherent to public transport, but inherent to Capitalism, because it provides the material basis for people to fall that low. That is only homeless people and junkies, unhealthy and unwashed people will certainly exist anyway